The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 214 Lead the snake out of the hole

In the depths of the southern wasteland of the Northern Continent, Kaluo City is one of the three major ghost cities [-] meters deep underground.

The heavy evil ghost city condenses the majestic evil spirit, feeds and swallows the underground world, and all the righteous breath is dispelled by the evil force.

"Kaluocheng, I'm back again..."

In the space deep underground, in the void full of evil spirits, the avatar Ye Yun stepped out of the space and looked down at the Kaluo City below: "It turns out that the main body of the Kaluo City, the "conch shell", is a treasure with spirituality. It is a city, and there is no Dao formation in it, the last time Utona's clone came, it did not touch the formation, otherwise it would be really difficult to leave that day!"

"Since Kaluo City is a treasure, it is of little use to me, but it is a rare treasure for ordinary monks, so I will remove it and refine it... I can't feel Utona's breath, but in the depth of Kaluo City At the place, there are three human immortals, two first-level and one second-level strong."

The spiritual thoughts are scattered layer by layer, seeing all the power of the underground ghost city clearly, and piercing through layer by layer: "There is a lot of magic spirit in Kaluo City, well, the magic soul is a great tonic for me, Kaluo City Starting today, it will disappear!"

Ye Yun turned around and turned into a thunderbolt, and came to the entrance of the magic cave space in an instant. At this moment, there were not many monks coming back and forth. The monks were so frightened that they fled in all directions, and the passage began to shatter in an instant, setting off a huge deafening sound that shook the entire underground world.

"A strong man is making trouble in the passage!"

The powerful monks in Kaluo City saw that Ye Yun's passage was destroyed, and Ye Yun's figure sometimes disappeared in the void, so they immediately notified the masters in the city.

Soon, a large number of high-level celestial beings in Kaluo City rushed out in groups and went straight to the passage. Thousands of celestial beings, this force is comparable to a first-class sect.

"Okay... Kaluo City, all the treasures are mine!"

With a bang, Ye Yun's avatar appeared in the sky above Kaluo City, and tens of thousands of monks below felt the fierce and murderous aura of the underground ghost city in fear, and no one dared to move. A large number of monks in Luo City directly trapped the entire Kaluo City and began refining!


"Very good, I want to blatantly expose my target, attract the eyes of Utona, Haoyuemeng and other powerful people, use my avatar to lure you all here, and then I will send everyone to hell..."

Ziyu Continent, deep in the time and space of the Xuanwumen ruins, a dark green pagoda with a height of one hundred feet is above the passage of Heiwu Territory. With a real breath.

The origin of this pagoda is actually the 'Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin'. Ye Yun used this set of fairy-level qigong to condense this pagoda together with Huangfu Fei and Zhang Kun. .

The power of the "Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin" jointly arranged by the three powerful men can be imagined to be tyrannical. With Ye Yun's strength alone, the qigong pagoda condensed may be able to suppress the third-level or even fourth-level powerhouses of human immortals. But Zhang Kun broke through the fifth level of human immortality, and his strength increased greatly. In addition, Huangfu Flying Human Immortal level [-] cultivation base, it is not a problem in theory for this "Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin" to suppress the sixth level of human immortality.

The Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory not only contains tyrannical power, but also absorbs a large amount of evil power from the Hei Wu area, and even the whole pagoda was condensed by the three of Ye Yun using the power of the Hei Wu area. Hei Wu's regional strength is also difficult at all, but to condense such a huge pagoda, the capacity is really amazing.

Even Xuantianzu, it took many years to connect the Heiwu Territory and the Xiaoxuan Realm Formation and integrate it. It cannot separate the power of the Heiwu Territory and use it alone. Xuantian Zu does not have this strength. To achieve this, Ye Yun possesses Turing, the Great Thousand God Map, and Taiyi Divine Light. The former is the nemesis of the plane space, and the latter is the nemesis of all demons and dark forces.

Under various factors, it is possible to create this tower that reaches the sky.

While refining the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, Ye Yun could see every move of the avatar in the underground ghost city, and let the avatar destroy the underground ghost city. From the outside, it was just that Ye Yun went back to seek revenge on Utona. Utona's avatar, now Utona himself is looking for Ye Yun everywhere, Ye Yun is going to the most dangerous place, bloodbath the ghost city, the purpose is to attract Utona's attention, finally, successfully attract Utona and other strong people To Xuanwu Gate.

