Yuling City, an ancient mansion, with a black-painted deep copper gate, covered with mottled traces of time, red bricks and green tiles, and two ancient auspicious statues placed at the gate, resembling tigers and lions, looks majestic and quite dated.

At this time, many young men in gray clothes were waiting for something at the door. When they saw Xuanyuan Yun leading Tai Dayan and others coming, the servants immediately opened the main door and stood upright on both sides.

Xuanyuan Yun bowed his body and invited everyone to enter the mansion: "Everyone, this is Xuanyuan Mansion, please stay in the mansion for the time being, please!"

All the Shenzhou students followed the villain to lead the way and entered the mansion, while Ye Yun and Tai Dayan walked at the end, Ye Yun seemed to see something, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Tai, do you know Xuanyuan World very well?"

Tai Dayan and Ye Yun entered Xuanyuan Mansion, walked among the green corridors, rockery and flower forests, Tai Dayan shook his head and said: "I don't really understand it, the Xuanyuan family was the overlord of a star field in the era of our ancestors. The cooperative relationship, I never expected that it has not been completed to such a degree now, the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family has a high level of cultivation, comparable to the ancestor, and successfully ascended to the plane of the fairy world, he is a real immortal."

After Ye Yun heard this, he was rather surprised that the Xuanyuan family actually produced immortals. Then, this Xuanyuan family has a history longer than the three great fairy courtyards in the Taixing plane, but it is really embarrassing to fall into this situation: " This Xuanyuanyun is the fourth level of Tongtian, it seems that the Xuanyuan family does not have any superpowers at all, no wonder they have to ask for help from the Shenzhou Immortal Academy!"

"Clean up quickly, don't panic!"

Passing through the three-storey courtyard, we came to the inner courtyard. As soon as we stepped into the courtyard, we saw the Xuanyuan family was busy counting their belongings. All kinds of items were piled up in the courtyard, and even the passages on all sides were so large that they were carved with exquisite craftsmanship. From large devices to all kinds of treasure boxes, even daily necessities, everything is detailed, completely counted and recorded, and then someone specially puts the items into storage rings. Those who master the storage rings are five An old man who is more than ten years old and whose cultivation base has reached the Heavenly Reaching Realm.

"The Xuanyuan family also has many low-level powerhouses of the Heaven-reaching Realm, but unfortunately, there is no high-level powerhouse. This kind of family is no match for the arrival of a tenth-level master of the Heaven-reaching Realm..."

Xuanyuan mansion went up and down, in a hurry, Ye Yun inadvertently remembered the situation of the Ye family back then, it was exactly the same, and the family might be wiped out at any time.

Except for adults, some children and women are also helping. At a glance, the entire Xuanyuan family is mobilizing. Except for the entire mansion that cannot be moved, almost all other movable items have been counted.

Most of the Xuanyuan family's belongings are actually very ordinary, similar to ordinary people, there are few valuable belongings, but as a family, the real financial resources are beyond the control of outsiders.

"Elder, something is wrong. Miss Poxin is trapped by the gang of traitors and cannot escape!"

In the midst of the bustle and bustle, suddenly, a servant with hurried steps, flustered expression, and sweaty face came to Xuanyuan Yun, and said nervously and eagerly.

Xuanyuan Yun was discussing deeply with Tai Dayan, and Ye Yun was also listening quietly, but the servant who came suddenly attracted three pairs of eyes. Asked: "What happened, tell me slowly!"

The servant wiped off his sweat, and said nervously: "Miss is leading everyone to clean up the last items in the cargo station. Just as the evacuation is about to be completed, the gang of traitors suddenly came, and Miss Poxin protected the people and left, and she If you're trapped in the freight station, you can't get out, the gang of traitors will do everything possible to get everything, and they will definitely not let it go, Miss is in danger!"

"Damn it, the gang of traitors... take advantage of the fire, they are despicable and shameless, they have already destroyed several large freight stations, and now they still want to deal with the young lady, no way..."

Xuanyuan Yun clenched his fists, and seemed to be very afraid of the traitors in his mouth, but there was nothing he could do about it, but he immediately turned around and begged Tai Dayan: "Brother Tai, Miss Poxin is the orphan of our clan, this..."

"Old Yun, you don't have to be so nervous!" After hearing this, Tai Dayan waved his hand and said lightly in the face of Xuanyuan Yun's helpless and eager look.

