The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 207 The Edge of Destruction

"Unfortunately, son, you are a bit unlucky, but someone will take care of you. Sooner or later, you will enter the Shenzhou Xianyuan for further studies, but this time, the son came to the mainland of China because the Shenzhou Xianyuan accepted the first disciple of Mantuo Island. , Xue Mengyao is an official disciple, and the young master is specially planning to go to Mantuo Island to meet Xue Mengyao!"

"Xue Mengyao? It is rumored that she is No.1 in the Heavenly Wonderland? She is the number one disciple of Manduo Island for ten thousand years, but compared to many geniuses, she is not outstanding at all, and the fairy courtyard only accepts disciples of immortals. Isn't Xue Mengyao in the Heavenly Wonderland?" ?”

"You guys don't know that although Xue Mengyao is in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, she can kill the third-tier powerhouse of the Immortal. In the history of the Chinese mainland, how many people can there be, that's why she was admitted by the Immortal Academy. Now Mantuo Island has hosted a feast for everyone. Sect, go to watch the ceremony a year later, and it is rumored that on that day, there will be an envoy from Shenzhou Xianyuan, this kind of ceremony, only thousands of years ago, Ditian ascended to Xianyuan to have the honor!"

The ten people exclaimed repeatedly, and after some discussion, they all exclaimed Xue Mengyao's genius and status, and left the matter of Ye Yun behind.

"Xue Mengyao...?"

Ye Yun, who was hiding in the void, moved his body, and shot out a burst of courage in his heart, which almost caused the space to vibrate. He adjusted his breathing, a sneer flashed across his eyes, and shadows swayed in his pupils: "What a Xue Mengyao, use me! With the Hengjing Immortal Jade, plus she owns a piece of it herself, I am afraid her strength will be several times stronger than before."

I never expected to get news about Xue Mengyao from the master of the Lan Fengzong. Xue Mengyao made Ye Yun really want to kill. This kind of character is hateful and hateful, but Xue Mengyao makes Ye Yun really hate it .

"Master Xingyuan? Could it be 'Zhai Xingyuan' who is known as the number one genius of Lanfengzong?"

With a thought in Ye Yun's mind, when he was with Xue Mengyao, he heard her mention almost all the geniuses in Shenzhou. In Beihai, there are many talented disciples from the big sects, but very few of them can join the Haoyue League. Zhai Xingyuan is one of the few super figures in Beihai who joined the Haoyue League and became the deputy leader of the Haoyue League.

Rumor has it that Zhai Xingyuan has already cultivated to the sixth level of human immortality, and he is one of the few supreme elders of the Lanfeng Sect who has cultivated to a high level of human immortality in less than ten thousand years. Later, he joined the Haoyue League, and his fame soared day by day, and everyone in the world knows it.

"The sixth level of human immortality... Zhai Xingyuan is a super genius and supreme existence in the mainland of China. He actually went to the Taixing plane and had to pass the assessment of the Shenzhou fairy courtyard to become a student of the fairy courtyard. It seems that the three major fairy courtyards select students, no Generally strict!"

"Compared to Zhai Xingyuan, Xue Mengyao was exempted from the assessment and was directly recruited by the fairy courtyard, and was treated the same as Ditian. It seems that Mantuo Island will exist shoulder to shoulder with the Shenzhou Gate in the Shenzhou Continent. Xue Mengyao, from me How can there be such a cheap thing to win luck, I'm going to see how powerful your cultivation has become after stealing the constant crystal jade! Hmph!" The true energy in Ye Yun's body was blowing like a gust of wind, and the snow was churning , Roaring wildly.

"Everyone, pay more attention to this person. If you do something for the young master, once it is done, it will make you look good for the young master. Naturally, we will not lose the benefits!"

The two fifth-tier tycoons said with great momentum that they are completely superior to anyone else, and they are full of confidence.

"Want to catch me... daydreaming, but Xue Mengyao didn't tell Haoyue League my identity, otherwise, they would have found Ziyu Continent long ago!"

Ye Yun calmed down, the past with Xue Mengyao appeared in his mind, let the Buddha go, everything is gone.

Mysterious Xiaojie is currently being attacked by Lanfeng Sect in turn. Day after day, in Mysterious Xiaojie, hundreds of thousands of disciples have died, most of them are exhausted and dying. Ling died aggrieved, and as the power of the supporting formation was exhausted, the power of the Xiaoxuanjie formation was already like a layer of water, and it was about to disappear at any time.

Seeing that the time to break it is coming, the disciples of the Lanfeng Sect hold back their energy and go all out. The power is like a frightened bird, gathering in the void, turning into an invincible cannon, bombarding Xiaoxuanjie, boom, Xiaoxuan The world was almost about to disappear under the tyrannical force, but it barely avoided it again.

About eight days later, the ten giants of the Lanfeng Sect flew out one by one, floating in the void, looking at the crumbling Xiaoxuanjie and preparing to strike.

