The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 237 Shenzhou Starfield

The boundless star field and the vast Milky Way outline the wonderful star field of the Thai star plane.

A galaxy battleship ten feet long, two feet wide, and five feet high is shuttling between a large number of meteorites and planets. From time to time, meteorites hit the galaxy battleship, and the battleship is so impregnable that it shatters the meteorite into pieces. A ball of flame, like a shooting star, flickered in the endless Milky Way starry sky.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing..."

Inside the battleship, there is a narrow room of about ten square meters. Ye Yun is watching in amazement through the transparent air holes the spectacular star field wonders of the Taixing plane. Meteorites, planets, and continents are all in front of him. Facing the Taixing plane, Ye Yun felt that he was an insignificant grain of constant sand.

Tai Dayan sat on a big chair made of precious stones, very leisurely. In front of him was a big ball with dozens of fairy stones floating in it. It seemed to be the energy center of a battleship. Tai Dayan looked at Ye Yun and shook his head: "This kind of ark Battleships are very common in the fairy world. My battleship is still the lowest level. Some are giants, as big as planets. When you go to the fairy world, you can see all kinds of magic weapons. They swim in the water, fly in the air, and run on the ground. Yes, there are all kinds of weird things!"

After slipping away from under the eyelids of the King of Fumo, Ye Yun didn't allow Ye Yun to turn his head, and found that Tedayan had sacrificed an ark battleship, thinking it was useful for other purposes, but he didn't expect that after entering the battleship, he would directly tear the crystal wall of the planet , Entering the boundless star field, it is like traveling in the galaxy.

Ye Yun came to his seat and sat down, stared at the energy ball, clapped his hands and applauded: "With this baby, you can travel across the lower realms. Even the strong who break the fairyland can't cross the galaxy for a long time. It uses the fairy stone as energy. Without the fairy stone, this battleship It's like trash!"

"The Ark battleship consumes a lot of immortal stones, and I can't use it often, lest once the immortal stones are consumed, this battleship will become a waste product as you said!"

Tai Dayan took out a lot of fine wine, poured it for Ye Yun separately, drank a few pots, Tai Dayan sat cross-legged and said: "The destination has been set, and it will take about three months to reach the Shenzhou star field. I want to retreat and refine it." The power of the ancestor of the devil, you can use it yourself!" After finishing speaking, Tai Dayan closed his eyes and did not move.

"The Ark battleship is really amazing. It also has energy cannons, both offensive and defensive. It is going to attack the Shenzhou Continent and release the power of the immortal stone. Even Ditian will be blasted to the bone. The entire continent may sink... ..."

Ye Yun looked at the Ark warship very curiously, and found that the craftsmanship of the warship is very complicated, including thousands of programs, and he couldn't learn it at all. After waiting for a while, Ye Yun also began to sit cross-legged on one side, and began to check the ten rings obtained in the Demon Ancestor Dojo. See if there are as many treasures as you imagined inside.

"There are all seal defenses, let me break them all!"

Divine thoughts entered the ten rings, and immediately encountered the defensive power left by the ring owner in his lifetime. Now Ye Yunxiu is extraordinary, and has supernatural powers, reaching the heavens and the earth, breaking the seal left by the fairyland, what is it? Sweep, chug, chug crack it, and all the seals are gone.

"There are so many spirit stones, as many as the ocean. I don't know how many planets these strong men occupied, how much wealth they plundered, and the number of spirit stones is beyond count. The total sum is probably as huge as the mainland of China. It is unbelievable, at least dozens, Even if the total amount of spirit stones from hundreds of planets is added up, there will be so many spirit stones, and I don’t know how many years of development it takes to collect such a large number of spirit stones!”

Seeing the huge spirit stones in the ten rings, Yuanshen was a little too excited to speak. Think about it, there are tens of thousands of planets and continents on the Taixing plane, and there are nearly a hundred planets with a total of spirit stones in front of them. , With so many spirit stones, Ye Yun's current wealth is incomparably rich, even more than sects. Only the real overlord, the high-level powerhouse who broke the fairyland, may be able to compare with Ye Yun's wealth.

It is worthy of being the king of the Thai Emperor at that time. The owners of these rings should have been the princes and ministers of the Thai Emperor during his lifetime, otherwise they would not have collected so much wealth.

Ye Yun continued to look, and found that the most numerous gems were not spirit stones, and the weight of all kinds of gemstones was dozens of times that of spirit stones. Although the value was not as high as spirit stones, the total value was almost the same as spirit stones, which is amazing.

"In addition to gems, there are also various elixirs, exercise secret books, and various treasures. There are hundreds of millions of military equipment in this ring. It seems that this man must have been a general of the empire before his life!"

Inadvertently, Ye Yun sensed a strong fighting spirit, which was emanating from one of the rings. Ye Yun went in and took a look, he was stunned, why, because he saw the ocean-like military equipment, armor, spears, bayonets , war halberds, bows and arrows, crossbows, and even cannons, which can be equipped for a small empire. These equipment are all spiritual weapons, with the most middle-grade equipment and few top-grade equipment. The empire has the strength of the plane empire army.

