"Unbelievable, I didn't expect that in the Taixing plane, there are still flesh and blood of ancient magic immortals!!"

After the Xuanyuan clan entered the sea of ​​blood, about three breaths passed. Above the sea of ​​blood, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan came out from the cracks in the void one after another. Looking down at the bloody sea of ​​blood with demonic energy below, Tai Dayan couldn't help but exclaim.

"In this sea of ​​blood, there is indeed a strong demon nature, the demon fairy..."

For the terrifying momentum of the sea of ​​blood, Ye Yun also felt the same. Ye Yun was still shocked when he suddenly heard the word Moxian. This sea of ​​blood turned out to be the flesh and blood of an immortal. Secretly said: "It seems that this sea of ​​blood must have strong immortal nature, but it is a pity that it contains infinite magic power. Even if Taiyi Shenguang Dao, I am afraid that it will be very slow to transform these immortal natures that contain magic power. What a pity...".

A sea of ​​blood transformed by immortals is actually a sacred place containing supreme immortality. Unfortunately, it contains infinite magic power, magic power at the level of immortals. I believe that any mortal, once touched, will be instantly demonized. devour.

If someone can absorb the infinite magic contained in the sea of ​​blood, they will definitely create a fairy body, even if they are immortals, it may be of great benefit.


Ye Yun suddenly looked at Tai Dayan, and saw a faint gleam in his eyes: "Tai Dayan's avatar is about to recover the strength of breaking the fairyland, this sea of ​​blood is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him...!"

Tai Dayan himself is a fairy descending to the earth. Although he is a broken fairyland, the real deity is a real fairy. Maybe the real deity will help the blood sea of ​​the lotus. However, even if the real body wants the blood sea of ​​the lotus, there are some Difficult, unless Tai Dayan himself is an extremely powerful immortal.

"Brother Ye, let's catch up quickly, this sea of ​​blood has a kind of restraint to the righteous way, pay attention!"

Tai Dayan didn't say much, but his expression was still deep. It seemed that no one would have a chance to see his flaws in any place. He waved his sleeves, and a powerful force rolled Ye Yun into the sea of ​​blood together.


As soon as he entered the sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood horribly devoured the zhenqi released by Taidayan, like hundreds of millions of ants, constantly attacking and digging the soil, trying to break through Taidayan's defense.

"It's a pity that this sea of ​​blood in the ancient continent was not discovered by the patriarch millions of years ago. Otherwise, with his cultivation base, refining this sea of ​​blood will definitely be promoted to a true immortal and have a higher status in the fairy world , and my Tai family will live forever in the fairy world..."

Constantly sinking in the sea of ​​blood, putting Buddha in the sea of ​​blood makes people feel hairy, trembling all over, sweating profusely, and heartbeat trembling, but Tai Dayan didn't move at all, just sighed blindly.

"This sea of ​​blood is too ferocious. Tai Dou, the patriarch of the Tai family, even if the plane is supreme, it may not be easy to refine this sea of ​​blood!"

Hearing Tai Dayan's disappointing sigh, to Ye Yun, it was nothing but moaning without illness. Even if Tai Dou surpassed the Immortal Realm and became a real immortal, he would have to refine the sea of ​​blood transformed by the ancient magic fairy. It didn't disappear, which shows how powerful the power is.

Besides, this sea of ​​blood is where Xuanyuan Taoist Temple is located, so it means that Patriarch Xuanyuan has discovered the location of the sea of ​​blood a long time ago. It still exists, which can only prove Ye Yun's idea that the power of this sea of ​​blood definitely surpasses the existence of the broken fairyland.

I'm afraid the power of the sea of ​​blood is even more terrifying than Ye Yun imagined, which means that this sea of ​​blood is the tomb of monks, and if you are not careful, you will be buried forever in it.

Boom boom boom...

"This is the entrance of the Samsara River. This huge sea tornado is extremely ferocious. It may be transformed by some demon. To enter the Samsara River, you must enter the sea tornado!!"

Below the sea of ​​blood, at a depth of hundreds of thousands of meters, a huge seaspout unexpectedly appeared. It was very huge. At the high port, it seemed to be a blood-red swirling vortex. As the root of the seaspout gradually descended, the seaspout unexpectedly branched out into countless Small seaspout branches, this seaspout is like a towering tree growing in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, the seaspout is the trunk, and the countless branches of the seaspout at the bottom are actually the roots of the big tree, intricate, and it is impossible to know where it leads .

