The first artifact, the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar!

No one knows about its birth. It was because of it that it supported the Great Zhou and brought power to the Four Realms, and the Four Realms gave birth to splendid civilizations.

Since its destruction and disappearance, the ancient gods have fallen and miracles have been destroyed, and now the Great Zhoutian has been shattered, and the worlds of gods, immortals, and mortals have also been destroyed one by one.

At this moment, it has completely disappeared at the end of the era, and its legends and legends will not be handed down in the new era.


The impact of the two large Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillars shattered the miracle of light again, and the deep space was turbulent, while the deep space at the other end seemed to be swept by a strong wind and huge waves.

When the Hunyuan Pillar powder was still scattered, a blood shadow suddenly rushed out from the turbulent deep space, it was Fen who opened his mouth wide and was bloody and bloody.

He rushed out, desperately, and raised all his strength to the extreme.


Because of the shock, the miracle of light is still bearing the shocking power brought by the Hunyuan Pillar of the Great Zhoutian. Perhaps this is also the gap between humans and the dark race. Ye Yun is in the miracle of light, worried whether the miracle will be broken .

Who knew that Fen rushed over, and was involved in the miracle from the shattered cracks in the miracle of light, and the blood shadow rolled across the space of the miracle, with a big mouth, and the few remaining sharp fangs, quickly biting on the leaf. Uniform right shoulder.


Thought it was burnt to death!

Ye Yun was shaken back a little, and then looked at Fen who was biting his right shoulder. He was only three feet long, and was blown to pieces by the power of the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar, and even his teeth were broken.

"Ye Yun...I want to perish with you, Godly One, if I had known such power, I should have killed you back then!" Fen ferociously wanted to suck Ye Yun into his mouth.


Ao Zhan appeared!

He appeared from the depths of the miracle of light, and seeing Ye Yun being bitten by Fen and absorbing energy continuously, he immediately activated the light of the miracle: "Nine Dragons Protector!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The matter in the depths of the miracle trembled, and the nine ancient materials swept away, and turned into nine dragons around Ao Zhan. They had different colors, and Ao Zhan also split into nine phantoms. In an instant, the nine dragons rolled towards Fen .

When Fen saw the nine dragons attacking him, he didn't care. He only had one thought, which was to swallow Ye Yun in one gulp, or to absorb all of Ye Yun's life force.

The poison and power from the self-immolation sucked a lot of energy into Ye Yun's body. Ye Yun himself was seriously injured, and the Miracle of Light was severely injured, so he couldn't react or struggle for a while.

Pom Pom!

I saw nine divine dragons entangled Fen and rolled him up tightly.

"My deity!"

For Ye Yun, he didn't have only one method, the Tongxin Body appeared, and he was also affected by the impact force of the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar when he controlled the Beichen Miracle, so he rushed over at this time.

"Huangxu Purifying World God Wheel!" Tongxin Ti rolled with all his strength, and all matter and energy turned into the Hunxu Purifying World God Wheel, enveloping Fen within it.

"Fen, you have absorbed the power of the God of Light, the Primordial Hades, and so many ancient human beings to achieve your current height. I will also show you what it feels like to be eaten and drained of energy!"

Ao Zhan and Tongxinti came out in time and attacked Fen, causing Fen to be severely injured again. Ye Yun could have struggled out, or let Tongxinti directly smash him to pieces, but he wanted revenge, revenge for those countless human beings , so a green light appeared in the body.

33 The power of the vine!


Countless green light chains were released from Ye Yun's body, entangled Fen with a bang, and then combined with the law of suction, the law of devouring, and the power of 33 days of vines, the wound on his right shoulder began to absorb Fen's power.

The burning breath and power are disappearing, and the bloody body is also trembling: "The 33-day's impossible. Back then, my dark clan masters clearly smashed the 33-day vine that was transformed into an ancient passage. How could this demon tree be restored?" Can you survive until now?"

Ye Yun was shocked and said: "The 33-day vine was indeed crushed by you Dark Clan powerhouses..."

"This emperor brought the dark race into the human race. The main two purposes are to smash the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Pillar and destroy the 33-day vine...I really don't understand why you can control the 33-day vine...Ye, Ye Yun, you You can kill the emperor, but you can't be the opponent of the king and the mother..."

"Even if I die, I will die for my mother. Your human world has been destroyed, and the world will usher in darkness. Only my dark race can live in this world, and you humans will eventually be destroyed!"

Fen's struggle gradually lost its power, but his blood was flowing crazily, which made Ye Yun dare not relax, so he could only let Tong Xin Ti and Ao Zhan cooperate with him to completely suppress and absorb him.

Mortal battlefield!

Above the sky, Chi Yun and Sheng Ruxin used the power of the masters and their own abilities to stop the five emperor-level monsters.

In the high sky in the center, the avatar borrowed the power of the 33-day vine to fight the mother queen again and again. The empress's strength was extremely terrifying. She kept pressing down on the avatar to attack. If it wasn't for the 33-day vine, the avatar might not be able to hold on.

A large number of green vine tentacles were shattered by the thunder light emitted by the empress. Wherever they went, the avatars were unstoppable. Fortunately, the 33-day vine has amazing abilities and can grow new tentacles in time, and each tentacle can be used by the avatars. 33 Dao Shen Jue.

"My deity suddenly became weak just now, and now I am going to kill Fen, I have to persevere..."

The avatar suddenly looked at the Queen Mother and pressed heavily, and then looked at the masters behind him, as well as the gods. He had to release more powerful power. If he couldn't stop the Queen Mother, human beings would lose everything completely.

