Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 715: Chapter 402 Hit the point

Chapter 715: Chapter 2 hits the nail on the head ([-])

During the attack on the Division Headquarters of the Sixth Division, almost all 11 staff officers were lost, more than half of them were the staff officers of the No.50 Army who followed Neiji Okamura. Less than 20 people graduated in Japan a year , more than [-] people were killed here at once, can Neji Okamura feel heartbroken?The most important thing is that those who were killed were all senior staff officers such as the chief, middle officer, and minor officer, with rich experience in actual combat staff.

This is not comparable to those fledgling lieutenants and captains. You must know that the growth process of the Japanese army staff is a manifestation of a prodigal behavior. The reason why they are called prodigals is because they are all made with the blood and lives of grassroots officers Trying it out, it is a very promising performance for the Japanese to correct their mistakes. Even if you make mistakes frequently, it doesn’t matter.

Gao Fei didn't know that Tang Yao's special operations team also attacked the headquarters of the Sixth Division while attacking the Japanese heavy artillery position, and even almost killed Okamura Ningji, which changed history, but no matter how small the difference was, history is History, changing the known history For Gao Fei, he is now tasting the bitter fruit.

If Gao Fei knew that Tang Yao's combat team had wiped out so many senior Japanese staff officers, it would actually be doing the Japanese a big favor, because the Japanese staff officers are a bunch of things that bring disaster to the country and the people, and the Japanese staff officers who are regarded as the best know that How to start a war, but don't know how to end it, have no strategic goals, don't know how to accept it when it's good, know how to attack, but don't know how to defend, when attacking, it's all about fighting, and when defending, everyone is smashed, anyway. It's not them, soldiers are just groups of numbers in their eyes.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 71502

The Japanese staff officers also paid special attention to intelligence and military depot construction. In almost most of the battles, a large number of imperial soldiers died of starvation and disease, and even those who died of starvation and disease had more combat casualties than those who died in battle. They were superstitious and flattered. They are omnipotent, they don’t pay attention to improving equipment, they take a gun made 30 years ago, and go to fight 40 years later, they don’t know that their national strength is weak, they can build a submachine gun with automatic company, but they can’t afford the extravagant bullets. There are cannons but are often in short supply of shells, there are aircraft carriers but there is no oil and they can’t move. The most strange thing is that the Japanese Army fought the Army, and the Navy fought the Navy. The two major armies do not understand each other?Not to help each other?

So killing a vote of Japanese staff officers can only be a big help to the Japanese, but Neiji Okamura doesn't think so. After all, these staff officers are absolute imperial bosses, and he is from the six generals of the North China Dispatch Army Commander Hatatoshi. The five Type 150 [-]mm caliber cannons that were to come became a pile of scrap iron, and the entire Fourth Heavy Artillery Brigade's position was razed to the ground. Nearly a thousand casualties, and the loss of more than [-] large-caliber field heavy artillery, I think Think Neiji Okamura feels a headache?

The unlucky Kageko Zuo Zhenzhao, whose butt was scratched by a stray bullet, looked in the direction of Nanchang City with a look of displeasure. There was no news of the 30-man "ghost-slaying" death squad commanded by Major Takeo Asakuchi, but Gao Fei's special forces got involved here. The whole world has been turned upside down, how did these Chinese commandos infiltrate?The Chinese military commandos who are not afraid of death also really shocked Kagezuo Akatsuki!

Gao Fei is too scary, to be able to train such an army?The most important thing is that this army is not a small team, but tens of thousands of people!

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