This huge seaspout is simply a stunning spectacle, majestic, and breathtaking.

Xuanyuan Poxin pointed at the sea tornado, and said tremblingly, facing the crazily spinning sea tornado, it was like facing an ancient giant worm, with hairs all over his body standing on end.

The sea tornado roared, turning the endless sea of ​​blood into a sticky mess. Everyone unleashed their powerful strength and guarded their real bodies. Otherwise, they would be sucked into the sea tornado by the blood-colored sea water, and they would die without a burial.

"Since you're here, you can't retreat!"

Xuanyuan Podao saw that the crowd was a bit deterred, and he didn't dare to go forward, fearing that he would be frightened by the majestic momentum of the sea dragon, so Xuanyuan Podao took a step and shouted fiercely in front of the crowd.

At this time, Xuanyuan Yun strode out and said: "The young master is right, everyone, don't worry about anything, you have the map on the young lady, as long as you follow the map, you can retreat completely!"

Although everyone knows that Xuanyuan Poxin has a map, but when they think of the horror legend about the blood sea passed down from generation to generation by the ancestors of the Xuanyuan clan, these people still have lingering fears, and they can't take a step. But in the end, everyone still bite the bullet. Under the protection of the short old man, he followed Xuanyuan Po's heartbeat into the sea tornado.

This bloody seaspout sucked everyone into it, like a whale swallowing fish and shrimp, swallowing everything, then devouring it, and finally digesting it so that there is not even a bone residue left.

"The breath left by the master is here!"

Suddenly, from the other side of the sea of ​​blood, men in black robes appeared. There were about 30 of these men in black clothes. The middle-aged man in the black robe had a long, thin, dark complexioned face. He was well-built and had no breath. He was exactly the same as the ninety-year-old man of the Xuanyuan clan.

Not far away, this middle-aged man in black robe is also a strong man who broke the fairyland.

A man in black came to the middle-aged man and took off his black robe. He turned out to be the strong man who besieged and killed Xuanyuan Poxin last time. Xuanyuan was innocent.

Xuanyuan Wuzui respected the middle-aged man very much, and said salutingly: "My lord, shall we go in and have a round with the master?"


The man in black nodded slightly, and his figure disappeared in an instant, while the other men in black, led by Xuanyuan Wuzui, flew into the tornado one after another like locusts.

"Brother Tai, it's really good. It's actually another immortal-breaking powerhouse. It's unbelievable that there are two immortal-breaking powerhouses in a Xuanyuan clan that is about to collapse. This traitorous clan is really extraordinary!"

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan appeared along with a sea of ​​blood. Ye Yun fixed his eyes on the tornado, and was overwhelmed by its majestic and breathtaking aura.

"No, the Xuanyuan Clan has only one Immortal-breaking powerhouse. That person just now, I can't even capture the aura. On this Taixing plane, he must be the existence of the peak of the Immortal-breaking realm. It is very terrifying, and the vitality is completely different from the Xuanyuan Clan's aura. match..."

Tai Dayan kept his eyes closed, and opened them after three breaths, and his pupils were flickering with thunder and lightning. He had just entered into the sea tornado with his Buddha's spiritual thoughts, and he said lightly: "This Xuanyuan Daochang is an immortal. , I also want to know that in the history of the Taixing plane, there has been a record that it has not appeared in the world for many years. It seems that the strong man who broke the fairyland just now has the same purpose as you and me, just coveting the treasure house of Xuanyuan Daochang!"

Ye Yun was very surprised. Seeing Tai Dayan's expression was so calm for the first time, he asked: "Brother Tai, with your eyes, you can't tell how many steps that person is from the Immortal Realm?"

"I can't see through it, I can't see it through at all. This person displays a kind of supernatural power, which makes people unable to see through his real body, and he is also a fairy-level qigong... This person is the most mysterious person I have ever seen in the lower realm!"

Taidayan, who has always been full of confidence, now has no confidence.

"Let's go, let's follow these first... If there is really no chance, we will leave completely!"

Ye Yun said his thoughts, but Tai Dayan didn't get it right, the two of them immediately used their profound supernatural powers, and escaped into the terrifying seaspout that looked like a big mouth.

"Odd, Odd... This seaspout really is a huge passage!"

