Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 734: Chapter 415 4 hours before the counterattack

Chapter 734: Chapter 410 Four hours before the counterattack (1)

Chapter 410 Five Hours Before the Counterattack

If there is no fire support from heavy artillery, then the defense situation of Nanchang City will inevitably undergo a huge reversal. Gao Fei has already known this, and there is no other way. Some time ago, the artillerymen pressing down on the Japanese army were bombarding, and the ammunition was extremely consumed. If Tang Yao’s special forces hadn’t taken out a heavy artillery position of the Japanese army at the cost of all sacrifices and blew up a lot of ammunition, now Zhongzheng Square It may be difficult to stabilize the front line in the direction. Gao Fei knows that the Japanese must hurry up to send supplies to Nanchang, so I am afraid that there is not much time left for him.

Gao Fei put the armbands of the Hero Division dropped by the air into the hands of every soldier, and took advantage of the blocking battle at Zhongzheng Square to establish two lines of defense behind the square. The small troops and the small troops of the Chinese defenders came and went. Although the casualties of the Japanese army were several times that of the defenders, the Japanese army had an absolute advantage in terms of strength. If the defenders sacrificed a soldier, there would be one less defender!

The armbands of the Hero Division are very simple, just like the armbands of the Honor Division 73415. The shield is added with the Qingtian Bairi Xun Military Emblem and the word hero. In Chinese, heroes and long live are words that cannot be used easily. Heroes originally refer to excellent qualities, brave groups, and selflessness. Selfless and admirable person.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

Looking at the bright red background of the hero's armband, Shen Yingxiong took a deep breath and said: "The ancients said that if you are smart and show off, you are called a hero, and you are called a hero if you have courage. The amount of Kyushu contains the mind of the world! Shoulder justice, save the people from the water and fire, and relieve the people from the upside down. Heroes have the ability to despise everything and the aura of disdain for heroes. The world is not only in awe of them, but also elusive. Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, There are countless heroes like the stars in the sky.”

Huang Junjie and Zhang Lingfu, who came to the headquarters to accept the task, were also stunned at the armbands of the hero division. The fall of Nanjing and the Xiaguan massacre gave birth to an honor division, and the bloody battle in Nanchang created a new division. However, the most special ones are few and far between, and the ultimate perfection is nonexistent, because no one has met the requirements mentioned by Shen Yingxiong, but this call of honor deeply inspired and stimulated the decisive battle will of all officers and soldiers .

It can be said that Shen Yingxiong is the happiest and most excited. His name is Yingxiong, and he was named the hero teacher after he became the chief of staff in the Nanchang Bloody Battle. I think seeing his old father at home will also make him honorable. Two, right?

Gao Fei looked at the excited crowd and said: "Heroes, when the country is in danger, there will always be some people who stand up and serve the country. Only such people can be called heroes. What dare not do is what people dare not to do. The so-called heroes turn the tide and help the building to collapse. The so-called heroes are strong and resolute, and they have been defeated repeatedly. Such a person can be called a hero! My hero division is honored,

"Even if the entire army is wiped out here, we must stick to Nanchang City. This is the final order from the Supreme Military Council! Do you have anything to add?" Gao Fei looked around at everyone!

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