Deep in the sea of ​​layers of clouds, Fangfo is the center of the storm, surrounded by tsunami and howling winds. At this moment, the seven underground ghost city kings of Utona are looking into the distance. Suddenly, the entire sea of ​​clouds moves, and the wind and clouds gather. Those who came in black came through the sky.

This group of people, less than half of them are young heroes, and all of them are sons who are famous in the mainland of China. The overlord of one party shocked the sky.

And behind all the heroes, there are more than 30 old men in yellow clothes and Taoist robes, a few of them are middle-aged people. It's much more low-key, but these [-] people are all strong in the human fairyland, and the highest cultivation is an old man in the group of yellow robes. He has almost reached the realm of being with the sky, and his cultivation is bottomless. .

One of the sons of the Haoyue League who once appeared in Shengzhou City, Wang Yue was also among the heroes.

However, Wang Yue is not the leader among them. There are two leaders in front of him, both around 30 years old. They were all centered on the two, and even the group of strong men in yellow robes at the back respected the group of strong men from Haoyue League.

"It's the deputy leaders of the Haoyue League, 'Ke Hanlin' and 'Zhang Meng'. It seems that Wang Yue really invited the two deputy leaders. In this way, he will be more confident in dealing with that kid Ye Yun!"

The seven people in Utona laughed secretly when they saw more than thirty strong men galloping towards them. For Utona, Ye Yun was still in the realm of the earth fairy, and he could kill the projection of his will. To test his strength, he not only refined Kaluo City, but also beheaded the three immortal kings who remained in Kaluo City, completely alarming all the kings in the ghost city.

Utona had planned it long ago, dealing with Ye Yun is not easy, why not use Haoyue League and Wendaozong to deal with it, anyway, the two sides are arrogant, Utona looked at the group of strong men in yellow robes behind him, his eyes Staying on the [-]-year-old man with the deepest cultivation, Xiexie secretly smiled: "Tao Daozong actually dispatched a supreme elder, Taoist Weixing... Taoist Weixing is not easy to deal with, it's too scary!"

"It's the group of people in the ghost city, and the leader is Lord Utona!"

Gusts of Xiao Kuang swept away the sky, and more than thirty strong men descended into the void. In front of them were the seven strong men from Utona. One of the sons of the Haoyue League, 'Wang Yue', immediately went to the two strong men in front to respectfully Said: "Back when Ye Yun poisoned Chu Wan in Shengzhou City, it was Utona and others who notified me in time to find out Ye Yun's basic information."

"The group of people in the ghost city are not human, ghosts are not ghosts..."

The man in Mopao, one of the two deputy lords, hummed lightly, full of disdain.

Another white robe replied: "Brother Hanlin, you don't know everything. Now all the kings in the underground ghost city have taken refuge in Diwangxing. It is rumored that they are still heavily relied on by Ditian!"

"No way, Zhang Meng?"

The young man in the black robe was slightly taken aback, and glanced at the white-robed man, seemingly unaware, and said in surprise, "What kind of person is Ditian, even the leader wants to curry favor with him? Get involved."

Zhang Meng said: "I don't know the details, but it is true. Wang Yue once saw Utona show the Ditian token with his own eyes, and not long ago, the kings of the ghost city visited Diwangxing."

The ink-robed youth 'Hanlin' sighed coldly: "This is a strange thing. King Peng is also a strong man in the sky-reaching realm. He claims to be the messenger of the 'Yaobarren Mountain'. He is aloof and wants to unify all the big and small monster clan forces on the Taixing plane. , and now he actually seeks refuge with Ditian, I admit that Ditian is indeed the supreme powerhouse on the Taixing plane, but compared to the 'Yaohuang Mountain', Ditian is nothing."

"Who knows this, Yaohuang Mountain is a legendary existence in the upper realm, not something that can be compared on the Taixing plane, Brother Hanlin, no one in our Haoyue League has always dared to provoke us in the mainland of China, this time we must capture that man named Ye Yun alive Boy, imprison him in Shengzhou City for hundreds of millions of years, and ask all forces to see the methods of Haoyue League!" Zhang Meng said with a look of murderous intent.

"Hmph, if the ghost city really seeks refuge with Ditian, then in the mainland of China, the underground ghost city cannot be underestimated. After all, there is Ditian behind them. Although King Peng is difficult to deal with, Ditian is even more terrifying!"

Hanlin seems to be well aware of Ditian's tricks. As the deputy leader of the Haoyue League, he has to consider everything for the Haoyue League. For the sake of the Haoyue League, he has left the sect and followed the Haoyue League wholeheartedly.

