The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 247 The Xuanyuan Family

Performing tasks and getting part of the rewards, this is clearly stipulated by the school rules, no student can say no, even the students who break the fairyland and immortals must perform, Ye Yun can't choose, afterward, Tai Dayan also walked out from the void, and Ye Yun Yun left the Nirvana Dojo together, and saw a second-rank emperor student of Tongtian, and they went to Jiushi Peak together.

Nine Stone Peaks, one of the peaks, is inside the magnificent palace.

Hongsheng was discussing something with a respectable and powerful man, and there were forty or fifty royal students in yellow cloud robes standing beside him. Tai Dayan saluted politely: "Brother Tai!"

Hongsheng stood up with the respected and strong man, Hongsheng smiled and said: "Brother Tai, Brother Huang and I are discussing this mission, you came just in time!"

"I've seen Senior Brother Huang!" Tai Dayan clasped his fists at Senior Brother Huang calmly. He was not under the sixth-level cultivation of the other party, and he was not timid at all.

Brother Huang immediately withdrew his mighty aura. He felt that Tai Dayan didn't seem to be provoking hostility, so he stepped down: "Seeing is worth seeing once, Junior Brother Tai!"

Tai Dayan smiled naturally, cupped his hands and said: "Brother, I'm honored. I just entered the Immortal Academy, and I still need the care of my brothers. Please take care of me!"

"Junior Brother Tai, you and Junior Brother Ye have been in the Immortal Academy for less than ten years, and it should be time for retreat, but this time we really can't spare manpower. , every junior has missions one after another, while students from other colleges don’t take missions all year round!”

Hongsheng shook his head with a wry smile, followed by Qingfeng smiled, looked down on the world, and his eyes fell on Tai Dayan: "The Xuanyuan family, I wonder if Junior Brother Tai has heard of this family?"

Tai Dayan still showed no extra expression, the clouds were calm and the breeze was clear, and his pupils shot brightly: "I heard people talking about it accidentally, Xuanyuan World is an ancient family. It is rumored that in the era of Emperor Tai, it was a first-class big family with brilliant In the past, there were few families in the Taixing plane that could compare with the Xuanyuan family in history!"

"It seems that Junior Brother has not only heard about it, but also understands it very well. Even I don't know that the Xuanyuan World has such a long past. Unfortunately, the Xuanyuan Family has almost not been established as a third-rate family, and it is not even a third-rate family. Fortunately, several Later generations practiced in the academy, and now Xuanyuan World is going to move to a desolate planet. I hope that the fairy courtyard will send people to escort it. Desolate ancient planet, after completing the task, there will be tens of millions of spirit stones as reward, and there will be a record in the credit book!"

Hong Sheng explained the mission in detail. It sounds like the mission is very simple. It is only to escort the Xuanyuan family to the ancient planet. However, being able to send the emperor's students shows that this escort mission is not as easy as it seems on the surface. .

"Junior Brother, this time I have sent fifty junior junior brothers to accompany you. Although it is only an escort mission, it is also very difficult. The danger is unpredictable and there are many uncertain factors. Please pay more attention and be extremely cautious!"

After Hongsheng finished speaking, Senior Brother Huang also came to Taidayan to care and exhort him. Between the lines, he showed sincere concern, without the slightest pretentiousness, and brought up all the uncertain factors before and after the task.

"Senior brothers, just sit and wait for me to return smoothly!"

Tai Dayan came out of Hongsheng's hand, and as a result of the mission, he and Ye Yun strode out of the hall with big strides, and fifty students on the throne followed immediately respectfully.

"Although the Xuanyuan World has fallen, it has been rumored that the Xuanyuan family owns an ancient treasure house. Therefore, the Xuanyuan family keeps looking for powerful enemies. I hope that this mission will not have anything to do with the treasure house!"

Senior Brother Huang and Hongsheng looked at each other, showing some worry.


Over the Manggu Mountains, a group of throne students wearing yellow cloud Taoist robes followed Tai Dayan and Ye Yun who were wearing Dajin Taoist robes. Although Ye Yun was also a student of the throne, it might be because of his relationship with Tai Dayan He is also respected by everyone, but it is not as good as Tai Dayan. Everyone treats Tai Dayan with respect.

