Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 735: Chapter 415 4 hours before the counterattack

Chapter 735: Chapter 410 Four hours before the counterattack (2)

Shen Yingxiong said with a calm smile: "I'm ready. My father often reprimands me for being ignorant. I'm not as good as an ordinary man who has the heart to serve the country. Now, as the chief of staff of the hero teacher, I should be the teacher of the teacher. Since the beginning of the war, our army has failed to hold on to any one place, so let Nanchang become a fortress for our Chinese athletes to resist aggression! Recommend Xuanyuan with our blood!"

Zhang Lingfu smiled lightly and said: "Zhang has been in the army for many years. He has fought civil wars. Everyone has different beliefs. This is a national war, so he should die generously and have nothing else to ask. It seems that this battle in Nanchang is the first battle of my heroic division. , I’m afraid it’s the last battle! Comrades, I hope you will work hard to kill the enemy, but Zhang is afraid that he will be one step ahead!”

Although Zhang Lingfu's words are harsh, everyone here understands the truth. The honor of the hero division is too high, and most of the honors are sometimes not a good thing. The enemy and the enemy often attack the opponent's worst The elite troops, as the so-called breakthrough point shocks the whole line, and the point of attack is chosen precisely on the strongest troops, because the most elite troops often guard the key points, only in this way can the morale and morale of the enemy be hit. Viable combat power.

Gao Fei turned around and looked at Xie Wenhua, who was covered in gunpowder, and said, "Commander Xie, how many bases of ammunition do we have for our heavy artillery? No matter what, we must keep two bases of heavy artillery grenades."

Xie Wenhua hesitated helplessly and said: "Master, since the fierce battle has been more than half a month, how can there be any heavy artillery shells with two bases? All the shells together are less than one and a half bases. There are three to five heavy field howitzers on average, and only mortars of various calibers have sufficient ammunition, especially the 32mm heavy artillery mortars.

After listening to the ammunition base of the heavy artillery grenade, Gao Fei came to the map and looked at the map and said: "Four hours later, Li Guoren's light armored regiment included two armored infantry battalions, supplemented by the entire regiment, the division guard battalion and infantry The [-]nd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment and the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment, with a total of eight battalions, will carry out annihilating strikes against the Japanese troops who broke into the east of the city, outflanking the two wings and covering them with heavy artillery firepower. , the special forces will give you the specific coordinates of the secret position. I ask you to hit me with incomparable precision in the first round of artillery fire. I want to kill the general and capture the flag! Let the little Japan see the heroism of the ** among me, this battle All of you are of the same mind, Nanchang is the city of heroes, and it is also the place of honor for our heroic teachers. This is a national war. If you don’t want your relatives and sisters to be trampled by the Japanese invaders, and your children and grandchildren don’t want to live in subjugation, then Today we only have to fight to the death, and I, Gao Fei, will live and die with Hero City, if I violate this oath, the nine clans will be destroyed by lightning!"

Gao Fei's heavy oath made everyone present breathe deeply. Gao Fei is a famous desperate Saburo. The Japanese besieged and stormed for half a month with an army of [-]. Gao Fei was still planning a big counterattack to defeat the Japanese army and to Wipe out at least two infantry regiments?Do you want to seize the alliance flag that the Japanese army regards as more important than life?

In the words of Shen Yingxiong, this is the lofty ambition, and this is the magnanimity of a soldier, but in the words of ordinary people, Gao Fei has no long-term intentions at all, and the reinforcements are nowhere in sight.Such and such can indeed arouse the mortal desire of all soldiers, but no one wants to die if they can live!There are still four hours before the big counterattack on the city wall!

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