Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 733: Chapter 414 Edict of Endeavor and Bravery

Chapter 733: Chapter 410 Edict of Fighting Forward and Bravely (1)

Chapter 410 The Edict of Endeavor and Bravery

Neiji Okamura summoned three division heads, Machi Ryoki, Saito Yahei, and Dohashi. He was very puzzled by the fact that the four divisions were unable to attack Nanchang City, which was defended by a Chinese division for a long time.In the evening, the Chinese Air Force actually sent bombers to drop supplies and ammunition?Is it true that the 6 naval aviation units of the empire are all a bunch of pigs?Let the weak □□ Air Force play endlessly?The fighter planes of the Chinese Air Force appeared in the sky above Nanchang, which means it is self-evident, and the morale loss of the troops is also a headache for the commanders of the frontline troops.

Okamura Ningji really can't think of what prestige the Imperial Army of Japan has to lose and trample on?Originally, he wanted to take down Nanchang City in one fell swoop, as pointed by Bingfeng, but he was smashed under the iron wall of the defenders.

At this time, since the □□ incident, Okamura Ningji saw such a well-defended Chinese general for the first time?May I ask if it was him himself, he might not be able to keep it for so long?The opponent seemed to have pulled out all the stops and used various methods to frantically kill and injure the attacking imperial army.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 73314

The large number of casualties, the huge consumption of materials and ammunition, Neiji Okamura looked at his silent subordinates who had fallen into a speechless situation, and it seemed that what they said was not very effective. It seemed that they could no longer scare people by motivating them or cutting them open. However, the mountains of corpses outside Nanchang City and the wall of corpses on the high ground of the main peak of Jiuling are chilling. In Neiji Okamura's view, the cruelty of this battle is far beyond the battle of Lushun back then.

Looking at a box of bright yellow bullets on the table, another box of canned beef and high-end cigars in between, Neiji Okamura sighed helplessly. The commander of the field attack army can only eat white rice in the Chinese battlefield, and can only eat miscellaneous rice when returning home, but the officers of the Chinese defenders still have canned beef to eat?Smoking a second-class cigar?

What shocked Neiji Okamura the most was a box of armbands. The Chinese word for "hero" was translated on the armbands?The Honorable First Division of the Fifth Army is the iron bone of the Chinese army. All the imperial army units that fought against it are full of praise, calling it an iron army, which is different from those Chinese army made of sand, because this Chinese army *With a soul, the fighting will of an army with a soul will be extremely firm and tenacious.

The Chongqing government even awarded the honor of the heroic division of the Nanchang defenders. Neiji Okamura took a deep breath. The battle situation is so uncertain, should he make up his mind to fight?

Moreover, can Japan really completely conquer Japan with its national power?I asked for 20 large-caliber shells, but was reprimanded by Hata Shunroku. Since the start of the war, more than [-] heavy guns have been forced to withdraw from the battle sequence because the life of the barrels reached the stop loss point. And the battle damage, Okamura Ningji's heavy artillery group has been removed by nearly one-third.

Coupled with the huge loss of the chariot troops, Neiji Okamura even began to wonder whether it was a very wise choice to use chariots in the tough battle?After all, the new division has an astonishingly large number of anti-tank weapons. It has a large number of heavy artillery, tanks and well-trained troops. Well, regardless of the new division, now the military headquarters and the wartime headquarters are astonishingly thinking that they must wipe out Gao Fei's new-style troops under his command.

Okamura Ningji suddenly remembered whether the new division still had a large armored combat vehicle unit that had not been put into combat?Where will this armored force be in the huge city of Nanchang?If Neiji Okamura had enough shells, he really wanted to blow up Nanchang City several times. Unfortunately, he didn't have so much ammunition, and the Japanese Empire couldn't afford such a luxurious bombing. He wasted money under Nanchang City. The artillery shells of various calibers have already passed half of the entire Wuhan Raiders operation. What an astonishing statistic this is!

Nanchang and Changsha, did I really make a wrong choice?Is Gao Fei's new division really so difficult?The [-] troops besieged the city for more than half a month, but they were unable to wipe it all out. All the ministries involved in the war suffered heavy casualties and their morale was low. How can this defeat be saved? Okamura Neiji glanced at his division commanders. Obviously, the three division commanders plus himself The chiefs of staff are all sleepwalking, and the war situation is so rotten. The military's three-time increase in troops has broken the military's original strategic concept of maintaining a field attack army. The hoarded combat supplies and ammunition have been exhausted. It can be said that the Nanchang Raiders have reached the danger of riding a tiger. to the point.

Neiji Okamura still didn't know that in the imperial palace in Tokyo, Honshu, thousands of miles away from him, Emperor Hirohito, who was extremely furious, learned that Gao Fei's fifth column, which was reorganized into a new division, was stationed in Nanchang to stop the Imperial Army's [-]th column. The whole division suddenly became furious, Gao Fei's various evil deeds had long been remembered by Emperor Hirohito, the jade fragments of the royal family members, the attack on the military station, the assassination in Peking, the poisonous killing in Shanghai, the pursuit in Vietnam, and the attack on the field airport It seems that as long as there is a bad thing, this guy Gao Fei must be involved in it. Emperor Hirohito was furious, and issued a very rare edict of forging ahead and fighting bravely, requiring all troops participating in the battle to fight the enemy bravely and wipe out Nanchang Among them is the new division.

Emperor Hirohito’s Edict of Endeavor and Bravery is actually an order to conquer Nanchang within a time limit. If the task is completed within the time limit, it will be regarded as a great honor. Punishment, during the Russo-Japanese War, in order to conquer the Lushun Fortress, Emperor Meiji secretly promised three times to issue an imperial edict to fight bravely, with the intention of motivating the combat troops.

The Japanese were really desperate, but Gao Fei didn't know it. Faced with the airdrop of supplementary weapons and ammunition, Gao Fei was a little disappointed. Compared with the large-scale airdrop of the US military that can rely on airdrop supplies to fight, the scale of the Nanchang airdrop this time And the number is really negligible, especially in the face of very fierce battles, the consumption of ammunition and the damage of weapons are very serious.

However, it is rare for Generalissimo Jiang in Chongqing to make up his mind and not be afraid of sacrifice. The air force took the risk of sending seven Douglas light bombers, probably all of them, to drop ammunition supplies for him. Fortunately, Gao Fei counted the ammunition dropped by the air. Most of them were mortar shells, grenades and bullets. He didn't have the large-caliber grenades and 75mm mountain artillery shells that he urgently needed. To rely on as a firepower projection.

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