The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 250 Immortal Taidayan

"Grandpa Yun, what's going on? Could it be that someone who betrayed the clan set a trap on this 'Shayuan Star' long ago, and wants to deal with the clansmen here?"

Over the teleportation array raging across the sand sea, fifty Nitianyuan students from Shenzhou Immortal Academy are protecting hundreds of members of the Xuanyuan family. Xuanyuan Poxin and Xuanyuan Yun are standing in the forefront, and the two are releasing their primordial spirits, piercing through the sand sea, However, the sand sea not only exists in substance, but also has a layer of sealing power to arrange the sand sea into an absolute defense. With Xuanyuan Poxin and Xuanyuan Yun's cultivation base, it is impossible to resist the sand sea defense at all.

Xuanyuan Yun hunched over his body, his old body was dying, and said worriedly: "No matter who it is, it will not do us any good. This time, Shenzhou Xianyuan seems to be perfunctory in making a request to our family, and only sent a newly promoted emperor to the throne. Student, although this Tai Dayan is very good at cultivation, it is impossible to really deal with the rebel forces!"

"Grandpa Yun said it very well..."

Xuanyuan Poxin frowned, no one knew the expression under the silk scarf, her tone was cold and firm, and she said with determination: "In the end, you still have to protect the 'treasure house' by yourself. The rebel forces want to inherit it, it is wishful thinking, daydreaming, broken heart I will never let them get what they want, even if they die!"

Whether any family, sect, or individual survives forever in history, or remains in exile, depends on its own strength.

In the world where the sand sea is violent, demon-like, and hell-like, at this moment, my mysterious person wearing a yellow sand hat is completely integrated with the sand sea. His field is average.

The real body of the mysterious person slowly appeared, and the sand sea around him exploded. It turned out to be an old man in his sixties. The cloak and bamboo hat on his body seemed to be made of yellow sand, making the old man look like a ball of yellow sand, which was different from the surrounding sand sea. There is no difference, one breath, bottomless.

Around the old man in the bamboo hat, the yellow sand monks who came out of the salons were fierce and savage, some of them were nearly ten feet tall, and they were like giants. They were uniformly dressed in yellow sand cloaks and hats, and everyone breathed , Those are all genuine Heaven-reaching Realm cultivation bases.

With the fierce wind, the yellow sand bombarded Ye Yun's external defense tick-tock, making Ye Yun feel that he was in the middle of a hail of bullets, and danger would come at any time. Ye Yun looked at Tai Dayan: "Brother Tai, it seems that this group of people have already Ambush, Nahua Hongwu may have known about our mission for a long time, so he set up such a formation on this sandy abyss star!"

"Yihua Hongwu can't control so many strong people at all. It must be behind him, the power of the Hua family. This Shayuan star is all dust and sand. These people, in their bodies, completely possess the origin of the Shayuan star. Strength, especially that old man, whose cultivation base may have reached the high level of the Heaven-reaching Realm, should be the supreme existence in this sandy abyss star!"

Tai Dayan remained calm, but his heart was full of fear and enthusiasm. Even Tai Dayan was shocked and shocked by such an attack. Even if he was a high-level student, he might not be able to recover.

Ye Yun's eyes tightened, his face didn't have much expression, but his eyes were very complicated, making people wonder what he was thinking: "I will accept all these corpses, brother Tai, don't destroy these treasures, what's the matter?" If you need it, tell me at any time, with my strength, I will be powerless to anyone in the place!"

"It's nothing to deal with these jumping clowns, every little Shayuan star... Today I took the Shayuan star's original immortal soul jade, haha, just wait!"

Tai Dayan, who was dressed in a golden robe, was shocked suddenly, and with a sound of hunting, he flew directly towards the strong man in the sand sea, without any scruples at all. In his eyes, these people were not enough.

"Shenzhou Xianyuan, a boy who has just been promoted to the Heaven-Defying Academy, you are too arrogant, too sharp, aggressive, and don't have a long memory. It's a pity that today you will lie here forever!"

That old man, wearing a bamboo hat, can only see a stubble on his chin, like a reckless man who hasn't taken care of his body for a long time, but his appearance is sloppy, but his momentum is just like that violent salon, soaring across the world.

Tai Dayan flew to the opposite of the strong men in Shayuan Star, sneered in disdain, raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Hmph, you are not ashamed, you are all sand bandits, what are you, I know you are under the favor of the Hua family, and you are here to kill me , but today, I don’t know who died!”

