The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 257 Life and Death Wheel Chapter

Facing Xuanyuan Podao's eager look, Xuanyuan Poxin's hands formed seals in an instant, and made one after another void and mysterious seals. The passage suddenly changed, and a blood-colored bubble-like force instantly isolated everyone. The distance is only a few feet, but this is only a visual distance. In fact, everyone has left the passage with the bubbles and hid in the depths of the passage.


Seeing this scene, all the clansmen were puzzled, especially Xuanyuan Podao, his eyes sank, it was not the usual heroic Xuanyuan Podao at all, on the contrary, there was a little more gloom, and this gloom dissipated immediately, and instead he looked like the usual heroic Xuanyuan Podao. With this expression, he looked directly at Xuanyuan Poxin.

"Brother, don't worry, little sister thinks something is wrong, everyone, we will get the answer after a while!"

Xuanyuan Po said unhurriedly, facing Xuanyuan Podao and everyone's doubts, she was cold and mysterious, and her face hidden under the scarf made people feel that she was even more unfathomable.

Xuanyuan Podao's pupils moved, and the mystery changed, making everyone relax, nodded and said: "Alright then, let's see what will happen!"

The twenty or so powerful members of the Xuanyuan Clan looked at the strange passage separated by a wall. Everyone knew what would happen next, and Xuanyuan Poxin's eyes were determined, Fangfo was sure of everything.

chug chug...

All of a sudden, above the Samsara River, from the blood-red and deep passage of the sea tornado, men in black descended one after another, and the leaders were none other than Xuanyuan Wuzui and the venerable.

"It's Xuanyuan Wuzui and these treasonous sinners, they really are deceitful!"

Seeing Xuanyuan Wuzui and others entering through the tunnel one after another, the Xuanyuan people knew that their whereabouts were completely exposed to the rebel forces, and that without a guide, they could not enter the Samsara River, which proved that Xuanyuan broke his heart. The intention is to find out the mysterious guide hidden among the crowd.

"Little sister, what should I do!? These traitorous forces must not be allowed to find the treasure house, otherwise, you and my brother and sister will explain to Father?"

Xuanyuan Podao was extremely angry and wanted to rush out and kill Xuanyuan Wuzui and others. Fortunately, other clansmen stopped him, otherwise he would have killed him impulsively.

Xuanyuan Yun came to Xuanyuan Poxin's side. As an elder, his actions attracted everyone's attention: "Miss, the situation is extremely dangerous now. You have received the inheritance from your ancestors, so you can definitely control the river of reincarnation. Why don't you imprison them all here... "

"Yes! Elder Yun's proposal is just as we thought. These traitorous enemies betrayed the family and communicated with foreign thieves, especially Xuanyuan Wugui, who was originally the great elder of our clan. He actually betrayed the clan openly. Patriarch, if you want to occupy the Xuanyuan family, such thieves will be punished by a thousand swords!"

The most important elders came to Xuanyuan Yun's side to express their opinions. The meaning was very simple, to kill Xuanyuan Wuzui and others, leaving no one behind.

Xuanyuan Poxin said: "Elders and clansmen, please rest assured, the river of reincarnation is a grand formation arranged by our ancestors, even the giants of the immortal world will come and die one by one, everyone, don't worry, just wait and see what happens..."

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately fell silent. Everyone knows that Xuanyuan Poxin has had an adventure since he was a child. He has the inheritance of Xuanyuan's ancestors. In her body, she has the power of Xuanyuan Patriarch, and once she wakes up, it will be even more incredible.

"The breath leads to that passage, everyone, let's go!"

Above the reincarnation river, Xuanyuan Wuzui's hands kept forming seals, and unexpectedly, in the void of the passage where Xuanyuan Poxin and others were, a thin white zhenqi appeared, directly reaching into the passage, Xuanyuan Wuzui waved his hand: "Everyone, be careful, This is the big formation arranged by Xuanyuan Patriarch, not to mention the Heaven-reaching Realm, even the giants of the Breaking Immortal Realm will not feel comfortable if they get wet in the river..."

Whoosh whoosh~~.

Headed by Xuanyuan Wuzui, dozens of people in black, supporting the venerable dragon who sees the head but can't see the end, flew to the tunnel together, and in the blink of an eye, they entered the tunnel. The bloody channel is empty, and no one knows what is inside.