A team of 52 people flew through the void of Manggu with vibrating momentum, passed through the clouds continuously, and flew towards the teleportation array in the distance. To enter and exit the Shenzhou Xianyuan and leave Piaomiaoxing, they must pass through the teleportation array, which happened to be the closest teleportation array to the Manggu Mountains , Just above Jietian Peak.

Connecting to Tianfeng, Connecting to Tiandian, and in the teleportation hall, there are many students waiting to be teleported at this moment. The planets these students go to are different, and they need to be teleported again and again.

"I've met my brother, where are you going?"

Tai Dayan led the crowd from outside the hall to the inner hall. Hundreds of students guarding the formation were teleported in the inner hall. When they saw Tai Dayan was dressed in a golden robe, they immediately bowed their hands and saluted, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

There was no extra expression on Tai Dayan's face, he nodded and said: "Ling Dongxing!"

A student on the throne immediately waved to all the students who were waiting for the teleportation: "Everyone make way for senior brother!"

"Why, we have waited for so long, why did we give way to Nitianyuan!"

When the other students heard this, they didn't give the throne student any face at all. No, he didn't give the Nitian Academy any face. In their eyes, the Nitian Academy was just a group of handyman students, and this time the leader of the Nitian Academy, even though he was a student of the Emperor , but the realm is in the fairyland, let alone give face, ordinary students of the throne, it is nothing if they are not up or down.

Standing in a neutral position, the student of the throne said to the unmoving students, "This is stipulated by the rules of the school. Senior senior brothers have the right to control. We are all senior brothers. It is best not to make troubles." , if law enforcers are brought in to move out of the hospital rules, none of you can afford it!"

"Even if the law enforcement officers are called, I'm afraid the court rules are not aimed at us. We can't say anything today, we have to queue up, what is the guarding court!"

Unexpectedly, these students still haven't regressed, and are even more arrogant than before. This is simply ignoring the rules of the school and blatantly bullying the Heaven-Defying Institute.


Suddenly, a loud thunderous sound came out of nowhere, shaking these students fainted, without even the strength to resist, and Tai Dayan led the crowd directly towards the teleportation formation with a killing momentum, ignoring the ground. Those embarrassed students simply walked past them.

"Guardian Academy is nothing, you guys, what are you? I am a new student of Nitian Academy, Tai Dayan, please remember, I don't care what background you have, if you dare to ignore the rules of the academy, you will hit me once you see me. Those who are not convinced, go directly to the Heaven-Defying Courtyard to find me!"

When everyone came to the sky above the teleportation formation, Tai Dayan turned around suddenly, and roared at the students who were not willing to be reconciled, and once again shocked everyone to vomit blood, full of domineering and domineering momentum, and did not give these students any face. All the students who guarded the formation took the blow and taught them a lesson.

"it is good!"

Fifty disciples of Nitianyuan's throne immediately clapped their hands and applauded. When did Nitianyuan be so relieved? With prestige, he is respected from the heart by everyone.

Originally, this mission contained unsafe factors, but I heard that the team leader is Tai Dayan, and all the students couldn't help being excited. The sixth-level strength of the sky, the emperor's student, is strong enough to be relied on by everyone, and Tai Dayan has recently passed the silence. The matter of refining the Valley of Miracle spread not only in the Manggu Mountains, but also in the entire Holy Land of Heretics. Many people have heard of the name Taidayan.


The students who guarded the formation began to send out their seals, urging the teleportation formation, and instantly teleported a group of 52 people away through the air.

"He is Tedayan..."

"I heard that he taught Hua Hongwu a lesson when he was just admitted to the hospital. Damn, I can't let this tone out. Let's go!"

The hundreds of students who were taught by Tai Dayan were all angry youths, full of resentment, insulting Tai Dayan in various languages, and even cursing, most of them said words of revenge, and then dispersed one by one.

Many guarding students secretly smiled and said: "These people are also true. They usually treat Nitianyuan as a soft persimmon, but now they encounter hard stubble, and they become shrinking turtles. It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

"Ling Dongxing, send me later!"

Suddenly, a sinister sound echoed in the main hall, and then, Hua Hongwu led a dozen murderous people to the teleportation formation. Hua Hongwu was like a mad tiger. Everyone could see that his trip to Lingdong star this time was a What to do, but no one dared to say it, who would offend the Hua family without incident.

"Taidayan, I thought you were really going to hide in the Manggu Mountains for ten years. Hmph, this time I will let you go and never return. I will regret what I did at the beginning forever. If I don't kill you, this bad breath will not come out. I will be in vain. Human!"

