Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 464 A Ballad Turns the World

In Sheng Shicai's camp, the soldiers gathered together in small groups to chat, and what's more, they secretly gathered together to gamble.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

Sheng Shicai, who was upset, simply turned a blind eye to this. In this desert, passing the day is indeed a very chatty thing, but at this time, Sheng Shicai did nothing because of his restlessness. Feeling.

Waiting without a definite time, or even a definite result, is an extremely labor-intensive thing. It is said that Yang Wei's troops have already begun to kill camels, and it will be a matter of time before they run out of food, but after waiting for two days in a row, Sheng Shicai still Did not wait for any abnormalities.

The moonlight crept into the tent quietly, and the end of another day meant another long day of waiting. Sheng Shicai yawned and stood up from the tent. He felt very disgusted by wasting time in the desert, and even had the prospect of starting a war. Thoughts, but are still hesitating because they are worried that the best time will not come.

Just when the disturbed Sheng Shi was about to lie down and rest, there was a sudden melodious singing from outside the door. The girl's voice was as clear as a lark, twisting and turning straight to the sky, floating in the vast desert. The soldiers in Cai's army were all amazed and confused by the singing. They looked at each other and didn't know where the singing came from. Where would any girl enter the desert? [

Under the unreasonable circumstances, this singing sound actually revealed a kind of weirdness, which made people feel uncomfortable all over.

The melody of Qingling was accompanied by whispered lyrics. The soldiers couldn't understand the language and looked at each other in confusion, but they couldn't understand the meaning of the lyrics. When everyone was puzzled, they only heard the words on the edge of the station, Dozens of camels that had been lying quietly on weekdays suddenly hissed, and before Sheng Shicai and others could react, the camels suddenly got up from the ground, and a dozen camel drivers turned over and climbed up. After the camels came out, with a sharp cry and the sound of hooves trampling the sand, dozens of camels rushed out of the station inexplicably!

It was too late when the soldiers got up to chase, and naturally they could not catch up with the camels running wildly with their feet alone. Stop - if it hits the gunpowder and causes an explosion, such a result is definitely not something anyone can afford. In the desert, there is no supply of any resources, which is far more precious than other situations.

However, there was no hesitation on Sheng Shicai's face. He snatched the Mauser pistol from the soldier beside him, aimed at the camel caravan and fired repeatedly, and the adjutant on the side quickly exclaimed: "Dutong! If the explosive explodes But there is nothing left!"

When the adjutant said this, Sheng Shicai had already put down his gun, not because he was awakened by the words, but because the running camel had already rushed out of range.

Sheng Shicai gritted his teeth with a gloomy face and said, "This is all a trick played by Yang Wei. Rather than letting him snatch the gunpowder, it would be more enjoyable to detonate it yourself."

Sheng Shicai was more certain about Yang Wei's tricks, but this move was too sinister and vicious, Sheng Shicai's face was livid, and he ordered: "Everyone prepare, we will start the battle in the early morning!"

Sheng Shicai's order was unquestionable, and the soldiers who still didn't know the truth got up one after another and started busy preparations.

At the same time, Yang Wei's camp was also busy.

At the beginning, Asiya had sworn to Yang Wei that her method would definitely work, but regarding this point, Yang Wei always had some hesitation in his heart. Can he defeat Sheng Shicai with such a simple method?This was something that Yang Wei had never thought of before, nor did he even dare to think about it.

But while Yang Wei was waiting anxiously, the sound of the camel bell was approaching from far to near. In the vast night, the lantern was flickering with spots of light, like stars flying over, the light changed from small to large, and finally stopped in front of Yang Wei quickly. , dozens of camels and a dozen camel drivers have returned to Yang Wei's camp under the leadership of Asiya. Not only that, they also brought a large amount of weapons and food.

In the battle for water and food between Yang Wei and Sheng Shicai, Yang Wei's victory has been announced by the fruitful results.

The soldiers came forward to receive the food, and the quartermaster distributed the food to the companies at all levels. The marching stove had already been waiting, like a big mouth, Yang Wei waved his hand and said proudly: "Even if you are full today !"

The camp was filled with joy and excitement. Yang Wei brought Asiya, Huba and other camel drivers into a tent. Looking at Yang Wei who was filled with joy, Asiya proudly said: "This ballad is ours. Ergan Town has passed down the ditty for more than ten generations, I said earlier that it will definitely work!"

Huba couldn't help laughing and patted Asiya on the head, "My Asiya is still the smartest. If you hadn't changed the lyrics and told me the situation, we wouldn't dare to act rashly!"

It turned out that Asiya changed the lyrics of the folk song and told Huba and others how to escape in a Uighur ballad. Originally, Huba and others also thought about escaping, but due to Sheng Shicai's military force, they did not dare to act recklessly. And after these camel drivers learned that Yang Wei's troops were approaching not far away, they all braved up and made preparations, and then fled back together with Asiya.

Looking at Asiya's complacent look, Yang Wei felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He didn't expect that the tens of thousands of armies on both sides could be at a stalemate for many days, but a young girl like Asiya could solve it effortlessly. This made Yang Wei I feel very strange.

After introducing several people into the tent, Huba bowed his body to express his gratitude to Yang Wei. At the same time, after learning about the relationship between Asiya and Yang Wei's army, he couldn't help bowing and apologizing for his daughter. Yang Wei quickly helped Huba Standing up, he waved his hands nonchalantly and said: "If you think about it, you're not acquainted with each other. If it weren't for Asiya, the situation would never be resolved so easily. But I can't keep you for too long. The war is about to start, and this place is not suitable for you." Stay for a long time, after you have a bite of food, go back quickly."

Hu Ba insisted on staying to help Yang Wei, and Fang Shaohua at the side also looked puzzled. If Hu Ba and the others were allowed to leave like this, the transportation of weapons, food and grass for the troops would still be a big problem, but Yang Wei had a plan in mind. [

The code received by the radio station this morning made Yang Wei feel relieved, and all the worries he had been worrying over the past few days disappeared. Yang Wei looked at the direction of Sheng Shicai's army with complacency.

Yang Wei has been waiting for this day for too long, he can't wait long ago, he doesn't know where the impulse and blood are gushing out from somewhere in his body, making him can't wait to usher in this battle.

In the garrison, the meals were ready, and the soldiers were feasting. Everyone had serious expressions on their faces. Apart from joy, they also knew what the meal meant. Fear, but like Yang Wei, gearing up for the upcoming war eager to try.

Just as the stars were gradually dissipating in the dim sky, Yang Wei sent someone to send Huba and a group of camel drivers away, and came to the center of the station in person, looking at the soldiers who were ready to go, he said loudly: "This day I have waited for too long, and I believe you are the same, since you have already eaten and drank enough, don’t be stingy, and kill all kinds of people, do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

A roar that rushed up to the sky made Sheng Shicai, who was dozens of miles away, suddenly tremble. --

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