"Worthy of being a strong human immortal... I have already sensed that the power of Mysterious Xiaojie has been exhausted, and it can be broken at any time. The Xuanwu Gate, the day of destruction, has finally come!"

A touch of origin gradually drifts in the void, and Ye Yun, who is hidden in the void, perfectly uses the Shenluo domain to hide himself, ready to strike at any time.

"Xiaoxuanjie will disappear soon, the ten square formations will attack at the same time!"

Seeing that Mysterious Xiaojie hadn't disappeared yet, a strong human immortal waved his sleeves, forming a total of ten square formations, nine hundred disciples of Lan Fengzong formed a huge combined square formation, and released a blow of destruction together. , seemed to have seen the destruction, trembling and moaning in a low voice.

"We're fucked!"

Nearly [-] disciples in Mysterious Xiaojie were speechless and full of anger. When they saw the final blow, they instantly understood that their insignificant lives would also be destroyed along with Mysterious Xiaojie. In the end, they were killed one by one by Lan Fengzong. Confusion, despair, and hatred filled the air one by one.


A gigantic golden column of power, hundreds of feet long, condensed the strength of nine hundred celestial beings. With a terrifying blow, like an ancient beast equal to the sky, it suddenly collapsed towards Mysterious Xiaojie. The little Mysterious Xiaojie was trembling. Sure enough, The golden beam of light bombarded the Mysterious Small World, a gap appeared instantly, and the formations of the Mysterious Small World were peeled off inch by inch and disappeared.


The five thousand heavenly immortals and immortal disciples of the Lanfeng Sect rushed towards the gap in the Mysterious Small World, one after the other, one after the other, and once they entered the Mysterious Small World, they attacked with one attack, no matter whether it was a person or a thing, everything would be destroyed , the disciple of Lanfeng Sect, is simply red-eyed.

"As expected of the Xuanwu Sect with more than [-] years of perseverance, the space of Mysterious Xiaojie did not shatter immediately, which shows how much energy was spent. Brother Xiao, you led all the elders into the Xuanwumen of Xiaoxuan, captured Xuantian Zu, and the Hengjing Immortal Jade , I am protecting the law outside!"

One of the two fifth-rank powerhouses among the ten immortals of the Lanfeng Sect, the stooped old man saluted the old man next to him.

The fifth-rank old man surnamed Xiao nodded: "Brother Yuan, we should cooperate internally and externally. We still have to be careful of Xuantianzu. Although this person is half-immortal, he is very cunning. Don't let him escape. Everyone, follow me in!"


Of the ten human immortal giants, only this thin, eighty-year-old old man was left behind. Another short, gray-haired strong man led the nine immortals and flew into Mysterious Xiaojie in an instant. The breach in the mysterious world still hasn't healed, and countless other cracks are extending inch by inch.

"Lan Fengzong is cautious, especially this fifth-level powerhouse surnamed Yuan, who has a very strong aura, but his life energy is decreasing. It seems that if he does not break through to the fifth-level human immortal within a thousand years, he will turn into a pile of loess. This kind of character, the Wannian Jing who has lived for no less than ten thousand years, this kind of strong man is not used by me, it is too violent, now that Taiyi City has just been built, and the Purple Jade Continent will be unified in the near future, there is a shortage of manpower, okay, I accept all the giants of the Lanfeng Sect, including all the disciples of the Lanfeng Sect and Xuanwu Sect!"

Coming to the side of Xiaoxuanjie, Ye Yun suddenly had an incredible thought in his heart, if he gathered all the five thousand celestial disciples of the Lanfeng Sect, the ten strong human immortals, and the nearly [-] disciples of the Xuanwu Sect, wouldn't it be necessary? Build a second-class power.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun smiled broadly, ignored the old man surnamed Yuan, and immediately followed a shattering force, and slowly entered the Mysterious Xiaojie.

"Huh? The immortal giant is missing?"

As soon as Ye Yun entered the void that was about to collapse in the Mysterious Xiaojie, he couldn't feel the aura of the strong human immortal. He released his divine sense instantly, and felt that the nine strong immortals flew towards the center of the Mysterious Xiaojie. Ye Yun was cold. With a sneer: "It seems that they went directly to Hengjing Xianyu and Xuantianzu. They are not here, and they are giving me the opportunity to recruit disciples from two factions. I don't want so many monks to disappear along with Mysterious Xiaojie. It works best for me!"

The figure flashed down like a shadow, and immediately saw a large number of disciples of the Heavenly Immortals of the Lanfeng Sect, chasing and killing the disciples of the Xuanwu Sect. The opponents died tragically one by one.

"Shinra Domain!"

Ye Yun suddenly condensed his true energy, his pupils shone with a faint sacred light, and then, suddenly burst out, like the sun shining on the world, and instantly swept across a large void with lightning speed, countless Xuanwumen disciples, Lanfengzong disciples, Whether it is an earth immortal or an immortal, they are all sucked into the void by a force along with the divine light, and disappear.

