The Yang Wei in front of her finally made Asiya feel a little afraid. She suddenly discovered that this man also had a daunting side, not when his expression was weird, but on the contrary, it was precisely when his expression appeared unfathomable. People dare not approach.Please use to visit this site.

Yang Wei said with a serious expression: "I have heard about you, but I have to clarify some things to you. Although some of these things are hard to explain, I can only tell you that your father is not here. In our military camp, on the contrary, your father was taken away by the local government."

Speaking of this, Yang Wei looked at Asia meaningfully and said, "That is to say, your enemy is also our enemy."

Assia stared at Yang Wei. For some reason, his eyes were very sure and full of complicated meanings. Such a deterrent force made Assia not know what to say for a while. Knowing where she had gone, the irrational words seemed to have lost all their effectiveness in front of Yang Wei. Assia pursed her lips, lowered her head slowly, and said in a low voice, "You didn't lie to me?"

Yang Wei smiled and said: "I don't need to lie to you, what's more, if my subordinates really did that kind of thing, they can treat you the same way they treated your father, why should they treat your wounds again?" ?”[

Assia looked at the scars on her leg intently. At this time, Assia quietly recalled the moment when her father Huba was taken away. After thinking about it, the soldiers in Yang Wei's army were indeed the same as those who appeared that day. Soldiers are quite different.

Wanting revenge but finding the wrong partner, and making so many jokes by accident, Assia suddenly felt very sad. She thought she could save her father this time, but after a lot of twists and turns, all It was a futile effort. Thinking of this, Assia suddenly felt wronged, and couldn't help crying in a low voice.

Looking at Assia, who was full of tears, Yang Wei, who was not good at comforting women, felt a headache and didn't know what to do. Women are even more difficult to deal with than enemies. Yang Wei endured it uncomfortably for a long time, Then he opened his mouth and whispered: "It's no use crying."

Asiya raised her head, looked fiercely at Yang Wei and said, "Then what do you say is useful? What does your war have to do with my father? Why do you involve ordinary people? Don't you have any relatives? You don't." emotion?"

Being so reprimanded by Asiya, Yang Wei felt a little wronged in his heart, and he was excited for a while: "Everything in the world has emotions, even animals have deep feelings, let alone people? It is precisely because I don't want people to live in In dire straits, we had no choice but to take up our guns and face the enemy! My soldiers, they all have parents, relatives, wives and children at home waiting for them to return as soon as possible, but if they all leave, who will protect the people of one side? ?Who will put down the peace of the world? In my military camp, no one wants to see civilians being involved in the war. The so-called peace in your mouth must be based on the most basic morality. However, for the beasts, The only way to fight is with guns!"

For Yang Wei's impassioned words, Asiya was stunned but half-understood. However, Yang Wei's expression shocked Asiya. She looked at Yang Wei, and her eyes could not help revealing With a little admiration, he looked at Yang Wei hesitantly, and asked tentatively: "But, since you are fighting for the people, what about us? My father, is he not one of the thousands of people?"

After calming down, Yang Wei took a deep breath, sighed softly and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way to rescue your father."

For some reason, Assia firmly believed in Yang Wei's words, whether it was his unwavering gaze or firm tone that dispelled all of Assia's hesitation, but Assia didn't know that Yang Wei at this time He was also trapped in many difficulties, and fighting against Sheng Shicai was indeed not as simple as imagined.

Just when Yang Wei was in trouble, Fang Shaohua stepped into the tent. It was early morning, and the sky in the distance was already glowing faintly. Enter without leaving the door.

Looking at Asiya sitting by the bed, Fang Shaohua's eyes hesitated a little, then he turned his head to look at Yang Wei, Yang Wei waved his hand, and after some conversation, he knew that Asiya was just a young girl who didn't know much about the world. Fang Shaohua made an unavoidable look, and then Fang Shaohua came to face Yang Wei and said softly: "Commander, the soldiers are not in a good condition."

During the stalemate in the past few days, Yang Wei's troops were short of food and grass, coupled with the dry weather, many soldiers had already become dehydrated. If this stalemate continues, it will be no different from waiting to die. I think Sheng Shicai plans to do the same, so it will continue , in order to wait until Yang Wei's troops have no resistance and then attack them in one fell swoop.

For several days, Fang Shaohua was making the same plan, and now he has to say that Fang Shaohua took off his glasses, looked at Yang Wei with a solemn expression, and said, "Commander, if we don't go to war again, we will Given the current situation of the military, the development of the situation may not be as expected."

Fang Shaohua's words were already very conservative, Yang Wei naturally understood the meaning of his words, it seemed that he was the only one who thought this way.

But when the two of them considered the situation and discussed the countermeasures, Assia stood up abruptly and stood between Yang Wei and Fang Shaohua. Assia held Yang Wei's sleeves tightly with both hands, and looked at Yang Wei anxiously. Yang Wei said: "Are you going to start a war? But didn't you say that my father was captured by your enemies? If there is a war, wouldn't they die too?"

The battlefield is like fire and water. Although Asiya doesn't understand strategy, the meaning of war is still very deep in her heart. If there is a real war, those who captured her father will definitely not care about their lives. It can be said that, When Yang Wei declared war, didn't he also declare that his father's death was imminent?

No matter what, Asiya had to thwart Yang Wei's plan to start a war. The young Asiya was so anxious that she was about to fall off. She sternly said in a threatening tone: "You can't go to war! Otherwise... I will die in front of you now !"

The childish words made Yang Wei dumbfounded. He did save Asiya's life, but caring about her life didn't mean her life was very important to Yang Wei, at least not as important as the lives of so many soldiers in the army. However, looking at Assia's swearing expression, Yang Wei didn't know what to do for a while, and said in every possible way: "Then what do you say? Let the soldiers under my command just wait to die like this?"

Asiya's eyes were anxious but at a loss. After thinking for a while, Asiya's face suddenly showed a gleam of joy. She looked at Yang Wei and said, "I have a solution! Aren't you short of food and grass? This method of mine can not only Rescue Dad, and solve your food and grass problem!"

Yang Wei looked at Asiya dubiously. It was indeed a question for Yang Wei whether the method proposed by a mere weak woman was worth trusting, but after hearing Asiya's method, Yang Wei actually smiled, He patted Asiya's shoulder appreciatively and said, "That's right, this method is indeed worth a try. I'll send someone to take you to the vicinity of the enemy's garrison later!"--[

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