"General Huangfu will be very happy if he sees it. Besides the equipment, there are also various military secrets. This ring is reserved for General Huangfu!"

Ye Yun put this ring away, and continued to look at the remaining nine rings: "There are many high-quality spiritual weapons, top-grade spiritual weapons, nine rings, and there are millions of light spiritual weapons... millions of pieces!"


A wave of immortality immediately attracted Ye Yun Yuanshen. Among the nine rings, there were many immortal artifacts. Among them, the ring with the largest space contained more than 100 immortal artifacts, and the other nine rings added up to a total of five hundred immortal artifacts. Artifacts, five hundred pieces of fairy artifacts, Ye Yun almost screamed out, the fairy artifacts seemed to be cheap items, and they were placed in front of Ye Yun.

In addition to the fairy artifacts, there are actually quite a few fairy stones, at least tens of thousands of fairy stones. In addition to the fairy stones in the ring that Tai Dayan gave beforehand, Ye Yun now owns a lot of fairy stones, probably nearly [-] fairy stones.

"Among so many celestial artifacts, more than a dozen of them release a particularly powerful aura, and they are on par with the Holy Beast Scepter. It's incredible. Tai Dayan really said it right. There are indeed many good treasures in the lower realm!"

"These top-notch fairy artifacts are treasures, and I will give them to Brother Yue, Ah Man, and Brother Yu later. Unfortunately, the fairy artifacts are different from the immortal stones. I can directly absorb the immortal nature in the immortal stones, and the immortal artifacts themselves seal the immortal nature." , is a magic weapon. To absorb the immortal nature of the immortal artifact, the formation and seal in the immortal artifact must be destroyed. In that case, the immortal artifact will be destroyed, but now my body can still accommodate a large amount of immortality, and the key realm is too low. When I break through the Heaven-reaching Realm or Breaking the Immortal Realm, I should be able to directly absorb the power from the fairy weapon!"

Looking at so many immortal artifacts and crazy immortality, Ye Yun wished to inhale them all into his body, but unfortunately, Ye Yun's cultivation base was too low to digest so much immortal power, so he had to collect them for future use when he broke through to a higher realm.

"The harvest this time is very huge, allowing me to directly become a big landlord, and I don't have to worry about spirit stones in the future. These dozen or so fairy artifacts are really amazing, none of them are mortal things, but this time, the one with the biggest harvest is that A piece of rotten wood!"

After mastering everything among the ten rings, Ye Yun began to classify the ten rings, and carried out a great shift in the universe, and put them all into the Da Luo Jie. The space of the Da Luo Ring is as big as a planet, and The other storage rings are all at the spirit weapon level, and the largest is no more than the Purple Jade Continent.

Put all the items down, but the Da Luo Ring is still empty, Yuanshen categorized all the items, Lingshi, gems, elixir, practice skills, various books, spiritual artifacts, fairy artifacts, fairy stones and some unknown treasures. Together, they turned into empty cities, and put all the same things in them.

It took more than ten days to tidy up the inside of the Da Luo Ring. Looking at it now, Ye Yun was envious of all the treasure houses. Now the treasures in the Da Luo Ring can only be compared with the sum of all the treasures of all the sects in the entire Shenzhou Continent. For a small part, Ye Yun believed that with his current financial resources, it would not be a problem to establish an empire or sect, but financial resources should not be revealed, otherwise it would lead to death.

"What is the mystery of this piece of rotten wood?"

Calm down, Ye Yun threw dozens of fairy stones into the Taiyi God Furnace for forging, refining, and improving his body's cultivation. Can't see any mystery in the dead wood.

"To be able to resist the will of God, this piece of rotten wood must not be an ordinary treasure, and it cannot even be compared with the Great Thousand Gods Map..."

Every time I think of the scene where even Taiyi Shenguang couldn't suppress the rotten wood, Ye Yun, who was always full of confidence, suddenly lost confidence in Taiyi Shenguangdao, and couldn't even suppress a piece of rotten wood. It's not going anywhere.

How big the universe is, when Ye Yun thinks of this, he is full of confidence and no longer has any doubts. The Great God of Shenluo must be a god, but who knows how many powerful gods exist among the gods. Ye Yun is very satisfied now, being able to get It is already a great blessing for Taiyi Shenguang Dao to be passed down by the gods. As for whether Shenluo is powerful or not, and what the status is among the gods, Ye Yun doesn't even guess. Own.

The so-called master brings in the door, practice depends on the individual, this is the truth.

Everyone has their own way, different people, different way.

"This rotten wood can absorb my essence and blood, and wood represents life. It seems that only the power that contains vitality can regenerate the rotten wood. I would like to see what kind of existence this rotten wood will be after resurrection. Hmph, even Taiyi Even the divine light can't suppress you... Could it be that you still have the power to fight against the gods..."

