The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 258 Xuanyuan Cave Mansion

Boom boom boom….

In the passage, the deeper the depth, the reincarnation river is like a mad beast, raging and invincible, roaring continuously along the twisting passage in a spiral shape, spinning and leading to the endless abyss.

"This river of reincarnation is really terrifying..."

Amidst the shocking water waves, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan kept sinking like stones, colliding with the Samsara River, they are not ordinary people, although the Samsara River is terrifying, it is difficult to cause real harm to them, Tai Dayan's body has already stepped on Entering Poxian possesses the power of an invincible immortal, while Ye Yun possesses the true energy of Taiyi, which is exactly the nemesis of evil power.

I don't know where the reincarnation river water was obtained by Xuanyuan Patriarch, it's amazing, but the reincarnation river water and the magic power of the blood sea have long been integrated, so for Ye Yun, the imperial physician's true energy in his body can just suppress the magic power, even There is also Taiyi Divine Light, which can purify any magic power.

Coming to the river of reincarnation is like adding wings to a tiger for Ye Yun. With the divine light of Taiyi, any water in the river of reincarnation is instantly shaken away, but for Ye Yun, if he stays in the river of reincarnation for a long time, even he can't stand it. Taiyi's divine light is completely consumed, so he is not far from death.

"Be careful, there are traps!"

Suddenly, Tai Dayan let out a long whistle, with a serious face, looking at the end of the twisted, dark red and bloody river in front of him, dense red streaks appeared, and these red streaks were like spider webs, blocking the entrance of the passage, but the two followed the Samsara river again. Drifting, under the huge impact of the reincarnation river, it is impossible to stabilize the body.


In the blink of an eye, countless red lines and strange powers were less than ten meters away from the two of them. Ye Yun waved his index finger and pointed at the red lines.


In an instant, strips of thin gold-threaded sword aura came out from the void, and slashed towards the densely packed red lines. Kong slashed, cutting off the red lines instantly, and immediately opened a passage.

"This Ye Yun's methods are becoming more and more sophisticated. Since he came to the sea of ​​blood, his actions have not been suppressed by the ancient magic power at all. It seems that the qigong he cultivated is just right to suppress the magic way!"

Seeing this scene, Tai Dayan secretly praised Ye Yun in his heart. At the same time, he also felt that Ye Yun was becoming more and more mysterious, and various methods emerged one after another. Compared with him, Tai Dayan and Ye Yun were no different. They have been together for a few years, and they haven't seen Ye Yun's real secret at all, which makes him feel that Ye Yun is supernatural.

Back then, in the Heiwu region of Xuanwumen, Ye Yun set up an array to kill Haoyuemeng, Wendaozong, Lanfengzong and underground ghost city powerhouses. He killed countless immortals in the realm of heaven and immortals, and killed people from all directions. A, fled for his life in embarrassment, came back with a feather, and killed hundreds of immortals with one person's power. Tai Dayan saw the scene at the beginning and saw Ye Yun's extraordinaryness, so he decided to cooperate with Ye Yun.

"Brother Tai, no, what the hell is that?"

Just as he was making a bloody path from countless evil red lines, another blood-red monster with thousands of hands and feet appeared. These monsters, holding all kinds of strange weapons, floated back and forth in the river of reincarnation. There are many, everywhere, and it seems to release terrifying magic with its teeth and claws.

Tedayan's divine light suddenly shot out from both sides, and immediately released the majestic true energy: "These are the magic soldiers evolved from the original magic power of the blood sea. , very powerful, all of them use the strength of beheading the sky-reaching realm..."

"Leave it to me, the Immortal Sealing Pen, the pen is as good as it gets!"

In an instant, Tai Dayan protected Ye Yun behind his back, and with his hands apart, the supernatural power of beheading the ninth-level Modihai was displayed by Tai Dayan again.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Large golden brushes, following Tai Dayan's hands forming a series of seals, shot out from the void, like countless murderous and bloody demon soldiers in a violent storm, sweeping the fallen leaves with the autumn wind, covering the sky and covering the earth Sweeping, domineering strokes come out, who will fight.

These ancient demon soldiers were still wielding their weapons, fighting against the big golden pen, but they were instantly beheaded at the moment they collided with the big golden pen. Or, it shatters like an earthen jar and falls into the roaring river of Samsara.

"These demon soldiers are really amazing, each of them has the power of the fifth level, or even the seventh level. It seems that there is still a powerful energy lurking in Tai Dayan's body, otherwise he would not have killed so smoothly..."

