The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2569 The God of Light and the Ancient Pluto

Ye Yun's body shook, looking at the black rock, it actually pierced through his left shoulder.

"The dark race raids, everyone defends!"

Black Rock!

This is the existence that shattered the miracles of the masters back then. It is too strong, and it contains the breath of the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar. This is an indestructible substance.

His body can be crushed in one blow, so what about the other gods?

He looked up and saw black rocks falling all over the sky, like meteors falling down.

Ye Yun immediately released the small divine movement technique and the power of reincarnation, trying to roll the black rock out of the world, but the speed and force of the black rock falling were not natural forces.

It was man-made. As a result, he used a small divine movement technique, and he only controlled less than [-]% of the rocks falling, and only slightly changed the direction, but did not move away.

"Only... to deal with the monsters that control these black rocks!"

Regardless of his injuries, Ye Yun left a thought to Sheng Ruxin and the gods, and with a whoosh, he flew out.

Whoosh whoosh!

Passing through the world of light and a large number of material fragments in the mortal world, he kept dodging the falling black rocks on the way. Seeing so many black rocks, I am afraid that this time... a large number of gods will fall.

He speeded up, and suddenly came to the sky of the mortal world, and saw thousands of monsters. There was a man in the middle of them, which was releasing a black light and continuously ejecting black rocks.

"Fen! You are finally here!"

Seeing the man, Ye Yun already had boundless killing intent, so he immediately drank it.


The man stopped suddenly, as if he didn't expect that there would be humans coming here from his attack.

"So it's you, Ye Yun..." The man's face was clear, and he blocked Ye Yun's way with a flash in the air.


It was indeed Fen, the Fen who seemed to have died tragically under the Zhou Tian gap.

As a result, he lived well!

As Fen appeared, his attack also disappeared.

Ye Yun didn't have time to look at Fen, so he turned around and looked down. As a result, the Creation Kingdom he cast gradually disappeared, and a strong blood energy, as well as painful groans appeared continuously.

But the bright world soon disappeared, and the battlefield appeared, and the gods appeared.

It turned out to be riddled with wounds and corpses of the gods everywhere. I am afraid that one-third of the gods fell at this moment, and another third were seriously injured.

Even many miracles were shattered again and completely destroyed!

Moreover, the army of monsters among them was also seriously injured. It seemed that the self-immolation attack and the countless black rocks also severely damaged the army of the dark tribe.

What a terrifying attack, it actually beheaded so many gods at once, burning the power of one person, almost killed all the gods, if Ye Yun hadn't appeared and interfered with him, most of the human race would have lost most of it.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A stream of divine lights flew from the world below, and I saw Chi Yun, the high priest, Long Long, Chi Lijun and others flying in the forefront, Sheng Ruxin led two masters of Buddhism, Jiu Zhen and other old antiques, and went to the front together. Ye Yun flew over.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Yun met the last master of human beings, and when he saw them, none of them had any wounds from the black rock, even Chi Yun was no exception.

As for the gods who stayed below, they continued to besiege the dark army that had also been hit hard.

"Burning Emperor!"


The five emperor-level monsters who fought with the gods before appeared one by one around Fen, and they were also scarred.

Fen looked at them, and immediately released dozens of monsters after sweeping them. The five emperor-level monsters devoured them greedily, and each one of them was recovering from their injuries.

All the powerful can't stop it even if they want to!

Because a person stood in front of them, Fen!

Whether they recognize Fen or not, they can all feel his domineering aura, his royal aura among monsters is enough to show that his strength is far above the five big monsters.

At this time, around Ye Yun, there are hundreds of human beings who are the strongest, including giants, sword slaves, masters, and antiques.

This is the last hope of mankind!

"Ye Yun, your growth rate is too fast. Last time I asked Tong to chase you down and made you escape several times..."

Fen took the five emperor-level monsters and looked at Ye Yun again: "I don't have the energy to deal with you anymore. Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, you have reached the height of the former God of Light!"

"Fen, where's the Wuwu Beast?" Ye Yun's first question was also the one he had been worried about.

"Wuwu Beast?" Fen was stunned, thought for a while and said, "Wuwu is now the king of our Dark Clan, the new king, you will meet him, and he will follow the most powerful Empress of our Dark Clan to kill him." Enter here, and you humans will eventually die at our hands this time!"


Wuwu Beast has become the new king of the Dark Clan.

Not only Ye Yun was shocked, Chi Yun, Wan Hai, Long Long, Chi Lijun, Su Yiren, Xin Shaohua, Xin Wanling, Jian, and Zhan Tian couldn't believe it.

The cute and funny appearance of Wuwu Beast has been lingering in their minds.

How could he become the new king of the dark race?

Ye Yun was furious, but he still had to think about the gods: "Fen, your dark race lost more than half in this battle, and we humans lost the four realms. Do you still want to fight? In the end, both sides will suffer?"

