With a flash of Ye Yun's figure, he rushed to the center of the altar like lightning, and saw Tai Dayan holding the demon ancestor's body in the air, and the power of the demon ancestor's body was sucked into his palms one after another. During this process, the dark palace kept shaking , even the dojo formation seal is weakening, compared to before, only nine levels of strength are left to persist.

"The dojo is condensed from the essence of the demon ancestor's body. Now Tedayan has refined all the power of the demon ancestor, which will naturally weaken the seal of the dojo. However, with Taidayan's means, the cultivation base has improved a lot!"

The ground shook violently, Ye Yun stared at the surroundings: "If this continues, the seal will continue to weaken, and those who guard the dojo will definitely come in!"

At this moment, Tai Dayan absorbed the essence of the Demon Ancestor wholeheartedly. His body continued to expand, like a monster. With Tai Dayan's semi-immortal body, his supernatural powers were earth-shattering. After absorbing the power of the Demon Ancestor, he must reach another height. On average, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for the time being.

Up to now, on the surface, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan respect each other like guests and have a good relationship, but Ye Yun has long been convinced that the relationship between him and Tai Dayan is only a cooperative relationship at present, and it is more vivid and appropriate to say that it is cooperation rather than mutual use. Tai Dayan wanted to deal with the Yanjiao, but with his own strength, it would be difficult for him to succeed, and he needed strong assistance. There is nothing wrong with it. Ye Yun is Tai Dayan's ideal partner.

On the contrary, if Ye Yun offends Ditian, Long Haoyue and other enemies, he also needs strong foreign aid. He needs Tai Dayan to act as a talisman, to use each other, and to take advantage of each other. This is the relationship between the two. If it is, it is simply a laughing stock.

The method Tai Dayan used to Ye Yun was to use the treasury to lure him, while Ye Yun pretended to be a snake. At the same time, he wanted to get the Thai Emperor's treasure house, and at the same time wanted to make good use of Tai Dayan to solve his own disasters.

"Haha, Demon Ancestor, it turns out that you have already cultivated to the ninth level of breaking through the fairyland, and you are one step away from breaking through the tenth level, and you are one step away from flying immortals. It's a pity that your luck is really bad!"

In the void, Tai Dayan broke up, and then pushed in the opposite direction, compressing the entire void crazily, as if to crush the demon ancestor's body. Sure enough, with a few clicks, the demon ancestor's body turned into powder, which was absorbed by Tai Dayan little by little. In the skin, every time one is inhaled, the aura of the body changes a bit, becoming ethereal.

"It seems that an immortal is an immortal, and can directly absorb the power of others. It is a pity that the power of the seal of this huge altar has not yet been released. Otherwise, if I win the spiritual vein and refine it by me, I can at least break through to the tenth level of the heavenly immortal, or even the human fairyland. No, I want to seal my own power, and when I break through the human fairyland, I don’t know how dangerous and earth-shattering it is, and I’m afraid it will cause the laws of the entire plane to swallow me!”

Feeling the continuous blessing and ascension of Tai Dayan's power, Ye Yun is also thinking of practicing next. For Ye Yun, breaking through the human fairyland is at most ten years away. The human fairyland and the heavenly fairyland are definitely two concepts. Reborn, stepping out of the world of mortals, the catastrophe must be earth-shattering.

Ditian, Long Haoyue, Wendaozong, Lanfengzong, and the mysterious Yanjiao, which of these enemies is not invincible to Ye Yun? With Ye Yun's current cultivation level, he can't fight at all, even with a single move , only to escape, but it is not the same as breaking through the Human Immortal Realm. At that time, the Human Immortal Realm will definitely have no opponents. You can only leapfrog the level and directly kill the powerhouses of the Tongtian Realm. What Lan Fengzong, Long Haoyue, and Wendao Zong will all die , even Ditian, it is no longer possible to seriously injure Ye Yun casually, let alone kill Ye Yun.

"Now, for me, it is to collect spiritual veins as soon as possible, store power, and break through the human fairyland as soon as possible. Once I break through the human fairyland, I will fly far away!"

"The ten storage rings left by the strong who broke the fairyland must contain countless spiritual stones, and even fairy stones, fairy artifacts and countless rare treasures. Next, I will set up a magic altar to welcome people to the fairyland!"

Feeling Tai Dayan's domineering momentum, Ye Yun is even more eager to increase his strength. At least before Tai Dayan resumes his cultivation of breaking the fairyland, Ye Yun also needs to cultivate the strength of breaking the fairyland. Only in this way can he have the capital to use each other with Tai Dayan. After the invincible power, how will he deal with Ye Yun.

"Who thinks, who wants to touch this king's things? No matter who it is, you will all die, and this king will suck all your blood and turn you into mummies!"


Suddenly, a ferocious, domineering, demonic angry roar came in from the underground abyss outside the seal, and was heard the sound of the seal being attacked.

