The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 251 Invincible Brushstroke

"You, you, who are you?"

Modihai was dying, and the golden pen inserted into his chest started to spin, twisting his flesh and blood to pieces, as if it was a meat grinder, and absorbed all the power in it, and was on the verge of death, Modihai With a look of incredulity, he still doesn't fully believe that he, the king of Shayuan Star, who reached the ninth level of the sky, died in the hands of a fairyland so inexplicably.

"Mo Tihai, you don't even know how big this day is. You are so short-sighted. Can I ignore the Hua family? Are you just an ordinary person?"

Tai Dayan fully revealed the true nature of the Supreme, and said to Na Modihai: "My means are beyond your imagination. The Heaven-reaching Realm is too small. Unfortunately, you will never be able to step into the day of breaking the immortal!"


At this moment, Mo Tihai Fangfo was already lifeless, but with a contorted face, suddenly, just as the golden pen was about to penetrate his body, a black shadow flew out of his body and turned into a black hand, Grab the unprepared Taidayan with lightning speed!


This black shadow slammed into Tai Dayan's face heavily, but it was blocked by the body's true energy. However, Tai Dayan Fang Buddha was seriously injured, and his whole face was white and red, which was extremely strange.


Ye Yun on the side never expected that Modi Hai would have a way to kill him. Before it was too late, he could only grab Modi Hai's head, take off his head, and then inhale Modi Hai's body. Taiyi Divine Furnace immediately looked at Tai Dayan with concern: "Brother Tai, Mo Tihai actually has a Yuanshen attack hidden, are you alright?"

"It's not a big deal, but it's fundamental. Mo Tihai is worthy of the ninth level of Tongtian. He has already trained his soul to go out of his body and kill people in the air. I can only blame me for being too careless! Cough cough!"

Tai Dayan coughed a few times, and then, regardless of his injuries, he looked at the bandits running around, his eyes were like lightning with murderous intent: "These people...must not be left alone, otherwise it will be troublesome if you invite other strong people." Now, with my current state, I can't last long, kill!"

"Flee! The king has fallen!"

The sand bandits felt the complete rage of the desert, and the Sharons were falling. They knew that the king who controlled the sand sea, Modihai, had completely fallen, and a ninth-level powerhouse had fallen. These low-level sand bandits lost their backbone , One by one, they ran around like street mice.

"One finger to kill the immortal, the sharpness of the pen breaks the way!"

Tai Dayan's body floated high, he parted his hands, and muttering something silently in his mouth, between the five fingers, there appeared again fierce immortality that did not belong to the mortal world. These immortality, with their sharp edges, instantly turned into One after another sharp strokes, as the hands are divided, they press down on dozens of fleeing sand bandits in the Tongtian Realm.

"I feel that he has reached the verge of collapse. I didn't expect that there is such a method, this power... I feel that even if there is another giant of the ninth rank who reaches the sky, he will also be beheaded by him!"

On one side, Ye Yun directly empathizes with Tai Dayan's terrifying power. For Tai Dayan, Ye Yun has never had the means to truly domain him, but now, he feels that Tai Dayan is worthy of being an immortal, with heaven and earth hidden in his body, and there is no wave in the ancient well. Putting the Buddha contains the way of heaven and the sky.

One stroke, kill the fairy.

Wanbi, Jade Immortal, those countless golden brushstrokes are omnipotent, piercing even the sky, the power of these strokes makes the whole desert tremble.

"What happened?"

In the desert, in the void deep in the teleportation array, countless people have seen the changes in the desert scene in front of them. The original ferocious and weird sand sea is disintegrating inch by inch. The powerful original defense is being shattered. The originally irresistible sand sea Now it can be broken with only one hand.

"It must be Tai Dayan and Ye Yun who successfully suppressed the enemy and completely changed the pattern of the sand sea, otherwise there would be no such change. Grandpa Yun, do you feel it?"

Xuanyuan broke her heart, her eyebrows were fixed like a moon, and her deep pupils let her see everything clearly, and in her moon-like eyes, a seed-like ball of light flashed, which was extremely mysterious.

