"Damn... Who is it... It must be the work of Lanfengzong, Lanfengzong, my Xuantian ancestor will let you destroy one day..."

Mysterious Xiaojie disappeared like a mass of paste in a black storm, and all matter sank with the storm, but Xuantian Zu's hysterical and gloomy roar came from the depths of the abyss.

The Xuanwu Sect was established 3 years ago, and many strong men built it from generation to generation, but today, it has fallen. The sect master Xuantianzu, who has always been mysterious, left his avatar in the Xuanwu Sect, and the real body disappeared with all the secrets. I don't know where his real body is, but one thing is certain, his real body has been cultivated to the level of a fairyland.

As expected of the Lord of the Continent, apart from the three kings of the Broken Sword Mountain Range, only Xuantian Zu has cultivated to the Immortal Realm, no wonder Lan Fengzong is so cautious about Xuantian Zu.

With the sinking of the Mysterious Xiaojie, the fragmented matter was sucked into the black area, and the Mysterious Xiaojie disappeared, revealing the dark ruins. The majestic Xuanwu Gate has long since passed away, leaving only the thousand-year-old ruins without a blade of grass.

There is nothing in the empty ruined land, and it is terribly quiet. From time to time, gusts of wind blow by, blowing up bursts of loess and ashes, all over the sky and everywhere, filled with a faint loneliness of thousands of years.


There was a circle of fluctuations in the void, and five figures burst out of the air. It was Ye Yun, Zhang Kun, Xiao Huan, and two human immortal fourth-level powerhouses. Seeing everything disappear, Zhang Kun said with lingering fear: "Xuantianzu, It's really tricky, it's hard to deal with, this move is so ruthless!"

"Too underestimate Xuan Tianzu. This person's deity has already left, and the clone under him has fought to the death. Moreover, he has cultivated into a fairyland. It seems that the level is not low. Once this person finds traces, he must be killed, otherwise he will be breeding tigers!" It was all over, but it brought many surprises to Ye Yun. Lan Fengzong, who had been eyeing him, finally fell into a big somersault under Xuantianzu's careful layout.

"Ye Yun... is even scarier than the rumors. No wonder the king of the underground ghost city and the Haoyue League are looking for him. This person's strength is unbelievable. The second level of heavenly immortal can fight against the fifth level of human immortal. Moreover, he is not afraid of time and space. With the power of space, even I will be swept away by the power of the black no-region space, but he is strolling in the black no-region space..."

Xiao Huan, the fifth-level powerhouse of the Lanfeng Sect, was still feeling palpitating and frightened at this time. It was really dangerous just now, and he barely survived after several twists and turns. But no one thought that he was on such a remote island... Lanfengzong fought against Xuanwumen, and he took advantage of it!"

The breeze was whistling, and no one knew what Ye Yun was thinking. After a long time, he said to Zhang Kun: "Zhang Kun, immediately send a voice transmission to the mainland with spiritual thoughts, so that every corner must not be let go, so that all families All monks and cultivators will come to see them, if they don’t come, they will all be killed, by the way, in your name, let them meet in Taiyi City, and they will always submit to the rule of Taiyi City!”

"Yes, master!" Zhang Kun immediately gathered his true energy, and the powerful fourth-level divine sense of human immortals spread out like a violent wind and tsunami. The fourth-level strong man, not to mention one Ziyu continent, even ten Ziyu continents, can also use divine mind Sensing everything, Zhang Kun used his spiritual thoughts loudly and domineeringly to let all the forces come to Taiyi City to have an audience.

The sound echoed endlessly in every corner of the Purple Jade Continent. As long as they were monks, they heard it one by one, and felt that the source of the sound was a strong man in the fairyland. For a while, all monks, families, and hidden strong men were all powerful by Zhang Kun. Spiritual thoughts shocked the soul, and everyone felt the fall of Xuanwumen. The appearance of Zhang Kun now is enough to show that the new master of the mainland has been born, and a new era is slowly coming.


In the blink of an eye, the powerful control force swept away the five people in an instant, and when they reappeared, they were in the sky above Taiyi City. When Xiao Huan and the two two fourth-tier powerhouses saw the large formation above Taiyi City, they were shocked and speechless. Such a huge formation is mysterious and unpredictable, and the spiritual energy is endless.

"I didn't expect him to build such a large-scale city in the depths of the north. It is incredible. It seems that everything that happened was not accidental. It was in his meditation plan, could it be..." Xiao Huan is worthy of being a fifth-tier giant. When I think about it, I seem to see everything clearly.

Ye Yun waved his sleeves and led the four of them into Taiyi City.

Another half a year has passed, the central city of Taiyi City has been built, with tens of millions of slaves, the scene is really spectacular, and the army of the Ye family has quickly attacked the south and west, and the east meets the resistance of the Bai family, but Huangfufei sent another hundred elites , directly to the Baiyu Dynasty, I am afraid that within a month, the Baiyu Dynasty will be destroyed.