"It's so strong, it feels stronger than the original beast ancestor's power, and how many times stronger than Di Tian's. It must be the one who broke the fairyland!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Yun was covered in cold sweat. Facing the imposing manner of breaking the fairyland, Ye Yun's body was suppressed and trembled slightly. The will of breaking the fairyland was so amazing. You must know that Ye Yun didn't feel this way when facing the beast ancestor, maybe it was the beast ancestor. The reason why he didn't release his aura, but now facing the masters of the magic way outside, he actually had the illusion of turning himself into a demon. The person who spoke just now must be a peerless powerhouse.

"Brother Ye, don't worry, there should be the demon king outside. It's nothing to reach the middle of the broken fairyland. It's impossible to enter the dojo. I will be able to refine the power of the demon ancestor!"

At this moment, Tai Dayan looked down at Ye Yun from the void, and said to Ye Yun in a calm tone.

"I can't help it. It seems that Tai Dayan still needs a while. I can't wait for nothing. Yes, the bone of the strong man who broke the fairyland, why not use this time to refine the immortality!"

Immediately, he sat cross-legged in the void, and summoned the highly cultivated bone that broke the fairyland from the Da Luo Jie. As soon as the bone appeared, the powerful immortal nature radiated like light.

"It turned out to be the seventh-level immortality of Poxian...!"

Tai Dayan frantically absorbed the physical strength of the Demon Ancestor, continuously refining and merging, and the immortality below shocked him immediately. When he looked down, he didn't expect to have such a corpse in his hand, so he couldn't help sighing.

"The seventh level of breaking the immortal, no wonder, it is indeed achieved by cultivation, the seventh level of breaking the immortal, half immortal, this kind of rumored character is really incredible, wherever he goes, he is the supreme among the supreme, the immortal immortal among the bones Sex, although it is not as good as the Beast Sacred Scepter, but it is much stronger than other immortal artifacts in my ring!"

Taiyi Zhenqi burst out in an instant, as if feeling the immortal nature, greedily wrapping the bones, Ye Yun directly absorbed the immortal immortality, Taiyi Zhenqi contained Taiyi divine light, the will of immortal gods, just enough to suppress Any immortality, and Ye Yun's physical body already contains the terrifying immortality of Daqian Shentu Turing, which can absorb any immortality power.

Immortal immortality enters Ye Yun's body, and immediately merges into bones, blood, and tendons. Finally, the dantian and golden elixir, especially the golden elixir, absorb the most immortality. The more, the greater the chance of becoming a fairy.

The physical body crazily absorbs the immortal nature, and thus undergoes earth-shaking changes. The essence of the body continues to increase, the vitality continues to surpass ordinary people, the concentration of essence and blood continues to change, and the vitality of life and spirit is crazily blessed. Ye Yun's vitality is already tens of thousands of monks of the same realm. times.

Life is the most sacred and unpredictable. The stronger the vitality and the thicker the blood essence, the stronger the strength, the faster the cultivation speed, the infinite luck, and the achievement of a high-level living body, just like a fairy, and a fairy is a living body that has been transformed , separated from the lower life forms of mortals, so the essence of life determines too many potential factors.

This is an evolutionary process. For example, spirit stones are brewed from the earth, and they are continuously self-absorbed. In the ancient times of Taixu, many planes were just chaotic matter, and chaos brewed all kinds of life forms such as demons and ghosts. Constantly self-evolving, from a low form to a high form, and developed potential and possessed intelligence.

Everything is created from scratch and slowly formed.

It is impossible for a mortal to transform into a fairy by himself, so he needs to go against the sky and constantly develop his potential ability by himself, that is, practice, break the nothingness, develop supernatural powers, and become a high-level life form through practice.

Today's immortal nature is forging Ye Yun's vitality, improving his life body, allowing Ye Yun to transform and evolve layer by layer from blood to skin, cutting hair and washing marrow, removing impurities, and increasing the concentration of life genes.

"This kid is even more elusive than imagined. He directly absorbs the immortal nature, reverses the law, and uses the mortal body to contain the high-level power of the immortal. This has already surpassed the conventional law. This person also ignores the law and tramples on the law..."

"However, the universe is so big. There are so many geniuses like him. It's nothing more than obtaining ancient treasures and soaring into the sky. Everyone has secrets. Ye Yun, grow up quickly, otherwise you can't change the law. The law changes you!"

Tai Dayan was a little surprised when he saw Ye Yun's supernatural powers, but to him, it was not worth mentioning. In the fairy world, there is no such thing as a genius. Compared with them, Ye Yun is nothing, but Ye Yun directly absorbed it. Immortal nature, the power to reverse the law, this method still surprised him.

With a mortal body, to accommodate high-level power, not only must reverse the law, break the law, but also have an extraordinary body, which is enough to prove that although Ye Yun is a celestial being, his body is more domineering than a human celestial being or even a powerhouse in the heaven-reaching realm. The concentration of life genes has already reached an extraordinary level.

