Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 762: Chapter 434 Studying the Attack Plan

Chapter 762: Chapter 430 Studying the Attack Plan (1)

Chapter 430 Studying the Attack Plan

In the circular position with a radius of two square kilometers centered on the Central Bank, the earth, rocks and gunpowder smoke caused by the frequent falling shells are deafening. The Japanese shells are not free. Cannonballs were no longer available, so the infantry mixed aerial bombardment and repeatedly attacked. This is the housekeeping skill of the Japanese. Human life is a grind.

During the fierce Japanese attacks, at the last moment of the isolated city of Nanchang, the defenders of the isolated city braved the hot ground-to-air firepower of the Japanese army and counted the bullets in the gun chamber. For the sake of the country's last heroism, the fall of Nanchang City is already a matter of time. The Japanese army is constantly filling the trenches, and then tries to force the attack. Going down to fill the trench, the officers and soldiers of the guarding the central government are bleeding from the hearts, who can bear to open fire on their own folks?

The inhumane Japanese army shot those who were unable to work and who were tired and pushed them directly into the trench. The workload that used to be several days can now be filled in a few meters in one morning. Gao Fei also saw it and was anxious. In the bottom of my heart, I can't order the shooting of ordinary people, can I?The Japanese army mixed in it also unscrupulously shot and provoked the defenders.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 76234

The corpses of Japanese soldiers are everywhere inside and outside the trenches around the circular fortifications. The layers of corpses prove the fierce battle that took place here before. Gao Fei inspected the field hospital. After the Chinese Air Force lost 23 fighter planes over Nanchang, the There will be no air force at all, and naturally there will be no ammunition and medicines dropped by air. The shortage of medicines makes field hospitals face great difficulties, especially the precious penicillin and morphine. Many wounded are carried out without anesthesia. Amputation or surgery, the result was alive and painful.

It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. After Gao Fei returned from the field hospital inspection, he said nothing. Gao Fei gathered Shen Yingxiong, Xie Wenhua, Li Guoren, Zhang Lingfu, Huang Junjie and others. Now the hero division and the lightly wounded on the front line still have 75 There are still [-] artillerymen and student army reserves in the circular position, as well as more than [-] wounded. Light weapons and ammunition are still abundant, but all [-]mm mountain artillery shells have been fired, and only light and heavy mortars There is still a small amount of ammunition, and the previous flying thunder cannons are basically lost. It is still unknown how long the circular position without fire support can hold.

Gao Fei gathered all the senior officers, and after counting, he found that the commanders and deputy of the six infantry regiments under his command had almost changed twice, the two regiments of the No.30 Second Army, and more than [-] people in the security regiment , more than [-] strong men have been temporarily added to the army on the way, plus [-] people from the new division before the war, and now there are less than [-] people including the wounded. Nanchang is like a huge meat grinder. Gao Fei has not counted the casualties. It is roughly estimated that the casualties of the Japanese army will not be less than [-].

This is the first time that the Japanese army has suffered more casualties than the defenders in the Chinese battlefield, and the battle is far from over. Gao Feijue's Japanese army has replenished its troops at least three times, because those newly added Japanese troops are like stupefied Green is average, very easy to fight.

It took one or two days of fighting before these Japanese soldiers became slicker and knew how to use mud to cover the yellow stars on the helmets and shiny riding boots. The officers no longer carried document bags and southern pistols. They learned wars in the war. , the Chinese are progressing and learning, and the Japanese are also progressing and learning.

On April 1939, 20, No.11 was guarded by the Gucheng of Nanchang for four days. After the Japanese army filled in four offensive routes, they launched a fierce attack on the circular position. The reason why Okamura Ningji launched a fierce attack The □□ dispatched army was formally established on this day. The commander-in-chief of the dispatched army, General Hisao Nishio, arrived in Shanghai and went to Nanjing. The military department directly sent a secret message to the No.11 Army. The Sino-Mongolian border conducts military probing against the Soviet Union, so the No.[-] Army is required to end the overall operation before the end of the month, and the divisions and regiments participating in the war with large casualties need to be replenished. The most important thing is that the consumption of ammunition and materials has far exceeded Contrary to the expectations of the military department, the empire cannot afford such a large consumption.

So Okamura Neiji gathered all the division heads, brigade heads, and regiment leaders to study the attack plan collectively, because Okamura Neiji knew that it was unlikely to break through the circular defensive position with only four attack channels. The Chinese defenders The firepower is still quite fierce, especially those light tanks with only one turret exposed as a mobile firepower point, which is a nightmare for attacking the Japanese army. Neiji Okamura has completely changed from shock to admiration for "Gao Feihao" up.

Neiji Okamura can hardly imagine what kind of person has such creativity?Dig such a big ditch in the city?The excavated earth and rocks were reinforced around the houses, so that heavy artillery could not completely destroy the so-called fortifications. A large number of closed traffic trenches and bunkers constituted a complete defense system. The firepower cross-match system was very professional and decent. Being exposed to the opponent's firepower control range, Okamura Neiji can be sure that soldiers all over the world have no such experience in attacking such a defense system.

Over the past few days, the three division commanders who were originally arrogant, Machi Ryoki, Saito Yahei, and Dohashi have lost their temper at all due to the brutal and bloody battles. Huge casualties are almost every regiment commander’s dictum. , especially the damned snipers of the ** team in the street fighting, the officers of the brigade and squadron level have been changed almost twice. Almost unimaginable.

Although the imperial army occupies three-fifths of the urban area, the guerrilla groups and stragglers of the Chinese defenders are still active in the city, constantly attacking small units of the imperial army, or sniping officers and attacking artillery positions. For the Japanese troops who attacked the city, it was the gate of hell, and the whole process was open to the Japanese free of charge.

Therefore, Neiji Okamura made a mandatory rule that officers at the commander level are absolutely not allowed to enter the city to fight in areas that have not been completely cleared. The large number of casualties of officers at the grassroots level made Neiji Okamura almost every day to be promoted to a dozen or twenty sergeants and corps leaders. Become an officer, but the speed of his casualties far exceeds the speed of his promotion?This is extremely rare on the battlefield!

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