The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2568 The First Effect of Gods' Belief

The avatar used the power of the 33-day vine to entangle the emperor-level monster. Longlong and Emperor Mengtian launched a fierce attack, and the avatar used the 33-day vine to start absorbing the energy of the monster.

The technique of splitting monsters is indeed terrifying, but restrained by the 33-day vines, the grown head and monster body can no longer attack at will. Even if they struggle and shake off the 33-day vines, they will be suppressed by the [-]-day vines again.

Such an emperor-level monster will become the power of the 33-day vine.


The masters are fighting with the emperor-level monsters, but the battlefield below is not good for the gods.

Even if Sheng Ruxin came to support with two great Buddhist masters and a dozen old antiques, they couldn't stop the army of monsters from destroying the mortal world and devouring the gods.

A large number of gods were devoured, and the powerhouses of hell and the gods suffered serious losses, and the masters were unable to kill the emperor-level monsters in a short time, so the gods could not completely block the gods.

At this time, it seems that everything is about to be lost, and oneself has to become the food of monsters.


Ye Yun appeared, he absorbed the energy of the emperor, came through the air, and appeared above all the battlefields.

He looked at Sheng Ruxin first, he didn't expect that Sheng Ruxin was so powerful, with the strength of three people, he could slaughter nearly a hundred monsters, and then looked at the other masters, unexpectedly none of the master's miracles was intact, Apart from Chi Yun's Sky Eye trace, the other master's miracles were almost completely shattered.

"The army is retreating steadily, and the master is unable to fight against the emperor-level monsters. The general situation of mankind is over..."

Sweeping across the battlefield, Ye Yun could see the situation clearly, destruction, human beings could no longer stop the dark race.

"The kingdom of good fortune!"

At this time, part of the world's power can be withdrawn from the mortal world, and Ye Yun immediately displayed the peerless supernatural power from Shenluo in the air, creating the country, and then fused the perfect reincarnation ability.

In an instant, the power of the world remaining in the mortal world swept across the entire battlefield from a high altitude, and the divine light of Taiyi appeared in all matter and space.

"Master of Light!"

In an instant, countless gods saw Taiyi's divine light again, saw light appear in the world, and even the cold and silent power was involved in the mortal world and turned into light.

Hope, the gods have ignited fighting spirit and hope again!

"Ru Xin!"

Ye Yun immediately called out.

"Lord Ye!"

Sheng Ruxin instantly turned into Buddha's light, flashed with two phantoms of old men, and introduced to Ye Yun: "This is the Buddha who survived the ancient war from the ancient Buddhist sect. Dragon Yin', has been guarding the 'Wanfa Miracle' in hell!"

"Two masters!" Ye Yun also felt the strength of the two Buddhist elders. This is not ordinary strength, and the strength has at least reached the height of the high priest.

It's unbelievable to be able to cultivate strength to such a level without miracles.

"Ru Xin, I feel the purification power of your Buddhism, which is similar to my Taiyi Shenguang. Let's release the power of purification together, purify the evil power of monsters, digest their fighting power, and I also want to absorb their energy , breaking through the last realm of Hunyuan Transformation!"

It turned out that he summoned Sheng Ruxin, and the two masters of Buddhism, just wanted to join forces to exert the power of purification together.

Sheng Ruxin immediately responded, and prepared with the two masters Wuhui and Wuya.


The Tongxin body also appeared, and Ye Yun released another Tongxin body.

"This is... the legendary Tongxin body. It's incredible. It's the first time I've seen it after living for countless epochs!" The two Tongxin bodies have no difference in breath, appearance, and power from Ye Yun, and they shocked everyone. Regret Master.

The two Tongxin bodies formed seals together, and at the same time released the miracle of barbarism and the miracle of Beichen. In this way, the strength of Tongxin body has also reached the extreme.

They seal at the same time: "The chakra of chaotic world purification, merge with the kingdom of good fortune!"

"Taishang Zhiguang!"

Sheng Ruxin, Master Wuhui, and Master Wuya who had been prepared also released the incomparably mysterious ten thousand dharma Buddha seal before, and it also turned into golden Buddha light.

Soon merged with the bright power of the kingdom of good fortune.

The power of purification stimulated by the three Buddhist supreme beings, together with the two mind-integrating bodies and miraculous power, has increased ten thousand times in power in an instant!

What is the concept of ten thousand times? In the past, Ye Yun's fortune-telling country alone could only restrain the aura of ordinary monsters, but now even the power and actions of emperor-level monsters can be suppressed, and those ordinary monsters start to move slowly. Space ability is no longer weird.

However, under the power of light, the gods gradually recovered their energy, and they took the initiative to kill the army of monsters regardless of everything.

Ye Yun himself sits cross-legged above the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification, releasing the Law of Suction and the Law of Devouring with all his strength, and using the perfect reincarnation as his life force, he merges the abilities of the reincarnation into this vast world of light.

His thoughts surged towards Qing Ming: "Ming'er, quickly refine the hell and integrate it into your body, so that monsters can no longer peep into hell. If any monsters enter hell, then everything we do will be shattered." It will be in vain!"

Qingming and Wanhai were urging the sea god's miracle to fight against an emperor-level monster, and Chi Yun jumped out to support him from time to time. Fortunately, he was able to hold on and killed an emperor-level monster seriously.