It can even be said that Ye Yun's body already has an immortal spirit, reaching the primary stage of the immortal body, because only the immortal body can directly absorb the immortal nature, such as flesh immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, human immortals, Tongtian, Poxian In the six realms, only those who cultivated the Immortal Realm can absorb the Immortal Nature, because the Immortal Realm is a half-immortal, and a half-immortal is also an immortal, and the realm below the Heaven-reaching Realm, it is impossible to store immortality according to common sense, and the law does not allow cultivation of immortality. It can't reach the level of fairy body, and under the double restraint, there must be only death.

It can be seen that Ye Yun's body now contains an immortal spirit.

Time ran away like running water, almost dozens of days later, Tai Dayan's huge body slowly shrunk and turned into a normal appearance, and the demon ancestor had long been weathered, and all the power was absorbed by Tai Dayan. He now not only has immortality, but also Infinite power.

"Lord Fumo, if you meet me Tai Dayan, you will meet your nemesis. Sooner or later, I will accept you!"

After Tai Dayan landed, he found that the power of the seal had been dissipated by nearly five floors, and he sensed that the monstrous demonic energy was forcibly entering, and he might enter the dojo in a short while.

"Brother Tai, King Fumo is a peerless powerhouse who can break through the fairyland. You and I are definitely not opponents now. Is it better to go 36 times?"

With a snort, the white bones turned into powder, Ye Yun withdrew his breath, stood up and took a deep breath, and then came to Tai Dayan's side, watching the surging devilish energy breaking through the seal, as fierce as a drilling machine.

"The King Fumo can't do anything to me, but let him enter the dojo, then maybe, let's go, let's leave this dangerous place first!"


Tai Dayan released the power of the vast domain, dragged Ye Yun and flew into the surging seal in an instant. Compared with before, Ye Yun found that the power of the formation was too weak, and many formations were destroyed. However, in the formation, At this time, it was extremely dangerous, and the power of various formations was berserk, and the power to break the fairyland wiped out all directions.

After Taidayan absorbed the power of the demon ancestor, his strength increased greatly, and he was not afraid of any power at all. Moreover, as an immortal, he must have a lot of immortal-level power in his body, and he possessed immortal artifacts that truly belonged to the immortal world. Unlike the immortal artifacts in the lower realm, they are all Low-level trash.

It is precisely because Tai Dayan is a fairy that Ye Yun looks confident. As a fairy, Tai Dayan must have a terrible power sealed in his body. Maybe he can kill any immortal power that breaks the fairyland, but this power cannot be used indiscriminately. Tai Dayan has always been Hiding power seems to be to use power where it should be used.

"Where did the two children come from, dare to sneak into the king's dojo, hateful, really hateful, today, this king will swallow you alive!"

When he was about to break through the formation, suddenly, a majestic body appeared in the formation. He was opening his mouth wide to absorb the terrifying demon energy in the formation. When he saw Tai Dayan and Ye Yun crossing the formation, this Dao's body turned into a vicious spirit, yelling at the two of them.

Tai Dayan was leisurely, and looked at the vicious god with great interest: "Lord Fumo, you are really shameless. This ashram is left over from the first generation of demon ancestors of the troll star. How could you, a little demon king, be able to desecrate it?" !"

"How do you know that this dojo is left by the first demon ancestor?"

The vicious god suddenly calmed down, and the other party knew the origin of the dojo, which shocked him very much. The secret of the dojo was inherited from the ancient magic seal in his body. In the entire Taihuang plane, he was the only one who knew the secret of the dojo. People, who actually know the origin of the dojo, his identity is definitely not simple.

"Lord Fumo, I see that you are not a stupid person. You must have thought of something. The reason why I know this dojo is because I, like you, are inextricably linked with the ancestor of the demon. Do you believe me? Don't you believe it?" Tai Dayan said in an inscrutable way when he saw the calm devilish energy of the King of Fumo.

The evil spirit transformed by the king of Fumo opened his teeth and claws at the two of them: "I don't know whether it has anything to do with it, but you trespassed on the dojo without my permission. This is a death penalty. I will not let you go!" "

Tai Dayan's face darkened: "Lord Fumo, it's a pity that you don't have this ability. Because of the fate of the ancestors, I left you the altar of the ancestor of the demon. The altar contains infinite magic. Once you refine it, you can truly become a demon." Body, cultivation base greatly increased, when you cultivate the supreme magic way, I will come to you again, you have to surrender to me, serve me, you are just like your ancestors!"

King Fumo suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

"A person who knows the past and has the same identity as you has had no sky since ancient times. The king stands up to the sky and reverses the world. Only the emperor..."

The formation suddenly exploded with a strange light, and Tai Dayan and Ye Yun disappeared in front of the Demon King in an instant, and the remaining Demon King was gnashing his teeth in anger, and the demonic aura was overwhelming.

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