The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2570 The peerless burning, the ancient war


The ancient leader of light, the God of Light looked at the mortal world wearily, no matter where there was a breath of coldness, and everywhere was broken space-time: "Fen, the four worlds will usher in a catastrophe of heaven and fate, the destruction of the mortal world, the destruction of the four worlds, is only the way of heaven." It is part of the catastrophe of fate, but human beings will survive this catastrophe, so what if you destroy the four worlds? These outstanding descendants in front of my eyes, they will join hands to create a new era of civilization!"


As soon as these words came out, countless gods looked at the God of Light, who was the leader of the belief of the gods in the past.

"My children and grandchildren, the future of mankind is you. The destruction of the Great Zhoutian, God Realm, Immortal Realm, Mortal Realm, and Hell, and the destruction of the four realms have already been foreseen by me. You have the power to rewrite the future!"

The God of Light said with relief, and then his eyes fell on Ye Yun. He looked at the ancient Pluto beside him: "Brother Pluto, have you seen it too? This is the young man in front of us. He has inherited your will and my will, according to the ancient prophecy, who merged darkness and light!"

"I saw!"

The burly body of the ancient Pluto struggled violently in the dark chains, and his black pupils stared at Ye Yun: "Young man, you are really a formidable young man. You have the power of light and darkness in you, and you can change the future, because you are a god." Overlord, you are the God of Creation..."

"You two old men, close your eyes!"

It seemed that the ancient Pluto was going to say something that was enough to change all the secrets, but who would have thought that Fen would do it.

He grasped both hands separately, the left hand grasped the head of the ancient Pluto, and the right hand grasped the head of the God of Light.

"Fen..." Ye Yun suddenly stood up.

And all the gods behind!

"Humans, have you seen it? The ancient Pluto and the God of Light are the most powerful existences of your human beings, but they are still imprisoned, suppressed, and tortured countless worlds by this seat, making their life worse than death. Watching with your own eyes The destruction of the four worlds, you have never experienced this painful feeling? If you continue to be an enemy of this emperor, then this emperor will suppress you, and then let you watch helplessly, how this emperor slaughters and beheads you humans !"

Fen regained that devilish expression, and swept towards all the gods and powerhouses: "Follow and submit to our dark race, you humans will have hope, and those who do not submit will only perish!"

"Fen, if you have the ability, you and I will fight!" Seeing the pained expressions of the ancient Pluto and the God of Light, Ye Yun's blood was boiling.

Fen disdainfully said: "Haha, Ye Yun, why are you in a hurry, look at your ancestors, the God of Light and the Ancient Pluto are not my opponents, so it depends on you?"


Ye Yun looked at the gods: "The two seniors, the God of Light and the Primordial Hades, have been tortured by the Dark Race for countless epochs, and they live in pain every night, but these two seniors have not surrendered to the Dark Race." However, until now, they would rather die than submit, have you all seen it?"

This sentence, with Ye Yun's anger, shocked every god.

Moreover, it also passed to the gods below.

Then these words made the Primordial Pluto and the God of Light smile gratifiedly at the same time, and their eyes slowly closed with that relieved smile.

"I will never die with the Dark Race!"

The gods uttered a cry like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"Damn it! Ye Yun!"

Burning furiously, he lifted up the bodies of the two former supreme leaders: "Human beings, I want you to see destruction and despair. This is despair!"


Using his hands, Fen crushed the heads of the God of Light and the Primordial Hades, as well as their bodies, and then sucked the flesh and blood of the two peerless antiques into his hands.

"Master Hades!"


The eyes of the gods were moist at this moment.

In front of them, the two old antiques would rather die than surrender in the end, and were brutally beheaded by Fen in the end. How many gods completely broke out the anger in their bodies.

Will, belief... Ye Yun felt it at this moment!

"Destroy...human beings!"

After brutally beheading the ancient Pluto and the God of Light in public, Fen immediately turned around and shouted.

Whoosh whoosh!

Thousands of monsters shuttled down from the fairyland.


The five emperor-level monsters and thousands of monsters flew past Fen and killed the gods.

The gods immediately spread out in mid-air, and the masters were the first to bear the brunt. Using the power of miracles, they absorbed the power of the gods and condensed them into the final defense.

The final war between the dark race and humans broke out!

However, Ye Yun didn't take a step back. When the five emperor-level monsters led the dark army to fight against the gods, Ye Yun was floating in the sky alone, and Fen stood on the sky.

"Ye Yun, you are not my opponent!" Fen Moran shouted.

"Whether it's your opponent or not, you and I will have to fight each other before we know!" Ye Yun replied calmly.

"court death!"

Fen Leiting was shocked, and a dark domineering energy erupted immediately, and the surrounding space was immediately shattered, turning into a shattering vortex, dragging Ye Yun and himself into the darkness.

This momentum was really powerful, and Ye Yun was shocked to take several steps back.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun and Fen, the two peerless powerhouses, were drawn into the endless deep space.

The battle of old enemies begins here.

"Ye Yun, let's see how this emperor will crush you to death!"

In deep space.

Fen made a move, he was furious, and with a wave of his hand, he even pulled, grabbed the deep space behind him, and rolled towards Ye Yun directly.

