Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 726: Chapter 408 Heavy Loss

Chapter 726: Chapter 2 Heavy Loss ([-])

Hata Junliu couldn't stand this extremely heavy battle report anymore. He spent so much material and ammunition, and so many casualties in order to capture a Nanchang?If the battle continues like this, the Imperial Japanese Army will retreat to Manchuria within a year!Is the imperial army too incompetent?Or has the military's combat capability and weaponry been greatly improved?It is true to learn war in war, but theory is theory after all.

The new division is a new type of army armed with Soviet weapons. The officers and soldiers have a very tenacious combat awareness. The frontiers are full of traces of tragic fighting. The only way to occupy the Chinese defenders is to kill them all. Hata Shunroku paced back and forth in his office. I am afraid that the battle situation has gotten out of control now.

Okamura Neiji's No.11 Army is the only field attack army after the main countermeasures of the Chinese military and government were changed, so the No.11 Army has such a large scale. Now it seems that the No.11 Army's existing strength seems to be Unable to deal with the Chinese army surrounded from all directions, Hata Toshiroku also seemed a little helpless in the face of this predicament. The only way was to count on the headquarters of the military headquarters to mobilize some troops from the Kwantung Army to support North China, and to mobilize elite troops from North China. The field division reinforced the front line of Nanchang, launched an attack on Changsha, and restrained the main force of the Chinese field army, so that Okamura Ningji had time to capture Nanchang.

When did a good game of chess become so unbearable?The first army of a mere division can actually leverage the established strategy of the Imperial Army at the tactical level?Thinking of such terrible consequences, Hata Shunroku shuddered.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 6

Gao Fei, who was holding on to help in Nanchang City, looked at the fierce exchange of fire at Zhongzheng Square in the east of the city and took a deep breath. The main reason why he dared to stick to Nanchang was because in history the Japanese would carry out an attack against Su at Nuomenkan in early May. In fact, as early as 1936, the Shibu detachments of the Japanese Kwantung Army, with more than [-] people in [-] vehicles, [-] armored vehicles, and [-] tanks, invaded Mongolia's Adagdo The Lan area was defeated by the Soviet and Mongolian troops.

The scale of the Japanese army's continuous testing also escalated accordingly. Therefore, in May 1939, the Japanese Kwantung Army decided to first attack Mongolia in the Nomonhan area and occupy the Haraha area in the east, as a springboard for the next step to invade the Soviet Far East. Then realize the long-planned northward plan.

In the eyes of Gao Fei, the incompetent Japanese authorities in Tokyo are still arguing about the strategy of the northward and southward advances. The northward plan is to launch an offensive to the Soviet Union's Siberia with the goal of attacking the area around Lake Baikal, while the southward plan is to Focusing on the navy, they seized the resources of Southeast Asia, especially the oil in Dutch Indonesia. The failure of the Japanese army in the Battle of Nomonhan forced Japan to change its national policy of attacking the Soviet Union from the north to attacking the United States in the south. The unfavorable situation of the two-front war between Japan and the Americans sneered and ridiculed when Japan and the Soviet Union fought, and the two fools vented their anger in a corner of the world that people did not notice.

It wasn't until the Japanese bombs were dropped on Pearl Harbor two years later that the Americans realized that it was the World War I, which they considered insignificant, that changed Japan's war targets, and it was precisely this small country that they looked down upon that gave them A fatal blow, the Americans are doomed to pay a heavy price for their pride and lightheartedness.

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