Yang Wei went to the financial exchange the next day. In later generations, although his understanding of financial knowledge and stock speculation skills is not as good as those of professional stockholders, it is more than enough for this era. In addition, Yang Wei has a very clear grasp of the history of this era. , he already had the financial vane of this era in his mind, and using his own advantages, Yang Wei was always successful in foreign exchange speculation in Shanghai, and soon doubled the money he got from Huang Jinrong several times.

Using part of the money earned from investing in foreign exchange speculation, Yang Wei rented out both the north and south buildings of the Sixing Warehouse located on the north bank of the Suzhou River in Zhabei.

The four-row warehouse house is 64 meters wide, 54 meters deep, and 25 meters high. Yang Wei suddenly rented such a large house, which confused Xing Jun, Fang Dacheng, Wang Xiao, Li Tiegang, Qian Chengshan and Tieniu. ’ Puzzled, Qian Chengshan couldn’t help asking: “Brother, the ancient Yunguang Mansion sleeps seven feet in ten thousand rooms, why do we need such a big house?”

Yang Wei pursed his lips and smiled. He rented the four-row warehouse for his own magical use. Thinking of his future plans, Yang Wei couldn't help but complacently said: "You will know it when you look at it. By the way, you should go out and walk more these few days Walk around and contact your former buddies, all those who are honest and reliable, strong and strong, will be called back to me."

Fit?Reliable?Several people thought about it for a long time, but they couldn't figure out why Yang Wei wanted such a person.There are a lot of strong and strong men in Shanghai Beach, most of them are masters who can't even eat. On weekdays, there are mountains of people waiting to carry big bags to find business on the pier, and even those low-level jobs They can't even grab them. Those who can be court guards in Liren Chunxiao like them are top-notch jobs, but Yang Wei has no business, so what do you need so many people for?Blood Quenching Mountains and Rivers 42

Yang Wei smiled without saying a word, and only said that Shanren has its own merits, let them all get busy, be careful when selecting candidates, and the most important thing is to never make a fuss about it.

After Xing Jun, Fang Dacheng, Wang Xiao, Li Tiegang, Qian Chengshan, Tieniu and others all went out, Yang Wei sat in the spacious four-row warehouse with a smile on his lips. My home in later generations will be much larger, let alone a tiger tank, with such a big place, I can do whatever I want?Moreover, the more Yang Wei looked at this place, the more he felt that it was a good place to practice.

At this moment, an idea has sprouted in Yang Wei's mind, especially after these several confrontations with Huang Jinrong, Yang Wei is more sure that he must have a team he can trust and have combat effectiveness.

Although Huang Jinrong had a lot of people, he was beaten up after several firefights. What is the reason?It is because although Huang Jinrong has a large number of people, compared with the six brothers he leads, Huang Jinrong's people are full of food.

After all, this is not a front-line battlefield. Alley warfare in the city is about not having a large number of people but focusing on precision. With proper tactics and strong firepower, Huang Jinrong can be repeatedly hit by a wall with just a few people.

If the team grows stronger, wouldn't it be possible to control the entire Shanghai Bund with applause?But now Yang Wei already has enough money and food, so he decided to recruit troops and train a troop of his own.

Regarding how to train his team, Yang Wei has several plans. As early as the beginning of the eighteenth century, rangers and commandos wearing black berets appeared in the North American continent, but because there was no formal organization, they still Belonging to the ordinary army.

Strictly speaking, the first truly special assault elite unit in the history of world wars was the mountain infantry unit and airborne unit of the German Wehrmacht in World War II.

Special forces are highly mobile, adaptable to various environments, able to catch unprepared by surprise, and the characteristics of strong combat effectiveness coincide with Yang Wei's needs. Renting the four-line warehouse will become the basis for him to form his own army. starting point.

With the contacts of Xing Jun, Fang Dacheng, Wang Xiao, Li Tiegang, Qian Chengshan and Tieniu who have been walking in Shanghai for many years, they quickly gathered about 150 people for Yang Wei. Years of hard work made their bodies very strong Strong and powerful, Yang Wei nodded in satisfaction and arranged the crowd.

Although Yang Wei has no personal experience in military training, as a "fan" of World War II history, Yang Wei has already studied the relevant knowledge to a high degree of proficiency. Combining with the characteristics of the times, Yang Wei decided to carry out training based on the "First Guide to the US Army" written by Ballin Steben. Combat training includes soldier training, the correct method of holding and loading a single soldier's weapon, combat training and simulated combat, etc.

The main types of characters in the special forces include assassination and kidnapping, harassment and sabotage, reconnaissance behind enemy lines, intelligence theft, special security guards, anti-subversion, anti-secret agents, anti-sneak attacks, anti-hijacking, etc. Strong physique, viability and mental quality.For this reason, the first step Yang Wei arranged for them was to carry out weight training.

Yang Wei arranged for Xing Jun and Li Tiegang to go to the grain bank to buy five thousand catties of rice. When they were transported back, Tieniu looked at the pile of rice like a hill, his eyes were straightened, and he stammered: "My dear, big brother, When will this be eaten?"

Unexpectedly, Tieniu with a stomach as big as an ox could say such a thing, Yang Wei couldn't laugh or cry: "This is not for eating."

Yang Wei ordered the returned team members to carry [-] catties of rice back and forth between the two warehouses. Although the weight was not up to what they usually bear when carrying goods at the pier, it was fatal to run back and forth. , but for the two yuan a day that Yang Wei paid them, everyone was still very happy to do this work.

For Yang Wei, who is rich and wealthy now, this small amount of money is nothing at all. In comparison, his daily salary of two yuan is just a drop in the bucket.

However, after less than three days of such weight-bearing training, some people raised doubts. When they came, it could be said that they wanted to insure their home country and break out in the world, but after they came, Yang Wei just ordered them to put rice Moved from one warehouse to another, and also sent money, this rich fat boss must have burned his head with a fever, and there is nowhere to spend the money.

In the face of these doubts, Yang Wei just smiled and said: "I can only tell you that what you will do in the future is something different from ordinary people, different from those who live their lives for daily necessities without knowing what they are doing. , you are going to live upright in this world as a man, and stop letting yourself, your parents, wives and children be trampled and bullied by others. All of this can only be won by yourself! If you don’t want to believe me You can leave now, but if you stay, please remember clearly, there are only three things you have to do here, that is, obey, obey, and absolutely obey!"

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