"Too strong!"

As soon as he made a move, Fen showed his strength surpassing that of Extreme Emperor and Lianhuang.Moreover, he still has such great supernatural powers, it seems that he wanted to kill Ye Yun as soon as he made a move!

"Miracle of light!"

Ye Yun activated the miracle of light, and then activated the perfect reincarnation: "The law of the great way!"

After activating the miraculous power, Ye Yun immediately formed a seal, and a swirling law of the Great Dao appeared in the space in front of him.

This is a game of space supernatural powers.


The deep space captured by Fen blasted the law of the great way to tremble continuously. After holding on for three breaths, the law of the great way exploded completely, and the power of the deep space swept Ye Yun in again.

Played a Dao Law again, this time, the Dao Law blocked the moving deep space, otherwise the impact would have to smash the Miracle of Light.

"Master, this is the emperor named Fen. Back then, he teamed up with the three great emperors to deal with the old master, and was finally beaten by the old master. This Fen was taken away!"

Ao Zhan appeared next to Ye Yun, and released an astonishing miraculous aura.

Ever since seeing the living God of Light touched Ye Yun deeply, he is also at a loss now: "Could it be that you didn't know about this back then?"

"When the old master saw that the Miracle of Light was severely injured, he wanted to preserve it for mankind, so he sent the Miracle and me into the deep space vortex. Later, the old master's thoughts disappeared completely, and the Miracle of Light could not sense the breath of the master, so he I thought the old master had fallen..."

"It's no wonder that after I fully fused with the Shenluo statue, I found a mark of imprisonment. At that time, I felt that something was wrong. It turned out that the God of Light has not fallen, but the will has been imprisoned!"

After hearing this, Ye Yun was even more shocked.

It seems that there are still many things that I don't understand about the ancient war, not only the fall of the God of Light, but also the skeletons imprisoned with the two old antiques. What is going on?

And Taikoo Pluto also has a lot of doubts.

I remember that the ancient Hades fell before the ancient war, why didn't the ancient Hades fall?Was also burned to suppress?

Can Fen suppress the ancient Pluto in hell?Silently?no one knows?

Impossible, all this is too weird!


Ye Yun's space avenue law was confronting the deep space controlled by Fen, and he suddenly shouted: "Primeval Pluto, how could you be imprisoned by you? What have you done to hell?"

Burning in the deep space in front of him, looking up to the sky and screaming: "Haha, you only thought of this problem now? You humans are so stupid. The ancient war was caused by the Emperor!"

"Impossible, impossible!" Ye Yun didn't believe it.

Fen returned to his stern and murderous state: "This emperor's ability is beyond your imagination?"

"Before the ancient war... There was no gap in the sky at that time, how did you get in the big sky?" Ye Yun's biggest doubt was this point.

If he planned the ancient war before the ancient war, how did he get in?Because when the ancient war broke out, the dark race broke through the Zhoutian gap and entered the Great Zhoutian from the gap, thus the ancient war broke out completely.

"Ye Yun, look at the wound on your left shoulder, your current strength has reached the height of the God of Light back then, but look, I can penetrate your physical body, can't I break the Great Zhou barrier? "

"It's impossible for the Zhoutian barrier to be so strong. With your strength, you are only slightly better than the God of Light, but you still have the strength to break the Zhoutian barrier alone!"

"So, I used the same material as the Great Circumferential Hunyuan Pillar, that is, the black rock. It took how many epochs to refine part of it, and used it in the Great Circus barrier, that is, the former Zhou celestial gap. In the place where I smashed a small opening from the barrier, an insignificant opening, and then with a powerful ability, devoured the defenses of the gods, and finally entered the Great Zhoutian!"

Fen spoke eloquently, and when it came to the past, he was simply showing off the strength of him and the Anzu: "The Zhoutian barrier is indeed strong, and I also spent most of my strength to enter the Great Zhoutian alone, and the defense of your gods is also very strong. It is extremely powerful. Fortunately, I stayed in it for a whole era to absorb the defensive barriers of the gods. During this long time, I devoured a lot of energy from the gods, as well as the energy of the Great Zhoutian. Not only did I open a The hole also swallowed a lot of energy, and finally let the emperor recover the consumed energy. After entering the Great Zhou, I can see the strength of human beings, miracles, human rulers, and the newly rising human civilization! "

"I started traveling in the Great Zhou, went to many places, and secretly peeped at many powerful rulers of mankind. After learning about the Great Zhou, I went to the God Realm. The God Realm was also vast. The gods ruled at that time, I was opening up a more distant time and space in the God Realm. At that time, I was thinking of a way, how to deal with you, relying on me alone? No, I can enter the Four Realms by myself. It is also impossible for humans to challenge all the rulers of your human beings. And I just learned at that time that a powerful ruler of mankind, the ancient Pluto, betrayed the camp of the gods and went to the great world of hell. The dark monks he led were rejected by the gods. In the God Realm and the Great Zhou Tian are like rats crossing the street, under the petition of all the dark monks, the ancient Pluto took the dark monks to the Great Hell, and before leaving, he took away the miracle of hell without permission!"

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