"Sand Bandits!?"

Hearing this, the old man in the bamboo hat raised his eyebrows upright, with a cold light: "I am under the 'Sir Tsar', one of the six kings, King Modihai, this star field is under the control of His Majesty the Tsar, boy, don't accept it." Die, if you dare to resist, you will definitely not be able to ask for death!"

"Mortihai? The Tsar!?"

Hearing the angrily introduced by the old man with a bamboo hat, 'Modi Hai', Tai Dayan's expression changed: "What kind of czar, the king, is just a group of sand bandits. Occupy one side here, be the king, be the emperor, life is so chic, why offend me!"

"Boy, you only know now that you are afraid. It's too late. If you offend the Hua family, do you still have a way out? Our lord the Tsar has long been an ally with the Hua family. The affairs of the Hua family are the affairs of the tsar. You offend the Hua family. Even if I am an enemy of the Tsar Starfield, I, Mo Tihai, will personally kill you today!"

Mo Tihai suddenly lifted the hat, revealing a face full of holes, completely uneven, with only facial bones. This face seemed to be covered only with a piece of human skin, completely devoid of flesh and blood. The living dead, full of the air of death, makes people feel chilly and weak.

"What a weird qigong. The six kings, Mo Tihai, have unfathomable strength. He is like Xuan Shaoming or even Di Tian. No wonder he can gain a firm foothold on one planet. He really has a certain weight!"

Seeing Modi Hai's scary face, Ye Yun couldn't help but gasp, then Modi Hai would never be born with such a weird and ugly appearance, he must have practiced some kind of evil qigong to get his current look. It also seemed that Mo Tihai must have great supernatural powers.

Tai Dayan looked cold, and pointed with his hand: "Where did the evil ghost come from, it's so ugly, the uncle will personally accept you today... let you go to hell!"

"Boy, you are killing yourself. Alright, I will make you into a puppet and kneel in front of me forever!"

After being yelled at by Tai Dayan, Mo Tihai was so angry that his nine orifices were filled with smoke, and he immediately spread his arms and flew towards Tai Dayan, and then waved his sleeves, and said to Tai Dayan involuntarily, grabbing it with five fingers: "Magic Flame Finger!"

Mo Tihai's move was extremely ferocious, and when he stretched out his five fingers, it shook the heavens and the earth. Five huge five fingers glowing with faint black flames broke through the void in an instant, directly descended from the sky, and pressed towards Taida. The fingertips of those five fingers were so thin Like the tip of a needle, it is inconceivable, with the power to pierce the sky, and it is unstoppable by all the powers of Fang Buddha.

"How many ranks of powerhouses reach the sky? Such a terrifying aura. Just this aura can kill low-level powerhouses. This a real powerhouse!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun couldn't help but gasp. He was shocked from the bottom of his heart by Mo Tihai's strength. Such a strong person deserves to be the king. Otherwise, without such strength, he would not be a king. Shenzhou Xianyuan, that is also a super figure in the honor.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

All the strong men wearing yellow sand cloaks looked up to the sky and shouted loudly to cheer for Modihai. Their voices pierced the sky and shook the entire planet. Even the salons were almost dissipated and collapsed.

"A group of chickens and dogs, in front of this immortal, you are a bunch of waste!"

Feeling the torrential sound, Tai Dayan was not affected at all. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been shocked. Tai Dayan pointed five fingers at the sky, and flicked one finger up: "killing pen!"

In the face of Modihai's overwhelming power, Tai Dayan actually just understated it, condensed his index finger, and pointed at the demon flame that suppressed the world, although Tai Dayan was not moved, but this kind of Feng Qingyun The calm and fearless aura is actually the aura that only the Supreme One has. This is contempt, it is suppression, it is the king's will, and it can suppress all forces in the world.

"Immortal nature, such a strong immortality..."

At this moment, in the void of the desert behind Tedayan, Ye Yun suddenly discovered that Tedayan's casual finger was not ordinary true energy, but a very strong immortal true energy, which ordinary people can't even detect. Because the true qi of immortality has completely transcended the laws of mortals, only the strong who also contain immortality can feel it.

Obviously, although Mo Tihai's realm is extraordinary, he still doesn't possess infinite immortality, and he still has a fairy body. If he has cultivated a bit of fairy body, he will not shout at this moment, but will run away directly.