In the broken tunnel of demon soldiers, on one side is the river of reincarnation that corrodes everything, and on the other hand, there are ferocious and evil demon soldiers. , but Taidayan is more domineering and superior.

"It seems to be approaching the exit..."

Tai Dayan concentrated his eyes deeply, and breathed a sigh of relief, deep in the dangerous samsara river, it was a bit difficult for him, but when he saw the exit, Tai Dayan was full of energy, lifted Ye Yun and flew up.

The dark red void is full of demonic energy. A huge ancient cave is floating in the void. There is no river or sea of ​​blood around it. However, under the entire void is a pool of blood. The blood pool releases ferocious demonic flames. Fang Buddha is supported by magic flames.

This ancient blood pool radiated the origin of the entire blood sea, and the magic flames burning in the blood pool formed a layer of circular blood-colored magic flames around the void cave, sealing the floating cave, and these magic flames were so powerful that the entire The virtual red ancient space is full of irresistible destructive power.


"what happened!?"

The moment Ye Yun and Tai Dayan came to the virtual red space from the passage, they were attacked by the horror of the magic flame, which enveloped them and burned them ferociously, as if they were going to turn them into ashes. The magic flame can still resist for the time being, but at the moment when the magic flame burns, endless magic flames appear in the outer space of the entire cave.

"It seems that entering Xuanyuan Dojo is not something that can be entered by force. You and I have already touched the restriction and attracted the ancient formation set up by Xuanyuan Patriarch. Moreover, the blood pool below should be where the essence of the blood sea is. Xuanyuan Patriarch Use the essence of the sea of ​​blood to arrange the river of reincarnation. If you don't enter the dojo according to the method he set, anyone will be trapped in this magic flame until it is turned into ashes by the magic flame. With the power of this blood pool, it is enough It's only a matter of time before any giants breaking the fairyland are killed!"

Tai Dayan has extraordinary knowledge, and with a sweep of divine light, he can see the relationship between the blood pool, the blood sea, and the river of reincarnation thoroughly. However, the countless magic flame spaces make him feel uncomfortable, and now he can still be in the magic flame. He persisted, but as time went by, his strength would eventually be exhausted, and in the end he would die.

The blood pool below has long been integrated with the floating cave mansion. Before the restriction is touched, it seems that there is no danger, but once touched, the formation is activated, and the blood pool will completely release the power of the entire blood sea, imprisoning anyone here , although it cannot be killed for a while, after one, ten, one hundred, or one thousand years, even the strong who broke the fairyland will eventually turn into a bone and sink into the abyss of the blood pool forever.

This is a natural large formation made of sea of ​​blood, which is almost the same as Ye Yun's big formation of the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Shadow that Ye Yun had set up at the Xuanwu Gate using the Heiwu area. This kind of formation is the most terrifying. Killing so many immortals in the Heavenly Immortal Realm against the sky can be proved.

Tai Dayan looked at Ye Yun with a calm expression: "Xuanyuan Poxin and others should enter the dojo. Brother Ye, since you are here, you can't come here in vain. I will use the original power of the Taixing plane to help you and me." Enter it, but in the dojo, no one knows what dangers are there, and you and I may be forced to separate in the end, is it okay?"

"Okay, for me, although it is very difficult to open Xuanyuan Taoist Temple, there is still hope. For the treasure of the fairy world, it is worth taking this risk!"

Having come to this point, there is absolutely no retreat at all, facing Tai Dayan's sincerity, Ye Yun also made no secrets, full of confidence.


In the burning flames of the raging demon flames, although Ye Yun and Tai Dayan looked the same, the pressure they were under was several times beyond their own strength. , I'm afraid it's not good, and it won't last long before falling into the pool of blood and falling.


Tai Dayan suddenly stood quietly in the void, motionless, and released an atmospheric and ethereal breath from his body. A cold breath penetrated from the void, as if it came from the star field. Evenly distributed by a stalwart force from outside the void, it instantly broke through the magic flame world, directly pierced through the defense of the blood pool, and entered the floating cave.

"Finally came in, it's really not easy, this Xuanyuan Daochang should be refined from an ancient holy mountain!!!"

Breaking through the seal of the blood pool, the two of them finally came to the ancient entrance of the Floating Cave Mansion. Strength, but also, the power of the blood pool can resist the powerhouse of breaking the fairyland, and Taidayan is now the third-level and fourth-level power of Tongtian. It is unbelievable that it can come in. It is already a miracle. It is a miracle to create a miracle. Naturally, it has paid a lot.