"In the eyes of my Anzu, no amount of death is meaningful. At worst, after a long time to reproduce, the world will be destroyed, but the universe still exists forever. As long as there is endless deep space, my Anzu will not be destroyed. Yes, Ye Yun, and you humans, you can give up resistance now, if you persist, none of you will survive here, you humans are not our opponents!"

"Your dark race is powerful, but we humans will not fail. From the end of the war to now, although your dark race has destroyed the four worlds, we have killed most of them!"

"Don't listen to Ye Yun!"

Fen actually ignored Ye Yun, and immediately looked at those strong human beings behind, and the number of strong men increased a lot, such as giants from hell. Fen shook his head: "We, the dark race, cannot be defeated!"

The high priest stood up and said, "We humans have won the ancient war!"

Fen was still calm and despised the gods: "The ancient war? Indeed, the period of the ancient war was when you humans were at the peak of your power. There were 108 miracles and 108 human rulers, but so what? We are not It also crushed the ultimate hope of you humans, the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar, which made you lose the power to support the four worlds, and then killed most of the ancient giant gods of your humans. In the end, only a dozen giant gods survived! The ancient war, Humans are powerful, I have to admit, but now is the last era, you humans cannot fight against my dark race!"

The God of Luoshui shouted coldly and arrogantly: "Even so, we don't want to live in darkness, and our human descendants, living in darkness for generations, might as well disappear in this world!"

"You humans cannot defeat our dark race!"

Fen said that he would not move Ye Yun, and suddenly released the sound of thunder, sweeping the entire mortal world, so that all the gods below could hear it clearly.

"Ye Yun, I will let you know what despair is!"

Suddenly, Fen seemed to want to make a move.

At this moment, all the gods were arousing their momentum and wanted to fight Fen.

However, Fen shot out a dark chain, and the chain emerged from a dark light emitted by him, and in this dark light, there was actually a trace of divine light.

"This breath..."

The high priest was shocked!

"Impossible, possible!" Priest Zijun also stared at the dark light in astonishment.

Suddenly all the masters sensed something, including Jiuzhen and other old antiques from the past, and his face also had an extremely shocked expression, as if they all knew what the existence of the light of darkness was.


In the end, Ye Yun's gaze dimmed, and he shook his head: "Impossible, impossible, how can he, they still be alive!"

"There is nothing impossible in this world, at least for my Anzu, who lived in the depths of the endless universe in the past, and finally obtained the method of cultivation, and can come to the high-level world of this universe!"

Fen gradually controlled the dark chains, and the dark light became more and more enlarged, and two figures seemed to be seen inside.

"No, no, great master!"

All the giants in hell knelt down tremblingly, staring at the figure in the black light with excited and helpless eyes.

Under the chains cast by Fen, the black light finally magnified into an astonishing space of dark chains. In that space, there were two figures entangled by dark chains at the front, and behind the figures lay more than a dozen skeletons. , the skeleton is still entangled by the seal chain.


Jiuzhen and a man in black strode out, but were stopped immediately by Ye Yun.

The man in black is one of the old antiques who followed Sheng Ruxin to the upper realm. This person is the disciple of the Lord of the Word, Zhendao Xin.

After Zhen Dao Xin and Jiu Zhen were stopped by Ye Yun, they knelt down together and looked at the dark light, as if they sensed something inside, which shocked them and made them extremely hurt.

"A familiar breath..."

In the dark light, the figure on the right who was entangled in the chains sighed hoarsely and weakly, his tone seemed helpless, and there was a faint smile on his face.


Fen looked at the light of darkness, and stood with his hands behind his back in disdain: "I said, you humans will be destroyed in the hands of our dark race, and the four realms you once protected will also be destroyed. How about it? Believe it now!"


Pom Pom!

All the rulers, antiques and strong men kneel on one knee.


The dark light suddenly grabbed Fen vigorously, and the chain shook tremblingly, gradually pulling out the two figures on the left and right, and the figure on the right released a faint light of light.

The figure on the left released a faint dark aura.

This can't be the powerhouse of the dark race, the power that can be released is only the human gods.

When the two figures completely followed the chains of darkness and left the light of darkness, their faces appeared before the gods again after countless epochs.

Both of these two are middle-aged people, but they have been burned and tortured for many years. Countless insect eggs are attached to their bodies. Crawl around.

The middle-aged man on the right raised his head, revealing the familiar face that once conquered the gods, the God of Light!

The middle-aged man on the left trembled, as if he was struggling, but raised his head feebly. The creator of hell, the ancient Pluto.

The two peerless masters, the immortal figures who existed in the past, have not died yet, and have not fallen in the ancient war.

The gods were excited and angry.

But Fen looked at the God of Light and the Ancient Pluto. Obviously, the two giants in front of him were just tools to torture and vent his anger: "You two, my old friends, have passed through countless epochs, and you all remember these things. Breath, right? Look at the mortal world you once guarded, take a look, this has been destroyed by my dark race, below is hell, and hell will be destroyed by my dark race soon!"

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