The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 253 Breaking Through Heavenly Immortal Weight Again and Again

Dharma altar, a supernatural power that can only be mastered by the strong in the sky. A Dharma altar not only contains hundreds of millions of gems and spirit stones, but also various complex seals and confinements. It takes a lot of energy to build a Dharma altar. The bigger the altar is, the stronger it is. For example, the ninth-level powerhouse like Motihai, the star of Shayuan, built an altar that is at least as huge as a continent.

The dharma altar created by Ye Yun is only [-] meters long. To the Heavenly Wonderland, this is already a legend. It can be obtained, unless there is such a large amount of spiritual stones in the Tongtian Realm.

The overall power of this dharma altar, which has sealed seventy heaven-reaching powerhouses, has completely surpassed Ye Yun's own cultivation, and is comparable to high-level powerhouses reaching the sky. It is not a problem at all to face the catastrophe of humans and immortals.

"Wushi Spirit Vein!"

Flipping his hands, the three black stone veins captured from Remnant Shadow instantly became like three black dragons, entrenched above the altar. Ye Yun kept making seals with both hands, and the strong Taiyi Zhenqi controlled the three spirit veins. With different seals, it was imprisoned on the surface of the altar. The surface of the altar, which was originally flat, has now become a black dragon-shaped totem composed of three spiritual veins. It looks ancient and mysterious, full of aura that makes Ye Yun boil.

A total of three spiritual veins, or earth-grade spiritual veins, are used to build altars, which is simply a luxury. Ordinary people will regard spiritual veins as extremely precious, and they are usually used to break through difficulties. Few people use them on altars. The strong ones will be cultivated and used as the foundation of the sect.

However, Ye Yun used three ground-level spiritual veins to create an altar, which is really extravagant. For Ye Yun, although the spiritual veins are precious, he will get many more in the future. Now they are used to condense the altar and build a spiritual energy. The dharma altar is more important for crossing the catastrophe and practicing.

Good steel should be used where it is needed most.

"Xuanyuan Poxin brothers and sisters, if there are any abnormal behaviors, it seems that it is not easy for them to open the Xuanyuan Taoist Temple. They should be preparing something. It just so happens that this period of time is the best opportunity for me and Tai Dayan to practice..."

During the condensed altar, Ye Yun did not forget to communicate with Tai Dayan Yuanshen. Through understanding, he knew every move of the Xuanyuan Clan, and all of this came from Tai Dayan, Tai Dayan Yuanshen is extremely powerful, That is the primordial spirit who has cultivated beyond the fairyland, not to mention a chaotic continent, even a planet, he can wander out of his body without any scruples.

"It took three full months, and the altar was finally built. The three spiritual veins are perfectly integrated with the altar. Now, let's release the true energy of Taiyi and break through the fifth level of immortality..."

Finally, when it was time to break through the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal, Ye Yun felt trembling all over his body when he thought of this. Once he broke through the fifth level of the Celestial Immortal and crossed the bottleneck of the Celestial Immortal, his strength would go further. From the first level to the fifth level, it was a huge threshold. And from the sixth level to the tenth level is another bottleneck.

"Seal, untie!"

Make a handprint with both hands, and then touch the lower abdomen. Immediately, the Taiyi Zhenqi, like a mountain roar and a tsunami, began to be violently released from the dantian, flowing crazily throughout the body, almost directly rushing out of Ye Yun's body, Ye Yun's physical body simply cannot contain such a large amount of true energy.

Ye Yun's strength is comparable to that of the tenth-level human immortal, so Taiyi Zhenqi, which is comparable to the tenth-level human immortal, is sealed in his body. Now that it is released, Ye Yun's five-layer body of heavenly immortal cannot hold it at all, so he has to break through again.

"Break the shackles, there is no self in the world, the five layers of immortals, break!"


Streams of Taiyi True Qi shot directly out of the skin. At this time, around Ye Yun's body, there appeared a burning aura like a furnace. The furnace enveloped Ye Yun, burning crazily. In fact, all of this was formed by Taiyi True Qi and the breakthrough momentum. The weather seemed ferocious and dangerous, but in fact, it was full of peace.


At the moment when the furnace was burning at its peak and the entire sealing formation was throbbing, Ye Yun suddenly grabbed the void, and the furnace shook violently. Hundreds of millions of explosions sounded from the corners.

As the sound of explosions continued to spread, Ye Yun also stretched his arms high, the furnace outside his body was burning crazily, and Taiyi Zhenqi no longer shot out from his body, but began to condense towards the body, and the countless heaven and earth vitality of the sealing formation was also far away. Yuan kept pouring into Ye Yun's body with Taiyi True Qi.

