Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 755: Chapter 429 A Brand New Day in Nanchang City

Chapter 755: Chapter 420 A Brand New Day in Nanchang City (2)

How many casualties would it take to capture such a fortress?Okamura Neiji didn't think about it, and he didn't have any psychological preparations. It was another night of bloody battle. The artillery lit up the night sky of Nanchang City red, and the pale light of the flares illuminated the battlefield like daytime. Groups of Japanese troops fell down. In the stormy cross-shooting of the defenders, the various units of the Japanese army, which had already lost all their tanks, could only use infantry and mountain artillery to make repeated attempts to attack. Except for the battle for the two main peaks of Jiuling and Mufu, the Japanese army continued. The Chinese defenders in Nanchang City have already launched a siege from three sides, and captured at least three-fifths of Nanchang City's urban area. This should be regarded as occupation, right?

Neiji Okamura knew that the so-called occupation was nothing but self-deception, and he did not dare to send such a fake telegram to His Excellency Hata Shunroku, the commander of the Central China Front Army in Shanghai, but in addition to the bloody battle overnight, more than 2000 imperial officers and soldiers were killed. Neiji Okamura didn't even understand the opponent's overall firepower system. It was hard for him to imagine that Gao Fei dug himself two giant trenches nine meters wide and ten meters deep through civil engineering in Nanchang City?The bottom of the trench was covered with mines and booby traps, and all the excavated earth and stone were used to reinforce the central fortifications. Gao Fei built a city within a city?How could such a huge project be completed in such a short period of time?Neiji Okamura is hard to imagine.

However, Neiji Okamura didn't know that this was the result of five consecutive days and nights of labor by more than [-] Chinese Communists. Since the Nanchang Battle, the young and strong who stayed in Nanchang to participate in the war also suffered [-] casualties. Putting on the military uniform and picking up the weapons left by the martyrs, he went to the front line, otherwise Gao Fei would not have been able to last so long under the fierce Japanese artillery fire, and Gao Fei was extremely guilty of this.

Because these rookies who only learned to lie down and pull the bolt to form a three-point line had a mortality rate as high as 90.00% in the first battle. Those who survived grew up rapidly in the battle. The top-notch Japanese army never flinched, risked their lives, and so far Gao Fei has never mobilized a single soldier. It is the more than 75529 students of the Youth Iron-Blooded Anti-Japanese Army. These are college students, technical secondary school students, and high school students. Among them, there are actually returning overseas students. They are the hope of the country's future.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

However, Gao Fei knew very well that this was not at the last critical juncture, and he would go up to the last critical juncture, but Gao Fei told Shen Yingxiong that only after he was killed in battle, Shen Yingxiong was allowed to use it when commanding the troops as the acting division commander. This team, otherwise, no one has the right to mobilize the unit to participate in the battle before that, and its battle sequence in position defense battles is after artillery, miscellaneous soldiers, staff officers, and medical personnel.

For this suffering nation and country, Gao Fei can only do this. Nanchang is already full of corpses and blood is flowing like rivers, but facing the invaders, there is only blood for blood, tooth for tooth!The country's territory and sea areas cannot be invaded, and the only response to the aggressors is war!An inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of flesh and blood, discussing national territorial sovereignty is a betrayal and betrayal of countless martyrs who fought bloody battles!

In the light of the sunrise, amidst the gunfire and smoke, the ancient city of Nanchang has ushered in a new day. The heroic city and the heroic division will be remembered by history at this moment!

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