
In a brand new world, fresh space, and familiar breath, Ye Yun faced the gentle light and took a deep breath. Daoist Qi and Taoist Weixing stared at Ye Yun in the same panic as beasts.

Ye Yun straightened up slowly, and swept lightly: "The space array of the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin, plus the power of the great thousand gods and Turing, still can't lock the eighth-level human immortal..."

"Ye Yun, let's see what tricks you have this time!"

There are only five people left in the Lan Feng Sect. Lan Tiandong is still in shock, with murderous intent in his eyes. Beside him is Tai Dayan, a servant in Zhu Yi who is stupefied with fright. Kill Shenguang.

"You are doomed today, brat, many disciples of our sect died at your hands, and you must be torn apart!"

On the other side of the void, headed by Taoist Wei Xing, Wendaozong came with murderous intent, and now only Ruan Sihai and two seventh-rank elders are left. Forgetting the shocking tricks, swearing at Ye Yun and yelling to kill, what a villain.

"If you want to kill me, I will kill you too. Kong Huangqi, Taoist Wei Xing, you two seniors, you are high-ranking, senior cultivators, but now you are short-sighted, what a pity!"

Ye Yun knew that the two sides would not let it go, but Ye Yun didn't expect to let them leave alive and kill all these people. Ye Yun took his family and friends, used the Great Thousand God Map to teleport through space, and left the Divine Land completely. Although it is dangerous and unpredictable to do so, it is ten thousand times better than being slaughtered by Lanfengzong, Haoyuemeng, Daoistong and other forces on Ziyu Continent and slaughtering everything.

It is Ye Yun's attitude that he would rather have the jade broken than the whole tile. Since he made a move, he must kill them all. At this point, there is no room for maneuver.

"Boy, speak boldly, die!"

Suddenly, the eighth-level powerhouse of Wendaozong, the famous Daoist Weixing in the mainland, opened his eyes abruptly, waved his hand, and a vast Tiangang Zhenqi swept towards Ye Yun with an irresistible momentum. The entire space of the ruins of Xuanwu Gate was under control, Taoist Wei Xing wanted to kill Ye Yun instantly with one blow.

"Taoist Wei Xing...huh!"

Lan Tiandong never expected that the famous Weixing Taoist would directly attack Ye Yun. , Never give up what you get to others in vain.


In an instant, no matter whether it is Daoist Sect or Lanfeng Sect, all the experts understand that under the blow of Daoist Weixing, let alone one Ye Yun, even ten Ye Yuns will definitely die, even if Ye Yun can kill the immortal The fifth level is against the strong people of the sixth and seventh levels of human immortality, but the eighth level of human immortality is not something that the strong of the seventh level can contend with.

At the moment when the destruction came, Ye Yun was under the powerful storm of Tiangang True Qi. He was as small as an ant, but Ye Yun suddenly shot out a strange burst of True Qi. An ancient and imaginary figure suddenly flew out from Ye Yun's body.

"Will projection!"

Taoist Weixing, Kong Huangqi, Lan Tiandong, Feng Xiao and others released their divine light to stare at Ye Yun's final ending, but who would have thought that an ethereal and illusory projection would appear.


This projection is an old man sitting cross-legged in the void with his shaggy hair covering his face. He is wearing a simple and simple moral, just like a rock. The words, like the ancient torrent and the nine-day thunder, directly blew out the true energy of Tiangang. Then, the sound shook the Ziyu Continent, and then spread to the Shenzhou Continent, shaking the entire Shenzhou Continent.


Daoist Taoist Wei Xing of Dao Dao Zong was instantly blown up by the roar and turned into dust, and Taoist Wei Xing was like a tiny speck of dust that was directly blown away by the roar and disappeared into the sky, where he flew to nowhere.


When Wendao Zong's entire army was wiped out, Kong Huangqi was terrified, and suddenly shot out a burst of true energy, and then a projection of powerful will appeared.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun concentrated on the projection of will that Kong Huangqi sacrificed: "My God, that projection is not a human fairyland... so powerful, even the source of the Ziyu Continent is shaking, it must be a strong person in the heaven-reaching realm !"

"Where is the clown, mere first-order ants in the sky-reaching realm, get out!"

