The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2579 Humans, Demon Trees, and Empress Stand Up Together

Ye Han asked: "Then what should we do?"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable fell silent, apparently communicating with Ye Yun.

The gods waited, all of them were extremely anxious. Originally, one empress was enough, but now there is one more 33-day vine giant monster?It is impossible for human beings not to be destroyed.

Chi Yun suddenly opened his eyes: "We have to hold back the 33rd Tianvine and force him to fight the Empress, that is, we have to deal with the 33rd Tianvine, so as to force him to fight the Empress, otherwise the 33rd Tianvine will leave, How can I deal with the remaining empress? Then we will persist until the deity returns, and he will have a way to suppress the 33-day vine again!"

"Okay, let's go!"

All the gods flew to the 33-day vine together and came to the back of the 33-day vine.

While the 33 Tianvine devoured the clone's will and body, he fought the Queen Mother head-on. Although the Queen suppressed the attack of the 33 Tianvine, she couldn't hurt the demon tree itself.

"Boom boom boom!"

The masters joined forces to launch an attack. Their purpose was to intercept the 33 Tianvine from leaving, so although the attack was strong, it was not as intense as dealing with the empress.

"What's wrong with humans? Turned against the demon tree? I knew why the demon tree was willing to be suppressed by humans!"

The empress also couldn't figure out why humans attacked the 33-day vine.

Before 33 days, the vines also helped humans, but now they are killing each other?

"Yao Shu, if you want to devour the remaining power of the four realms, then you want to destroy the world. This deity will not agree to you, nor will the gods, let you leave easily!"

33 Deep in the trunk of the vine tree, there is a world of green awns and gods, and a green seal is floating.

Inside the seal is the will of the avatar.

It seems that the 33-day vine devoured all the power of the clone's body, but it did not kill the clone's will. For the demon tree, it may use the clone's will to stimulate the ability of the gods to absorb the power of the four worlds.

"Huh, this seat has swallowed many emperor-level monsters, and with your strength, now the strength has reached the same level as the mother queen, and it has surpassed that of the past. You human beings who are lingering will not live long, and you will be your own. Seat food, haha!"

33 Tian Teng laughed triumphantly.

And his deity began to release more tentacles, on the one hand to fight the Queen Mother with all his strength, on the other hand to kill the masters, and then to devour the power of the four realms.

The situation is once again on the brink of destruction for human beings.

Far away in deep space!

"Fen, atone for your past sins!"

Finally, with the help of Tong Xin Ti and Ao Zhan, Ye Yun inhaled Fen Zuan's flesh and blood into his body.

And the blood hole on his body disappeared, and his aura became extremely powerful again. Ao Zhan returned to the Miracle of Light, Tongxin Body also entered Ye Yun's body with the Miracle of Beichen.

Ye Yun absorbed some power from the evil undead again, and relaxed his breath: "After absorbing Fen and other energies, I have reached the near peak strength of Yuantian in Hunyuan Transformation, but unfortunately I can't break through the last Shangyuantian!"

"Senior Mengtian, I will not let you die in vain, and I will not let other relatives fall again..."

Mobilize the Great Thousand Gods Map!


The light of the stars flashed across the deep space and disappeared completely.

Mortal battlefield!


Suddenly, the masters, 33 Tianvines, and the Queen Mother formed the battlefield, and a light appeared on the mountainside.

Ye Yun flew out of the light, and the light released attracted the eyes of the gods again!

Back, all the gods are excited, the Lord of Light is back.

And coming back here means that he will also burn and kill.

After Ye Yun flashed, he immediately glared at the majestic 33-day vine: "Demon tree, you still have time to choose human beings, otherwise you can't have a future!"

The demon tree said disdainfully: "Haha, Ye Yun, your tricks are useless to me. Now I am no longer the 33-day vine that was fused and suppressed by you. I will become a supreme being!"

The peerless monster, the queen mother suddenly roared: "Humans, demon should all perish!"

Ye Yun released the miracle of light, and in a flash, he came to the sky of the gods, and the robe of the god of light fluttered: "Gods, we are united, we will win!"

The queen mother is now being attacked by 33 vines and entangled by humans, and seems to be anxious: "Wuwu, my son is back!"

"Uwu Beast!"

Ye Yun came to the camp of rulers, and when he heard the shout of the empress, he immediately looked at the empress.


A dark light appeared next to the empress.

It is Wuwu Beast, the Wuwu Beast that has undergone a big change!

The high priest was furious: "Master Ye, he is the one who killed the Invincible Heavenly Monarch and destroyed the Invincible Miracle!"


Suddenly, the 33-day vine turned into a tornado of green vines, jumped up from the center of the Queen Mother and Ruler, and flew towards the battlefield of gods and monsters.


Ye Yun ordered decisively, and immediately chased after the 33rd Tianteng with Juggernaut.

"My son, let's go too, destroy the demon tree, destroy the human race!"

Queen Mother also chased after Wuwu beast with her.

"Haha, what kind of humans, what kind of monsters...all of them are my food!"

33. The green tornado transformed from the vine was drawn into the battlefield.

Whoosh whoosh!

When his true self appeared and appeared in the center of the battlefield, tens of thousands of green vines suddenly burst out from among the giant trees, releasing their tentacles in an instant with lightning speed, and even entangled tens of thousands of gods. Hundreds of ferocious monsters.

If the dark race, they are already extremely ferocious demons.

