Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 764: Chapter 436 Premeditated Northward Advancement Plan

Chapter 764: Chapter 430 The sixth plan to advance northward (1)

Chapter 430 VI Premeditated Northward Expansion Plan

Neiji Okamura's order to the artillery was to shoot out all the shells. If it wasn't because the wind direction was wrong and the poisonous gas could not be released, Neiji Okamura was going to release all the last dozen tons of liquid mustard gas. The fierce Japanese artillery fire made Gao Fei His spirit was lifted immediately, because this was the last madness of the Japanese. As long as his heroic division could survive the general attack of the Japanese army this time, the entire army would be wiped out. Four words, it has almost nothing to do with him Gao Fei.

At the beginning of the Japanese siege, it was carried out along four passages, but after the attack began, it became chaotic, especially after the offensive passage was blocked by the firepower of the defenders, the attacking Japanese army fell into the ditch like cutting wheat. , piled up with the corpses of the Chinese civilians he massacred, and the yellow corpses of Japanese soldiers filled the perimeter of the ring fortifications.

The Japanese engineers and soldiers carried out blasting on both sides of the high trench at the risk of huge casualties, but the soft soil made it very difficult for the Japanese army to climb up. The ladders, door panels, ropes and all other means on the road were all used by the Japanese army. The fierce fighting continued until evening, and the Japanese army finally made a breakthrough on the south side. The Japanese-style traffic trench occupied several nearby firepower points, and then the Japanese brigade followed up.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 300

Knowing that the South No. 300 fortification had fallen, Huang Junjie personally organized a death squad of [-] people, all equipped with submachine guns and grenades. They wanted to drive the Japanese army out before the Japanese army had a deep breakthrough. The counterattacking Chinese defenders were almost firing their guns against their chests. The casualties on both sides were undoubtedly huge, and the narrow trenches were easily filled with corpses.

The Chinese defenders in the counterattack used explosives to blow up the corpses, and then resumed their attack. The counterattack of the Chinese defenders equipped with submachine guns and a large number of grenades also caught the Japanese army by surprise. In the narrow trenches, the [-]-type rifles equipped by the Japanese army It is very inconvenient to shoot. Often the Japanese army in front retreated after being hit head-on, while the Japanese army behind them pushed up again. As a result, people blocked the shooting angle of the machine gun, and the Japanese army who ignored them opened fire directly like crazy. The progress of the battle for the trenches was extremely slow, but the level of bloodshed was the most tragic. Countless officers and soldiers of the Chinese and Japanese armies fell to their deaths in the trenches. Huang Junjie's counterattack was also met with great resistance. At this time, the Japanese army concentrated all their pistols and organized a counterattack , a large number of Japanese soldiers with cluster grenades strapped to their bodies rushed towards the Chinese defenders, and the Chinese defenders were not to be outdone. Hundreds of lightly wounded soldiers also launched the same counterattack. There was an explosion, and flesh and blood flew violently and abnormally.

In the end, after paying nearly a thousand casualties, the Chinese defenders drove the Japanese army out of the absolute defensive position. The fierce battle lasted for a whole day. At noon on the 47th, the Japanese army entered the immersion. Gao Fei remembers that the Hengyang Defense Battle, which the Chinese army defended the longest in history, was 47 days. However, within these 25 days, the Japanese army only attacked for 22 consecutive days, while the Nanchang Defense Battle lasted [-] days. Part of the onslaught continued day and night for as long as [-] days.

Soldiers are also human beings. Although the Japanese claim to have the will of steel and the Bushido spirit that has been passed down through the ages, the morale of the Japanese has plummeted under such severe casualties. All people are equal, facing pieces of corpses, especially those Chinese Japanese who fought to the death in the fortifications made of corpses, the Japanese also sincerely admire them from the bottom of their hearts, and the Japanese have also seen tenacious However, this is the first time they have seen a Chinese squadron like the Nanchang Chinese Defenders who have forgotten to fight with corpses and blood.

The Chinese garrison in Nanchang made them feel insurmountable. Once a stunned Chinese military officer was captured, but after waking up, he ripped out his intestines from his abdominal wound and died. The lofty so-called bushido spirit is embodied, but that is with a knife, and the Chinese can let themselves bleed to death, but they must not surrender. Since the Battle of Nanchang, the Japanese army has not yet captured a single soldier of the heroic division of the Chinese defenders pawn.

The huge casualties made Okamura Ningji give the order to stop the attack immediately. The attack of more than 20 hours caused more than [-] officers and soldiers of the imperial army to fall completely in a foreign country, and there were more than [-] wounded who were urgently waiting to be transported. The casualties of Neiji Okamura could no longer bear it.

The 6000 army was supplemented three times before and after, and the supplementary soldiers exceeded 5000, with [-] casualties, of which [-] were killed in battle. Such casualties, the Imperial Japanese Army could not bear anyway.

The most critical thing is that the military headquarters has sent an urgent call, and the No.20 Third Division of the Kwantung Army has already advanced to the scheduled location!This made Ningji Okamura terrified, did those guys from the imperial meeting and the military department go crazy? □□The battlefield is fighting fiercely, but on the other hand, you want to challenge the polar bear?

Prior to this, in July 1938, the No.20 Third Division of the Japanese Kwantung Army marched into Hailar. In October of the same year, the Seventh Special Army of the Soviet and Mongolian Far Eastern Army marched into Mongolia to garrison. The two parties negotiated and prepared to survey the border.

In the Xinzuo Banner, the Nuomenhanbuzhide area and the middle and lower reaches of the Halha River in Mongolia have always been the places where the border disputes between Manchuria and Mongolia are the most, that is, Japan, Manchukuo, the Soviet Union, and Mongolia. , the parties have always been at the Nuomen threshold.

The last decision of Seishiro Itagaki, the 6th Prime Minister of the base camp, before he resigned was that the Japanese Kwantung Army first attacked the Mongolian People’s Republic in the Nomonhan area and occupied its eastern territory, the Haraha region, as a springboard for the next step to invade the Soviet Far East. The long-planned northward expansion plan.

This plan was not only to test the combat effectiveness of the Kwantung Army, but also to test the bottom line of the Soviets, so the Kwantung Army dispatched its most powerful division, the No.20 Third Division.

The No.20 Third Division of the Japanese Army is not in the battle order of the seventeen standing divisions. Most people think that its combat effectiveness is not strong, but few people understand that the No.6 Third Division of the Imperial Japanese Army Infantry is the Japanese Army. The only mechanized unit in the Imperial Army, this mechanized division has a strong taste of experimentation, because the German armored corps in Europe is not the most powerful, but the German tactics are definitely leading the world .

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