Now Ziyu Continent is completely unified. After defeating the three powerful enemies of Lanfeng Sect, Wendao Sect, and Haoyue League, Taiyi City sent a large number of strong men to consolidate the mainland. There are nearly a million monks in the mainland. Everyone knows that Ye Yun is powerful. , They all obeyed the arrangement of the Ye family honestly, whoever dared to make trouble, even immortals like Xiao Huan, never dared to have any disobedient thoughts.

And Ye Yun's name once again swept across the world of Shenzhou, everyone from the earth immortals to the human immortals and even the powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm knew it. , but no one dared to go to the Ziyu Continent, who knew that there was a strong man with a sky-reaching mirror in the Ziyu Continent, who would dare to seek death, everyone was talking about Ye Yun.

The construction of the Sifang City in the Ziyu Continent is still in full swing. Ye Yuan announced the establishment of the "Taiyi Empire" and promulgated various laws. No matter if it is any cultivation family, cultivation sect, hidden powerhouse, or the three powerhouses of the Broken Sword Mountain Range in the mainland, they will all be against it. The Ye family surrendered. At the beginning, many people were still watching the Ye family's good show, but now, Ye Yun's shocking methods shook the world, frightened the hearts of the people, and directly trampled on the defenses of these people.

Huangfu Fei assisted Ye Yuan in establishing the Taiyi Empire. The main body of the empire is not centered on the common people, but monks. There are no sects anymore. Only the empire can hold the right to practice. The ministers of the empire are divided into military officials and civilian officials, and military and civil officials must practice.

Families such as the Yin family, the Yue family, and the Jing family have become the core strength of the empire, controlling one party's power, and possessing countless high-level qigong, magic weapons, and elixir. , Down to the earth immortals, up to the heavenly immortal monks, all received rich rewards from the empire. There are all kinds of pills, magic weapons, and exercises. , You can get whatever you want as long as you apply.

The most important point is that the Taiyi Empire does not use foundation building methods to contain or consolidate power like Xuanwumen, but announces foundation building methods, and takes out pills to provide monks with foundation building and practice, and even ordinary people , also has the qualifications for practice.

After this measure was promulgated, half of the population of the entire Ziyu Continent became monks. This number is really amazing. Moreover, the empire also helped everyone practice and continuously supplied various needs. The Foundation Establishment Pill, which was once dreamed of, has now almost Apply, and you will have it. Soon, the Ziyu Continent will leap from the mortal continent to the comprehension continent.

The Cultivation Continent is like the four seas of China, but the countless islands in the four seas are the world of mortals. Now the Ziyu Continent has also become the Cultivation Continent. The continent is condensed with strong beliefs. , never stop.

The empire not only assists monks, but also establishes various formations in barracks in various cities for monks to practice. However, the requirements are very strict. They must make contributions to the empire and have a certain amount of merit points before they can enter the barracks to practice. Each barracks, There are high-ranking powerhouses of celestial beings sitting in the town.

Today's Ziyu Continent has become the Taiyi Empire, a pure land of cultivation.

People like Yue Li, Ye Yu, Jing Wuming, Yin Yuanchu, Yin Susu, etc., their cultivation bases are increasing every day, and all of them have broken through the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and they have cultivated their skills. They are all members of the empire. The empire is exhausted.

Taiyi Imperial City, inside a majestic palace.

Tai Dayan is absorbing the majestic qi, and his hands are constantly condensing various magic seals. He has a fourth-level human immortal cultivation, but possesses a high-level human immortal aura, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

"The great array of heaven, earth, and universe turned upside down... It's amazing, it's even more advanced than the formations of the three great fairy schools, but Ye Yun's own cultivation is too low, if he reaches the fairyland, then the power of this array can be increased by more than ten times , At that time, even high-ranking immortals will not be able to break through!"

"Good method, Ye Yun, you really have the method..." Tai Dayan opened his eyes slightly, and a surprised gaze burst out, containing an amazing capacity of true energy.

"Taidayan, you are extraordinary, you are definitely not a servant, tell me, I am very interested in your background, you must be honest, otherwise..."

Suddenly, on the throne above the palace, a figure suddenly appeared. The person who came was Ye Yun, coming through the air like a gust of breeze, sitting on the throne with the aura of looking at the world with a smile and controlling the universe. This kind of misty and uncertain weather seems to break through the sky at any time.

Taida Yanyang rolled his hand, the space trembled slightly, and the surrounding momentum disappeared instantly. He sat down and said, "I have nothing to do with Lan Tiandong. I was seriously injured and accidentally became a slave, but he just happened to meet me. He has been his slave ever since."