Hua Hongwu was so imposing that no one dared to talk to him, even a dozen of his subordinates bowed their heads in silence, and when a vortex appeared in the teleportation formation, Hua Hongwu led his men into Changhong and flew in, and then the vortex began to dissipate, and Hua Hongwu Hong Wu and others followed Tai Dayan and Ye Yun's breath towards Ling Dongxing.

"It's a good show. Sure enough, Hua Hongwu couldn't stand being useless. He had already expected that he would find Tai Dayan to avenge his shame. This time, Tai Dayan may never return!"

Those students who were taught by Taidayan secretly stared at Hua Hongwu and went away with anger, they all applauded, and they all understood that Hua Hongwu went straight to Taidayan, and Hua Hongwu understood their bad breath.


Lingdong Star is located on the edge of the Shenzhou Domain. Looking down, it looks like a dark green round sphere, several times farther than the meteorite. It is a planet with an average size, but it has an ancient history. In the empire, there are only families, and the power behind each family is actually the Shenzhou Xianyuan.

In Lingdong Star 'Yu Ling City', there are hundreds of people waiting anxiously outside the only teleportation array in the city, and this teleportation array is directly controlled by Shenzhou Xianyuan, with hundreds of disciples protecting the array. The old castle is well protected, and it does not reveal a trace of wind hole.

"It's almost there? I just received the notice from the fairy courtyard, and the students sent to escort should have almost arrived at Lingdong star!"

In the front row of hundreds of people, stood an eighty-year-old man with long pale hair, dressed in a light blue robe, and his cultivation had reached the sky-reaching level, and he was considered a figure in Lingdong Star.

"Old Yun, here we come, here we come!"

At this time, the dark gate of the ancient castle slowly opened, and Tai Dayan, who was imposing and nihilistic, walked out first, his cultivation base was bottomless, followed by Ye Yun, who was also ethereal and empty, his cultivation base was not high, but his strength was incomprehensible , other throne students also came out one after another, and some students had a chat with the students who guarded the castle, and they seemed to be familiar people.

"Student of the throne, the fifth level of Tongtian!"

That Elder Yun, when he saw Tai Dayan, was very surprised at the first sight, and he was a little disappointed. However, when he glanced at him, he found that Tai Dayan's aura could not be caught at all. This shows that Tai Dayan has a terrifying method, which caused the old man's heart to set off a huge wave. , secretly happy.

A student of the throne looked at hundreds of people and swept slightly: "Xuanyuan family?"

Elder Yun immediately stepped forward, came to Tai Dayan, bowed his hands and said: "I am the elder of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Yun, on behalf of the family, welcome everyone!"

The face of the student who was on the throne changed, and there was a hint of reprimand: "Elder? Huh, we came all the way for the Xuanyuan family, why didn't your patriarch come to greet him in person?"

Xuanyuan Yun hastily explained: "To tell you the truth, the Xuanyuan family has never had a patriarch, only elders, the clan's rules, and only those who have broken through the fairyland can be qualified to be the patriarch. Unfortunately, for hundreds of thousands of years, the Xuanyuan family has never had a patriarch. A master of breaking the fairyland, so there has been no patriarch, only elders!"

Tai Dayan looked at Xuanyuan Yun indifferently, then glanced at the members of the Xuanyuan family, and said indifferently: "It's okay, Mr. Yun will lead the way!"

"Yes Yes!"

Xuanyuan Yun immediately waved to the clansmen, and hundreds of people silently moved out of the way. These people lost their spirits, and some of them were frustrated. They were led by a few of them, and Tai Dayan kept silent and kept to himself. The low-key Ye Yun nodded: "Brother Ye, let's go!"

Ye Yun immediately came to Tai Dayan's side, and walked side by side with the crowd at the end of the crowd, Xuanyuan Yun suddenly became puzzled, and thought to himself: "This student, why is he at the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal?"

After thinking about it, Xuanyuan Yun asked Tai Dayan politely: "I don't know how to call it?"

"Tai Dayan, the new emperor student of Nitian Academy, is the team leader for this time, Mr. Yun, don't worry, we will do our best to protect the Xuanyuan family when we come here!"

Tai Dayan seemed to have seen through Xuanyuan Yun's thoughts long ago, so he blurted out directly to explain the matter clearly.

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