"pass it to me!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun, who had been silent all this time, flicked his fingers, and the void in front of him instantly became nothingness. He strode into it and disappeared strangely.

"This..." Xuanyuan Yun's eyes were full of shock and confusion, as if he never thought that Ye Yun would go alone, and in such a supernatural way, it was inconceivable to cross the void. Five levels of immortality, this is simply unbelievable.

Tai Dayan is well aware of Ye Yun's means, even he can't see what kind of means Ye Yun used, possessing such an incredible space supernatural power, Tai Dayan looked at Xuanyuan Yun and said: "Old Yun, don't worry, once Junior Brother Ye Taking action will definitely bring people back safely, it is best for you and me to stay here, in case of sudden incidents, I am afraid people will take advantage of the loopholes!"

Xuanyuan Yun immediately felt relieved, he knew that Tai Dayan would not joke with him about this kind of thing: "The purpose of relocating to Lingdong Star this time is to avoid these rebel forces, I didn't expect to cling to them, Brother Tai, Thank you for your hard work this time!"

"We came here in accordance with the decree of the Immortal Court, and we will do our best to escort you. This is our responsibility!"

In order to make Xuanyuan Yun completely relieved, Tai Dayan could only express his sincerity again and again. Moreover, Tai Dayan did not ask why the Xuanyuan family could invite Shenzhou Xianyuan. There must be hidden secrets in it. Tai Dayan does not care about this Mission, this time it's just a mission.

Not far outside the city is a small town, and the town is full of freight stations. Almost the entire Yuling City freight stations are concentrated here for unified management.

But now, in the east corner of the freight station, many people are crowding around a freight station to watch the excitement. Some of them are low-level powerhouses in the Tongtian Realm, and everyone has a strong murderous aura, which makes the town permeated with a suffocating atmosphere.

"Xuanyuan Poxin, give up, you're only at the first level of the sky, why resist us? It's just a cornered beast, it's meaningless, if you are stubborn, I won't be of the same blood, I will kill you on the spot!"

In the open-air yard of the freight station, a dozen men in black, led by an old man in red, were besieging a woman in white. The woman in red was covered with a silver silk scarf, so she couldn't see her face clearly. She is charming, exuding a cold and fresh breath all over her body, she is thousands of miles away from others, and a white lotus throne is protecting her.

The old man in red didn't make a move at all, with a sixth-level cultivation of the Heaven-reaching Realm, he can be said to be this strong man, and he can be regarded as the No. Moreover, this force is quite powerful compared to any other family, but against a third-rate family like the Xuanyuan family, it is simply invincible.

The red-clothed old man held his head high and ignored everything: "Xuanyuan Poxin, your father and this old man were also considered old friends. Just because of this, the old man will not kill you, so follow me to serve the new patriarch?"

The white-clothed woman 'Xuanyuan Poxin' had a slender body, she was shocked, she was full of anger and coldly scolded: "You still have the face to mention my father, if it wasn't for you despicable villains who framed my father, how could this day happen, this day This bloody revenge, I must take it back myself, what kind of new clansmen, you traitors and bandits, don’t even think about succeeding!”

"Hmph, it's true that you don't eat oil and salt, and you don't eat fine wine for toasting. Okay, Xuanyuan Poxin, then don't blame me for being a cruel uncle, kill!" The trapped Xuanyuan Poxin.

"Nine lotus body guard!"

Xuanyuan Poxin protects the lotus throne, and the silver crystals are dazzling, continuously blooming around her, forming nine layers, turning into a grand lotus flower, protecting Xuanyuan Poxin in the center, and she looks like a lotus fairy , otherworldly, seems to come from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.


The murderous aura of the red-clothed old man slammed steadily on the lotus seat, and instantly set off the power of destruction, smashing the lotus seals on Xuanyuan Poxin's body and body, and Xuanyuan Poxin was shocked back dozens of steps. Unexpectedly, he was not injured, and in the realm of human immortality, he withstood the blow of the sixth-order powerhouse of Tongtian.

"Breaking Heart, I didn't expect you to have such strength in just a few decades..."

The red-clothed old man's face was extremely distorted and distorted, and he said grimly: "Our Xuanyuan family doesn't have this kind of qigong at all. It must be in the treasure house left by our ancestors. The sacred qigong is really hard to find. It doesn't take much effort to get it, Xuanyuan Poxin, today, this old man will take everything from you!"

