Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 736: Chapter 416 Big Counterattack

Chapter 736: Chapter 410 The Sixth Counterattack (1) ([-])

Chapter 410 Six Big Counterattack ([-])

Toshijiro Miyata, the Chief of Staff of the Japanese No.11 Army, was commanding in the former enemy headquarters of the [-]st Division. Yahei Saito was drinking tea leisurely and looked at the Chief of Staff of the Army, Toshijiro Miyata, who had become nervous. : "Miyata-kun! Are you so nervous? We are already sure of victory. The dispatched army has mobilized two main divisions to cooperate with the [-]th division. If the army dares to continue to reinforce and rescue the Nanchang defenders If so, don’t they want Changsha? If Chongqing’s door is wide open, maybe the war in Japan will be completely over before the end of the year.”

Toshijiro Miyata looked at the extremely optimistic Saito Yahei and said: "This is war, and nothing is impossible in a war. The Imperial Army boasted that it would be occupied for three months, and then it would be another year." It has been almost three years since the end of the war, and we have occupied half of the mainland, but the resistance of the Communist army has become more and more tenacious, and we seem to have less and less hope of victory."

Yahei Saito sighed in such a pessimistic tone when he heard Toshijiro Miyata, a well-known good man?So he hurriedly asked: "Miyata-kun, have you heard any bad news? Our imperial army is invincible now! Who can stop the sharpness on the land? How can the soldiers be invincible!" Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 73616

Toshijiro Miyata walked up to the map helplessly and pointed with his hand: "There are frequent raids everywhere in Manchuria, North China, and Central China. The imperial army only controls large and medium cities, and the smaller counties have not yet been controlled. , even if we occupy the huge □□ we need at least 500 million Imperial Alliance troops and at least the same number of imperial imperial troops to maintain law and order. Now a soldier of the North China Dispatch Army has to control more than two square kilometers of land, Manchukuo arrives every day There will be hundreds of attacks against the imperial army in North China, and hundreds of officers and soldiers of the imperial army will be killed every day in maintaining law and order. A month is a whole infantry regiment! The speed of our replenishment of troops is far less than the speed of casualties of officers and soldiers , how can it go on like this?"

Saito Yahei looked at Toshijiro Miyata dumbfounded and said: "The security situation in the rear is so bad, how can we win the battle in the front? It seems that those guys who expect to use the best resources and manpower to maintain the war are completely out of control. That's wrong, the rear has consumed a lot of troops, supplies, and ammunition that should have been used in the attack? These guerrillas are really hateful."

Toshijiro Miyata clicked Shanxi Road on the large-scale map with his hand: "The Eighth Route Army led by the Communist Party of China has expanded from tens of thousands of people to nearly 50 people. Columns, detachments behind enemy lines, loyalty to save the Japanese, and various civilian armed forces, His Excellency Okamura Ningji believes that it is necessary to expand the scale of the Imperial Association Army, give them trust and respect, and use China to control China, otherwise the Imperial Army will be It is simply impossible to complete the law and order rectification and wipe out the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese armed forces.”

Saito Yahei took a deep breath and said, "I really never thought that the situation would be so severe? But this is different from the battle reports of the dispatched troops that the Imperial Army's domestic propaganda has sent!"

Miyata Toshijiro shook his head and said: "Saito-kun, just trust your own eyes. You have to see many things in the empire with your own eyes. Do you understand? The military often deceives us!"

Toshijiro Miyata tapped the map with his hand and said: "There is a tactical gap between your 30st Division and the No.20 Sixth Brigade of the Sixth Division! Infantry No. 20's triple regiment is too prominent, and it's easy to be isolated. If I were the commander of the central army, I would concentrate my forces and launch a fierce counterattack to eat up the lone infantry No. [-] III. Alliance, tear a big hole in our offensive line, and then drive us out of the city wall!"

Saito Yahei came to the map in amazement, looked at the map and said helplessly: "This is not a problem with my division. The sixth division of Machi□Ryoki is too weak. How can we cooperate with it? This tactic The gap is the demarcation line they left on purpose, and if I fill it up with troops, I am afraid that it will take less than an hour for the town to reach my command post."

Miyata Toshijiro slapped the table angrily and said, "This is fighting, not fooling around. What's wrong with the Sixth Division? It's all the imperial army. I'll go to His Excellency Neiji Okamura immediately."

Saito Yahei got angry when he saw Toshijiro Miyata?He also hesitated and said: "Miyata-kun, do you really think that the Chinese army, which has been beaten steadily by our army, can organize a counterattack like you said? This is too unrealistic, right? Our army Victory is in sight. At this juncture, you will find the bad luck of Ding□□Liuji. Once the Chinese attack fails to launch your so-called counterattack, it will be embarrassing. I am afraid that it is inevitable that you will be blamed by Ding□□Liuji gone."

Toshijiro Miyata hesitated for a moment and sighed slightly: "The chiefs of staff of the other troops are all consistent, but in the No.11 Army, I am the chief of staff, just a display, alas!"

Miyata Toshijiro left the headquarters of the [-]st Division, hesitated for a while and decided to go to the headquarters of the [-]th Division. Some words were simply uncomfortable for him.

The No. 20 Third Infantry Regiment, which Miyata Toshijiro regarded as extremely dangerous, is still trying to advance alone. The Japanese Infantry No. 20 Third Regiment's leader, Yokoji Wild Dog, is a standard with a pockmarked face and a fierce face. Butcher, Infantry No.20's triple unit has entered the east of the city for three full days but has not advanced an inch, and almost half of the casualties. Yokoji Wild Dog's predecessor, Asada, was injured by a sniper, so Yokoji Wild Dog against Zhong* The Japanese snipers were extra vigilant. When inspecting the front line, they not only changed into military uniforms, but also took a [-]-type rifle in a false appearance.

The situation in the forward position is not optimistic. Almost all officers and soldiers have low morale. After all, the bloody battle troops have not been able to rest and reorganize, and the comfort women promised before have not arrived. The dozens of people who arrived were divided up by senior officers. No, a lieutenant officer like Yokoji Stray Inu didn’t even see it. During his inspection, he heard his subordinates talk about Neiji Okamura, Toshijiro Miyata, Ryoki Machi, and Dohashi. The most beautiful woman, drinking sake and eating canned beef and fresh fish, etc., the people below have a good look, and the wild dog Yokoji knows that this will greatly breed the resistance of the soldiers to the officers, but very helplessly, Yokoji Stray Dog himself was also very dissatisfied with the chaotic command of the top management.

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