The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2584 33 Tianvine and Empress Attack the 5-line World

The storm brought by the catastrophe of Heaven's Dao and Fate will destroy any matter that passes through it, and the rolling lightning can also shatter any matter.

Gradually, the sky of hell disappeared.

The scene above was extremely abrupt.

In the sky above hell, there are mortal realms, fairy realms, god realms, and the Great Zhoutian...

But now in the sky above hell, there is nothing, no barriers, the vast mortal realms of the past, and the even more magnificent Three Realms.

Everything has disappeared. From here, the empty hell above is like a cold and silent universe beyond the gap in the sky.

The Three Realms have gone through catastrophe and destruction, and they are completely shattered. Civilization, matter, life... all turned into dust, and now only the empty and cold universe remains.

And hell is rapidly breaking up, one layer after another. In this situation, hell will eventually be destroyed, and a large amount of catastrophic matter and power are burning everything in hell. All the energy in hell will be burned first, and finally Only the cold barrier substance remains.

Hell became an ocean of flames.

At this moment, in the abyss of hell, in a sea of ​​burning flames, there is a planet with five elements of light floating.

Under the attack of flames and various catastrophic substances, the light of the five-element planet became increasingly dim, and cracks appeared in the world.

"The origin of the five elements!"

In the formation above the world, Tianshu raised his perfect five-element power to the extreme, and he wanted to prevent the five-element world from being crushed by the power of catastrophe.

Because he is the creator of this world.

Because he also carries hope, hope for a new era, he is the supreme master.

The six masters of Huangxian Taishi, Mengjingyu, Qiankun Jizun, Tianhuo Shenjun, Mo Hantian, and Niling God Lord also released their power together to help Tianshu absorb a large amount of matter from hell and integrate into the five elements world.

And below, the Holy Master Xianmeng and others were already terrified, the power of the catastrophe was really terrifying, and they could hardly see any hope.

"I want to persevere!" Tianshu gritted his teeth, I can't see the world I built and the power of my life's practice being shattered by the catastrophe of heaven.

He started from the mortal world, persevered, and experienced turning around and reincarnating. He couldn't just turn into dust under the power of the catastrophe of heaven.


Suddenly, in front of the Five Elements World, a storm came!

In the storm, a towering tree appeared, and some monsters followed behind it. They were able to shuttle through the catastrophic power of Heaven's Dao and Fate?

This is the monster of the 33 Tianvine and the Dark Race.

Is there really such an astonishing gap between them and humans?

"What monster is that?"

33 Tian Teng is fighting with the monsters of the dark tribe, saying that they are not afraid of the catastrophe of the fate of heaven, but they are also avoiding the power of catastrophe.

The masters such as Huangxian Taishi and Qiankun Jizun were shocked and unbelievable when they saw such a scene. They knew monsters, but they didn't know 33 Tianvines.

And they also couldn't figure out why the Four Realms couldn't fight against the catastrophe of heaven and fate, and these monsters could still shuttle in the world of catastrophe?


There was unprecedented fear in Tianshu's eyes!


The seven masters joined forces to urge the world of the five elements and move the whole world backwards, but they could not go to the deeper abyss of hell because they did not have the ability to dissolve the dark power of hell.

"Haha, there is still the life force that this seat needs?"

Suddenly, the movement of the Five Elements World attracted the attention of 33 Tianvine.

Its branches and tentacles are entangled with several monsters. The monsters are struggling and want to smash the 33-day vine, but the 33-day vine is too powerful. It has swallowed so many human gods and monsters before, and there is also a cloned body Power, the demon tree at this time, is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

The speed increased, and at a distance of a hundred miles, its tentacles slipped into the front, swished and grabbed, and within three breaths, there was a bang, bang, and it turned out that the tentacles of the demon tree were entangled in the five elements world.

"Crush these vines!"

The world of the five elements cannot move, no matter how the gods release their power.

When Tianshu saw those tree vines, he knew that he was entangled by 33 sky vines, and immediately looked at several masters, and everyone urged the gods together to attack the tree vines.

Bang bang bang!

One after another divine light bombarded each tree and vine, and after a series of explosions, their attacks did not break the tree and vine. How strong is this?

Several masters have seen despair!


Suddenly, an even bigger monster appeared in front of the Five Elements World.

Queen Mother!

