Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 981 Compensation and Judgment

Gao Fei’s main focus is on the occupation of Japan. According to legend, the Japanese royal family bribed MacArthur with a large amount of gold, and the key is the documents seized in the Far East, which show that a large amount of jewelry and gold were shipped back to Japan. Lu Guoren was in the Philippines. Compared with the Japanese army's gold reserves found in Southeast Asia, which were less than [-] tons, there is a huge difference compared to the amount of plundered by the Japanese army. Gao Fei must let Emperor Hirohito spit out all the gold reserves, otherwise even if Japan is turned into a slaughterhouse not hesitate. i^

Japan must not be left with the funds that were used to start its rise in history, and the Japanese carried out destructive mining and plunder during the colonial rule of the Northeast. Wait until all of them are shipped back to China, and carry out destructive and complete plundering and mining of some minerals in Japan.

Because according to international practice, every surrender or armistice agreement signed after the war includes the content of war compensation. The amount of compensation paid by the defeated country to the victorious country is often astonishingly large. The Sino-Japanese War ended in history. Afterwards, the victorious Japan took [-] million taels of silver from the defeated Qing government of China in the name of war compensation through the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

In World War II, China, as an important part of the World Anti-Fascist Alliance, paid huge national sacrifices in the 13-year Anti-Japanese War.However, what surprised Gao Fei in history was that after the war, the defeated Japan did not pay compensation to China, one of the main victorious countries. However, the lesser Southeast Asian countries have received compensation to varying degrees. Among them, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Indonesia received compensation of US$900 million, US$[-] million, and US$[-] million respectively. Even the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in southern Vietnam, which was not yet unified Received $[-] million in compensation?

For Gao Fei, the regrets in history are too unimaginable. It can be said that with the announcement of the Japanese emperor's edict on the radio, the sun flag that had been flying domineeringly on the land of China for thirteen years fell to the ground. As an inseparable part of the World Anti-Fascist War, the war finally won. The Chinese Expeditionary Force landed in Japan, killed the Ryukyu Islands including the recovery of Okinawa, and occupied Tokyo, which played a vital role in ending the war. , The Chinese Expeditionary Force fought against 80.00% of the Japanese Army's ground forces, and even fought against 90.00% of the Japanese invasion forces in the Pacific battlefield and landing in Japan. i^ Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 981

In the whole world, China contributed the most to the Anti-Japanese War and also suffered the greatest loss. According to the preliminary incomplete statistics of the Nationalist Government, in this protracted war, the total number of Chinese military and civilian casualties was as high as 500 million. The US dollar equivalent of such losses amounted to more than 700 billion, excluding the losses in the guerrilla areas behind enemy lines and the losses in the four northeastern provinces.

In Gao Fei's view, in the face of such heavy economic losses, it is only natural to ask Japan, the culprit, to pay China war compensation.Historically, the Chinese government’s attitude towards this was quite clear. Wang Shijie, the foreign minister of the Nationalist Government at the time, pointed out when explaining China’s basic policy towards Japan after the war that although China did not advocate narrow retaliation, the issue of reparations should be based on a principle of justice and fairness. Requirements to engage in resolution.For this reason, the Chinese government specially set up an investigation committee, which is responsible for investigating and counting the various human and material losses during the war, so as to file compensation claims against Japan.

Historically, China’s policy of demanding compensation from Japan was consistent with the general policy of the allied countries towards the defeated countries after the war. As early as the Yalta Conference of the leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union, the principle of requiring Germany, Italy, Japan and fascist countries to pay war compensation to the allies was formulated. The compensation should be 200 billion U.S. dollars, of which 100 billion goes to the Soviet Union, 80 billion goes to Britain and the United States, and 20 billion goes to other countries.After the war, the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and the Soviet Union implemented divisional occupation of Germany and established the Allied Control Committee. Germany's compensation was compensated by the removal of industrial facilities from the occupied areas by the Allies.At the same time, the five countries of Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland that followed Germany to fight against the Allies also filed compensation claims.The peace treaty between the allies and the above-mentioned five countries stipulated that Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland should pay [-] million, [-] million, [-] billion, [-] million and [-] million compensation to the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Ethiopia and Greece respectively. Three hundred million U.S. dollars, which is like nectar for countries that are waiting for prosperity after the war.

For Japan, the allies led by the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and China established a compensation committee after Japan surrendered to negotiate Japan's compensation.At the first meeting, the committee unanimously agreed that in order to deprive Japan of its industrial ability to wage war and prevent the revival of militarism, it decided to increase Japan's war compensation.The method is to demolish more than half of Japan's industrial equipment to the war-victim countries as compensation.To this end, each country is instructed to investigate and count the losses during the war separately, so as to specifically determine the compensation plan.

After more than two years of investigation and verification, the allied countries filed claims against Japan, with a total amount of 540 billion U.S. dollars, including China.However, on the issue of how to distribute the compensation, countries have different opinions. The United Kingdom requires 20.00% of the compensation30.00, the United States requires 14.00%14.00, the Soviet Union requires 20.00%, France requires [-]%, and Australia requires [-]%[-], only these countries , not including the requirements of China, which suffered the most, the total distribution ratio has exceeded [-]%. The unprecedented plunder after the Soviet Union entered the Northeast was based on the permission of the United States and Britain at the Yalta Conference.

Historically, China argued at the meeting on the grounds that it suffered the longest and sacrificed the most, and insisted that it should receive 40.00% of the total compensation from Japan. However, all participating countries disagreed. After many consultations, China only agreed that China should account for 30.00% , Since then, the parties have been arguing endlessly about this, and the issue has been dragged on for a long time without being resolved.

At the same time, because the Kuomintang government was busy fighting the civil war, it did not care about the distribution of Japanese compensation.However, the Kuomintang politician Zhang Qun still shouted loudly in his diplomatic report: "We will never give up the compensation we deserve from Japan!" This fully demonstrated the attitude of the Kuomintang government at that time.

Gao Fei remembered that in history, six years after the war, the United States announced the draft peace treaty with Japan and sent an invitation letter to the allied countries to hold the San Francisco Conference, thus bringing the issue of the peace treaty with Japan that had been shelved to the agenda again. Because the world pattern at this moment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

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