From the present point of view, all plans are very successful, but Ye Yun always understands one truth, that is, plans are always empty, and everything is constantly changing. Under the premise of having a plan, it is the best policy to respond to all changes with the same.

"The Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory is so condensed that it is fully sure that it can trap the strong people below the fifth rank of human immortals, while high-level human immortals are somewhat dangerous!"

Opening his eyes slowly, Ye Yun, Huangfu Fei, and Zhang Kun surrounded the Purgatory Yin Tower, forming a triangle shape. Ye Yun's eyes emitted a faint golden light, and his whole body flickered in the void, appearing in the sky above the ruins of the Xuanwu Gate in an instant, hiding in the void .

At this time, from the direction of the North Sea in the south, a powerful figure was flying over. It was Xiao Huan who had returned from the Lanfeng Sect. Behind him, there were many strong people from the Lanfeng Sect. There were thousands of immortals, but no one was as strong as a fairy Ye Yun's eyes sank, and when Xiao Huan led more than 1000 disciples of the Lanfeng Sect to the sky above the ruins, he waved his hand and imprisoned all the thousand celestial beings.

"Master, why is this?" More than 1000 disciples disappeared, Xiao Huan was very surprised, and immediately looked to the strange void ahead, and sent a sound transmission to Ye Yun.

"There is no need to hide from Lanfengzong anymore. From the moment you stepped into Lanfengzong, you were suspected by the masters of Lanfengzong. Before you came, a strong will was injected into your body." , in order to monitor you, from now on, you don't move, I will wipe out that will first!"

Ye Yun, who was hiding in the depths of the space, was no longer hiding himself, and appeared from the space. At this moment, Ye Yun was completely exposed to the sight of the masters of Lan Fengzong in the dark, allowing Lan Fengzong to see his appearance, but Ye Yun could Not wanting to expose himself completely, in an instant, a burning divine light suddenly penetrated Xiao Huan's body.

"you you!"

Under the divine light, hidden in Xiao Huan's body, the will was suddenly shaken out. He was a embarrassed old man with a shocked face. Just as he was about to escape, a sword energy condensed by the divine light split from his head in an instant. , The will of the strong man shattered instantly, shattered like glass, and fell into the vast land.

"As expected of a sixth-level human immortal... It's just a will, and it made me attack with all my strength!"

Killing the will, Ye Yun was sweating coldly on his head, wiped it with his hand, and said in his heart: "The difference between high-level immortals and low-level immortals is really huge..."

Xiao Huan panicked and sweated profusely and said: "Master, it must be the will of the Supreme Elder on me. This is a good move. The Lanfeng Sect is alarmed, and the master is exposed again. There is no longer a foothold in the Ziyu Continent!"

"Don't worry, everything is still in the plan. You hurry back to Taiyi City and guard my family with Yuan Haiteng and others. If it really doesn't work, I will move you out of the mainland of China. Even if you are a strong person in the sky, it is impossible." Follow up!" Ye Yun's figure flashed and disappeared.

"Transfer from Ziyu Continent out of thin air?"

Xiao Huan wondered if he had heard it wrong, or it was true. Moving directly out of the Divine Land without going through the teleportation array is not something that the strong in the human fairyland can do. Those who are strong in the Heaven-reaching Realm can't move out of thin air, that's the trick of an immortal.

Moving things out of thin air, fetching things, is the great magical power of immortals picking stars and sun.

"Anyway, it's death, why don't you take a gamble!" Xiao Huan is very clear about the current situation, whether it is Ye Yun, everyone in Taiyi City, or Xiao Huan, Yuan Haiteng, Luo Chen, and Liu Fengyang, it is a disaster. , Xiao Huan thought about it, and immediately flew towards Taiyi City.

On the Beihai Continent, Yunlan City, one of the main cities controlled by the Lanfeng Sect.

On the crowded streets of Yunlan City, there are endless hawkers shouting everywhere. Among all kinds of people, a long-haired young man in white clothes like a cloud and a man like fat jade came gracefully from a distance from the crowd. Every step he took, turned out to be hundreds of feet away, which is simply the legendary 'reducing size to size'.

"Misty Cloud City is still the same as it has been for thousands of years, without any changes, and the 'spiritual veins' have not changed in the slightest. If this continues, when will the Lanfeng Sect be able to brew a 'perfect spirit vein'!"

A young man with a fairy air, no one noticed him at all, he walked through several streets in a few breaths, his face was expressionless, and his eyes were sharp and indifferent.

"Young master, I finally found you!"

