"Ye Yun, I will never die with you!"

In the twisted and deformed void, Utona watched helplessly as the last king was sucked into the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin, but he had nothing to do, and now he was isolated by Daoist Sect, Haoyue League, and Lanfengzong, and no one cared about him he.

Originally, it was hard to find Ye Yun, and he wanted to kill Ye Yun like an ant, but now it changed completely, Ye Yun killed him like an ant at will.

Utona can be regarded as the person who witnessed Ye Yun's growth. From the moment he and the Suyi people made a scene in Kaluo City a few years ago and killed his will projection, Utona has deeply remembered Ye Yun in his heart, but now seeing him Ye Yun can easily control everything from the sky to the sky, such supernatural powers, Ye Yun can't believe it.

"Kong Huangqi, Taoist Wei Xing..."

Distorted like a dream bubble in the middle of the air, frantically absorbing the origin of the mainland of China to bless the Tower of Purgatory, the dark space is like a bubble of water being sucked into it by the Tower of Purgatory at this moment, but the two astonishing auras are like autumn wind blowing leaves towards the leaves. Sweep across the sky.

Ye Yun's gaze was fixed, seeing that Kong Huangqi and Taoist Wei Xing actually tore through the defensive power of the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin, and pressed hard on him by destroying the power of time and space.

"Tiangang Star Explosion!"

Kong Huangqi and Taoist Weixing were also reduced to nothing under the terrifying suction force of the Tower of Purgatory. Their bodies were elongated and twisted, and they traveled through the dark void like ghosts. The explosion directly shattered the defensive force between him and Ye Yun.

Strains of power filled with the aura of the stars poured down from the nine heavens like a flood in an instant, and suppressed Ye Yun loudly. Wherever they went, they were completely shattered.

"Void shift!"

Ye Yun felt that the power of the entire Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin was about to be dissipated by the power of Daoist Weixing. The opponent's power was simply boundless. He fled underground, but Taoist Weixing's eyes moved, and the space around Ye Yun was compressed crazily, squeezing the space like crushing a stone.


Thu Thu Thu, although Ye Yun moved away from that terrifying force, but who would have thought that Taoist Wei Xing really has a high level of cultivation, just one look, contains supreme will, directly controls the space, squeezes, this scene is like a crusher Pressing directly on the glass, there was a space explosion. Ye Yun could use the constant crystal jade to teleport in space. Who would have thought that Taoist Wei Xing is really powerful, and his speed is not much slower than Ye Yun. As a result, Ye Yun was seriously injured by the shock , vomiting blood.

"Brother Weixing, good tricks, your mastery of the laws of space is far superior!" Kong Huangqi saw Ye Yun in a state of embarrassment, with a numb smile on his face, it was almost a fake smile.

Taoist Wei Xing floated in the distorted space, his eyes burning like torches: "Brother Kong, we can't continue to consume this space formation, and it will soon be completely sucked into the Hei Wu area. You and I can't capsize in the gutter!"

"For you to get Ye Yun, it's better to let him run away!" Kong Huangqi said nothing on the surface, but in his heart he wished that Ye Yun would run away immediately. If Taoist Wei Xing really got him, the loss outweighed the gains for Lan Fengzong. Paying such a price can be called compensation. After losing his wife, he broke down again.


Ye Yun crazily used the power of the constant crystal immortal jade to run quickly in the space, like a white horse passing through the gap, as fast as lightning, but Taoist Wei Xing and Kong Huangqi followed closely. If the entire space was not dominated by Ye Yun, it would It is used to restrain the two masters, otherwise, with just one breath, Ye Yun can be blocked instantly with two people's cultivation base.

"Damn... I didn't expect the eighth-level human immortal to be so tyrannical. Originally, I wanted to use the power of the constant crystal immortal jade to drive everyone into the boundless hell, but now there are two peerless masters, and I can only use the power of the Great Thousand Gods Turing!"

"Don't die, don't stop, if you want to kill me, I won't let you go, everyone, go to hell!" Ye Yun, who was running wildly, knew that if this delay continued, the situation would be completely unfavorable to him. Not only would he be in danger, he said Maybe people like Utona and Ke Hanlin will be rescued by the two of them.

If this is the case, then Ye Yun's efforts will be wasted in the end.

