At 1944:10 on October 15, 18, Gao Fei, in the name of the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Youth Army and the commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, issued an order to cease fire. After completing his plan, Gao Fei was extremely regretful. The number of Chinese expeditionary troops who landed in Japan has reached more than 170 million. The Third Army and the Fourth Army began to enter North Korea under the cover of five armored divisions to accept the surrender of the Japanese army. All belong to my Chinese territory, and Gao Fei also knows that this is just a good wish of his own. %&*";

In order to defeat the Japanese invaders, China paid an unimaginable price, from Guadalcanal Islands to Saipan, Iwo Jima, Guam, Okinawa, Honshu, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Burma, Annan, Indochina, Far East, Korea , The blood of Chinese soldiers was sprinkled everywhere. If the Japanese cannot be completely defeated, then so much blood will be shed in vain. This is the last thing Gao Fei can tolerate.

Shen Yingxiong, as the special governor of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, fulfilled the occupation of Japan and the suppression of armed resistance elements. Song Xilian was the commander of the Chinese occupation force against Japan. The people suffered the most from the Japanese war, and the Chinese Expeditionary Force had the most casualties in the process of repeatedly resisting the Japanese army and landing on the Japanese mainland as a reason to refuse.

The Nanjing National Government said that Chiang Kai-shek would not come forward to negotiate head-on with the allies, but entrusted Gao Fei, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Youth Army and the commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, to come forward. Instead, it can be said that the landing of the Chinese Expeditionary Force on the mainland of Japan is enough to make people weep with joy. People can't even count. %&*";

From the most basic crimes of homicide, genocide, rape, robbery, crimes against humanity, crimes against humanity, murder, extermination, slavery, war crimes, etc., war crimes are violations of the laws or customs of war, such violations include Murder, ill-treatment or deportation of civilians in occupied territories for enslavement or for other purposes, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons at sea, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, destruction of towns or villages or destruction not based on military necessity It is well known that the subjects of war crimes are often committed in the name of the state and state institutions or certain groups and organizations.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 980

The crimes committed against the aggression in China and Southeast Asia are the result of the joint efforts of all Japanese, not by a small group of Japanese, but by an entire Japanese aggressor army of as many as 600 million, and these Japanese aggressors Behind it is the more than [-] million citizens of Japan who are providing full support in the rear. They would rather be hungry to produce weapons to support front-line operations. This is the essence of an inhuman barbaric nation.

During the period from the September 1931th Incident in 1944 to October 10, the Japanese aggressors bombarded, burned, killed and looted the Chinese people indiscriminately, and implemented the notorious "three-all" policy of killing, looting, and burning, and repeatedly attacked the guerrilla areas behind our enemy. Carrying out raids, crusades, conducting public security strengthening campaigns, releasing chemical warfare agents, and arbitrarily arresting our people as laborers are all kinds of crimes. The crimes of the Japanese army are simply too numerous to record. All kinds of crimes committed by the Chinese people, the sons and daughters of China united as one, killed the enemy to serve the country, expel the Japanese aggressors from China with their blood and lives, and finally won the overall victory of the anti-aggression war.

This is a hard-won victory. I don’t know how many good young sons and daughters of the Chinese nation shed their blood for this victory. In Gao Fei’s view, the aggressive nature and ambition of the Japanese must be completely destroyed, even for this It is not hesitating to bear the charge of massacre.

Since the Meiji Restoration in Japan, under the dual effects of feudalism and capitalism, the most direct result of this reform is that Japan has since embarked on the road of no return to militarism. He publicly proposed to inherit the great achievements of the ancestors, open up thousands of miles of waves, and spread the country's prestige in all directions.The founding father of the Meiji government, Yamagata Aritomo, who served successively as Shosuke of the Ministry of War, Daisuke of the Ministry of War, Governor of the Guards, Secretary of the Army, Chief of Staff, and Prime Minister of the Cabinet, tried his best to manipulate power, fueled the flames, advocated a strong military as the foundation of a rich country, and tried to strengthen Militarism uses force to plunder products and sources of wealth to enrich Japan.

In history, Yoshiichi Tanaka, the warlord leader of the Changzhou Faction of the Japanese Army following Ariyama Yamagata, put into practice Aritomo Yamagata’s theory of aggression and expansion, and brought it to the extreme. Yoshiichi Tanaka clearly proposed Japan’s national strategy It is to make Japan get rid of the situation of an island country and become a continental country in order to fully expand its national power. In 1927, as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, he presided over a meeting of proprietors in Tokyo, and concocted the "China Policy Program", advocating to seize the opportunity to seize Northeast China and use it as a base to expand to the mainland.In the notorious "Tanaka Memorial" secretly submitted to the emperor after the meeting, it was officially stated that if you want to conquer China, you must first conquer Manchuria, and if you want to conquer the world, you must first conquer China.If China is completely conquered by me, other foreign nations such as Central Asia Minor, India, and Southeast Asia will fear and respect me and surrender to my strategic conception, pushing Japan's ambition to dominate the world to its peak.

It can be said that Japan was defeated at such a high price. If the essence of its militarism is not completely smashed, then all previous sacrifices and bloodshed will be in vain. Gao Fei ordered Shen Yingxiong to carry out a comprehensive campaign in Japan. Large-scale arrests were made to ensure that a war criminal was arrested. All Japanese troops who had been to China were placed in the [-] concentration camps in Japan, including some armed immigrants from the Pioneering Regiment. They mobilized the Japanese to report and expose. Those who perform meritorious service can be treated leniently, and a group of them will be severely suppressed first, so as to achieve the effect of killing chickens for monkeys to see.

For Song Xilian, Gao Fei’s order was even simpler. He resolutely suppressed some Japanese underground organizations and soldiers of the old Japanese Empire who dared to resist. If the Japanese army was attacked near a certain village in China, they would generally choose to massacre the village for revenge. , the Chinese occupation army can also refer to this method to carry out comprehensive news control, use the famine to control the Japanese, form a Japanese security protection team, use Japanese traitors to infiltrate resistance organizations, expose and search for war criminals, in principle, the Chinese occupation army provides force Support and protection mainly let the Japanese kill the Japanese, and don't give the outside world too obvious handles.

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