The body and mind are completely condensed on the rotten wood, but after much deliberation, the only thing I can think of is to find the treasure that contains vitality, so that the rotten wood can be reborn with the momentum of destroying the dead, turning the rotten into a miracle, since the moment the rotten wood can resist the light of Taiyi , Ye Yun had a feeling that this piece of rotten wood must have an extraordinary origin, at least an existence comparable to a god.

"The current situation does not have any advantage for me. There is Ditian in the front and Taidayan in the back. I need to get strong power as soon as possible, so that I will not be exploited by others and be able to control my own destiny!"

With a firm expression on his face, Ye Yun came back to his senses, turned his head to look at the air hole, and found that the Galaxy Buddha was covered with a layer of silver sand, which was very spectacular. Countless stars were dancing in the galaxy like fireflies, and the planets gradually became denser. Then one by one, like round agates, and between the planets, from time to time, there will be a passage through the star field like a tornado.

These passages are actually shuttle passages between the teleportation formations, passing through the galaxy, like ancient giant pythons, traveling around the starry sky and shuttling through the sky.

"Could it be that the colorful star field in front of you is the central star field of the Thai star plane..."

I couldn't help but come to the air hole of the battleship and look forward. A mysterious star field with countless planets appeared in front of me. The stars are shining brightly, like gems.

The central star field is vast and boundless, and it is indeed divided into three star fields. The distance between the three star fields is not particularly obvious, and there is no obvious division. However, the junction of the three star fields looks a bit dark. Gorgeous and dazzling, like a gray silk scarf.

"Brother Ye, right in front of us is the Shenzhou Starfield. Looking at the direction shown by the Ark Battleship, there should be no one, and we should leave the Ark Battleship. The Shenzhou Starfield has a defensive star layer made by ancient powerhouses. If the Ark Battleship is sensed, it will It will completely alarm the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm Breaker!"

At some point, Tai Dayan had come to Ye Yun's side, but Ye Yun didn't notice him coming.

After hearing this, Ye Yun looked surprised, and looked at the pieces of fluorescent light, only to realize that it was a defensive star layer: "Such a large star field, to arrange a sensory star layer... It should be a fairy trick!"

Tai Dayan nodded, looked at a huge star field that was getting closer and said: "It is a star layer that countless masters of breaking the fairyland have jointly arranged with individual immortals. Only a real fairy can crack the star layer. Even the tenth level of breaking the fairyland is difficult. Can't do it!"

"Could it be that there are really immortals in the Taixing plane!" Ye Yun thought of the beast ancestor, and knew in his heart that there were at least immortals in the mainland of China, but he wanted to get the real answer through Tai Dayan's mouth.

"Of course there are. These immortals are all old antiques. They have existed for at least 10 years. They suppress their own laws of immortal power, stay in the lower realm, and reach a balance with the power of the Taixing plane. Once they surpass the power of the plane, they will ascend to the fairy world. The lifespan of these immortals is not as good as that of the real immortals in the fairy world. Because their huge mana is sealed, their lifespan will be directly refined by the laws of the Thai star plane, and eventually after 10 years, they will still turn into loess. At that time, there were quite a few immortals, and the ancestor of Taihuang was also an immortal, and he defeated all the immortals one by one, and established the Tai Dou Empire!"

Speaking of this, Tai Dayan raised endless honors, and looked at Ye Yun with taste: "If you want to become the overlord of the Taixing plane, you must defeat these immortals. Don't look at the little Taixing plane, there should be many immortals. Without the strength of immortals, it is impossible to convince these immortals.

"It's no wonder that in the history of the Taixing plane, there is no other person except Taihuang who can rule the entire plane. It turns out that it is because of these reasons that the immortal..."

Ye Yun sighed silently. It seems that the seemingly peaceful Taixing plane is also full of dangers, and there are immortals lurking in it. What are immortals? Once released, they can destroy countless planets, and even tear the Taixing plane apart.

"As far as I know, the missionaries sent by the Yan Sect are immortals, and they are still looking for missionaries in secret. I think the immortals lurking in the dark on the Taixing plane will sooner or later be unable to withstand the temptation of the Yan Sect and become missionaries. Sir, when the time comes, it will be the time for you and me to perish with the entire plane!"

At this time, Tai Dayan was a little helpless, and his pupils shot deep eyes: "The reason why the missionaries have not seized the Taixing plane is because of the existence of these hidden immortals. Don't think that the missionaries come from the high-level fairy world, but when they come to the lower realm, It is also necessary to seal the power to achieve a balance with the Taixing plane, so that the missionaries and the original immortals of the Taixing plane are comparable in strength, and they can only dominate the plane if they use both soft and hard to lure the immortals!"

"I don't want to be a prisoner!"

Ye Yun smiled lightly, but in his heart, murderous intent was everywhere, thinking of his family, relatives, and friends, just based on this alone, Ye Yun would never let the Yan Sect succeed.

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