The Beast Ancestor Projection suddenly waved his hand at the powerful projection. It should be said that he flicked his fingers. A gust of wind directly blasted the projection of will, and the storm then sent Kong Huangqi, Lan Tiandong, Feng Xiao and others flying. Huang Qi's blood and bones were exposed all over his body, and he was terrifying. He released an immortal weapon and desperately guarded Lan Tiandong. The two of them seemed to pass through an interstellar meteorite, and they were blown away. Feng Xiao and others were instantly killed by the storm. Keep.

Regardless of whether it was the Purple Jade Continent or the void in the Shenzhou Continent, at this moment, there was a violent shaking, and countless strong men were awakened one by one, and the power of the beast ancestors spread throughout the Shenzhou Continent.


Quietly empty, except for Ye Yun, there is no one left. Ruan Sihai, who was so arrogant just now, turned into powder, and there is not even a body left when he died. Taoist Weixing, Kong Huangqi, and Lan Tiandong were bombarded to the mainland Where, and the rest of the people, no matter whether they were human immortals of the sixth or seventh rank, fell one by one, and it was only three breaths.

The Beast Ancestor Projection suddenly raised his head, revealing that fierce, ancient, and vicissitudes of life, and shouted at the entire Shenzhou Continent: "Jiaoliang clown, whoever sets foot on the Purple Jade Continent in the future, will be killed without mercy!"

"It's so strong... The Beast Ancestor is at least a powerhouse in the Heavenly Realm. He did this to protect me!" Ye Yun clenched his fists tightly. Originally, he only wanted to use the power of the Beast Ancestor, but now, the Beast Ancestor is sincerely helping him. If it wasn't for his yelling, it would have deterred the whole of Shenzhou, otherwise, Ziyu Continent would be trampled by Haoyue League in a blink of an eye.

"Boy, you should be more cautious in doing things in the future. This time is really a good way to kill dozens of human immortals with the second layer of immortals. According to the old man, in hundreds of thousands of years, there has never been such an astonishing appearance in the mainland of China." figure!"

The Beast Ancestor's projection slowly became transparent, like a wisp of green smoke, which would disappear at any time. The Beast Ancestor opened his eyes and looked at Ye Yun with admiration: "Remember, the old man can only come forward to help you this time, and it is already at risk. The disaster of extermination, remember, be very careful in the future!"

"Senior Beast Ancestor..."

Ye Yun just wanted to say thank you, but who knew that the projection of the beast ancestor turned into green smoke in an instant, rushed to the ground, disappeared in an instant, and did not know where it went to the void under the mainland of China.

"Why did the ancestor of the beast come forward to help me? It seems that I owe the ancestor of the beast this time..." Floating in the void, Ye Yun was seriously injured and exhausted.


At this time, Huangfufei and Zhang Kun led Xiao Huan, Yuan Haiteng, Luo Chen, and Liu Fengyang to break through the air from the direction of Taiyi City in the north. When they saw Ye Yun, Huangfufei and Zhang Kun rushed forward.

"It's okay, this time it's really satisfying, beheading nearly a hundred human immortals from Lanfengzong, Wendaozong, Haoyue League, and the underground ghost city. The four major forces came to kill me. I'm afraid they still can't figure it out. , swore to come here, but I beheaded them one by one!"

"From now on, no one in the mainland of China will know that I am in the Ziyu mainland!"

Ye Yunwei'an waved his hand, raised his head to the sky and roared, the sound touched every corner of Ziyu Continent, now he has killed Haoyue League, Lanfengzong, etc., I am afraid that any strong person in the whole world of Shenzhou will sense the will of the beast ancestor, who dares to come Ziyu Continent is arrogant, Ye Yun no longer needs to shrink back and be a man.

"Let's go back first!" Ye Yun suddenly had a strange light in his eyes, and in front of Huangfu Fei, Zhang Kun, and the trembling Xiao Huan and Yuan Haiteng, he waved his big hand and shouted, and the seven of them broke through the air immediately. .

The sky over the ruins of Xuanwu Gate was eerily quiet, with bursts of cold air, and there was no one around. After three full days, a crack appeared in the space, and a figure in red clothes walked out of the crack in embarrassment.

This man in Zhu Yi turned out to be Tai Dayan, the servant of Zhu Yi beside Lan Tiandong.

Tai Dayan is no longer a servant now, and his whole person looks mysterious. He scanned the world in pain, and sighed softly: "What a strong power, a projection of will, unexpectedly contains the strength of high-level heaven-reaching realm, maybe this deity It has a terrifying cultivation level close to that of 'Breaking the Wonderland'!"

"Shenzhou Continent is one of the oldest planes of the Taixing plane. There must be giants beyond the Heaven-reaching Realm lurking. The projection just now, this deity must be a powerful one..."