A servant in red clothes also hurriedly appeared in front of the young man in white clothes from the sea of ​​people with the same ghostly demeanor. He seemed to be returning from a long journey. Therefore, I don’t know the sect!”

Xiao Shayi, the man in white, said, "Hmph, I was not accepted as a disciple by the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. Now that I go back to the sect, I don't know how many people will see it as a joke. This time I will go to establish a relationship with a mere Xue Mengyao!"

"Didn't Zhai Xingyuan pass the examination, young master, Zhai Xingyuan has always had his eyes above the top, and back then he patted his chest and assured the sect that he would definitely be admitted to the Shenzhou Xianyuan. He also came back this time. Let's see how he justifies himself. We'll wait and see him Let's make a joke!" Zhu Yi's servant raised the corner of his mouth in a strange way.

"Zhai Xingyuan...isn't he just a follower beside Long Haoyue, he wants to rely on the Haoyue League to join the Shenzhou Xianyuan, but Long Haoyue doesn't like him, this kind of person...huh?"

When the man in white was talking about being excited, he suddenly looked up and saw that the entire space in the void was fluctuating. It seemed that there was a majestic aura traveling across the space, and it was an invisible aura. as much.

"Something happened, go up!"

The young man in white flicked his sleeves lightly, and the two disappeared in place instantly. The scene suddenly changed, and the two appeared at an altitude of [-] meters. The young man in white glanced slightly, and the entire void was shaken. , more than a dozen human immortal masters are flying towards this side, with a powerful aura, shocking the space.


The dozen or so human immortals who flew into the space were the elders of the Lanfeng Sect. They saw a strange change in the space, and suddenly they saw a young man in white. These people were very surprised and saluted: "Young master!"

The young man in white 'Young Master' waved his hand lightly and asked, "You guys are so aggressive, could something happen?"

"Young master, you came back just in time. The constant crystal immortal jade we have been looking for for a long time has appeared, but it was captured by someone, and many disciples of our sect were killed. We went to the Purple Jade Continent to capture this person, and, that The person is still the one captured by the Haoyue League!" An old man replied respectfully.

"The person that the Haoyue League wants to hunt down?" The young man in white frowned, as if he was completely ignorant of these things and was at a loss.

The young man in red clothes next to him immediately took a step forward and said, "My lord, I have heard this matter before. Not long ago, someone openly beheaded a member of the Haoyue League in Shengzhou City of Shenzhou, which caused the Haoyue League to chase him down from all directions. !"

"Fun, interesting..."

Hearing this, the young man in white clapped his hands in astonishment and said with a smile: "The Haoyue League relies on Long Haoyue, and it can be said that it can be said to be unimpeded in the mainland of China. Its sharpness is overwhelming. Who dares to offend. For many years, no one dared to offend the Haoyue League. Oh, interesting , Someone actually dares to offend Haoyue League, everyone in Haoyue League is a person who must take revenge, and he will definitely not let this person go, but he has the constant crystal immortal jade on him, which belongs to my Lan Fengzong, and must not be let others get it , the Lord will go with you!"

"Please, young master!"

More than a dozen human immortals, no matter whether they are human immortals of the fifth, sixth or seventh rank, all respect the "young master" in white, because this young man in white is the son of Lan Yi, the master of the Lanfeng Sect. Lan Tiandong', in the Lanfeng Sect, everyone respectfully calls him the young master. Although he is only the sixth-level human immortal, his status, even these giants of the seventh-level human immortals, must bow their heads and respect them.

Swish, swish... A group of human and immortal giants headed towards Ziyu Continent.

The underground ghost town, Kaluo City.

At this time, the entire underground was immersed in the flames. I don’t know how many monks died under the terrifying flames, but the huge Kaluo City disappeared, leaving empty ruins.

"Damn Ye Yun... I, Utona, will never let you go!"

A powerful evil wind swept past, swept away all the flames, and saved more than ten thousand people at the same time. In the dark void, seven evil spirits were furious. Under my control, Ye Yun, let's see where you go this time!"

A king with a demonic aura, his evil thoughts penetrated through layers of the earth: "It seems that this man has great means, and the three brothers died in his hands in an instant!"

"We must not tolerate and raise traitors. If this person is not eliminated, it must be a serious problem for us. I have already notified Haoyue League and made the matter bigger. Haoyue League will send people over here, let's go!"

Utona led the six kings, and immediately flew to the ground like a beam of light.

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