Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 737: Chapter 418 Big Counterattack

Chapter 737: Chapter 410 Eight Great Counterattack (1) ([-])

Chapter 410 Eight Great Counterattack ([-])

At the most intense moment of the fighting between the two sides, the roaring cannons, the sharp whistling sound of the grenade piercing the sky, the violent explosion and the wanton flying shrapnel, and the smoke and dust stirred up by the air wave covered the sky and covered the sky.

After Qi Pengju, who was like a blood man, handed over the complete regiment flag of the No. 6 Third Regiment of the Japanese Army Infantry, covered in blood, to Gao Fei, he passed out after saying something worthwhile. Six members of the special forces, A company's elite veterans have lost their establishment, and everything is for such a flag?Those fresh lives died in front of him, and Gao Fei didn't know at this moment whether it was worth it or not?

It is undoubtedly luck to be able to kill the general and capture the flag, because the Japanese army returned aid very quickly. Now that the full-scale bombardment has been going on for 10 minutes, Li Guoren's light armored regiment has divided into three groups and is entrenched in the east of the city with the cooperation of eight infantry battalions. The Japanese army to the east of Zhongzheng Square launched a fierce attack.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 73718

However, at such a speed, it is still impossible to capture the Japanese army's alliance flag. I am afraid that it has been burnt or taken away by the Japanese army's returning reinforcements to break through. It can only be said that Qi Pengju was very lucky, and he happened to find it in the arms of the smashed Japanese army flag bearer. This side has never been seized in history the flag of the Japanese coalition.

Gao Fei's hands trembled slightly, and Shen Yingxiong was also very excited. This is the Japanese infantry regiment flag!Gao Fei has only seen flagpoles and tassels in the photos known to later generations, because the Japanese army’s regiment flags are only displayed on very important occasions. What the team uses is the standard military flag of the Japanese Army instead of the regiment flag.

When Gao Fei took out the flag of the regiment, he was slightly taken aback. The flag was very textured like a thin blanket. On the left side of it was written the words No. 6 Third Regiment of Infantry of the Imperial Japanese Army. The rising sun flag with blood-red ray lines, the three sides of the military flag are decorated with purple tassels, and the top of the wooden lacquered flagpole has a three-sided gold-plated flag crown, and the three sides are embossed with the sixteen-petal chrysanthemum pattern of the Japanese imperial family. , Abnormally exquisite!Together with the exquisite flagpole with copper attached, this is a complete set of the flag of the Japanese 20th Army Alliance!

The three most important parts were all seized, and the Japanese would have no choice but to deny it!Gao Fei and Shen Yingxiong looked at this trophy, which can be called the number one in history. Facing the flag of the Japanese Army Regiment means that the Japanese Army will no longer have the No. 6 Infantry Triple Regiment.

The firepower of Xie Wenhua's heavy artillery group in the east of the city has begun to extend. Li Guoren's light armored regiment divided into three groups and carried out a counter-attack with the cooperation of eight battalions. The infantry behind the dense tanks was accompanied by mortars, Light and heavy machine guns, grenades, and unprepared Japanese corpses were scattered all over the field. The Japanese army continued to try to fight back during the collapse. Thick black smoke came out. Among the ruined walls on both sides of the street, soldiers from the Chinese and Japanese armies were bathed in blood. When you came and went, there was continuous blood splattering, and the corpses fell to the ground. At this moment, life has become the cheapest thing.

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