"Everyone be careful!!!"

The moment he entered the river channel, Xuanyuan Wuzui was hit by a wave of river water. As a result, the qi chi that protected his body was swallowed up, causing Xuanyuan Wuzui and others to back up again and again. After the water wave passed, everyone dared to fly over quickly, and they It was getting closer and closer to the place where Xuanyuan Poxin and others were hiding.

"The river of reincarnation, reincarnation is merciless, the river flows into the ocean!"

Finally, Xuanyuan Wuzui and the others entered the tunnel. When they came to the tunnel in front of the Xuanyuan people, Xuanyuan Poxin suddenly split his hands, and the mysterious seal entered the tunnel. In an instant, the entire tunnel began to twist, and countless rivers turned upside down. , It can be said that the world is turned upside down.

The channel was completely distorted, and it was impossible to distinguish the front and back, and the overturning river channel, all the samsara rivers poured back crazily, rushing towards Xuanyuan Wuzui and the others one after another.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

The river flows backwards, reversing the universe. Whether it is Xuanyuan Wusui or the unfathomable venerable, they are all annihilated by the river of reincarnation. People in black are pierced by the river, and black flames begin to appear, self-burning, reaching the sky. The victims turned into bones under the water of the Samsara River.

"You think it's hidden in the depths, and the old man doesn't know? Break it for me!!!"

Just when the people of the Xuanyuan clan were secretly happy to see the enemies of the traitor clan dying in the river of reincarnation one by one, suddenly, a sword qi struck towards them, and Xuanyuan Wuzui was holding a fluorescent long sword, and unexpectedly fell in the middle of the sword. , revealing an extraordinary fairy nature, it is still a fairy sword.

"Immortal Artifact!!!"

Xuanyuan Yun saw the sword light and the infinitely profound immortal nature, so he knew that Xuanyuan Wugui's sword was extraordinary. Sure enough, just as he shouted two words, the sword energy was extremely sharp and split the tunnel, and the terrifying sword energy was towards The people of the Xuanyuan clan rushed forward quickly.

"Let me go! Haha!"

The moment the crack appeared, Xuanyuan Podao, who was wearing a white robe, was suddenly torn apart by a burst of black true energy. He grabbed Xuanyuan Poxin who had no resistance, and flew out of the crack in an instant. The remaining people like Xuanyuan Yun had no time to make a move. , was killed by Xuanyuan Wuzui's terrifying immortal sword power.

"Rather Stick to your guns……"

In the surging Samsara River, Xuanyuan Podao unleashed Xuanyuan Poxin's irresistible power, constantly shuttled, broke through the last water curtain, and appeared above the Samsara River, and the Venerable, and the six men in black, seemed to have long been He was waiting for Xuanyuan to break the way, so he didn't take any action.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Poxin seemed to have figured out something.

"My lord, you came just in time!"

Powerful zhenqi broke into Xuanyuan Poxin's body, and she was completely controlled by Xuanyuan Podao. Immediately, two men in black walked out from the Venerable's side and took Xuanyuan Poxin into custody. Xuanyuan Podao's appearance completely changed at this time, becoming a A middle-aged man in his forties.

"You, you are Xuanyuan Xiaojian!!? You traitor...what did you do to my elder brother?"

After seeing the transformation of 'Xuanyuan Podao', Xuanyuan Poxin was shocked, because the middle-aged man in front of him was an elder who betrayed the clan before Xuanyuan was innocent, named Xuanyuan Xiaojian.

Xuanyuan Xiaojian smiled coldly: "That brat Xuanyuan Podao was dealt with by me thousands of years ago. Just like your damned father, he went to hell and hell!"

At this moment, the mysterious venerable who had not moved all this time said to Xuanyuan Xiaojian: "Brother Xiaojian, don't talk nonsense with her, quickly let her lead us into Xuanyuan's treasure house!"

"Don't worry, my lord, this little girl, I don't want to see my clansman die!"

Xuanyuan Xiaojian's eyes were full of sinister smiles. After laughing out loud, he asked Xuanyuan Poxin forcefully, "Poxin, you'd better take us into Xuanyuan Treasure House as soon as possible, otherwise, I will kill all your clansmen one by one. Stay, there are still countless Xuanyuan people in the Hungu Continent, all of whom are going to die!"

