Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 756: Chapter 430 The Wrath of Emperor Hirohito

Chapter 756: Chapter 430 The Wrath of Emperor Hirohito (1)

Chapter 430 The Wrath of Emperor Hirohito

Okamura Ningji is not a fool, let alone the kind of guy who only knows how to fight hard. The original plan was three to five days, but the longest battle of Nanchang lasted nineteen days. What can happen in nineteen days? ?I'm afraid no one will know, but everyone knows that nineteen days is too long to capture a city. The date stipulated in His Majesty's brave battle edict has been out for many days, whether it is the imperial meeting or the base camp. I'm afraid everyone will feel a headache about such a difficult problem in Nanchang. The Central China Dispatch Army's hoarding of materials expected to fight in one year has been consumed. The ammunition that went south lost nearly four layers, a loss that Japan could not afford.

In fact, the Imperial Council has held two meetings in a row. Emperor Hirohito furiously demanded the replacement of Ningji Okamura, who was unfavorable in combat. Embarrassing for Emperor Hirohito, no one was willing to replace Ningji Okamura in command of the No. 11 Army's strategy in Nanchang, and no one was willing to replace Hata Shunroku to clean up the mess at this juncture.

When Emperor Hirohito saw the list of generals and officers who were casualties in the four divisions, he sat back in his seat decadently. He did not need to kill himself. The basic middle and lower-level officers of the four divisions and more than half of the casualties, Nanchang City is a meat grinder. A complete alliance is thrown in, and a large team is twisted out.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 75630

Just when Emperor Hirohito held the third imperial meeting to discuss the specific arrangements for the Battle of Nanchang, Neiji Okamura, unable to withstand the pressure, informed Shanghai that the flag of the No. Commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, Hata Shunroku, whose eyelids have been twitching for the past few days, always has a premonition that something bad is going to happen?Now the premonition finally came true.

Only the infantry and cavalry of the Imperial Army have regiment flags. Each regiment flag is personally awarded by His Majesty the Emperor, representing the supreme imperial power and the honor of the Imperial Japanese Army. The flag is in the regiment, and the flag is lost. The team and everyone are dead!Hata Shunroku received the news from relevant people in the base camp that His Majesty the Emperor was very dissatisfied with the progress of his attack on Nanchang and the casualties of the Imperial Army, and even planned to replace him, so he asked Hata Shunroku to act quickly and urged Okamura Neiji If you show your achievements, otherwise, after the Battle of Nanchang, the military careers of both of them may come to an end.

Hata Junliu looked at the numbers of the newly added Chinese Communists constantly appearing in the periphery of Changsha and Nanchang on the map and felt a headache. The No.11 Army nominally belongs to the Central China Expedition Army, but in fact the No.11 Army is a strategic change of the empire. Afterwards, the only field attacking army was directly under the base camp. Hata Shunroku believed that those guys in the base camp knew this very well, but now even His Majesty Emperor Hirohito is shouting to shirk responsibility?It seems that the bad influence of the Battle of Nanchang has spread and expanded to the point of being uncontrollable. With the four imperial divisions equipped with field artillery and tanks and absolute air supremacy, can't they eat Nanchang, which is firmly defended by one division in the middle?Where is the face of the imperial army?

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