Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 725: Chapter 408 Heavy Loss

Chapter 725: Chapter 1 Heavy Loss ([-])

Chapter [-]: Heavy Loss

Saito Yahei was also very depressed like Ushijima Man. The Sixth Division used two infantry regiments, and he used three infantry regiments. Such a narrow tank could not accommodate so many soldiers, so In desperation, Saito Yahei, like Ushijima Mitsuru, used the mode of round-by-round battles in batches to carry out non-stop wheel battles, trying to wear down the defenders. Before hesitation, the artillery positions were attacked, not to mention the loss of field heavy artillery. The serious thing is that a large number of shells were martyred. The heavy artillery of the Japanese army, which was not very rich in shells, was almost out of food. It only fired when it was extremely necessary. Without powerful artillery fire as a guarantee for advancement, it only relied on It would be suicidal to lead the infantry to attack the strictly guarded street forts of the Chinese defenders.

All the buildings within one kilometer of Zhongzheng Square were reduced to rubble, and the streets had long since lost their appearance. Even so, the Japanese army could not capture this seemingly precarious city?The corpses scattered across the square and nearby streets are the result of various tactical attempts by the Japanese.

Okamura Ningji was furious several times because of this, but Okamura Ningji did not give his subordinates the so-called final deadline, because Okamura Ningji was worried that he would not be able to attack by then, and he could not justify himself that he could not step down. Kagesa Haraaki, who planned the so-called assassination operation before, also seemed to be much more peaceful. The 30-member "ghost-killing" death squad commanded by Asakusa Takeo lost contact for two days. It was obvious that the operation had failed, so Kagesa was ready to clean up. Things have returned to Shanghai. It is said that they negotiated with Wang Zhaoming, the protagonist of the assassination case that made a lot of noise before, to establish the Nanjing National Government?It seems that playing assassination and special operations, neither Kagesa Haruka nor Yamamoto Kazuo is Gao Fei's opponent.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 72508

Compared with Neiji Okamura, who was extremely depressed, General Hata Toshi, the commander of the Central China Dispatched Forces of the Japanese Army, also had trouble eating and sleeping these days!Okamura Ningci just reported a good news. He broke through the city wall of Nanchang and entered Zhongzheng Square. And the 11 combat staff officers of the Sixth Division were broken into pieces.

Five precious Type 150 26mm caliber cannons, 150 Type 11 [-]mm field heavy howitzers and a large number of artillery shells were destroyed by the Chinese Army commando. After hearing the news, Shunliu Hata felt struck by lightning?As a result, the street fighting continued for two days?Or around Zhongzheng Square?Hata Toshiroku, who was waiting for the heroic imperial army to sweep across, was disappointed again, but Hata Toshiroku's disappointment didn't last long. No.[-] Army Commander Okamura Neiji sent a telegram to apply for additional troops and large-caliber artillery shells, so Hata Toshiroku was disappointed Turned into anger, is Nanchang City really an iron wall?

Hata Junliu stood in his office and looked at the rolling Huangpu River, but he couldn't relax his mood anyway. The Nanchang Raiders were so unsuccessful. The siege of a division?Moreover, the four divisions that participated in the attack were all scarred and lost even more officers than Wanjialing?Four regiment captains have been killed, one division commander died of serious injuries, 29 combat staff officers were lost, and heavy artillery was lost...

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