Xuanyuan Yun sighed: "This Tai Dayan is really extraordinary, with such a skillful means, even a respected student may not be able to get out of that sea of ​​sand, but unfortunately he can't see through what happened. The Xuanyuan family has not been perfunctory, and sent such a person, it seems that this trip can be slightly relieved!"

"Shenzhou Xianyuan, Nitianyuan, everyone is a genius. People who entered the Shenzhou by themselves, how many people in the Taixing plane want to join the Shenzhou, it's a pity that they are powerless..."

In Xuanyuan Poxinshentong, the ball of light disappeared, and what was exchanged was a pair of scorching divine light, which seemed to yearn for Shenzhou Xianyuan very much.


Inside the sand sea, it was still violent and chaotic. One by one, the sand bandits fled everywhere, but they couldn't escape at all. The golden strokes came straight through the air like a tiger coming out of the cage. No sand bandits could stop the gold with all their strength. The pens, one by one, died under the golden pens.

The golden pen is invincible.

"Heavenly Killer!"

At the moment when one by one of the heaven-reaching realm died under the golden pen, Ye Yun immediately threw out his deadly hands, and his big hands instantly emerged from the storm of destroying the sand sea, grabbing the corpses of the sand bandits one by one in the palm of his hand.

Ye Yun didn't dare to enter the sand sea. The violent sand and gravel are as powerful as top-grade spiritual weapons, and there is also the fierce original power of the sand abyss star. Bandits are familiar with the environment, so they can shuttle freely. If it is someone else, they will never return.

Think about how powerful Modihai is, the ninth level of the sky, such a giant, the king of a planet, how terrifying the defense he has arranged, even Taidayan, if he does not release the sealing power in his body, he will not dare to infiltrate it. Otherwise, it will be wrung to pieces.

Originally, Modihai could use the seal of the desert to deal with Tedayan with the power of the original source. In doing so, Modihai can completely kill the ninth-level characters of the Tongtian, that is, the super existence of the tenth-level Tongtian, and he can also use the original power of Shayuan Star Imprisoned, and finally beheaded slowly.

And Modi Hai looked down on Tai Dayan too much, and took it lightly, leaving Tai Dayan a chance to defeat the enemy, otherwise, in the end, it is impossible to determine who will win and who will win.

On the contrary, Tedayan was very experienced, he knew that he was not the opponent of Modi Hai, so when he made a move, it was a killer move, which killed Modi Hai to the point where there was no chance of turning over.

Mo Tihai has only cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and Tai Dayan is a character, the deity is an immortal, although the avatar is a broken fairyland, but it is also a half-immortal, in this Taixing plane, he can do whatever he wants.

"No, no, I don't want to die..."

The sand bandits died one by one, leaving less than one-third of them. These are all super characters of the fourth, fifth or even sixth ranks of the Tongtian Realm. Without another chance, step into Poxian and leave the resentment forever in Shayuanxing.

"It's developed this time. I really didn't expect that I would get such a heaven-reaching corpse all at once, and there are many fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-level powerhouses. Breaking through the human fairyland is easy..."

While exercising his life-threatening hand to grab the corpse of the Sand Bandit, he was secretly excited. To Ye Yun, the corpse of a strong person in the Heaven-reaching Realm is more powerful than a spirit stone, and more precious than any magic weapon. The corpse of a Heaven-reaching realm, It contains the cultivation essence of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and Ye Yun can directly absorb and refine it, which is equivalent to direct empowerment, allowing Ye Yun to obtain the power of the Heaven-reaching Realm.

Tai Dayan only scratched the surface of this secret. He knew that Ye Yun could absorb the power of the power of the heaven-reaching realm, but he never thought that Ye Yun could absorb the power of the heaven-reaching realm powerhouse completely and absolutely, not just a little bit, but together with life force, golden core , Yuanshen, and domains are all absorbed.

If Tai Dayan knew that Ye Yun was so perverted, he wouldn't simply ask Ye Yun to improve his strength. Even the immortal Tai Dayan had never seen or heard of such a method.