"It's so cool... One step into the sixth level, I feel that the meridians in my whole body have been reshaped again, and the size is more than doubled. If this continues, his physical body can hold a huge amount of Taiyi Qi!"

At this moment, Ye Yun's whole body released a faint golden light. In the golden light, there was a sacred and misty light. These were the particles of Taiyi's divine light in Taiyi's true energy, releasing holy light.

And Ye Yun's whole person looks like an ancient god, from the past, standing in the present, looking forward to the future, he can control life and death with a wave of Buddha's hands.

"After the rest, break through the sixth level of immortality and step into the seventh level of immortality!"

Release the cells and pores of the whole body, allowing the body to naturally merge with the heaven and earth. Inadvertently, the vitality of the heaven and earth actively gathers towards Ye Yun's body. Although the speed is very slow, Ye Yun was very surprised when he saw this scene. Xi: "This is simply a high-level state of the Heaven-reaching Realm. Let the vitality of the heavens and the earth agree. This requires the highest level. Only a high-level Heaven-reaching Realm and a strong person with immortality can do it. It seems that my physical body, Breaking through the sixth level of the Celestial Immortal, the change is huge!"

Ye Yun would not let go of such a good opportunity. He immediately released the altar and absorbed the vitality of the world. Sure enough, the altar flickered with terrifying suction, absorbing all the vitality of the surrounding world and turning it into the power of the altar. The aura released by the altar at this moment, It is more than a hundred times that of the Piao Miao star in the Shenzhou star field.

The dharma altar accommodated three earth-grade spirit veins, plus seventy heaven-reaching corpses, the aura has surpassed imagination.

"It's really wonderful, it really is indescribable, with such a surge of aura, at this speed, it is not a problem to break through the tenth rank of the Celestial Immortal. The Dharma Altar is worthy of being a magic weapon for the real strong to cultivate!"

At this moment, Ye Yun felt the beauty of the Dharma altar, and Ye Yun would not let it go. He immediately opened his body, absorbed the heaven and earth aura from the Dharma altar, and released the Taiyi God Furnace to refine a large amount of aura. After burning and cultivating, it turned into Taiyi Infuriating, replenishing physical strength.

"It's only been a month, and the true energy capacity of the physical body has reached its peak. It's unbelievable. Well, the next step is to break through to the seventh level of immortality!"

Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes, stood up straight, looked at the sky, stared at the void seal formation, felt the majestic vitality of the heaven and earth, immediately released the Taiyi true energy, and in the blink of an eye, a burning furnace appeared outside his body.

Taiyi Zhenqi began to burn with the stove, igniting every inch of Ye Yun's skin. Ye Yun felt the scorching heat, but it was not uncomfortable. These flames entered the body through the pores, and at the same time, Ye Yun began to accept the laws of heaven and earth in his body. The true qi that surpassed the sixth level of heaven and immortality began to merge with the vitality of heaven and earth, and began to explode.


There was another endless explosion. Compared with the explosion of Ye Yun's body, breaking through the sixth level of the Celestial Immortal is much weaker. After all, the fifth to sixth level of the Celestial Immortal is the bottleneck of the Celestial Immortal Realm. It is very difficult to break through. Now breaking through the seventh level of the Celestial Immortal is too easy. Many, as long as the true energy reaches the capacity to balance with the heaven and the earth, it can break through the seventh layer of heavenly immortals!

"Bless me with the altar, break through again and again!"

Crazy absorption of spiritual energy from the altar, coupled with the crazily burning of the Taiyi divine furnace in the domain, the source of Taiyi true energy is endless. This time, he just broke through the Seventh Layer of Heavenly Immortals, and it didn't take long for the Taiyi True Qi in his body to reach the peak of the seventh layer , Moreover, began to quickly surpass the Seventh Layer of Immortals, and went straight to the Eighth Layer of Immortals.

There is a dharma altar, but it is different. It is unbelievable that there is an endless source of spiritual energy. You don't need to absorb it yourself, it will be transmitted from the dharma altar.

Before Ye Yun had time to observe the changes after breaking through the Seventh Heavenly Immortal Layer, he immediately began to release Taiyi True Qi. After breaking through the Eighth Heavenly Immortal Layer, the Taiyi Divine Furnace directly absorbed the spiritual energy from the altar, and refined it into Taiyi True Qi after burning. True Qi continuously filled Ye Yun's tendons, bones, and cells.

