The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2580 The relationship between the Dark Clan and the God of Creation

Wu Wu Beast didn't move after hearing this, it seemed that he was also hesitating.

"I fought Fen and let me know what happened to you when you returned to the Anzu. Although I don't agree with Fen telling you about the conflict between the Anlan and humans, I am also happy for you. For so many years, since the fairy world, I have wanted to Find out your origin, maybe you also have relatives, you also have friends, you also have clansmen!"

As the gods, Ye Yun explained from the bottom of his heart in front of Wuwu Beast: "I'm happy for you. I wasn't worried at all when Fen took you away, because you were about to return to your family...but I don't want you to die." Never would have thought that you would come from the Dark Clan. I don’t know how the conflict between humans and the Dark Clan came about, but looking at the ancient wars, the Dark Clan entered the Great Zhou Dynasty, and how many humans died. Similarly, how many people are there in your Dark Clan Die at the hands of humans? Your dark race is not a winner, and neither are we humans. Both losers, why continue? Look around, how many dark races are still alive? Where are the human gods? The four worlds have been destroyed one after another. Humanity is already facing extinction!"

"Everyone I used to know has died with this war, Wuwu Beast, this is a completely unnecessary and unnecessary battle, and humans and the Dark Race can completely find a peaceful way to resolve this If we fight again and again like this, both the Dark Race and human beings will be in a state of eternal doom. I miss our past very much. Everyone was very happy in those days. You and us have long been a family. Look at it Here, which one here was not once your family?"

"Could it be that humans and the Dark Race insist on continuing this war? In that case, your relatives and mine will gradually leave by our side. Would you like to see that scene?"

With a trembling voice, Ye Yun said to Wuwu Beast heartbroken.

Every master in the rear was touched by it.

A battle of extinction for unknown reasons must continue, and more people will be lost. The four worlds are about to be broken, and humans and the dark race are definitely not much better.

This is an all-or-nothing battle.

Chi Yun also sincerely persuaded: "Wu Wu Beast, come back, stay with us, still the same as before, go where you want to go, do whatever you want, and the boss is right, we will be together again. There is no need to use it, if you continue to fight like this with the Dark Race, humans and the Dark Race can finally find a way to coexist!"

"Humans, we killed so many of you and destroyed your four realms. You humans will never forget this hatred, will you? You humans are despicable and shameless. This is just a way to use my son!"

Suddenly, the empress laughed grimly from behind.

Ye Yun looked at the Queen Mother: "Those human beings who sacrificed, those gods and friends who went away, they died for the living. I believe that as long as human beings live, the gods who made sacrifices will also die for them." Thankfully, you Dark Clan will survive in the same way, we humans can give you whatever you want, as long as you stop this meaningless fighting, we humans can give up everything!"

"Give what you want?"

The Queen Mother slowly came to Wuwu Beast to narrate, the pupils in the big mouth trembled slightly: "Do you humans know that this deep space is the space where my dark race lives!"

"Impossible, the Four Realms are the world of human beings, and we also follow the meaning of the ruler of light. Human beings can give everything for you, but you don't need to find such reasons!"

With the fall of the gods, not everyone can give up their hatred for the dark race.

The high priest mocked angrily.

"Four realms? How long has your little dragon lived? Ten epochs? Or a hundred epochs? Poor human beings, listen carefully. Before the birth of these four realms, this emperor built his nest here. This is where I secretly The space of the Dark Clan was created by the Four Realms, driving our Dark Clan into the endless dark universe!"

"Impossible. According to our human records, it is the God of Creation who established the four worlds in which human beings live in the void and vast universe!"

Who among the people believed that the Dark Race survived here in the Four Realms first, and this is their lair.

The empress laughed and said: "You are so small, you are just a species created by the Creator God, how do you know what happened in the past!"

Priest Zijun was horrified: "Do you still know the God of Creation?"

"Why doesn't the emperor know about the God of Creation? I will tell you the identity of the God of Creation that you most respect. The God of Creation is actually a member of my Dark Clan. He was one of the few members of my Dark Clan at that time. one!"

"Impossible, how could the great creation god be a monster from the dark race?"

"Yeah, it can't be a monster from the dark race!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a huge wave in the camp of the gods!

The God of Creation, the existence they most yearn for and believe in the most, how could it be the monster of the dark race?

Chuangshi God created the world and created everything. If Chuangshi God is a monster, then what are they human beings?

Even Ye Yun and Chi Yun felt unbelievable because of this, how could the God of Creation have a relationship with the Dark Clan?How could the God of Creation be a monster of the Dark Clan?

Seeing the expressions of the human gods, the Queen Mother's voice became even colder: "The God of Creation is a member of my Dark Clan. He was born with the Queen and is a brother and sister. We call you humans, and you respect him. The God of Creation is my elder brother, my dear brother!"

At this time, all the masters were in shock, listening silently. This is a secret that humans have never known, and they are sure that the Queen Mother will not use this kind of thing as a joke with their humans.