"what happened?"

In the blink of an eye, a large group of disciples disappeared. Many celestial beings of the Lanfeng Sect found something was wrong, but before they could react, they were strangely absorbed into the void.

There are nearly 10 disciples from the Xuanwu Sect and the Lanfeng Sect, scattered in various spaces in the Xiaoxuan Realm, but they all disappeared like autumn leaves, not a single one was left, not even a corpse. And this abnormality has not been discovered by anyone. Now that the strong men of the two sects are concentrated in the center of the formation, they will not pay attention to these soldiers.

"Good guy, Wuqianlan Wind Sect Supreme, Immortal Disciple... Entering the Shenluo Domain, with your strength, you still want to resist, wishful thinking, want to kill Qi Yan!"

Collecting everyone, Ye Yun immediately felt a surging force attacking the crystal wall of the Shenluo domain, and the domineering power of the divine sense was swept away. Immediately, the golden silk rain sword formation in the domain was triggered, and sword energy swept past, more than 100 angels The disciple turned into a dead body, and then burned into a piece of ashes.

"Everyone, be honest with him, whoever dares to resist, these will be the end!"

Yuanshen issued a breath-taking, terrifying aura of overwhelming Mount Tai, and the sound resounded in all directions. Everyone, no matter whether they were heavenly or earthly immortals, was so stunned that they fainted one by one.

"Sure enough, there are quite a few acquaintances. Bai Fan, Yan Wubing, and all the celestial powerhouses of the Bai family are there. Hua Tianci and Taoist Tianhong are also sucked in!"

Ye Yun withdrew his divine thoughts, the Shenluo domain became quiet, and everyone trapped was stunned and fell into a deep sleep. Ye Yun stared at Xiaoxuanjie: "Damn it, I don't see any treasures, it seems that Xuantianzu took them away long ago." !"

"Huh? Fighting?"

Mysterious Xiaojie was shaken again, this time from the inside to the outside, the destructive force swept through all the space inside Mysterious Xiaojie, and all matter was turned into dust. If the hundred thousand disciples of Xuanwu Sect hadn’t been sucked into the Shenluo Domain just now, I’m afraid this time They are all going to die, and even most of the five thousand disciples of the Lanfeng Sect will die.

The power of the human fairyland, a mere five thousand celestial beings, how can they resist.

"It's better not to get close to the inside, just in case Xuan Tianzu has something against the sky, so as not to cause disaster!"

Ye Yun remained motionless, floating in the destructive storm, slowly released his divine thoughts, and gradually dispersed towards the interior of Mysterious Xiaojie, taking a panoramic view of everything.

"Haha, Xuantianzu, surrender!"

In a crystal void, the nine masters of the Lanfeng Sect surrounded this space tightly, and three of them had just withdrawn their power. It seemed that these three were the ones who released the power that was destroyed just now.

Deep in the center, a thousand meters away from the Nine Great Immortals, there is a void filled with black air. Xuan Tianzu and thirty or so elders are guarding in front of the Constant Crystal Jade, using the power of the Constant Crystal Jade to fight The Nine Masters and Immortals fought against each other, but everyone, including Xuan Tianzu, looked very embarrassed.

Xuantianzu adjusted his breathing lightly, and used the power of Yin Lao to control the entire black void. It seemed that the void they were in was different from the Mysterious Small World. Xuantianzu snorted disdainfully: "Let's fight to the death, come on!"

"Hmph, since you want to seek death, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Two first-level human immortals and two second-level human immortals, a total of four people gathered together, one more person than the three people just now. Four human immortals are enough to destroy Mysterious Xiaojie.

"The heavens and the earth are lawless, destroying the universe!"

The four immortals suddenly raised their right hands high and snapped their fingers to the void. In an instant, a destructive and scorching power surpassed that of the heavenly immortals. It was the black flame power of absolute human beings. It was thousands of meters long and slowly formed in the void. Now, the power of the entire Mysterious Small World suddenly weakened and began to disintegrate.

Mysterious Xiaojie, at this moment, ushered in disintegration.

"Heisha Real Fire... Yes, it is the Heisha True Fire in the Heisha Spirit Gourd!" Ye Yun felt the black flame in the distance and sighed in surprise.

"It's the true fire of Lan Fengzong Heisha...Damn it!"

Including Xuantianzu, all the Yin elders were shocked and speechless for a moment. The existence of Heisha True Fire, which surpasses human immortals, once it descends, the Mysterious Small World will disappear. Within a short time, the time and space in the depths of the Mysterious Small World suddenly became black and dim, and a wave of the original power of the mainland of China was tightly protected in the depths.

"Xuantianzu, it's time to end!"

Outside Xiaoxuan Realm, the old man surnamed Yuan had no expression on his face, and his surprised eyes seemed to see through the depths of the pitch blackness.

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