"Brother Ke, Brother Zhang, brothers!"

Great Master Utona led the six ghost city kings, came to the crowd and saluted politely one by one. All the people present were strong in the human fairyland, and they were very familiar with each other, and there was no stranger.

Ke Hanlin was expressionless, cold and indifferent, and asked directly: "Brother Wu, where is that kid now?"

Utona dare not neglect, Ke Hanlin is the deputy leader of the Haoyue League, the fifth rank of Human Immortal, one rank higher than him: "Brother Ke, I am following up, but I probably guessed that this person should be in a place deep in the northern ocean. An island called Ziyu Continent."

"Purple Jade Continent? I've never heard of it. The North Sea is infinite and there are so many islands. Since it's just an island, it will be destroyed. Hurry up and find out the whereabouts of this person. If you need any help, just ask!" Ke Hanlin was quite polite. , although in the past they didn't look down on the kings of the ghost city at all, but now that the ghost city follows Ditian, that's different. Even the Haoyue League will not deliberately offend the underground ghost city.

"Wait a few days, everyone, and let me perform the soul-chasing method!"

Speaking to the crowd, Utona immediately turned around, grabbed it with a wave, and an evil skeleton altar appeared in the void. Although he flew up, the entire altar suddenly shone with demonic light.

For a moment, everyone saw only the demonic light scattered to the depths of the north...

Ziyu Continent, Xuanchen Mountain Range in the southeast, was once the territory of Xuanwumen Dojo.


More than a dozen human immortals from the Lanfeng Sect came to Ziyu Continent with one breath, crossing the ocean and wasting space. Such a powerful momentum caused many islands in the infinite ocean in the north to shake and tsunami. Countless islands , even the island continent, which is larger than the ocean of the Ziyu Continent, can feel this fierce aura.

"Xiao Huan's aura is deep in this time and space, young master, I can feel the aura of Hengjing Immortal Jade..."

The old man with the highest level of cultivation, the seventh rank of Immortal, with long hair, came to the side of the young master of Lanfeng Sect, Lan Tiandong, and with a wave of his hand, a special faint trace of air appeared in the whole time and space. The traces are like needle threads, constantly rushing to the depths of time and space, as if there is something pulling in the depths.

Lan Tiandong's cultivation level reaches heaven and earth, although his cultivation level is lower than the old man's, but his supernatural power is higher than the old man's. He glanced at the rainbow light and swept across the void: "That's right, the constant crystal jade is in the depths of it. , and in the deep place of time and space, there are still many elders and disciples of this sect, Elder Feng Xiao, what's going on?"

The old man took a step forward with a stern look on his face: "Young master, according to the suzerain's plan, he wants to collect all the islands in the North Sea, and there is a sect in the Ziyu Continent called Xuanwumen, and its master Xuantianzu has a The very large Hengjing Immortal Jade, the last time this sect sent out ten immortal elders, led by Xiao Huan and Yuan Haiteng, only Xiao Huan survived, and he even took refuge in the enemy. Wait for the breath of the nine elder disciples!"

"Yuan Haiteng has fallen...?"

After the old man 'Feng Xiao' finished speaking, Lan Tiandong was full of astonishment. Yuan Haiteng is a fifth-level human immortal. In Lan Fengzong, he is about to be promoted to the Supreme Disciple, and even Yuan Haiteng has been cultivating longer than Lan Tiandong , in front of Yuan Haiteng, Lan Tiandong is still a junior. If Lan Yi, the patriarch of the Lanfeng Sect, did not focus on cultivating Lan Tiandong, he would not be able to surpass Yuan Haiteng now. Therefore, when he suddenly heard Yuan Haiteng's fall, Lan Tiandong was very surprised and shocked .

No matter which sect is a strong person in the human fairyland, they are priceless treasures, and the fifth level of human immortality is the core existence of a school. It will take tens of thousands of years for a school to cultivate a fifth level human immortal, not to mention, it will take A large number of spirit stones, and various magic weapons and treasures can be refined, so the fall of a fifth-level human immortal is a huge blow to a sect.

"No wonder my lord father, I want to send you out of the mountain, I think I hope that Elder Feng Xiao will not only avenge his shame, but also win the Hengjing Immortal Jade, and offer spiritual veins to our sect!" Lan Tiandong looked at Feng Xiao politely and said.

Feng Xiao saluted immediately: "This old man will not disappoint the suzerain's expectations, please rest assured, the young master, each and every little Xuanwu sect will be destroyed forever by the old man."

Lan Tiandong turned to look at the void, his divine light shining brightly: "Well, the first problem now is to break the seal deep in the void, otherwise you will not be able to enter the inner space, elder, let's start!"