He made a decision, frowning: "Sacred tree, merge again, release your true deity!"

33 Tiandeng responded immediately: "Only by releasing my true self and fusing your power can I fight against the Empress!"

"Knot!" The avatar shot out a burst of blood.

This is the first time that the avatar releases the 33-day vine, which is released from his body and merged with the 33-day vine, so that his strength will reach an unimaginable level.

With a bang, the deity turned into a large cloud of blood mist.


Then countless vine leaves grew out of the blood mist, and then a sturdy tree trunk, which felt like a seed, suddenly grew into a towering giant tree within a few seconds.

"Demon finally came out!" The queen mother's attack continued, but seeing the changes in the clone and the growth of countless vines, her murderous aura became even stronger.

"33 Sky Vine!"

"It's a legendary fetish, an ancient channel. I heard it was destroyed, but unexpectedly it still exists. The God of Light can even control the sacred tree. He is the hope of our mankind!"

Although the masters have not seen the 33-day vine with their own eyes, they now recognize the sacred tree. If it is not the sacred tree, how can they fight against the empress.

In an instant, the gigantic 33-day vine floated in the sky of the mortal world, and the sea of ​​leaves was divided into 33 layers, one layer after another, whether it was the branches or the vine leaves, they were full of vitality.

33 The vines grew out, and all the gods cheered for it!

Hope, mankind has completely seen hope!


The 33-day vine burst out, and in the center of the trunk, the avatar sat cross-legged in it. After he made a seal, part of the 33-day vine immediately emptied around.

Pom Pom!

Chi Yun and Sheng Ruxin fought against the five emperor-level monsters, and were exhausted. The fierce emperor-level monster was suddenly entangled by the tentacles of 33 Tianvines that escaped from the deep space.

The emperor-level monsters are also powerful, constantly cutting off the tentacles of the 33-day vines, but the life force of the 33-day vines exceeds that of the dark race. No matter how they smash the tentacles, the tentacles will always regenerate immediately, making the emperor-level monsters unable to resist. The package was then drilled out of deep space.

"Sacred Tree, you have to be strong, resist these dark races, even if you devour their power!" The clone sitting cross-legged in the middle of the tree trunk, it seems that he deliberately releases the power of the sacred tree to suppress the five emperor-level monsters.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

The five emperor-level monsters were drawn in, and they asked the mother emperor for help: "Master mother, save us, save us, we don't want to become food for the demon tree!"

"Clap clap clap!"

The Queen Mother made a move, and the thunder light that spewed out hit the 33-day vine in large chunks.


33 Tianvine made a move immediately, and a large number of tentacles swept towards Lei Guang. The Lei Guang was too sharp and smashed the tentacles one by one. It seemed that 33 Tianvine was no match for the Queen Mother.

In terms of strength alone, the 33-day vine is indeed inferior to the empress.

The empress smashed a large number of tentacles and launched another attack.

The ability of the 33-day vine was also displayed, and those tentacles that were shattered by the lightning returned to the sea of ​​leaves of the 33-day vine, and a large number of tentacles grew to prevent the thunder from killing.

The Queen Mother is extremely domineering in attack, and the advantage of the 33-day vine's ability is absolutely displayed at this time. It seems that she is not an opponent in front of the Queen Mother, but she can defend against the Queen Mother's attack.

"Empress, you can't save these bloodlines of yours!"

33 Tianvine strongly blocked the Queen Mother's attack, and then released a dazzling green light from the tentacles of the five emperor-level monsters in the volume, and 33 Tianvine began to absorb the five emperor-level monsters alive.

"Good! Good kill!"

"Finally let out a sigh of relief, there is no emperor-level monster, gods, we can join hands to fight against the empress, and kill that peerless monster!"

Behind the 33-day vine, the high priest, the god of Zijun, the god of Luoshui, Ye Han, and the Supreme Master of the Dao all cheered and applauded.

Chi Yun and Sheng Ruxin returned to the ruler's camp and fought against the five emperor-level monsters. They were exhausted to the extreme. Fortunately, they were the most extraordinary masters. Their abilities were earth-shattering and they held back the five emperor-level monsters.

Chi Yun looked at everyone proudly: "The boss hasn't come back yet, he has already suppressed the No. 33 figure of the Anzu, Fenhuang, after a while, as long as the boss comes back, we can unite with the [-]-day vine to kill the assassin Clan mother emperor!"

33 Tianteng communicated with the clone: ​​"Master, I still need you to release your will and energy with all your strength, so that I can swallow the five monsters recently and gain energy, so that I can completely resist the Queen Mother's attack!"

"As long as you can fight against this empress, everything will be fine!"

The avatar was sealed again, and many green bloodshots appeared on his body, both in the eyeballs and on the skin.

The 33 Tianvine actually continued to grow at this moment, growing more tentacles to block the Empress. The key was that the five emperor-level monsters were sucked up by the 33 Tianvine in an instant.


33 At this moment, Tian Teng released a brilliant divine light, and within that divine light, there was an evil bloody aura.

The clone in the tree trunk suddenly found that his power was disappearing, and his skin became more green and bloody. He said angrily, "Sacred tree, you are absorbing my will and power!"

33 Tian Teng said proudly: "Ye Yun, I forgot to tell you, your physical body will belong to this seat in the future, because you are a god, and you have a lot of chaotic body power, I will surpass you in 33 Tian Teng." The body from the time of the ancient war must absorb the most powerful power of human beings!"

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