A huge royal city was built in the center of Taiyi City, which is not only several times larger than ordinary imperial cities, but also more majestic and majestic. A gathering of spirits has already been arranged under the imperial city, and many main palaces in the imperial city are inlaid with various decorations. Precious gemstones make Wangcheng look like jewels, magnificent and luxurious to the extreme.

Around the king city, there are nine other king cities, tens of miles apart, surrounding the central king city, forming a 'nine stars arching the moon', making Taiyi City look extremely domineering.

Except for the Nine Kings City, others are also under construction. With tens of millions of people and countless monks, the construction of Taiyi City will probably be completed in half a year, and many people have already moved into the new city. Eliminate disadvantages and innovate boldly. Although all kinds of laws are strict, they are based on justice. Moreover, the new city has not collected any taxes during the ten years since its establishment, and has been warmly applauded by the people.

In addition to Taiyi City in the north, the other cities that were captured are also being rebuilt, and most of the cities in the south and west are also being rebuilt. Many cities surrendered voluntarily, especially after all the monks saw Zhang Kun's powerful spirit. , How dare to resist, the opponent is a strong man in the human fairyland, even the Tianxuan group, the master of Xuanwumen, is not a giant in the human fairyland. This already shows that the Baiyu Dynasty is over, and Taiyi City is the real master.

The most intense battle is in the east, where the Baiyu Dynasty is based. Although the Xuanwu Sect is destroyed, there are still many monks in the Bai family, whose strength is deeply rooted. They have gathered together, and some families have taken refuge in them. They are desperately resisting the army of the Ye family, but they are also powerless. That's all, breaking the country is a matter of time.

In the deep part of Taiyi City's central palace, Ye Yun, Huangfu Fei, Zhang Kun, Xiao Huan, Yuan Haiteng and two fourth-rank powerhouses sat one after another. Without recovery, Ye Yun grabbed him out of the Shenluo domain, so that he didn't dare to resist, because he knew that his primordial spirit had been imprisoned by the other party, and the other party would know any thoughts and actions.

Through Xiao Huan's introduction, the other two big fourth-tier powerhouses are Luo Chen and Liu Fengyang. These two are elder disciples of the Lanfeng Sect, and they are also genius overlords in the Lanfeng Sect, but this time they stumbled in the Ziyu Continent. Very depressed, including Xiao Huan and Yuan Haiteng were also aggrieved.

Now they are not only controlled by Ye Yun, but also Zhang Kun and Huangfu Fei are beside Ye Yun, which made them completely lose their minds and dare not move a little bit.

Ye Yun took a moment to understand, "Yuan Haiteng, what is your Lan Fengzong's plan for Ziyu Continent?"

Yuan Haiteng was in the realm of Shenluo, and was overwhelmed by Ye Yun's will. He had never seen a realm with a strong person in the fairyland. It was so terrifying and powerful, even stronger than the ordinary realm of immortals. He was still shocked by the power of the gods. , He replied honestly: "Responding to the words of the master, the Lanfeng Sect intends to destroy the Xuanwu Sect and obtain the Hengjing Immortal Jade, then rebuild a branch sect in the Ziyu Continent, intending to use the Ziyu Continent as a springboard to conquer all overseas continents in the northern Quartet." !"

After listening, Ye Yun nodded calmly: "Lan Fengzong's ambition is not small, and he wants to become the number one sect in the north. Okay, Xiao Huan, you are now practicing in Taiyi City. After recovering your strength, you will return to Lanfeng Sect and say Ziyu The mainland has been captured, and I want a lot of benefits and disciples to come back, and I want to take all of them for my own use!"

Xiao Huan frowned, and said pitifully: "Master, the Lanfeng Sect will find out that something is wrong sooner or later, because the Lanfeng Sect wants to collect the faith power of the Ziyu Continent. Once they find that they have no faith power, they will soon find out, and when the time comes, they will find out that something is wrong. Attack the mainland!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can be delayed, as long as it can be delayed for ten or eight years, then it will be the Lanfeng Sect, and I will also be defeated!"

Ye Yun Lingguang swept away, and immediately made Yuan Haiteng and Xiao Huan bow their heads: "Moreover, I need a lot of power to build the Ziyu Continent. I want to build the Ziyu Continent into a sacred place for cultivation, just like Taiyi City. When the time comes, Including you, everyone's cultivation base has greatly increased, and Ziyu Continent has become a first-class sect, so there is no need to be afraid of Lan Fengzong. At that time, with my cultivation base speed, unless it is a strong person in the Heavenly Realm, a person in the Immortal Realm How many come, how many do I kill, and I also know that there are not many strong people in the sky-reaching realm of the Lanfeng Sect, which is far behind the Shenzhou Gate. A mere Lanfeng Sect is now a fierce tiger in front of me, but it will not be long. It's just an ant!"