Ye Yun said lightly: "I believe this, Lan Tiandong should not have noticed your extraordinaryness, Tai Dayan, in your body, there is a magic weapon of space that surpasses Hengjing Immortal Jade, which can suppress the entire Shenzhou The power of space in the continent is controlled by you at will, if you want to leave the Purple Jade Continent now, it will be a breeze, right?"

"Not bad!"

Tai Dayan shot a deep light from his pupils, suddenly looked towards the space, raised his hands one after another, grabbed the space lightly, creaked a few times, and unexpectedly a space passage appeared in the space, Tai Dayan waved his hand towards the passage, In an instant, a ten-foot black meteorite appeared slowly from the passage.

"You can actually control the original power of the Thai star plane..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun had an incredible expression on his face. Tai Dayan opened the space of the Ziyu Continent and reached into the plane of Taixing to take the meteorite. But he is a human immortal, how could he have such heaven-defying means.

"what is this!"

Tai Dayan raised the corners of his mouth with a look of disdain and aloofness. His whole body was like an ancient master, overlooking the common people and mastering life and death: "I can not only control the space power of the Thai star plane at will, but also absorb the original essence of the plane at will, because I am a descendant of the 'Emperor of Thailand'!"

"Thai Emperor!"

Ye Yun stood up abruptly, and stared at Tai Dayan with all his energy, treating Tai Dayan like a monster, he would never have thought that Tai Dayan was the descendant of the Queen of Thailand, even a little out of the blue, once the first royal family on the Tai Star Plane.

Taihuang, the real master in the history of the Taixing plane, once unified tens of thousands of planets and continents in the Taixing plane, and became the first emperor of the plane. Since Taixu, only Taihuang has managed to unify the plane, no matter Whether it is now or in the future, it may be difficult for an astonishing emperor like the Thai Emperor to appear.

After Emperor Tai's ascension, the whole family of Emperor Tai also ascended accordingly. Ye Yun learned from ancient books that it had been millions of years. Going out, who would believe that if Tai Dayan had stated from the beginning that he was a descendant of the Queen of Thailand, Ye Yun would have laughed at him as a lunatic, but seeing that he could control the power of the Thai star plane at will, Ye Yun had to believe it.

Not an immortal, but a human immortal with a fourth-level cultivation base who can control the power of the Thai star plane. This must be a descendant of the Thai queen. Only the Thai emperor's lineage can possess such incredible supernatural powers.

"It seems that you have no doubt about my identity. As a descendant of the Thai Queen, I have the blood of the Thai Emperor in my body, and I have possessed the original power of the Thai Star Plane from birth. The emperor!" A hint of arrogance flashed across Taidayan's eyes.

"I'm very surprised. Since you are a descendant of the Thai queen, why did you end up in this state? Moreover, it is rumored that the lineage of the Thai royal family has already ascended to the high-level world. Why did you appear on the Taixing plane?"

Ye Yun still has doubts about Tai Dayan in his heart. He is a descendant of Queen Tai, so he should not be in the Tai star plane. How could he become a slave and be driven by Lan Tiandong.

Hearing Ye Yun's question, Tai Dayan's aura was abnormally cold and murderous: "Our Tai family has fallen in the high-level fairy plane, and the entire line of the Tai family, including the ancestor Taihuang, has fallen one by one, and I am I had no choice but to flee to the next session, and I was seriously injured before coming here, so I had no choice but to become a slave!"

"The emperor of Thailand has fallen!"

A generation of kings, Taihuang, actually fell, Ye Yun thought it was unbelievable, how terrifying the strength of the Taihuang who became a fairy, how powerful the entire Taihuang family was, was exterminated, and the ancestor Taihuang also fell, it seems that the Tai family Something must happen in the Immortal Plane, Ye Yun still looked at Tai Dayan with some disbelief: "I believe in the power of the Emperor Tai, who can kill him?"

Tai Dayan said: "A mysterious church, Yanjiao... Originally, my Tai family had already left the Taixing plane and took root in the fairyland. , was also captured by the Yan Sect, and all the rebels died tragically one by one, and the Yan Sect actually wanted to force the ancestor to hand over the Taixing plane, so we knew that the Yan Sect wanted to dominate the lower and higher planes!"

"This Yan Cult is really terrifying. It wants to unify the planes of the heavens!" On the contrary, Ye Yun is very interested in the Yan Cult. A church wants to unify the planes of the heavens. kill.