"It's indeed time to do this, we can't let hell be threatened!" Qing Ming also agreed.

"Clone, you protect Ming'er, and help Ming'er take full control of hell. It's not easy to inhale a big world, and it also needs the power of 33 days of vines!"

"Okay, I will do my best to protect hell!"

Ye Yun also asked the avatar to help, also to protect Qing Ming.

The two peerless masters, who are also Ye Yun's most important people, immediately flew to hell.

Ye Yun's will began to be released to the master who was fighting hard, and the gods below who suffered heavy losses: "Masters, the dark race has destroyed the mortal world, we have no way to retreat, and the master of hell has gone to hell, will The hell is inhaled into the body, and the master of hell is the incarnation of hell, and then we will try to kill all the monsters here!"

The will of the masters spread infinitely: "If we don't have any worries, then we can go all out and fight the monsters to the death!"

At the same time, Ye Yun began to absorb the evil power from a large number of dark races from the rotating chaotic world purification wheel, and then many voices appeared.

"My family is in hell. There are my grandfather, my father, and my sister. I want to follow the Lord of Light!"

"Brothers died in battle, and none of our former friends survived. Lord of Light, I want to avenge them!"

"Master of Light, please protect me and protect me!"

"The Lord of Light guides me, let's get out of this cruel war!"

"Light, please bring me strength!"


Countless voices came one after another at first.

Soon one sound after another sounded, and at the back, it was like a mountain roar and a tsunami rushing towards Ye Yun.

Of course, only Ye Yun can hear this, because this is the cry in each god's heart, and the call they made finally turned into hope, and also turned into the most mysterious power of faith.


This is the most powerful power of an individual. With faith, people will have hope, will to fight, stimulate their own potential, and make people get out of despair.


When it is turned into a wish, a prayer, and dedicated to a certain person from the individual body, if that person has a peerless supernatural power, he will sense this belief and this hope.

And when everyone turns their hopes and prayers into beliefs and dedicates them to a certain person, then this person will control the infinite and terrifying power of belief.

In the world, there has never been a person, a god, who can control the power of faith!

But at this moment, the power of light transformed by Ye Yun brought hope and strength to the desperate gods, and restrained the lethality of the dark race. The gods could defeat them, and this persistence burned in the hearts of the gods with hope.

The voice Ye Yun heard was actually the inner cries of countless gods, the breath of will, which finally turned into the power of faith, which gathered continuously and rushed towards Ye Yun.

"It's amazing, I feel that there is infinite power around me, I feel that this piece of time and space is like my battlefield... What kind of power is this?"

After a long time, Ye Yun suddenly found that his power of control had reached an unprecedented height, and the speed at which he activated the Kingdom of Good Fortune and the chakra of chaotic world purification had reached an unprecedented height.

The power of purification is even stronger, especially the Chaos Purification God Wheel that Ye Yun wants to control.


After a while, inconceivable evil power rose from the God Wheel of Chaos and Purification. These were the powers absorbed from the body, breath, and attack of the Anzu.

Ye Yun opened his mouth wide and began to swallow, mouthful after mouthful, the energy in his body began to sweep.

"Energy Seed!"

And he even thought of the masters, the gods, who were in a bitter battle with monsters!

He absorbed part of the energy by himself, condensed most of the energy into pure energy seeds, and then released his will to drive energy seeds one by one into the presence of the masters and gods.

"Haha, boss, we killed another emperor-level monster, and the body is handed over to you!"

Under the purification world driven by Sheng Ruxin, Master Wuhui, and Wuya, plus the two Tongxin bodies, the fighting power of the gods obviously surpassed that of the dark race.

In addition, Ye Yun gave the gods the energy seeds, and the gods began to besiege and kill the Anzu, especially Chi Yun cooperated with other masters and killed another emperor-level monster.

In this way, plus the monsters killed by the avatar and Ye Yun, the gods have killed four emperor-level monsters, and there are still five powerful emperor-level monsters left.

If things go on like this, as long as the emperor-level monsters lose their advantage in the purified world, and the momentum and strength of human beings increase greatly, then humans will most likely kill the monsters in the end.

Ye Yun inhaled the corpse of the emperor-level monster killed by Chi Yun and the gods, and sucked it into his body after looking at it. Now he can borrow the power of the gods' belief to purify the power of the dark race with all his strength, and turn it into an infinite energy seed .

"Humanity will win in the end!"

Under the counterattack, human beings have surpassed the dark race as a whole.

Seeing this scene, Sheng Ruxin seemed to have seen humans finally defeat the dark race and win the victory, and then humans began to rebuild the four realms.

Not only him, but many gods, in the world at this time, began to see hope and victory beckoning to them.

"Humans, you can't see hope, you have to pay the price for killing so many of our people!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the nothingness in the world of light.

Could it be that there is support from the dark race again?

This idea popped up in the minds of the gods at the same time.


In the blink of an eye, some black flames fell from a high altitude into the world of light and purification.


Ye Yun, who was sitting cross-legged at the top, was the first to be hit by a black flame. It turned out that it was not a flame, but a black rock the size of a child's fist.

It is the black rock that the nine emperors and monsters attacked the masters and destroyed all miracles.

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