"Tai Dayan... Sure enough, when you avatar the next time, you have already sealed the supernatural powers in your body that are comparable to immortals. As expected, you can really fight against the Heaven-reaching Realm, and even the Immortal-Breaking Realm powerhouse. It seems that I signed a cooperation agreement with you at the beginning. , It was indeed the right decision!"

Ye Yun applauded secretly from the bottom of his heart, the more powerful Tai Dayan is, the more unscrupulous he is for Ye Yun. With such a powerful person as an ally, even Di Tian, ​​what can he do to himself, but Ye Yun is not a fool , Tai Dayan would definitely not turn against Di Tian directly for himself, so now Ye Yun can only make a promise with Tai Dayan, and he is qualified to speak when his own strength is strong.


Just after Tai Dayan pointed casually, a large golden pen appeared in the void. This golden pen contained simple and mysterious mantras, and it was ten feet long. Putting Buddha was condensed with mantras. It looks like it doesn't have any power, but in it, it reveals an anti-celestial nature.

"What means?"

When Modi Hai saw this scene, his eyes were completely attracted by the golden pen. Suddenly, in his heart, a fear, an invisible fear, was released from the golden pen. Modi Hai shook his head violently, gritted his teeth and said: "Impossible, how can a fifth level of Tongtian have such aura, I, Mo Tihai, have only cultivated the ninth level of Tongtian for 5 years, suppressed all generations, and beheaded countless venerables, how could I be afraid of a weak person who only has the fifth level of Tongtian! "

The ninth level of Tongtian, what a heaven-defying cultivation base, even Ditian, I am afraid that he is not so tyrannical, the ninth level of Tongtian, is regarded as the supreme existence among the honorable positions in Shenzhou Xianyuan, one party orders, omniscient, but in Tsar Star For a Shayuan star like Yuyu, the ninth level of Tongtian is a existence that defies the sky.

Mo Tihai is worthy of being a king, this kind of kingly demeanor is enough to kill everything.

"It turns out that you are at the ninth level of Tongtian, Modihai, you do have certain strength, but today you met me, you, the king, are doomed to fall, it's only because you met me, if someone else is doomed to die in your hands , and my fate is simply beyond the control of a mortal like you!"

Tedayan suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the golden pen in the sky, suddenly as fast as lightning, directly pierced the magic power of the five fingers, destroying the huge five fingers instantly, and all the power was shattered in front of the sharp edge of the golden pen.


At the moment when the five-finger magic power was destroyed, Mo Tihai also bowed down and spit out a stream of blood, and his whole face was shining with a strange magic light.

"Impossible... our king! How could he not be a weak opponent in the fairyland alone?"

Countless bandits were stunned when they saw this scene. In their eyes, Mo Tihai was omnipotent, and he was the invincible king in their minds. On the other hand, Tai Dayan, although he was a golden student wearing the crown of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, A strong man in a robe, but his real cultivation base is only a high-level human immortal.

In the Human Immortal Realm, it’s fine to have the fifth level of Tongtian, but now, it is too heaven-defying to be able to resist the ninth level of Tongtian. You must know that there is a gap between heaven and earth in each realm of Tongtian Realm. The ninth level of Tongtian can instantly kill The eighth-level powerhouses can be killed instantly, as for the seventh-level and sixth-level powerhouses, they can be killed instantly.

But now, it is not a weak opponent in the fairyland alone.


Modi Hai covered his chest. After Tai Dayan broke his throne with one move, he knew that Tai Dayan was a character that could not be deduced as usual. In Tai Dayan's body, Mo Di Hai saw Wu Ya It is so deep, and there is also a cold death will that makes people chill.

He had no choice but to escape!

"Modihai, now I know how powerful Tedayan's methods are. Unfortunately, it's too late. Taidayan treats the enemy with the will to kill. Modihai is doomed to fall this time!"

Ye Yun saw Mo Dihai turned around and ran away, Fangfo saw the ending, released Taiyi True Qi, and prepared to plunder the corpses of these powerful people in the Heavenly Realm, preparing his strength to break through the Immortal Realm.


Suddenly, at the moment when Modihai led the sand bandits to escape, a golden pen actually passed out of the air in front of him, and suddenly pierced through the power of piercing the sky, directly piercing through Modihai's ninth-level body protection, and then, With a click, the gold pen was inserted into Mortihai's chest.


Tai Dayan and Ye Yun appeared next to Modi Hai almost at the same time. Tai Dayan smiled domineeringly at the dying Modi Hai: "The person I want to kill has never survived!"

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