"So what, so what if you are not, for the sake of the treasure house, you designed to poison my father, and now you want to deal with me, you can't succeed, with your qualifications, don't keep calling yourself a member of the Xuanyuan clan, this is blaspheming the ancestors, Xuanyuan Not guilty, you old thief!"

Xuanyuan Poxin stepped out of the holy light of the lotus, and it seemed that he could not bear the red-clothed old man'Xuanyuan Wuzui', his aura was completely different from before, and his aura was also messy and heavy.

Xuanyuan was innocent and murderous, his eyes were greedy and cold like a wolf: "I am not qualified, but the future patriarch is, so don't try to fight against us. The power of the patriarch is beyond what you can imagine. Only the patriarch can be truly powerful. Let the Xuanyuan family regain its glory!"

"Sounding high-sounding, you call theft a family honor. You really have no sense of shame. Xuanyuan is innocent. You have betrayed your clansmen this year for your glory and wealth. You are no longer members of the Xuanyuan family!" fear.

"Damn it, this old man has given you countless opportunities. You just don't listen to what you say. You and your goddamn father are a perfect match. Let's go to hell together!"

Xuanyuan Wuzui changed back to his original appearance, ferocious and ferocious, with wolf-like eyes, releasing terrifying power all over his body, holding all the air in the cargo station in his hands, and then transformed into an electric dragon: "Longxiao Palm!"

In the blink of an eye, after Xuanyuan Wuzui formed seals with both hands, the electric dragon transformed into a huge palm of a coiling dragon, which also looked like lightning flashes. With a flip of his hand, it came towards Xuanyuan Poxin destructively, not to mention the entire freight station. , even the void in the town was shaking, as if a catastrophe was about to strike.

Although Xuanyuan Poxin couldn't see his face, his eyes were cold and dull, like a cold pool, and like a nine-day galaxy, giving people a bottomless taste, and on his forehead, drops of sweat had already oozed out. With the attack of sin, Xuanyuan Poxin seemed a little powerless.

"Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower, suppress!"

Seeing that the Palm of Disruption was about to press down on Xuanyuan Poxin, suddenly, a sacred sound came from the void, and then, a pagoda fell directly through the air, crushing heavily on the giant thunder palm, chug..., the Purgatory Jueyin Pagoda directly suppressed , dragging all the lightning into the void, and then disappeared together.


Xuanyuan Wuzui was so angry that someone actually blocked him with his arms crossed, and he was simply ignored, especially when Xuanyuan Poxin was about to be obtained, but now, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway.

"Xuanyuan Poxin, I am a disciple of Shenzhou Xianyuan, Xuanyuanyun asked me to take you back!"

At this time, a figure appeared in the void, wearing a yellow cloud robe, which was known to everyone as the Taoist robe of the Shenzhou Xianyuan and the throne student. The person who came was Ye Yun. Ignore it.

After hearing Ye Yun's explanation, Xuanyuan Poxin immediately felt at ease: "It's Grandpa Yun!"

Xuanyuan Wuzui hid his murderous aura, but in exchange for a sly smile: "Shenzhou Xianyuan, boy, you are just a student of the throne, what are you, and you are also a fifth-level immortal, you are against me, you If you can't take advantage of it, instead of fighting with two tigers, how about becoming friends?"

Ye Yun still didn't show any expression, and responded lightly: "I'm really not a thing, and I have to join forces with people like you and occupy other people's property. People like you are really contemptible!"

"No wonder Xuanyuan Poxin is confident. She already knew that Shenzhou Xianyuan is backing her. Okay, boy, I will give you a good class today!" Start with Ye Yun.

"You're humiliating yourself this time!"

Ye Yun's complexion changed, and he immediately knew that the other party was going to attack. He knew that the Tongtian Realm was powerful, and it was not something that the human fairyland could compete with. Moreover, he was the heavenly fairyland, so when Xuanyuan Wuzui started to destroy everything, he strangely released his control The power directly sucked Xuanyuan Poxin and himself into the void.


As soon as the two of them left, there was a violent explosion in the void, the void became a mirror, cracked inch by inch, disintegrated, and finally shattered into particles.

"so close…"

In the depths of the mysterious and dark space with a glimmer of galactic light, Xuanyuan Po was terrified and looked at the surrounding scene in amazement. She was extremely shocked. She actually saw the legendary crossing of the void and crossing the galaxy.

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