Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 763: Chapter 435 The Japanese Army's Final General Attack

Chapter 763: Chapter 430 The Japanese Army's Final General Attack (1)

Chapter 430 Five Final Japanese Army Attack

Neiji Okamura looked at Nanchang City on the huge sand table in a daze. This city has created too many so-called miracles. The imperial army killed the most soldiers, consumed the most supplies and ammunition, and the dead generals had the highest level and the longest attack time. Of course, no one regards these as so-called honors. The prestige of the Imperial Army has been completely wiped out in the First Battle of Nanchang. Of course, the premise is that the Imperial Army still has the so-called honor.

Neiji Okamura decided to launch a general attack in advance after receiving the news that General Nishio Hisao, the commander of the Japanese dispatch army, had arrived, but he didn't want to rush it, because Nanchang had already let the imperial army of the Japanese Empire shed all their blood, and they were brave and fearless The Imperial Army troops now began to tremble when they heard the battle horn, to reduce casualties while making the most effective attack. Obviously Okamura Neiji's idea made Saito Yahei, Machi □ Ryoki, and Dohashi three at a time The head of the division was a little dizzy, because this is basically a contradictory relationship.

In the gloomy headquarters, as the chief of staff of the No.11 Army, Toshijiro Miyata kept silent for a very simple reason, because Toshijiro Miyata was not optimistic about continuing the general attack on Nanchang at all. The four so-called passages filled in by more than 2000 officers and soldiers of the imperial army and more than 1 Chinese civilians are nothing more than a so-called path with a width of less than three meters. Such an attack passage is more like a gate to hell, Okamura Ning This time, it is planned to concentrate firepower on the front of each passage for bombardment, suppress the firepower of the defenders, organize death squads to break through the front, and attack in depth after occupying the position.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 76335

It sounds like a very good plan, but anyone who has fought in battle knows that the blockade firepower of light and heavy machine guns is never deployed on the front of the position, but on the side slopes of the two wings. The biggest damage to the offensive infantry, and Gao Fei's irregular ring positions are full of this kind of cross-fire blockade, allowing the death squads to break through the path that is only less than three meters wide?It is simply a fantasy, and at this time the morale and combat power of the troops are already very low. Is there any point in sending death squads to carry out meat bomb attacks?

The most important thing is that the three newly added divisions in Changsha have not all been put into combat, because from the Second Theater of the Chinese Army in North China to the Central Army of the First Theater, the Third Theater, and the Fifth Theater They all swarmed out, the entire battlefield was full of smoldering smoke, and the garrison teams from all over the country were frequently in a hurry. It seemed that the Chinese army had received orders to die in this battle, and they launched an attack on the imperial army in front of them at all costs. The railway from Wuhan to Changsha The military column of the [-]th Division alone was overturned three times, making grassroots officers and soldiers prefer to walk rather than take the train.

In the direction of Changsha and near Nanchang, there have been more than a dozen new main division numbers of the Chinese Communist Party and new military-level radio station call signs. The troops have completed their replenishment and are ready to fight on the battlefield at any time. This is not good news for the Imperial Japanese Army that has been besieging Nanchang for a long time.

Neji Okamura has lost his mind at this critical juncture, because the regiment flag of the No. 20 Infantry Trinity Regiment is still in the hands of the Chinese army. How can we regain the army flag without breaking through the Chinese army's defense?The dreadful consequences of losing the flag sent a shiver to the bones of all.

attack!Okamura Ningji looked around at all the generals present and said: "This is our last chance. The military department asked us to end the battle in Nanchang before the end of the month. Today is No. 18. The first position in Nanchang City is still the same. In the hands of the Chinese army, the timing, location, people and our army are now all in an advantage, especially the supply of materials has also appeared to a certain extent. The annihilation of the infantry No. It is extremely regrettable, but we were defeated under the city of Nanchang. The loyal and brave warriors of the Japanese Empire shed the last drop of blood for this. What we are facing is a Chinese division whose actual strength exceeds an army. The army is composed of the most heroic veterans and officers among the elite, and is also equipped with a large number of advanced weapons. Its artillery fire is no worse than ours in terms of quantity and accuracy. The Chinese Air Force even sent planes when its entire army was almost wiped out. Carrying out airdrops and air support, knowing that they are invincible but not turning back, shows the importance of this unit commanded by Gao Fei, and this unit was named the Hero Division by the Chinese Nationalist Government! Gao Fei is a rare tactical genius, Gao Fei The trench is an illustration and example. This scary guy seems to be able to see through all our actions? It's really scary. If this solitary defense can't completely eat up his hero division, then I'm afraid it will be our last chance. Zhu Please, sir, the honor of the No.20 Army, the Central China Front Army, the First Dispatch Army, and the Imperial Army is here!"

Okamura Ningji's wanton praise of Gao Fei aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of the Japanese generals present, and they all clamored to completely annihilate the hero division Yu Nanchang, even if they disobeyed the order of the military department. Everything, he admired Okamura Neiji's eloquence and brains very much. Not only did he shirk his responsibility, but he also teased his subordinate division commanders and brigade commanders. The responsibility will also be reduced a lot. This is a poisonous plan that kills many birds with one arrow, and will drag everyone into trouble.

The onslaught of the Japanese army was beyond Gao Fei's expectations. He thought that Neiji Okamura would at least retreat because Xue Yue had already received the reinforcements promised by Chiang Kai-shek. The Fifth Army, Eighth Army, No.18 Army, No.70 Fourth Army, No.90 Third Army, and One Hundredth Army have completed their repairs and rejoined the battle, and Xue Yue sent Tang Enbo's No.13 Corps to the direction of Changsha. The troops assembled were almost the same as those in the Wuhan battle, and the weapons and equipment were also improved. The most important point is that Xue Yue did not obey Chiang Kai-shek's division of troops to make a rescue, but waited for all the main forces to move in place, so that the armies and division commanders below would also They were all rejoicing, everyone went hand in hand and no one had any complaints. The Hero Division had been besieged alone in the isolated city of Nanchang for almost a month, and the army was assembled on standby.

Just when Gao Fei thought Okamura Neiji would retreat in spite of the difficulties, Okamura Neiji gave Gao Fei a huge surprise. This surprise was the last general attack of the Japanese army!

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