The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2578 Peerless Giant Monster 33 Sky Vine

The clone was furious: "Do you dare to resist me?"

"Ye Yun, why don't I dare to resist you?"

33 Tian Teng's human face appeared next to the avatar, and laughed like a ghost, "Do you think this seat is a magic weapon? Is it your tool? Is it your power to become the peerless ruler?"

The avatar explained: "Although I have fused and controlled you, I have never really fused with you. This is the first time. If I hadn't met the empress who destroyed human beings, I would not have fused with you. After so many years , When did I force you to do anything? I grew up in hell with you!"

"Don't talk so high-soundingly, Ye Yun, I have done a lot of things for you in hell these years, every time I provide you with flowers of evil fruits and energy seeds, and then help you grow up in hell, so that you can Guarding your woman's side, and helping you rule hell in the end, is that enough?"

"I don't like anyone who puts conditions on people!"

"This seat is the same, so today, regardless of your will, I will devour your avatar today, Ye Yun, my hard days are over!"

"You demon tree, I give you a chance to grow, but you want to murder me instead. Look at the powerful enemy in front of us, how powerful is the empress, and we can only deal with the empress together and resolve this catastrophe. If you take away my avatar, then you are no match for the Empress!"

"Who said that after I seized your doppelgänger, I still want to be an enemy to the Queen Mother? Even if I am an enemy to her, she can't kill me!"

"Can't kill you? Then how did the Anzu crush you during the ancient war? You take yourself too seriously. You are not an opponent of the Anzu. The Anlan destroyed human beings, and they will treat you as a real thing!"

"Ye Yun, do you still not understand?"

The face of the demon tree floating in front of the avatar suddenly became proud: "Let me tell you, it wasn't the dark race that crushed me during the ancient war!"

"Impossible, the Anzu said that they personally destroyed you, and Fen mentioned this before!" The avatar didn't believe it, and now he was fused with the deity's will.

"Back when the Anzu entered the Four Realms, I knew that the Anlan was going to attack me, and when I was in Hell, I also sensed Fen who was active in Hell. Unfortunately, at that time, he only had the same strength as the ancient Pluto. Up to this terrifying height, I didn’t sense my existence at first. Later, the Anzu shattered the Great Zhoutian, and the Anzu appeared wantonly. I realized that sooner or later I would be discovered by the Anzu, so I released my breath on my own, and it really attracted me. Anzu, in the late period of the ancient war, the Anzu sent a large number of masters to deal with me, I followed their tactics and did not resist, and then the deity was attacked, and I merged the source, turned into a piece of rotten wood, and fled to the world !"

"Is that so? Then you demon tree is really hateful. During the years when I merged with you, you hid so deeply, really hateful!"

"Haha, I'm hateful? Back then, the Dark Clan came fiercely, and my strength was also severely damaged to a certain extent. I had no choice but to choose to be reborn again. At that time, I also understood something, so I went to the Mortal Realm, waiting for the fate The awakening of people, and the person I am waiting for is you, Ye Yun!"

"A predestined person? What do I have to do with you? Could it be that I got you by accident back then, wasn't it an accident? It wasn't luck? It was you who could arrange it?"

"Haha, that's why I said that you only understand now, because you are a divine being. In the whole world, I am the only one who really knows your aura and your existence. Opportunity to merge with this seat? Humans don’t even think about it, you look at the ancient Pluto, who suppressed me many times, but don’t look at it, what is he!”

"Then why did you target me specifically? Is it because I am a divine dweller?"

"I want to grow fast, there is only one way, and that is to absorb the essence of the four worlds, and it cannot be discovered by you humans, so I have to find a way to get the approval of the will of the human world, and you, the divine being, have it for you This condition, as long as I fuse with you, I can use your ability and strength to absorb the power of the world openly. In hell, I was induced by the ancient Pluto and the gods, so I could not absorb energy as much as possible. Turn it into an ancient channel and extend it to the four realms, so as to absorb the essence of the four realms!"

"Yaoshu, it's too late for you to stop now, otherwise I won't give you a second chance, and I will never give you such freedom again!"

"Ye Yun, don't scare people here. Your strength has not yet reached its peak, unless you have the strength of the old guy of Chuangshishen. You are too weak now, haha, I will devour your clone now, Ye Yun , thank you, the body of a divine being, for absorbing you, I can still absorb the remaining essence of the four worlds as much as possible!"

"I will not let you succeed, bright will, eternal devour, demon tree, now I will completely devour your will and fuse your power!"

The avatar was furious, it should be said that Ye Yun was furious.

He underestimated the 33-day vine, which was an ancient fetish, and he also overestimated his ability.

Only after learning the whole story, Ye Yun knew how terrifying 33 Tianteng was, and had already planned to plot against him since he was still a mortal.

This is enough to show how powerful the demon tree is. He was a mortal at the time, and he didn't even know what the 33-day vine was, so how could he deal with him?

It wasn't until he came to the God Realm and became the master that he learned some secrets of the 33-day vine, and his real secret has become more and more mysterious until now.