"Brother Ye, I'll rush back to the teleportation formation first and activate the teleportation formation, otherwise we will have no power to resist if the reinforcements from Shayuan Star come..."

Tai Dayan withdrew his hands, and there were only a few people still struggling in the sand sea. Tai Dayan knew that these people had no way out, so it was easier for Ye Yun to move separately.

Ye Yun nodded, he understood that the teleportation array was controlled by Mo Tihai, and only someone as strong as Tai Dayan could activate it, otherwise they would not be able to go anywhere unless they used their space magic power.

"That's great... so many corpses at the Heaven-reaching Realm..."

After Tai Dayan left, a smile appeared on Ye Yun's face, and he immediately released Taiyi's true energy, and began to grab the corpses of those who reached the sky, and sucked them all into the Taiyi furnace.

"It's Senior Brother Tai, Senior Brother Tai is back!"

In the teleportation formation, fifty students of the throne of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy sensed the excitement of the tokens. They looked at the void one by one, and saw a tall and empty figure descending directly. A large number of spirit stones were released to activate the teleportation array.

"It seems that there is no danger!"

Seeing Tai Dayan's safe return, Xuanyuan Yun was finally relieved, as if he had no interest in what happened in the sea of ​​sand.

"Brothers, get ready, the teleportation array will be activated soon!"

The teleportation array suddenly heard the sound of Taidayan's majestic wind. Sure enough, the teleporter who had been moved by his hands and feet began to tremble under the powerful and mysterious method of Taidayan. It came from the sky, as if it was about to break through the sky and go away at any time.


Suddenly, Ye Yun came through the air with his strange body skills, and appeared directly beside Tai Dayan, nodded to him and said: "It's time to go, the reinforcements from Shayuan Star have arrived!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Tai Dayan and Ye Yun rolled their hands together, and the two entered the teleportation array at the same time like shooting stars. The moment they entered the teleportation array, Tai Dayan put his hands together, and immediately, the entire teleportation array became nothingness, like a twisted, upward-moving bubble , slowly entered the void, and with a whoosh, the group of hundreds of people disappeared in an instant.


And at the moment when everyone disappeared, a big hand suddenly grabbed out from the void, grabbed the teleportation array violently, bang boom...then the teleportation array was smashed, and the big hand disappeared along with it.

"Damn it... There are countless planets outside the Tsar's star field, and I don't know their coordinates. Damn it..."

Suddenly, there was an army of thousands of people wearing yellow sand cloaks, and most of them were in the Tongtian realm.

"The king... has fallen!"

These sand bandits stared at the sea of ​​sand crumbling and collapsing like a crock. All the sand bandits fell into the ice valley and understood that the king of one side, Modi Hai, had completely fallen, and not even his body was left.

"Brother Tai, how is your injury?"

In the dark and gloomy teleportation tunnel, Xuanyuan's family and fifty students from Shenzhou were sitting very quietly. In the darkness, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan stood side by side. Seeing Tai Dayan's face turning pale, Ye Yun immediately asked with concern.

"It's nothing wrong with the injury, but it's fundamentally damaged, which made my strength fall back a lot. It may only be around the third level of Tongtian, and it will take a long time to recover!"

Tai Dayan took a breath. Looking at him from the outside, his face was a little pale. His body was not injured, but his spirit was very poor. He panted slowly and said, "In the following planets, you must find a place to practice in seclusion, otherwise you will encounter The rebellious forces of the Xuanyuan family are completely powerless and cannot be dealt with!"

"Brother Tai, from now on, you will concentrate on retreating and practicing, and leave the rest to me. I will let Xuanyuan Yun find a place to meditate for a few days, so that you can recover your power, and I can break through again!"

Seeing Taidayan's situation, Ye Yun was also very worried. If he encounters a strong enemy, he will definitely not be able to get away. Who knows that the emperor of the Tsar's star field, the Tsar will follow him. Presumably, the Tsar must be a saboteur. For fairyland characters, not to mention killing Ye Yun, even Tai Dayan is completely easy.

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