Without hesitation, the two immediately strode into the mottled entrance of time.

"There are so many top-grade spirit stones... This Xuanyuan Taoist Temple is incredible, every plant and tree is a spiritual thing, and all substances are spirit stones... In the center, there are so many immortals..."

The scene changed again. These are not ancient and barren caves, but a secluded valley. The valley is huge, comparable to the Ziyu Continent. Pavilions and pavilions are built around the valley. At the end of the valley, there are three majestic The palace exudes infinite immortality.

"As expected of the Dojo of the Powerful in the Immortal Realm, it is so unbelievably big..."

Thinking of the dharma altar he created, which is only [-] meters in diameter, compared with Xuanyuan Taoist Temple, it is the gap between sesame seeds and huge stones, Ye Yun was surprised to see it.

"Brother Ye, from now on, you and I will act separately. This Xuanyuan Daoist Temple is full of treasures. Forget about mortal spirit stones and spirit treasures. Let's go directly to find treasures in the fairy world. I'll go first!"

Tai Dayan is not like Ye Yun, he is simply a beggar from the countryside who enters the city, he is inconceivable when he sees everything, and exclaims repeatedly, while Tai Dayan directly turns into a Changhong and flies to the left of the dojo, where there is a treasure that releases extraordinary immortality.


Ye Yun will not hesitate to let outsiders take advantage of the benefits and release the powerful primordial spirit. Immediately, all the places that contain immortality in the entire Xuanyuan Daoist field appear under the gaze of the primordial spirit: "Unbelievable, there are treasures everywhere. Especially among the three palaces, they are almost immeasurable, but there should be an extraordinary treasure not far ahead, it is so immortal..."

Ye Yun flew away in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

In the center of Xuanyuan Daoist Hall, in front of the three golden palaces, Xuanyuan Wuzui, the middle-aged Venerable, Xuanyuan Poxin and the six men in black, a total of nine people came to the palace. Feeling the aura that transcends the mortal world: "It's really the ancestor's dojo, Xuanyuan Poxin, you're acquainted!"

"Innocence, speed up your pace to collect treasures. Xuanyuan Poxin will definitely not let us take away all the treasures in Xuanyuan Taoist Temple!" At this time, Xuanyuan Xiaojian spoke.


Xuanyuan Poxin actually stood upright, and broke free from the hands of the two men in black. With a big hand, strands of mysterious power from the dojo persisted in her body. An incomparably powerful force emerged from her body. After being released, Xuanyuan Poxin looked at the crowd with a high aloof, and the sudden change took Xuanyuan Xiaojian and others by surprise.

Who made Xuanyuan Poxin the successor of Xuanyuan Patriarch? Here, Xuanyuan Poxin has the dominant power, whether to destroy or to be reborn, everything is in her hands: "Xuanyuan is innocent, Xuanyuan Xiaojian, you think you can take away the old man?" Ancestral Treasures, in fact, the moment I stepped into the Samsara River, I activated the Samsara Destruction Formation, at this moment, no one should expect to leave alive, I will take you to be buried with me, and eliminate the disaster for the Xuanyuan family forever!"

Seeing Xuanyuan Poxin escaped, Xuanyuan Xiaojian gritted his teeth and shouted: "Damn it, innocent, from now on, your task is to kill Xuanyuan Poxin, you must not let her survive, destroy my actions, after you get out , you are the head of the Xuanyuan family, and in the future, you will unify the entire Taixing plane, just like the original Tai family!"

"Thank you patriarch!"

Xuanyuan Wuzui was stunned for a moment, after listening to it, he seemed to have never expected to get such a big benefit, he nodded repeatedly, and then with a sinister smile on his face, he rushed towards Xuanyuan Poxin: "Take your life!"


Facing Xuanyuan Wuzui's sixth-order powerful strength, Xuanyuan Po couldn't move his heart, he condensed his palms, and pushed out towards Xuanyuan Wuzui. A huge force, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami collided with Xuanyuan Wuzui, causing a ferocious explosion. For a moment, Xuanyuan Poxin took the opportunity to escape.

"Where to escape!!!"

One move failed to defeat Xuanyuan Poxin, but was almost injured by the power she unleashed. Xuanyuan Wuzui was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. A weak person of the first rank who reached the sky nearly capsized him in the gutter. How could Xuanyuan Wuzui be Being able to swallow this bad breath, he angrily chased and killed Xuanyuan Poxin.

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