This seems to explain why the Dark Race wants to attack the Four Realms, and why the Dark Race hates humans.

"My own brother was the most powerful existence among my dark clan at that time, and his extraordinary existence surpassed the clansmen at that time, became the strongest, and slowly left our camp. Many years later, the Four Realms were established in our homeland, and our dark circle was fixed in the dark universe next to the four realms, and what about him? Betrayed our dark race, and the tribe, and lived in the four realms by himself , What kind of living body was created, saying that the dark race should not live in darkness, but should enjoy light and warmth!"

The Queen Mother went further and shouted: "What he said was high-sounding. At that time, the Dark Race agreed to smash the world he created, so I went to find him in person. As a result, my own brother, for the so-called warmth, light, and The living body he created actually wounded me and re-entered the dark universe, while he continued to create his world, creating what he called warmth, human beings, do you know this? You are so small, naturally Impossible to know, so this world is our Dark Race traitors, betrayed our Dark Race, and built a world on top of our homeland. Do you think our Dark Race should destroy the world? Should we hate you humans? And every kind of life form?"

And when the empress approached the hysterical Dao, all the gods were shocked after the ancient secrets about the four worlds and the Creator God.

All of a sudden, they asked themselves one by one, the God of Creation created the world, established everything in the Anzu's former world, and drove the Anzu out. Is it wrong or right?

It's not clear, because this is just what the Queen Mother calls the truth.

As for the past events of Chuangshishen, no one knows the inside story. If Chuangshishen really came from the Dark Clan, just like what the Queen Mother said, then the Chuangshishen did have 1 reasons to destroy the four worlds and drive mankind to extinction .

The Dark Race just wants to take back their homeland.

Suddenly, the masters looked at each other with indescribably contradictory expressions.

It seems to make them feel that they have become thieves all of a sudden, that they stole the world of Anzu, and they robbed everything of Anzu.

On the contrary, it was the fault of human beings, who slaughtered so many monsters of the Anzu for no reason.

Seeing the silence of the humans, the Queen Mother seemed to communicate with Wuwu Beasts, and then said: "Humans, this is the reason why my Dark Clan is desperate to destroy the Four Realms, so my clansmen know this reason, so they are not afraid Sacrifice, continue to kill with you, voluntarily become the food of the emperor, let the emperor recover from his injuries, strengthen his strength, and then lead them to take back the world that belongs to the dark race!"

"The Queen Mother..."

The silent master, after about half a stick of incense, Sheng Ruxin stood up, clasped his hands together: "Right and wrong, what we can do is to reduce the killing and prevent this war, the four realms belong to your dark race, we humans There is no choice, human beings and the dark race have suffered countless casualties, so it is better to stop the war, as the lord of light said, we can find a way to coexist peacefully!"

"You are bald, and you know the pain my dark race has endured?" The Queen Mother wished to kill Sheng Ruxin immediately, and then looked at the Wuwu Beast: "My son, look, even humans themselves think that all this is wrong. Those who owe me the Anzu, kill, kill all of them!"

Ye Yun stared at the Wuwu Beast, with eager eyes: "Wuwu, right and wrong shouldn't fall on you. Humans and dark races can coexist with each other. We just need to find a way to solve it, and you, and you are us. Your relatives are our family, we will not do anything to you, and you will not do anything to us!"


The Empress suddenly made a move!

Those 33 heads sprayed out a dark storm at the same time, tearing apart all the deep space in the mortal world, and then rolled towards all the masters.


At this moment, the empress erupted with real strength and killing intent.

All the masters were shaken away.


The Wuwu Beast didn't move, but the Empress was not merciful at all, she froze the several masters who appeared, and from the big mouths, thunderous light shot out, piercing each of the masters.

"High Priest, be careful!"

Several thunderbolts pierced the high priest who was struggling in pain in the storm, and Chi Yun rushed forward regardless of the danger.

"Ru Xin!"

Ye Yun was also attacked by the Empress, and suddenly lost his balance. He saw a thunderbolt stabbing towards him, and Sheng Ruxin happened to be under the thunderlight, so he rushed up immediately.

"Sister Wanling!"

But the other masters didn't notice that one of the thunder lights stabbed at Xin Wanling, and it was about to hit Xin Wanling.

Suddenly, a blue shadow enveloped Xin Wanling.

The owner of this blue shadow was Wanhai. She released her supernatural powers to wrap Xin Wanling in time. When the thunder struck, she rolled Xin Wanling backwards, and then wanted to dodge the thunder together.


But it's too late!

Wanhai desperately protected Xin Wanling. In terms of strength, Wanhai naturally surpassed Xin Wanling by a lot. If it wasn't for Wanhai, Xin Wanling's speed and strength would have been impossible to avoid the thunder.

"Sister Wan!"

A stream of blood, following the thunder light hitting the blue shadow, erupted from the blue light, revealing Wan Hai's body slightly.

Xin Wanling was shaken away by the rest of the force of Lei Guang's piercing into Wanhai.

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