"The picture of the great thousand gods, the stars are moving!"

The situation is extremely dangerous for Ye Yun, not to mention the exhaustion of power, and now he is seriously injured under the terrifying force of Taoist Wei Xing, Ye Yun has come to the brink of collapse, now there is only one way out, to fight to the death.

In the realm of Shenluo, Taiyi Shenlu Madness began to frantically absorb the power of Daqian Shentu Turing. This power contains mysterious planes, stars, and the way of space. It is extremely mysterious. After Ye Yun absorbed this power, he immediately broke out. Entering the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, in the distorted dark space, a sense of nothingness or even soaring mistyness suddenly arises.

"what happened?"

Kong Huangqi found that his true qi was being sucked away by the Tower of Absolute Yin Purgatory, and Taoist Wei Xing was the same. His own eighth-level powerful and terrifying true energy was actually being sucked away by a power that only had the strength of the sixth-level strength of the Tower of Absolute Yin Purgatory. It was shocking forever, Kong Huangqi stabilized his figure, his gaze swept across the space that was about to disappear, and finally landed on the end of the void: "What kind of power is this, it actually contains the power to dominate the space..."

Taoist Wei Xing shook his head violently, and immediately vetoed it: "Impossible, unless it is a super strong person in the Tongtian Realm, who has supernatural powers. He is a fairy, and his power cannot shake the space and dominate the space!"

"No matter what, if we don't leave, I'm afraid we're going to stumble in the gutter. Brother MSI, I'll leave first!" Kong Huangqi, a cunning and cunning man, felt this ethereal and majestic power, and turned his head to fly towards the man under the suction of the Tower of Purgatory. The camp of more than [-] strong men of the Lanfeng Sect persisted.

"It's really shortsighted. Ye Yun, the more clever his tactics, it means that he has a shocking treasure in his body. How can I let this kind of treasure go for nothing!"

Seeing Kong Huangqi running away, Taoist Wei Xing didn't make a single movement. Instead, he stared at Ye Yun with greedy eyes like a cat catching a mouse: "I don't believe it, you can defy the sky!"


Daoist Wei Xing, with incomparable arrogance, increased his speed several times, and flew towards Ye Yun who was deep in the space.

"Kong Huangqi, you only thought of leaving now, it's too late!"

Ye Yun suddenly closed his eyes, his body shot out strands of holy light, and with his hands parted, he made seals against the void. Immediately, the entire space roared like a tsunami, and directly gathered towards the huge Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin above the void, and Purgatory The Tower of Absolute Yin turned into an ancient beast, opened its mouth wide, and sucked all matter into it.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the fourth or fifth rank of Immortal, they are sucked into the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory in the blink of an eye, and Ke Hanlin, Zhang Meng and others can still persist, but they have already lost their souls in fright, and now they have become street rats , How could he have such a strong and superior appearance just now.


The ancient gates of the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin are opened, sucking the dark space into it like a whale swallowing fish and shrimps. Utona is like a piece of rotten wood, pouring into the Tower of Purgatory Absolute Yin along with the space, while Daoist Sect and Lanfengzong have five figures. The first-order powerhouse was also instantly sucked in, followed by the sixth-order human immortal.

"Guardian, save us..."

There are only eight strong men left in Dao Dao Sect, among them, three of the seventh-rank human immortals inherited the triangle shape, unleashing the strength of their whole bodies, sweating profusely and panting heavily to protect everyone. Let's go, in the end, only Ruan Sihai and other five immortals of the sixth rank were left under the protection of three seventh-rank masters, persevering in embarrassment.

Ruan Sihai looked at the strong men of the same sect around him, one by one being sucked into the black hole of the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin. On MSI Taoist.

"Damn it, how could it be like this, he is only at the second level of the Celestial Immortal, how could he release such heaven-defying power! Damn it!" Taoist Wei Xing had to stop when he heard Ruan Sihai and others calling for help, and watched Ye Yun run away. The eight powerhouses of Wendaozong flew away.

"The ally..."

All the disciples of the Haoyue League are gone, only Ke Hanlin and Zhang Meng are left, protected by a powerful talisman, but the power of the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Shadow reveals the power of sweeping all space, and the two of them desperately cry for help, but the sky does not respond Opening the door of luck to them, the two were finally no match for the power of the Tower of Purgatory and were swept away at the same time.