"I won't treat you badly, as long as you wait and do things well, you will be indispensable for all spirit stones, gems, and elixir. What's the advantage of following Lan Fengzong? Everything must be controlled by others, and in Taiyi City, no one restricts you , as long as you work hard, even immortal artifacts can be rewarded. As I said before, if anyone dares to betray me, there will only be a dead end. To tell you the truth, it is a strong person in the Tongtian Realm. You will easily do me no favors, okay, the four of you are here to practice hard, these are some high-grade spirit stones, enough for you to practice!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking domineeringly, he immediately took out hundreds of top-grade precious spirit stones, handed them to Yuan Haiteng and the others, and then left the palace with Zhang Kun and Huangfufei.

"Sure enough, it's a high-grade spirit stone, that's Lan Fengzong. You and I can't even get a middle-grade spirit stone..." Luo Chen and Liu Fengyang stuttered and couldn't speak when they saw a large number of spirit stones in astonishment.

Xiao Huan and Yuan Haiteng looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, with both surprise and embarrassment in their eyes, but in reality, they had to lower their heads and began to practice crazily to restore their strength.

"With the addition of the four great human immortals, the establishment of the Ziyu Continent has been accelerated, and there are still so many disciples of the Xuanwu Sect, plus five thousand disciples of the Celestial Immortals from the Lanfeng Sect..."

At this time, Ye Yun, Zhang Kun, and Huangfu Fei appeared on a wilderness in Taiyi City, Ye Yun waved his hand, and one hundred thousand disciples of the Xuanwu Sect and five thousand disciples of the Heavenly Immortals of the Lanfeng Sect appeared from the void, Although these disciples were imprisoned in the Shenluo domain, they had absorbed a large amount of aura in it, and had already recovered their strength.

"This is where?"

Hundreds of thousands of disciples appeared in the wilderness densely and densely. Everyone was very confused. They were originally imprisoned in the domain, but now, after leaving the domain, they appeared in a place full of aura. However, many disciples noticed that Only with the aura of the Ziyu Continent did he know that this was the Ziyu Continent.

"Everyone listen to me, no matter you were Xuanwu Sect disciples or Lanfeng Sect disciples in the past, from now on, you will be part of my Taiyi City!"

Ye Yun let out a thunderclap and shouted at the Buddha, causing a hundred thousand disciples to feel their scalps go numb. They all looked at the three powerful men floating in the void, two human immortals and one celestial fairy, almost none of them knew each other. Ye Yun, Huangfu Fei, Zhang Kun, and only two Immortal disciples of Lan Feng Sect, recognized Ye Yun.

"Hua Tianci, Taoist Tianhong, yes, it's me, come out for me!"

Among the five thousand celestial disciples of the Lanfeng Sect, there are two pairs of astonished and timid eyes avoiding. This subtle change has long been noticed by Ye Yun. Moreover, Ye Yun completely grasps the aura of Taoist Hua Tianci and Tianhong. Perhaps avoiding Ye Yun's gaze, Ye Yun moved his mind and shot directly at Taoist Hua Tianci and Tianhong. The two strong men were dragged out by invisible force.

In an instant, under a hundred thousand gazes, Hua Tianci and Taoist Tianhong flew into the void naked. The two looked at Ye Yun in horror. They couldn't believe that Ye Yun was the weak person they had played and mastered. Taoist Tianhong returned God came, swallowed his anger, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Good disciple, no matter what, I am your master, and the master treats you well!"

Ye Yun is majestic and majestic, with a high-pitched voice: "Taoist Tianhong, you treat me well, do you think that I am a fool? Hmph, to tell you the truth, your avatar, including the branch sect of the Lanfeng Sect, is me. I personally destroyed more than 1000 disciples, and I sent them to the Xiaoxuan Realm of Xuanwumen to make you two sects fight, and I, in the end, will benefit from it. If you compete with me, it is to seek skin with a tiger!"

"It's you!" Hua Tianci was stunned on the spot, treating Ye Yun as a monster. Originally, the Xuanwumen incident was very strange, but they never expected that the driving force behind everything was actually the ants they had played with.

"Listen up, all disciples of Lanfeng Sect and Xuanwu Sect. From now on, there will be no more Xuanwu Sect, nor will there be Lanfeng Sect. There is only Taiyi City, only the Ye family in Taiyi City. From now on, you will serve the Ye family for the rest of your life. Who dares to disobey, this is the end!"


An aura of arrogance emanating from Ye Yun's pupils shocked hundreds of thousands of monks, and their souls trembled. With a light wave of Ye Yun's hand, he easily took off the heads of Taoist Hua Tianci and Tianhong. The sky was stained with blood. Cultivator Wan, no one dares to rebel anymore.

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