Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 727: Chapter 409 Weiguo's Loyalty and Bloody Battle on the Long Street

Chapter 727: Chapter Four Hundred and Nine

Chapter [-]: Wei Guo’s Loyalty and Bloody Battle on the Long Street

If the Japanese army breaks out a large-scale conflict with the Soviet army at Nuomenkan, then the Japanese army may not have time to take care of the Central China battlefield, and it will become possible to stick to Nanchang. In order to counter the encirclement and attack, Okamura Ningji is not an idiot, so he will naturally choose to retreat.

A butterfly flapping its wings in the heart of Asia could cause a storm in the South Pacific in a few weeks. "In the military and political fields, the causes of many major historical events may be trivial, but the butterfly effect produced is astounding. The Battle of Nomonhan is a typical example. Who would have expected an inconspicuous border conflict in the hinterland of Asia? , will pave the way for the final defeat of the Axis powers.

However, Gao Fei is very worried about this, because the changes in the historical trajectory have caught him off guard. What if the Nuomenkan incident was not provoked in time because of the reinforcement of the Japanese Kwantung Army on the Chinese battlefield?Or would the Japanese be better prepared?If the Japanese hadn't been beaten violently by the Soviet army at Nuomenkan, or if they hadn't been completely defeated, would the Japanese have carried out the so-called southward march?If the Japanese did not drag the Americans into the water, the entire process of World War II would probably be messed up. Gao Fei's greatest advantage is to understand the process of history, and then change the process of history. There is a fundamental contradiction between these two points.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 72709

The artillery fire on the Jiuling and Mufu highlands dazzled Gao Fei, probably because he was blocked on the front line of Zhongzheng Square. The Japanese army intensified their attacks on the two main peak highlands. The Central Front Enemy Headquarters supervised the battle. In the fierce battle of blood and fire, whether it was the defensive Chinese defenders or the Japanese troops who rushed up like desperadoes with crossfire, they suffered huge casualties.

The Japanese army not only has to face the Chinese defenders on the frontal position, but also guards against the Chinese attack squads that they have forgotten behind them. There is still one person, one bullet, and they will not pass up any chance.

The all-night fierce battle arrived at dawn, and the Japanese death squads with menstrual belts tied on their upper bodies shouted the slogan "Long Live His Majesty the Emperor, Long Live Jihad", and rushed out from the end of Zhongzheng Square. This group of Japanese Death Squads was the first Infantry No.30 Sixth Brigade of the Sixth Division and one part each of the Japanese 700st and 500th Divisions formed a death squad of [-] people. To the firepower of all Chinese defenders.

The weak Chinese defenders were also caught off guard by the sudden madness of the Japanese army. The acting head of the first regiment, Major Lang Jinzhong, discovered the Japanese army's attack intention, and immediately put the reserve company composed of the last remnant soldiers on hand into battle, and immediately organized In Gao Fei's words, all the staff members of the New First Division are a unit of all combatants, and the whole regiment and the staff of the regiment headquarters also participated in the counterattack, because according to Huang Junjie's order, the first regiment must stick to it for 48 hours. The armored regiment fought back to win deployment time and wear down the edge of the Japanese army.

As a large number of Japanese troops broke into the defensive position, Ushido put down the binoculars with slightly trembling hands. Amidst the excited sound of the charge, batches of Japanese troops poured into the other end of Zhongzheng Square. Such a fierce battle was Ushido. Unprecedented in the whole ranks for decades, the first [-] death-defying members were composed of elite non-commissioned officers such as sergeants, cao chiefs, and corps chiefs and a small number of officers selected by the five regiments participating in the attack.

It was their desperate fight that successfully opened the breakthrough, but these elite soldiers were also killed and injured. Ushishima Man believes that after this battle, the elite of the Sixth Division may no longer exist. This is nothing at all Fighting, but fighting hard, the most difficult battle of the Imperial Army since the XXX Incident.

Suddenly, a burst of high-pitched and furious charge horns made Ushidoman's hands tremble, and the cup he just took fell to the ground. It was the sound of the squadron's charge horns he was familiar with. Can the remnant soldiers counterattack?Ushijima raised his binoculars and said at the same time: "Order Kaneda Colonel No. 20 of the Infantry [-]rd Regiment to press me up. If he can't completely wipe out the remaining enemy and occupy the position, he must open his stomach and apologize!"

In Ushidoman's telescope, the Rising Sun Flag collided fiercely with the blue sky, white sun, and red military flag. The sound of explosions, guns, and screams made the sky dizzy. The fierce hand-to-hand combat lasted for more than ten minutes. This is very rare, because the cruelty of hand-to-hand combat is far greater than that of firepower confrontation, so the winner is often determined in a few minutes or even tens of seconds, but this time the extremely tragic hand-to-hand combat lasted for more than ten minutes without a winner burden.

The capacity of the battlefield was almost filled by the Japanese army. Chinese and Japanese soldiers were fighting desperately in every abandoned building, and there were fallen corpses everywhere on the ruins.

The onslaught of the Japanese army caused the casualties of the Chinese defenders along the Zhongzheng Square. Lang Jinzhong, who was wounded in two places, looked at the swarming Japanese army and looked at the dozens of resolute officers and soldiers in his only counterattack force. The radio shouted: "Brigade, shoot me for victory! Shoot me!"

This is not the first time since the Nanchang Defense War that they fired at me. The Chinese defenders on the unnamed high ground of the main peak of Mufu shouted to shoot at me three times. Lang Jinzhong knew that the time had come for him to defend his country. The mother gave him that name for the day.

Having a son should be loyal to the country and show the true qualities of a man. Lang Jinzhong's mother is not as great as a "mother-in-law", because Lang Jinzhong is not a military marshal like Yue Fei, he is just a major of the Army, and his mother is just a An ordinary rural woman who is too ordinary to live in an ordinary village knows the principle of being filial at home and loyal to the country. What she stands at the entrance of the village every day is hoping that this very promising son can go home and have a look, but today Lang is loyal. Unable to return home, he dedicated his blood to the country and the nation in Nanchang, less than a hundred miles away from his hometown.

The standing blue sky and white sun military flag finally fell down, and Ushijima let out a long breath. Is this the beginning or the end of victory?How many survivors of the death squads survived the fierce battle?

Huang Junjie waved his hands with tears in his eyes!fire!Say goodbye to heroes!

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound in the sky, and the smoke column from the explosion of the heavy artillery grenade shot straight into the sky!The Chinese actually shelled their own positions directly?Ushijima Man suddenly forgot that this trick was patented by the Imperial Japanese Army, so he fainted in front of his eyes.

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