Wendaozong, the king of the underground ghost city, was suppressed in the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory for nothing.


At the end of the void, the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory was vibrating slightly, making a low humming sound. It was the countless human immortals who were suppressed in it, such as Ke Hanlin and Utona, who were gathering all their strength to attack the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory.

"Guardian, why is this happening? Where did Ye Yun get this power from? I, the powerhouse of the Lan Fengzong, only have 12 of us left!" Qi protects himself, while most of the other people have long been sucked into the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory. When Lan Tiandong saw Kong Huangqi came back, his expression calmed down slightly.

"My strength has reached the verge of exhaustion, but it is still close to being able to involve Kong Huangqi, Taoist Wei Xing and others..."

Ye Yun hunched over, unleashing the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing, and using all his own power to bless the Purgatory Tower of Yin, bringing Ye Yun to the brink of exhaustion, but seeing how many people from Dao Dao Zong and Lan Feng Zong were still persisting, Ye Yun was not reconciled at all, these people must be killed, but he doesn't have the strength now.

"Only use the will of the ancestors of the beasts to kill them. If you don't drive the Tower of Purgatory Yin into the Boundless Hell, those strong people who will be locked in it will break through the formation!"

In just one breath, Ye Yun made a decision, and immediately grabbed the void with both hands, only to see that the dark space shrunk by half and suddenly poured into the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin.

"Something's wrong, everyone be careful, run away!"

Kong Huangqi watched several powerful people being sucked away again. With his eighth-level power, he couldn't resist the power of the Great Thousand Gods Chart contained in the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin. , forcibly dragging Lan Tiandong, Feng Xiao and others, and grabbing at the edge of the space with all their strength, a crack was created, and with a few swishing sounds, Kong Huangqi, Lan Tiandong and others escaped from the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin.

"Kong Huangqi, I didn't expect you to be so scheming, I'll go too!"

Taoist Wei Xing is also like Kong Huangqi. He thought that he could guard the space with the eighth-level domineering power, but he was still no match for the power of Daqian Shentu Turing. In the end, he led Ruan Sihai and the others through the void with all his strength, like strands of Ghosts, flying out of the dark space strangely.

"In the great thousand worlds, all laws are unified, cross the universe, and dominate the planes... Heiwu Territory, Shenzhou Continent, two major dimensions, break it for me!"

Ye Yun absorbed the majestic Great Thousand Gods Turing power in one gulp, and immediately shot out streaks of power towards the lower part of the void, and then grabbed the upper part of the sky, the thousand-foot-high Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory suddenly calmed down, and then landed down the lower part of the void with a bang , Ye Yun opened his mouth and protruded a large amount of divine power towards the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory.

Daqian Shentu Turing directly tore a hole in the Heiwu Territory Passage, and then tyrannically tore a hole in the space of Ziyu Continent. Ye Yun floated high in the void, with no light in his eyes, like a Supreme Void, facing The endless hell and evil star field was suppressed with a powerful palm.


The Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower suddenly fell layer by layer from the space cracks in the Heiwu Territory and the Ziyu Continent. At this moment, the mysterious Heiwu Territory, including the real powerhouses in the entire Shenzhou Continent, were awakened.

"What's going on? Someone forcibly tore open the space, how could such a strong person appear, the mainland of China is just a low-level plane!"

"What a domineering spatial will..."

All the hermit powerhouses who were buried in the depths of time and space in the Heiwu region and the mainland of China opened their eyes at this moment, and swept the depths of the void with their spiritual thoughts in amazement.


When the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin disappeared into the crack in the Hei Wu area, the two cracks healed immediately, like water that had stopped flowing, converging in an instant.

"Utona, Ke Hanlin... I, Ye Yun, do what I say, and no one can save you, except the legendary immortal!"

Swish swish!

In an instant, the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory disappeared, and the large space formation arranged by Ye Yun, Huangfu Fei, and Zhang Kun also disintegrated at this moment, and the passage in the Heiwu area was no longer under Ye Yun's control, and Ye Yun was even directly shaken out of the passage , Ye Yun flew out of the void in embarrassment, was shaken by the space, and finally came to the world of Ziyu Continent, appearing on the ruins of Xuanwu Gate.

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