"Xuanyuan Xiaojian, you are also a member of the Xuanyuan clan. Although you are a traitor, why do you want to cruelly attack the clansmen? You are so devoid of conscience. One day, you will be punished by the clansmen for your blood debt!" None, but the voice is very loud.

"What Xuanyuan clan has no future!"

Xuanyuan Xiaojian shouted domineeringly, as if everything was in his mind: "Our ancestors fell in the fairyland a million years ago, and the Xuanyuan clan has no future, and I, now relying on the venerable, will bring the Xuanyuan clan to a world that has never been seen before. The glories you have had, what is this little Taixing plane, the fairyland, is the sacred place for my Xuanyuan clan to reappear the glory, broken heart, you are a woman, short-sighted, even the ancestors are short-sighted, I am doing this, it is true Guangfu family, if you don't agree, the venerable will kill all the family members in an instant!"


When Xuanyuan Poxin heard this, she immediately struggled desperately, but unfortunately, no matter how hard she struggled, she returned in vain. The true energy in her whole body was completely sealed by Xuanyuan Xiaojian, and this seal was even fatal.

Xuanyuan Xiaojian didn't give Xuanyuan Poxin a chance at all, and blatantly threatened: "The fate of the Xuanyuan clan is in your hands now. If you agree, they will survive. If you object, they will all go to hell"!

"I promise…"

Who knows, Xuanyuan Poxin resolutely agreed, and pointed to a passage on the left: "That passage is the passage leading to Xuanyuan Taoist Temple!"

"He who knows current affairs is a hero, let's go!"

The venerable snorted coldly and waved his hand. A total of ten people went back to the passage in an instant, entered the passage and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What a profound method, this person's aura has been hidden so deeply until now...Brother Ye, let's follow quietly!"

Two phantoms soon appeared in the twisted void of the reincarnation river, it was Ye Yun and Tai Dayan. Tai Dayan wanted to calculate the breath of the venerable, but unfortunately he couldn't capture a single bit of it.

"This Xuanyuan family is much more complicated than imagined!"

Ye Yun nodded, looking down at the Samsara River below, the faint river water made people tremble: "What a weird river water, how can there be such a heaven-defying power!"

"I don't know about this either. I don't know where Patriarch Xuanyuan got it from the Samsara River, but this river water is so incredible that even I tremble a little!"


After the two chatted for a while, it turned into a distorted void and continued to move towards the passage. It looked so transparent that it was impossible to see through it with the naked eye.


Suddenly, the seal and the twisted river suddenly exploded with a wave of air, and the corpses of men in black were thrown out following the explosion. Xuanyuan Yun and others were protected by the ninety-year-old man, and flew out of the tunnel one by one. Above the reincarnation river, there were more than a dozen people left, only the old man who broke the fairyland was fine, and the others were injured to varying degrees.

"Old Ancestor, what should I do? I didn't expect the young master to be transformed by Xuanyuan Xiaojian. His scheming was too deep, and the young master also fell..."

An elder said with a heartbroken voice.

The others were also depressed. Xuanyuan Podao and Xuanyuan Poxin were both orphans of the acting patriarch of the previous generation. They were recognized as the future heirs of the Xuanyuan family, but Xuanyuan Podao had long since fallen. Caught, life and death unknown, whereabouts unknown, how could everyone not be heartbroken.

"Relax everyone for the time being. Although the young master is gone, the lady is still there. He has the inheritance of his ancestors. He must be a person with great luck. He will never fall here. All of you, leave the river of reincarnation immediately, and then lead the ancient All the clansmen in the mainland leave the ancient continent, and soon, the ancient continent will completely change!"

The old man who broke the fairyland said slowly to everyone.

"Yes, grandpa"!

A generation of giants breaking the fairyland, as the most senior and most powerful old man in the Xuanyuan family, everyone must obey orders and support each other to fly up the sea tornado passage.


At the same time, the old man who broke the immortal turned into a long rainbow and flew into the depths of the passage, while the entire Samsara River was still mysterious and impermanent, and the Samsara River began to rise rapidly.

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