Ye Yun's deity released his willpower in the distance, and the avatar began to urge Yuanshen Haiyang with all its strength.

Yuanshen Ocean.

In the depths, there is a group of seed seals. This is the willpower released by Ye Yun when he fused the 33-day vines back then. It was him who fused the 33-day vines, so he was able to imprison the will of the 33-day vines here with his will.

This is the only way for him to control the 33-day vine.

In addition to the avatar's mind, Ye Yun's mind is also sealed, but now he can't release it in time, he has to wait for the deity to come in person, and the deity has to absorb Fen with all his strength.

Now, he can only crush the sealed seed by himself.


The primordial spirit ocean was burning, and a dark Ye Yun floated high in the sky. Looking at the trembling energy seed, the clone shouted coldly: "No wonder you keep letting me fuse with you, saying that you are giving me the most powerful power. So you It's preparing for today, trying to break free from my shackles!"

"Ye Yun, you only understand now, it's too late!"

Among the sealed seeds, the human face of the demon tree appeared.

"Execute. Devour!"

The avatar continued to absorb Yuanshen Haiyang, and the entire ocean turned into a beauty, and the power of the avatar itself was Yan Lun Yihuo, and he had the superior ability of the fire element.

"I'll let you see the tricks I've set up for you over the years, the 33 Great Dao Divine Art!" The demon tree's human face actually released 33 circles of divine waves.

These divine waves gushed out unscrupulously from the sealed seeds, as if the clone's will seal couldn't stop the 33-day vine at all.

"Could it be your conspiracy to practice the 33 Dao Divine Art for me? Just to devour me today?" the avatar said in amazement.

"Ha ha!"

The Yaoshu human face smiled and said even more proudly: "That's natural, if you don't practice the 33 Dao Shen Jue, your primordial spirit ocean, your will, your soul, including your physical body, your can you do it?" Possess the power of the 33 Dao Shen Jue? You have practiced this technique and possessed the power, so I finally have the power beyond the confinement of your will, and your deity is really smart. Back then, my dark tribe hinted that you should use the 33 Dao Shen Jue The tactic taught to your deity, so that you can also practice this power, so that I can swallow your avatar and deity together in the future, but you know that your deity has to stick to your own practice, otherwise you will not be able to resist me today! "

The avatar was surprised and said: "It turns out that all of this is your plan. The 33 Dao Shen Jue is so powerful, what is the origin? Even the dark people have such supernatural powers?"

"You can't imagine such supernatural powers. It can be said is the source of all Taoism and the general outline of all Taoism. Nowadays, there are countless exercises in the four realms. Regardless of demons and ghosts, the exercises they practice all come from and 33 Dao Shen Jue is an existence derived from it, and now I will let you devour it. Your will, your soul, and your seal are all the power of 33 Dao Shen Jue, and this seat has been practicing 33 Dao Shen Jue The tactic, the strength surpasses you, and has been absorbing your strength and will all these years, you can't obliterate my will at all, devour!"

The demon tree human face inside the sealed seed let out a hysterical roar, and then sprayed out a divine aura that was stronger than Yuanshen Haiyang and the sealed layer.


The avatar absorbed all the power of Yuanshen Haiyang, turned into a wave of fire, and rolled towards the sealed seed.


Unexpectedly, the sealed seeds exploded violently.

The power of the explosion formed a terrifying divine power, sweeping the entire soul, and then let the avatar hit all the power, the rolled fire wave hit the explosive divine light, and the explosive divine light was like a big mouth, wrapping the fire wave.

"Yao Shu, my true self will not let you go!"

The fire wave gradually extinguished and turned into a dark clone.

The dark clone was wrapped in a large number of green seals, unable to move.

"Ye Yun, I will absorb your physical body without hesitation. The physical strength of the gods will allow me to completely absorb the remaining power of the four worlds!"

After the clone's will is imprisoned.

His physical body was invaded by a large number of roots, absorbing his heart, his blood, and his bone marrow.

And at the trunk, the cross-legged avatar was immediately swallowed by the green light, completely turning into a treant.

"not good!"

Chi Yun immediately knew what happened, because Ye Yun passed all the secrets to him immediately.

Gathering all the masters together, everyone didn't understand why he was so worried: "Just now the boss sent an idea, saying that it is... that the 33 Tianvine is not a sacred tree at all, but a giant monster, a tree demon, he, he is here Just a moment ago, he devoured the clone of the boss, that is, Emperor Shengming!"

"How is this possible?"

The gods don't believe it.

Because when human beings are in the most difficult time and need help, it is the power of 33 Tianvines that kills the five emperor-level monsters and blocks the step of the queen mother.

But now the 33rd Sky Vine has seized the house and devoured Emperor Shengming, who is also the avatar of the Lord of Light, what does this mean?From now on, representing 33 days of vines, they are the enemies of human beings.

Chi Yun said solemnly again: "And 33 Tiandeng is also uneasy and kind. He, he wants to devour the precious world essence left over from our four realms. Once he succeeds, the mortal realm and hell will be destroyed quickly and become a cold and silent world!"

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