Then the 33-day vine is beyond description.

Tentacles control so many gods and monsters, he actually directly involved humans and monsters into the center of his bush, and saw a big mouth in the center, which swallowed all the gods alive, head by head Monster.

This scene shocked countless human beings and began to retreat. In their eyes, the ogre monster who could not fight, unexpectedly became the food of the demon tree so easily in front of the 33-day vine. It was unexpected that the dark race monster would have this day.

The same gods also became the food of the demon tree, and the other gods could not help, the demon tree was too terrifying, and they just died.

"A monster of the dark race!"

33 Tianvine devoured tens of thousands of humans and hundreds of monsters in a short period of time, then looked at the monsters around him, and immediately released tentacles at the monsters he killed, and screamed evilly in the sky: "You dark people are The existence of this cold and silent time and space, my 33-day vine is also the same, and you are the nemesis of other life forms, and my sacred tree happens to be the nemesis of your dark race, let them all become my food!"

Looking at the hundreds of monsters from the dark race that had been killed, 33 Tianvine used its omnipotent tentacles to wrap around most of the monsters, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed one monster alive.

What about the monster's space ability?

What about the devouring ability of monsters?

It's not that they can't escape the tentacles of the 33-day vine, it's that they can't!


This is the mutual generation and mutual restraint of all things!

The dark race possesses incomparable space ability, shuttle ability, and devouring ability that human beings cannot match. Human beings are not their opponents. In this war, how many human beings will become their food?Even the Great Zhoutian, God Realm, Immortal Realm, and Mortal Realm have all become food for the Dark Clan.

Now, 33 Tianvine's ability is even more terrifying. His tentacles can be drawn into the deep space at will, and the tentacles are like a big net, quickly entangled the monster in the deep space.

If one tentacle fails, release more tentacles.

The monster released its spatial ability in the deep space, but it still couldn't escape the large number of tentacles released by the 33-day vine. The monsters seemed to be entangled in spider webs, unable to struggle, and finally became food for the 33-day vine.

"Good kill!"

This time, the humans were retreating in time, and the dark monsters ran to deal with the 33-day vines, but they were eaten by the 33-day vines. It was like helping humans get rid of hundreds of monsters at once, which made people happy .


A series of thunderbolts hit countless tentacle layers of the 33-day vine, cutting off a large number of branches and leaves.

At the same time, another part of the lightning hit the masters.

It turned out that Queen Mother and Wuwu Beast came to kill, Queen Mother sprayed out countless thunder and lightning, and Wuwu Beast also sprayed out a series of extremely powerful thunder and lightning.

"Everyone, don't get close to the 33rd Sky Vine. At present, our main focus is to deal with the empress and the dark monsters!"

Seeing the appearance of the 33-day vine, Ye Yun suddenly understood that the Anzu was also going to kill the demon tree, so that without human action, the empress would not let the 33-day vine go.

In this way, human beings will mainly concentrate their strength and deal with the dark race!

And the mother emperor also issued a decree: "The descendants of my family obey the order, spray the sky thunder in your body, attack the 33-day vine, don't get close to it!"

Thousands of monsters immediately stopped targeting humans. They traveled through the deep space and appeared around the 33-day vine, spraying out some dark flames, or sky thunder, and besieging the 33-day vine with long-range attacks.

This trick is really useful, 33 Tianvine can no longer catch and devour monsters, and a large number of tentacles around them have been cut off.

The queen mother took the Wuwu beast and focused on the last gods: "Wuwu, my son, let's deal with the human beings together. If we kill these masters, the human beings will be completely destroyed!"

Humans are in trouble now!

There was only one strong enemy before, the Dark Race!

Now there is still a powerful enemy who covets human beings, the 33-day vine!


Wuwu Beast came to kill, in front of the Queen Mother.

"Uwu Beast!"

The master of the Wuwu Beast has seen the horror of it before. I am afraid that its strength is comparable to that of the Queen Mother. Not only did it kill the Invincible Heavenly Monarch with one move, it also destroyed the Invincible Miracle, and devoured tens of millions of gods.

Such a demon is more terrifying than the empress. Now that it has killed, all the human gods are trembling.

Ye Yun suddenly stood up!

and also!

Chiyun, Wanhai, Longlong, Daozhizun, Suyiren, Xin Wanling, Xin Shaohua, Jian, and Zhantian used to exist with Wuwu Beast like relatives.


Wuwu Beast also stopped attacking, and its blood-red eyes were also looking at familiar faces.

It is hesitating!

"Wuwu, my son, you are the king, the king of our Dark Clan, kill these hateful humans!" The Empress shouted loudly from behind, with anger and resentment in her tone.

"Woooo!" The blood pupils of Wuwu Beast burned with murderous intent.

"Uwu Beast!"

Ye Yun came out, without showing any momentum, with the same smiling tone as before: "Fen told me, I know what happened to you, he took the picture of the ancient war, how humans beheaded the Anzu, Implanted into your will, you will gradually hate us humans, hate our enemies who kill you like this!"

Wuwu Beast didn't speak, but the murderous aura in his blood pupils could be seen dissipating slightly.

It seems that the appearance of Ye Yun made him think of the happy scene with Ye Yun in the past.

"Wuwu Beast, calm down first, let me tell you, it's not too late for you to do it again!" Ye Yun said helplessly, and then nodded to Wuwu Beast with even begging eyes.

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