In the physical body, it keeps expanding, gradually reaching the peak of surpassing the seventh level of immortality, while Taiyi's true energy is still expanding and changing, so that Ye Yun can continue to break through the eighth level of immortality.

"Then directly break through the tenth level of immortality. Now that I have mastered the dharma altar, such surging aura is enough for me to break through the tenth level of immortality..."

Ye Yun suddenly had a crazy idea, instead of breaking through step by step, it is better to compress, the last step to break through to the tenth level of immortality, reaching the peak of the heavenly fairyland, only one step away from the human fairyland.

Dare to think and do it, Ye Yun has this kind of temperament.

Ye Yun immediately suppressed the Taiyi True Qi in his body and sealed it in his dantian one by one. However, he still released the Taiyi Divine Furnace to frantically absorb the spiritual energy of the altar, allowing his dantian to absorb the sealed Taiyi True Qi bit by bit. When in the state of Tenth Heavenly Immortal, break through the peak of Heavenly Immortal one step further.

With the spirituality of the dharma altar, it would take less than three months to break through the ten layers of immortality.

At this time, there was an ancient village dozens of miles away from Yinyi Valley.

There is a simple ancestral hall. In the ancestral hall, Xuanyuan Yun and a dozen or so elders sit at the bottom, Xuanyuan Poxin sits in the front row, and above the center of the main hall, Xuanyuan Podao stands high above him. Come up!"

"Yes, young master!"

There was a burst of shouts from outside the hall, and immediately, monks who were chained by strange shackles were dragged into the main hall by Xuanyuan monks. There were eight people in total, and each of them was a low-level figure in the Tongtian Realm. Godless, like a lost soul.

Xuanyuan Yun released his divine light to sweep at the eight monks, and said to everyone in surprise: "What's the matter, these people's primordial spirits have been completely wiped out, and they have no memory, they are equal to the living dead!"

"Elder Yun, you don't know everything..."

Xuanyuan Podao waved his hand suddenly, the hall fell silent, and everyone looked at him: "This time, the young master personally planned to arrest the spies hidden in the group. , especially in various passages. However, under the joint pursuit of everyone, most of them were killed on the spot, and only these eight people were caught. Unfortunately, I didn't expect them to swallow a kind of poison and directly obliterate their own souls, so they ended up like this end!"

"I see!"

After Xuanyuan Yun finished listening, he thought about it for a while, but he had nothing to say.

"Take it down, kill it immediately, don't leave a single one behind, this is the end of today's clan meeting, little girl, you stay!"

Xuanyuan Podao mercilessly waved at the eight people, and the eight people were immediately detained without any resistance, movement, or even moaning, and Xuanyuan Yun and other old people also bid farewell to Xuanyuan Podao, one by one Withdrew, only Xuanyuan Poxin's deep and clear pupils were left, which remained as quiet as a mirror without any waves.

"Sister, back then, my father separated you and my brother and sister. I grew up in this ancient continent and never left a single step, but you grew up with Elder Yun. My father wanted to use you to attract those traitors. Enemy, these years, you have worked hard, it is you, we can catch these spies!"

Xuanyuan Podao walked down the stairs step by step, with a guilty expression on his face, he said to Xuanyuan Poxin: "Now that the spies have been eliminated, and no traitorous forces have been found at any of the passages, sister, it's time to enter the treasure house and take all the treasures , leave this ancient continent, and when the traitor forces find it, don't even think about getting anything!"

Xuanyuan Poxin immediately stood up, looked at Xuanyuan Podao with hot eyes, and his eyes were moist: "I am the ancestor Tuoshi, and I have also received the inheritance of the ancestor, the treasure house, and I am the only one who knows the entrance of the passage. Continent worked hard, and you have also suffered, in order to fulfill father's plan, well, three months later, we will enter the treasure house!"

Xuanyuan Podao exhorted: "Great, according to the father's plan, everything starts again, by the way, little sister, big brother thinks that Xuanyuan Yun is not simple, it's better to be on guard, maybe he has been bought by the rebel forces !"

Xuanyuan Poxin nodded, and did not speak, but her eyes flashed with complicated expressions, as if she was entangled in deep thought.



"Ten Heavenly Immortals, broken!!"

In the sealing formation, Ye Yun was surrounded by a huge furnace, and in the domain, the Taiyi God furnace was burning loudly, the flames were astonishing, like a blowout, Ye Yun's whole body became more and more empty, and a holy light appeared in his eyes , Ye Yun violently released his dantian, and a flood of Taiyi Qi began to pour into his body, exploding one after another.

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