Entering the sea tornado, the whole world turns crimson. The walls of the passage are made of blood crystals, giving people the feeling that it is not so scary, but it is also extremely depressing, making people unable to breathe freely. This passage is full of strong magic. If there is no Comparable to the cultivation base of Tongtianjing, any human immortal who enters will be instantly demonized and swallowed.

"It seems that this sea tornado should have been arranged by Patriarch Xuanyuan. When entering the passage, it also entered into the restriction of his arrangement. Be extremely careful..."

As expected of an immortal, Tai Dayan saw the true meaning of the sea tornado, and he also lamented that Patriarch Xuanyuan's cultivation was capable of arranging such a spectacular and incredible formation in the initial stage of immortality.

In this way, the two of them slowly controlled their true qi, and continued to sink with the original power of the channel.

"Everyone, this is the river of reincarnation..."

In the depths of the seaspout channel, in the endless abyss, at the end of the blood-red ocean, there unexpectedly appeared a blood-colored ocean whirling crazily, and in all directions of the ocean, there were countless channels, and countless blood-colored seawater poured into these channels. The entrance is dazzling.

Moreover, these entrances have different shapes, some are skeletons, some have big mouths, some are upright, some are horizontal, and some are coiled. The magic energy, once the Buddha enters, it will be instantly demonized.

"Reincarnation River!!"

After Xuanyuan Poxin's introduction, everyone was completely terrified by the spectacular sight in front of them. This huge vortex is surrounded by passages extending in all directions. Countless seawater gushes out of the vortex, and rushes into different passages with roaring roars. Bloody seawater comes and goes. Going and going, never stopping, just like reincarnation, this is the river of reincarnation.

It gives people the feeling that if they step into the river of reincarnation, they will be imprisoned here forever.

"Everyone, be careful. This river of reincarnation is different from the sea of ​​blood. These seas are devouring. Anyone who is swallowed by the river will be demonized and fall into the devil's way. Moreover, the river is corrosive. After a few breaths, it will be completely corroded!"

While everyone was sighing, Xuanyuan Poxin gave another warning, explaining in detail the severity of the river of reincarnation, which made people even more afraid.

At this time, Xuanyuan Podao was very anxious, came to Xuanyuan Poxin, and asked in front of everyone, "Little sister, which passage is the passage to enter the ancestor's treasure house?"

"The passage is at..."

Xuanyuan Poxin suddenly shivered, raised his hand and moved slowly, and finally landed on an ordinary circular passage: "Brother, that is the entrance of the passage!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Xuanyuan Podao waved his big hand, and took the lead to fly towards the bottomless blood-red passage. Although the others hesitated and feared a little, they couldn't get off the tiger now, so they had to bite the bullet and move forward.

"Break your heart, let's go!"

When everyone set off one by one, Xuanyuan Poxin was silent at this moment. Fortunately, the ninety-year-old man suddenly grabbed Xuanyuan Poxin with a wave of his hand, and immediately swept Xuanyuan Poxin away.

"Grandfather, I think something is wrong. There is always something wrong. The passage I just pointed to is wrong. I want to see what happened!"

At the moment when he met the old man in his nineties, Xuanyuan Poxin glanced around and saw that there were no other eyes, so he directly sent a sound transmission to the old man who was invincible Poxian next to him.

When the old man heard this, he was silent for a moment, eyes still closed, and said via voice transmission: "The treasure house of the ancestors must not fall into the hands of others, so what can you do?"

"After entering this passage, we stopped and hid in it to see what will happen next. I hope that everything is just my imagination!"

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Poxin had a look of helplessness and sadness on his brows. Fangfo made a major decision, which had a great impact on her.

"You have mastered the inheritance of the ancestors, you know all the organs here, what's the matter, if you don't care about the consequences, you would rather smash the jade than ask for the whole..."

The old man slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, in his pupils, a flash of ancient divine light flashed, as if burning, burning nothingness endlessly.

"Little sister, why don't you go?"

As soon as they entered the passage, everyone released the strongest true energy to protect their real bodies. Sure enough, just a drop of water in the river of reincarnation caused these strong men to almost fall into the river. Everyone was struggling, and just entered a part. Everyone found Xuanyuan Poxin appearing in front of them, and they stretched out their hands to stop their progress.

Xuanyuan Podao immediately stepped forward and asked Xuanyuan Podao the reason for his heart.

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