Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 765: Chapter 437 Reflection after the War

Chapter 765: Chapter 430 Reflection After the Seventh War (1)

Chapter 430 Seven Post-war Reflections

The No.20 Third Division of the Japanese Army can be said to be no less than any field division, especially it is equipped with an independent tank wing, because in the Japanese armored forces, the tank units are all affiliated to the main field division. This time in the Battle of Nanchang, Ningji Okamura put the chariot group into use for the first time, and it was also the first time in the history of the Japanese Army.

Compared with the Western powers, the Japanese Army showed obvious lag in many fields of military academics. Among them, the weakness of the tank arm is the most typical example, which is mainly reflected in the quality, quantity, and strategic and tactical use of tanks. The construction of the army directly involves basic aspects such as national economic strength, technical level of combat readiness, and evolution of military ideology. The most directly related to the construction of tank hardware is the technical level and production capacity of the tank manufacturing industry, and its main support is the country's metallurgical industry. The state of the steel industry and the automobile industry in machinery manufacturing.

Japan's weak steel and automobile industries are doomed to make it difficult for its tank manufacturing industry to make great achievements.The Japanese didn't try to build tanks until 1926. Before that, they mainly bought mk-iv and mk-a tanks from Britain, and bought Renault-f17 light tanks from France. Before that, Japan could not make tanks at all.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 76537

Manufacturers engaged in the production of tanks and tank parts in Japan mainly include Kawasaki Motor Works, Osaka Arsenal, Kokura Arsenal, Nagoya Arsenal, Ishikawa Island Arsenal, Tokyo Gas Electric Company, Sagami Arsenal, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Hitachi Manufacturing, Hino Motors , Japan Steel Works, Automobile Corporation, New Iron Works, Kobe Steel, Ikegai Automobile, etc., all Japanese companies have two sets of standard peacetime and wartime conversion mechanisms, that is, all Japanese companies are military industries Enterprise, this sentence is not an exaggeration.

However, 90.00% of these so-called military enterprises are privately owned, and the remaining 5.00% are state-owned. The production capacity is generally very low. In addition, corruption is prevalent in Japan. Therefore, the Japanese so-called chariot industry is stronger than China. If faced with It is not worth mentioning for Europe and America.

The Japanese refer to tanks under ten tons as light, ten to twenty tons as medium, and more than twenty tons as heavy. This is the usual scale and standard for the Japanese army to classify tanks.But as far as European and American standards are concerned, tanks below [-] tons are light tanks. Therefore, the main battle tanks of the Japanese army are actually light. The main technical weaknesses in the comprehensive comparison between them and European and American tanks are the small caliber of the artillery, weak armor, Low tonnage, slow speed, short stroke, etc.This directly led to the low firepower, protection and sustaining power in actual combat. In addition, the Japanese also competed with Europe and the United States in terms of suspension devices, electric and transmission devices, hydraulic and pneumatic devices, machine parts fastness, radio communications, and optical equipment. Significant gaps exist.

This is also one of the main reasons for the annihilation of the Japanese army's tank troops in Nanchang. Facing the anti-tank rifles and anti-aircraft guns of the defenders, the Japanese Type [-] and Type [-] light tanks are like tofu. It was destroyed, and it could not meet the task of covering the infantry assault, let alone the tactical requirements of the armored troops for a quick assault. Moreover, it was extremely difficult for the Japanese army to replenish the tanks, and they could not afford to consume them.

Therefore, after the No.20 No. [-] Mechanized Division of the Japanese Army went to the Sino-Mongolian border, Neiji Okamura was forced to stop the attack on Nanchang in accordance with the first order of the commander-in-chief of the Japanese dispatched army, Hisao Nishio, to prevent China from attacking. Toshizo Nishio, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese dispatch army, under the jurisdiction of the North China Front Army and the Central China Front Army, Terauchi Shouichi and Hata Toshiroku became Nishio Hisao's veritable subordinates, and Okamura Neiji was no exception.

The first thing Nishio Hisao took office was to evaluate the Battle of Nanchang and the entire battle situation in Central China, and coordinate the strategic adjustment of the Kwantung Army, because before the Battle of Nanchang, the Empire only left the No.11 Army as a field attack army , As a result, Okamura Ningji turned a surprise attack into a tough battle, but Nishio Shouzo also knew that there was also a problem with the interference of the headquarters meeting during the period, because the wrath of Emperor Hirohito wanted to completely wipe out Gao Fei's new division, and the surprise attack The siege and reinforcements of the battle turned into a forcible attack, and another piece of iron bone was gnawed. The Central Army did not use the usual tactics of refueling and reinforcements as before, but all the reinforcements were assembled and marched hand in hand.

Hisao Nishio is not an idiot or an idiot, the opportunity for the battle has been lost, and the squadrons on the periphery already have as many as 59 divisions. If the Battle of Nanchang drags on for a week, the squadrons will encircle them from the periphery. The most important thing is The various ministries participating in the war suffered heavy casualties, huge consumption of ammunition, and extremely low morale. Once they were surrounded by the squadrons to break out, they would probably suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, Nishio Shouzo ordered Okamura Ningji to attack immediately and stop, and the various ministries participating in the war took turns to cover and retreat. Cun Ningci's responsibilities will be greatly reduced.

However, Okamura Ningji also knows that his position as the commander of the No.11 Army has come to an end, because Seishiro Itagaki, who valued him quite a lot, has changed from Liu Xiang to the chief of staff of the □□ dispatch army, and is obviously marginalized , and in the battle of Nanchang, his command made repeated mistakes, so that the infantry No.6 triple regiment under the jurisdiction of the infantry No.30 Sixth Brigade of the Sixth Division was wiped out, and the regiment flag was captured by the squadron.

In fact, on the issue of whether to stop the attack in the end, Hisao Nishio has also been communicating with the Imperial Headquarters Meeting, because Hisao Nishio also cannot bear the responsibility for losing the military flag. The continuous high-intensity battles made the troops extremely fatigued, and more than 4 officers and soldiers fell from various departments of the imperial army under the city of Nanchang. The casualties of the Chinese defenders reached a level of [-] to [-]. The Japanese army also understood very well They consumed almost the same ammunition base as the Wuhan Raiders in one battle, which is hard to imagine. Can shells be fired so extravagantly?

If the battle continues, even if Nanchang City is conquered, once the squadrons on the outer line encircle and the troops in the two main directions of Nanchang and Changsha are separated, will they lose a united flag?I am afraid that no one can say for sure. Since there have been cases where infantry regiments have been completely wiped out, the loss of established brigades and even divisions is also a possible problem in tactical theory.

In the end, Nishio Shouzo reported it to the Imperial Council, and the angry Emperor Hirohito arbitrarily said that the infantry No. 20 triple regiment was of useless troops?

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