Tai Dayan exhaled quietly, and a simple breath actually caused him to recover from his injuries at a terrifying speed. Suddenly, Tai Dayan turned around in shock and looked at the void in the direction of Taiyi City. A sacred flame burned slowly, and then, from A calm voice came from the flames that pierced through the sky: "I never expected that a servant beside Lan Tiandong could escape a blow from a master of the Heaven-reaching Realm!"


Tai Dayan was cold and colorless, staring at the flame with murderous intent, the flame gradually turned into a human form, seeing Tai Dayan's expression was abnormal, Tai Dayan was full of confidence in his space ability, from the fact that he was able to survive the terrifying blow of the beast ancestor, it showed that Tai Dayan Possessing rare spatial magical means, he is confident that no one will find out if he hides in the space, but he never thought that he would be found out.

"I remember you, Lan Tiandong's servant. If my spiritual sense sounds good, your name is Tai Dayan. I'm very surprised. With your space means, why did you become Lan Tiandong's servant? With your means, I'm afraid it's still not worth it. Above Lan Tiandong, I am very curious about you!" The human-shaped flame gradually turned into Ye Yun wearing a red robe, and this was Ye Yun's avatar.

It turned out that Ye Yun had already discovered the faint aura hidden in the depths of the space using the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing. Sure enough, it was Tai Dayan hiding in it, so he let the clone hide in the depths of the space, waiting for Tai Dayan to finish diving.

Tai Dayan stared at Ye Yun in astonishment, "It's you!"

"Look at your expression, it's me, can't it?" Ye Yun immediately saw that Tai Dayan was indeed confident in his spatial ability.

"Ye Yun..."

Tai Dayan nodded appreciatively and unexpectedly, but he was shocked in his heart. This time Ye Yun went all the way through and killed all forces. Tai Dayan saw everything that happened. He felt that Ye Yun was very weak. Even if he possesses the strength of a sixth-level powerhouse who kills the Immortal, he is still weak in front of Tai Dayan, and he never expected that Ye Yun's space skills are no worse than him, otherwise he would not be discovered.

Ye Yun was floating in the gust of wind, his pupils flickering with fire, and he said: "Lan Tiandong, I will kill him sooner or later, Tai Dayan, give me a reason not to kill you, I usually will not let go of the slightest relationship with the enemy. People with relationships!"

Tai Dayan's eyes were bright, he glanced slightly, and praised in surprise: "Oh, Ye Yun, you are really extraordinary, the world underestimates you, including me, I didn't expect you to cultivate a clone of the Great Saint Realm in the second level of the Celestial Immortal, Moreover, it also has the aura of high-level fairy fire, could it be that you should refine or devour a piece of fairy fire, so that your avatar contains high-level flame aura!"

"That's right, my deity can kill the seventh-level strongman of the killing fairy, and this avatar can also kill the fifth-level strongman of the killing fairy. In order to deal with you, I left a lot of power, not to mention you, but Lan Tiandong , and you are not an opponent, and your own strength is only around the fourth rank of Immortal Immortal, and you are not my opponent at all. Although you have spatial supernatural powers, I also have them, and you don't take advantage at all!"

The avatar Ye Yun said coldly, he did not scare Tai Dayan, before Ye Yun left, he did give the celestial artifact, the Sacred Beast Scepter, to the avatar just in case.

The power of the Holy Beast Scepter, Ye Yun is full of confidence, if he hits Lan Tiandong with all his strength, he can kill him.

"Okay, okay, good means, no wonder even Lan Tiandong suffered a big loss in your hands, but I doubt whether you can kill me, but I don't want to fight you to the death, because I and you There is no direct resentment, we can be friends, very good friends, I can guarantee that you will benefit greatly from having me as a friend in the future!" Ye Yun started his posture, but Tai Dayan did not frighten him, instead he calmed down .

The corner of Ye Yun's mouth turned up: "Friend? I don't know you at all. If you want to be my friend, ordinary people are not qualified. Tai Dayan, you better have a good reason so that I won't kill you!"

"You still take me to find your real deity, and I also need a place to cultivate. Here, you are the host and I am the guest. You should always do your best to be the host?" Tai Dayan actually put on airs.

"Let's go!"


The avatar took TEDA and headed towards Taiyi City immediately. After the space became calm, nothing happened in Fangfo, but there were still countless divine thoughts condensed from afar.

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