The Supreme Elder, Feng Xiao, waved his hand immediately, and talked to a strong human being in front of the mountain, and that person immediately flew into the void and disappeared into the mysterious space.

"The Lanfeng Sect has really moved its roots this time, the Supreme Elder, Feng Xiao, and a dozen elder disciples, and even the son of the Lanfeng Sect Master Lan Yi, Lan Tiandong also came in person, well, I will accept as many as you come! "

In the depths of the space, Ye Yun sneered mysteriously, then turned to look at Huangfu Fei and Zhang Kun: "Go back to Taiyi City and be ready at all times. Once I can't hold on here, I can only make the last move!"

"Master, take care!" Huangfu Fei and Zhang Kun didn't delay for a moment, they knew very well that the situation was imminent, and they must not have the slightest hesitation.

"Xiao Huan, Yuan Haiteng and others, I'm still worried..."

Watching the two leave, Ye Yun's eyes were bright, at this moment, the void appeared into a phantom, it was the avatar returning from the North Sea, coming through the air, Ye Yun opened his mouth and swallowed the avatar, and sucked the avatar into his body.

"Okay, the countless treasures in the entire Kaluo City are piled up into several mountains. It seems that Utona and others have gained a lot of benefits, but now, even the Kaluo City belongs to me!"

"In a few days, Utona, Haoyuemeng, Daoist sect and other powerhouses will come. Before that, we must withstand the attack of Lanfengzong!"

Merging with the avatar, Ye Yun is standing in the endless formation at this moment. This formation is similar to the principle of Xiaoxuanjie. , began to refine the Hengjing Immortal Jade, and the breath of the Hengjing Immortal Jade was being released.

However, Ye Yun was in a very depressed mood, and the next thing was a bloody battle. Since breaking through the Heavenly Wonderland, has Ye Yun really fought with all his strength? Now he is facing more than a dozen giants of the Lanfeng Sect, which really makes Ye Yun excited and depressed Can't breathe.

Back then, under the Shenzhou Continent, the spirit beast space broke through the Heavenly Immortal Realm. Up to now, Ye Yun has not fought with all his strength. Although he knew that he could kill the fourth-level powerhouse of the Immortal Immortal, he did not fight against more powerhouses at all. Immortal Realm is not the same as Celestial Immortal Realm. Those who are strong in Human Immortal Realm have cultivated golden cores and possess a lot of supernatural powers. Even some low-level powerhouses can release high-level power, so they must not be careless.

"This formation is indeed secret..."

Apart from the space formation, the six masters of the Lanfeng Sect formed a hexagon to surround the entire huge nothingness formation, and the six masters could clearly and vaguely feel the existence of the formation.

One of them said: "This formation is very mysteriously integrated with the space, and it has the breath of a fairyland, it seems that the person in the formation must be Ye Yun, maybe the master of Xuanwu Sect, Xuantian Zu is also in it. "

"The human spirit is not strong at all, but you still have to be careful. Yuan Haiteng and Xiao Huan stumbled here. You and I can't go the same way!"

"Then cast the seal of the six souls, suppress the space first, slowly absorb the power of the space, wait for the power of the formation to be exhausted, and then use the seal to lock the people in it, and it will be impossible to escape at that time!"

Another strong man said through nothingness that these six people are all human immortals of the third to fifth ranks. Each of them has an unusual aura, so they must be the elite powerhouses among the elders of the Lanfeng Sect.

"Six soul seals, knot!"

The six powerhouses were suspended in the void, Ling Tian pointed, and suddenly, six forces began to cling to the space formation, and the six stretched out their hands, the palms of which were absorbing waves of evil black energy. strength.

"It turns out that using the power of Heiwu territory to arrange formations, it seems that last time Yuan Haiteng and others fell into this formation. The formation became a blindfold, and all of them were involved in Heiwu space, so that they Imprisoned in the region forever! Be careful, everyone, devour the formation!" The six people communicated to each other, not daring to be careless, their faces dull, everyone knew that this formation was not simple.

"Finally do it... Okay, suppress them one by one!"

Ye Yun stood up slowly, grabbed it with his hands, and a void pagoda appeared in the entire space and time. It was really the Purgatory Absolute Yin Pagoda that Huangfu Fei and Zhang Kun spent countless energy on. It turned out that the entire formation was actually Purgatory Absolute Yin The tower is transformed into an illusion, and ordinary people can't see through the origin of the formation.

Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower, immortal-level qigong, jointly created by Ye Yun, Huangfu Fei, and Zhang Kun, its power must be earth-shattering.

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