"The Yan Cult has already appeared on the plane of the fairy world, and many planes have been plundered by it. Brother Ye, do you know that the Yan Cult has sent missionaries to the Taixing plane, wanting to unify the Taixing plane, so that The Taixing plane becomes the plane where the Yanjiao spreads its teachings. Once successful, all the creatures on the Taixing plane will be controlled by the Yanjiao forever. Anyone who is deprived of their beliefs will never be free, and the Yanjiao will become stronger and stronger! "After saying these words, Tai Dayan suddenly looked at Ye Yun, as if he wanted to know how Ye Yun would react when he heard it.

"Taidayan, how dare you play tricks on me!"

Ye Yun's eyes turned sharp, as if he could see Tai Dayan's thoughts clearly, he nodded and sneered: "We have no intersection at all, but you cut straight to the point and told me everything, tell me, tell me what you really mean Come out, I warn you, don't play tricks on me!"

"Sure enough, he is a smart man!"

Tai Dayan moved his eyes and smiled mysteriously. He seemed to appreciate Ye Yun's reaction very much. He continued: "Actually, I came to the lower realm in spite of everything to stop the Yan Sect. I don't want to let my Tai family do it alone." The created plane was plundered by Yanjiao at will."

Ye Yun smiled deeply, mysterious and deceitful: "Taidayan, you don't need to be mysterious anymore, I don't know? You are just a clone, your real body must still be in the fairy world, and the Yanjiao wants to get the Emperor Tai, They just want to get the essence of the plane refined by the Emperor Tai. Once they get it, they can instantly refine the entire plane and make the plane a missionary field for the Yan Sect. I guess that the Yan Sect must have not obtained anything from the Emperor Tai. , what Yanjiao wants is on you, right?"

"You're really smart!" Tai Dayan's expression suddenly darkened, as if he wanted to do something to Ye Yunzuo, his whole body was boiling madly and violently.

Ye Yun chuckled lightly and said, "How could I trust you so easily? Maybe you have ulterior motives at all. What Yanjiao is, maybe it's just a joke made out of deception!"

"Brother Ye, I have to praise you. You are indeed a character. I didn't expect that on the Taixing plane, there are not only Ditian, but also you. It seems that after the Taixing plane is out of the control of my Tai family, among the descendants, there will be a person with outstanding demeanor." There is an endless supply of beautiful people, Brother Ye, is it worth it for me to lie to you? To tell you the truth, the Yan Cult has secretly sent missionaries to spread the teachings secretly on the Taixing plane to find believers. It is rumored that there are already many strong people Becoming a missionary of the Yan Sect, even many geniuses in the Taixing plane have already taken refuge. If I lied to you, I would not tell you this and let you fend for yourself. As you personally, it is impossible to compete with the entire Yan Sect. ?”

Tai Dayan had a cold expression on his face at this time, and it was a completely different attitude from the previous submissiveness to the seriousness now.

Ye Yun pondered for a moment, glanced at Tai Dayan's bottomless expression, snorted coldly in his heart, and said directly: "Now I understand a little bit, could it be that the purpose of you telling me so many secrets is to use me, To put it more bluntly, could it be that you are cooperating with me to deal with the Yanjiao missionaries?"

"That's right, I'm desperately looking for helpers in the lower realms, and I've met a few geniuses in person, but these so-called geniuses can be found everywhere in the fairy world. I don't like it, it's true that God treats me well, I didn't expect to meet you here, to witness your talent, that day, I can't compare with you at all, even I can't see through your body, your fate, I can't I can't feel it, these have proved that your strength and destiny are far beyond ordinary people, I need you, and join hands with you to deal with the Yanjiao missionaries!" Taidayan smiled on his face, and in one breath, he really blurted out his thoughts, watching No lies.

Ye Yun continued: "To deal with Yanjiao? Although I am a little overwhelmed, I don't want to see others master my beliefs and become a prisoner. However, what benefits do I have for me to cooperate with you? Also, with my current strength, Still can't fight against the Heaven-reaching Realm."

"I value the impermanence of your fate, and you cannot be controlled by others. Don't worry, the ancestor left several treasure houses on the Taixing plane. In the treasure house, the ancestor set up the altar himself. Once you get the altar, you can accept it." The ancestor's power is fragmented and empowered, you need strength, and I need the altar left by the ancestor, you and I cooperate, as long as you are careful everywhere, step by step, and cultivate a whole body of strength, with your talent, you will be able to deal with missionaries!"

"You are looking for the treasure house of the Thai Emperor. I think the missionaries of the Yan Sect should also be looking for it?"

"Of course, there are infinite treasures in the ancestor's treasury. Whoever can get them will be able to control the entire Taixing plane!"

"Taidayan, I promise to cooperate with you, but you have to tell me the treasure you want in the Thai emperor's treasury, otherwise, nothing will be discussed!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun became desolate again, his eyes met Tai Dayan, sparks sparked fiercely.

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