Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 43 Special Outline

After listening to Yang Wei's ambitious words, some who couldn't hold on took the money and turned away on the spot, and some whose physical fitness was far below the standard were persuaded by Yang Wei. After all, part of physical fitness is Originated from innate inheritance, it is difficult to meet the requirements even after strengthening training the day after tomorrow, especially in terms of flexibility.

In the next few days, Yang Wei arranged for these people to get up early and run along the Suzhou Creek every day, and continue to carry out weight training every day when the sun was shining. In the afternoon, he arranged for the boxers invited by Yang Wei to train them in hand-to-hand combat and dagger fighting. .

Hand-to-hand combat is a must-have training for any special forces. It has continued from the era of cold weapons to later generations. Although with the development of science and technology, weapons have gradually replaced hand-to-hand combat, this training item is irreplaceable by any training .On the one hand, unarmed combat can train the physique of special forces, on the other hand, it can train the psychological quality of special forces in fighting, and improve their ability to deal with special situations.

The bayonet was one of the most widely used weapons before World War II. Yang Wei prepared a wooden stick for each of them according to the training method of the American special forces, which was the same length as the Japanese [-]-type rifle equipped with a bayonet. The end of the "" represents the bayonet, and the end painted with "black" represents the butt of the gun.

Yang Wei, Xing Jun, Fang Dacheng, Li Tiegang, Wang Xiao, Qian Chengshan, Tieniu and others held a wooden stick tied with a steel ring, and then came to any soldier and raised the wooden stick. Pierce the steel ring with the red end representing the bayonet to train agility and the ability to control uncertain situations.Blood Quenching Mountains and Rivers 43

In addition, Yang Wei will also arrange them to form a group of two to fight each other to train their actual combat ability, or divide them into small groups to fight each other to achieve the purpose of cultivating team fighting spirit in the small group.

After practicing like this for a few days, the people under his command more or less guessed Yang Wei's intentions. In their guess, Yang Wei was probably a new warlord. It is not surprising that similar small warlords are common in this era.It's just that everyone inevitably complained, and complained one after another: "Now it's all fast guns and cannons, and we still show bayonets to others. The bullets of machine guns are like splashing water. Bayonets are useful for birds?"

Regarding their complaints, Yang Wei was noncommittal, and continued to train according to his own combat training policy. In addition to the original training items before, Yang Wei began to enter the actual combat training system. The ground is only [-] centimeters, which is used for low-profile crawling training, and the other layer is [-] centimeters, which is used for training high-profile crawling and sideways crawling.

After a whole day of intense training, they have to come back to practice low-profile crawling at night, and everyone will inevitably complain.

"What's the use of practicing this kind of thing? I haven't heard of anyone lying on the ground to defend their home and country."

"I'm not a mouse, how about going into a mouse hole after practice?"

"Okay, you can climb as long as you want, anyway, you can make money, it's much better than being a porter at the dock."

Sitting on the high platform built at one side, Yang Wei squinted his eyes and frowned at the lazily crawling people below, then cleared his throat and said: "Everything you do now is for the future in times of crisis. prepared."

A lazy voice came from somewhere below and said: "What dangers can we encounter? When we encounter them, we can just learn how to crawl like a dog?"

Before the words were finished, a gunshot exploded in the empty warehouse. Everyone panicked and looked up and wanted to run away, but they grinned in pain when their flesh was caught by the wire on the low pile net above their heads.

"Have you heard it?" Yang Wei held a German Mauser pistol in his hand, and the gun was still pointed at everyone, and he said calmly: "This is the danger you may encounter in the future, you should know now Why do you have to practice low-profile crawling? Give me some energy!"

Xing Jun, who was standing aside, also turned pale with shock at the moment, and said in a panic: "Brother, did you really shoot?"

Yang Wei didn't even look at Xing Jun, and said indifferently: "We must let them feel the cruelty of the battlefield so that they will not run away. This is called training to fight, fighting to train, and training in battle."

Yang Wei fired the gun while talking, and the bullet rushed out from the muzzle of the gun, and went straight to the low pile net. At this moment, everyone changed their laziness just now, lowered their bodies desperately and crawled forward quickly under the low pile net.

Since the wars conducted by special forces are often characterized by small-scale, irregular, and high-tech, there are corresponding requirements for non-linear, non-contact, and informal combat training. Under extremely strict selection layers, Yang Wei finally stayed. A group of people who satisfied him most.

And began to teach firearms usage skills and combat methods, training them to be familiar with and make good use of combat tools, according to Yang Wei's German Mauser pistol, m1911b semi-automatic pistol, American Thomson m1923 submachine gun, American m1903s rifle, American Bo Ronning bar heavy-barreled rifle, 18-type rifle, German-made m[-] long-handled grenade, British-made long-leg landmine, and Japanese [-]-type grenade for learning and training. If you can use these weapons proficiently, you can ensure that your combat capabilities far exceed those of the same period. ordinary warlord army.

However, since Yang Wei's training was carried out in secret, and due to the lack of supplies, they could only use substitutes to practice, such as using empty cans instead of ammunition clips, and small bags of flour instead of grenades. Xingxing hoped for the moon to "touch" the weapon, and complained to Yang Wei with a bitter face: "Brother, isn't it too shabby for us to practice with this thing?"

Yang Wei snorted and said: "If you have this, you can secretly enjoy it. When resources are tight, you can have these things to practice. You are doing well. How hard is it to find a job now? Don't you have a good skill?"

However, although Yang Wei's training was conducted in secret, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and some news still leaked out, and some of it reached Huang Jinrong's ears.Blood Quenching Mountains and Rivers 43

After the French Concession Chief Inspector Harff's family was destroyed, Huang Jinrong gave up the idea of ​​revenge on Yang Wei, for fear of harming himself, but Huang Jinrong still sent someone to secretly inquire about Yang Wei's actions, but he was very curious about Yang Wei's behavior, and moved rice?Recruit coolies?Does Yang Wei want to do grain and oil business?

This is impossible. Based on Huang Jinrong's understanding of Yang Wei's behavior style, he would never do such a small business. Besides, Huang Jinrong heard that Yang Wei made a lot of money in the financial market. Putting money on ordinary people is enough to eat and drink for a few lifetimes, so how could it be possible to turn around and do small business?

Huang Jinrong immediately became vigilant in his heart. With so many years of experience and knowledge, he has long understood a truth. It is impossible for anyone in this world to do anything without a reason. Often things that seem to have no reason erupt. The more shocking it is, especially for Yang Wei who doesn't play cards according to common sense.

Huang Jinrong can conclude that Yang Wei's ongoing matter may cause another disturbance in Shanghai Bund.

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