He appeared, blocked the world of the five elements, and said with a grinning smile: "The power of this catastrophe is too terrifying. We, the Dark Race, also need to replenish our strength. Human food like demon trees belong to the Emperor!"

"Old monster, whose fat will only be known by eating it!"

33 Tianvine smiled evilly, and the tree vine tentacles pulled the five elements world with great force.


The Five Elements World has become the target of the Empress and the 33 Heavenly Vine Demon Tree. The human beings inside should be treated as food and nutrients. It is not easy for them to fight the catastrophe, and they also need to replenish energy.

But for masters such as Tianshu, as well as a large number of immortals and gods inside, it is despair.

They can't leave the world of the Five Elements. Once they leave, how can they be against the power of heaven and fate?Now the only option is to struggle out and find a way out.

Tianshu led the gods and immortals, and played all kinds of amazing gods, and the effect appeared now. The combined power of the gods smashed several vines of the 33-day vine.

This made them see hope, but soon, the new tentacles of the 33-day vine grew out again, entangled the world of the five elements again, this is really a desperate situation.


Unexpectedly, the Empress launched an attack, her attack power was extremely terrifying, a burst of thunder burst out, and a big hole was punched out of the Five Elements World.

Then the suction force is ejected, sucking out amazing energy and matter from inside.

"Old monster, grab this seat's food? See how this seat devours your people!"

33 Tianvine was furious, engulfed several monsters, and then released more green vine tentacles from its body, not only entangled the five elements world, but also attacked the empress together.

In this way, the two monsters are competing for food, and they regard the world of five elements as their nutrient.

"It's over! We're done!"

The world was shattered, and the energy and matter were sucked away by the Queen Mother. The Exalted Qiankun, the God of Calamity, and others were all in despair.

Tianshu had no choice but to tremble, and Huangxian Taishi was also at a loss. They never thought that they would encounter these two kinds of invincible monsters.


The Five Elements World was shaken again, shattered again, cold and silent power poured into the world, and what was even more frightening was that the tentacles from the 33 Heavenly Vine poured into the Five Elements World like a tide.


The tentacles sensed the humans, and launched an attack. As soon as they hit, the tentacles split into more tentacles, killing hundreds of people at once, and these humans were sucked dry again.

"I can't wait any longer, everyone, kill, kill a way out, and then enter the miracle, use the miracle to avoid the catastrophe of heaven and destiny!"

In the end, Tianshu had to give up the world of the Five Elements. Originally they had hope, but now they met the Queen Mother and the 33 Tianvine, but there was no hope at all.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several masters were about to fly out of the Five Elements World, and the Immortals and gods, such as the Holy Master Xianmeng, were abandoned in the Five Elements World. They looked at the terrifying demon tree, sucked their companions into mummies, and didn't even have the thought of escaping.

Moreover, they are not masters, and they have no miracles. Once they step into the world of the five elements, they will be swallowed mercilessly by the power of heaven and destiny.

How to do?

The Daoist Mother Jingyu, the Immortal Nine Emperors and others all looked at the Immortal Lord!

But the Nine Layers Immortal Realm was destroyed, and the dream of the Holy Master Xianmeng was also shattered. He originally wanted to dominate the Immortal Realm, but now he has absorbed the original power of Emperor Xianyuan, but it has no effect at all. In the end, he is still not a god. trace!


A large number of monsters surrounded the Five Elements Miracle!


The masters just wanted to escape, but they were surrounded by monsters, densely packed monsters, the peerless giant monster in front, and the even more terrifying 33-day vine behind.


Juggernaut is desperate at this moment!

"Bang bang bang!"

Tentacles escaped from the deep space, entangled the miracles in an instant.

33 Tianvine directly shot at the Juggernaut, and only by devouring the Juggernaut can he gain unimaginable power. This is the idea of ​​33 Tianvine.

"That belongs to the emperor!"

Unexpectedly, the Queen Mother also came to kill her, and she refused to let go of such a delicious feast as the Master.

Boom boom boom!

Tianshu and other masters urged the miracle, and then launched an attack, attacking the tentacles of the 33-day vine, and the 33-day vine has reached the point where human beings will never be able to compete, how can it be defeated?

Any of their attacks were useless, but the Queen Mother came over to contend with the demon tree's tentacles, making it impossible for the demon tree to deal with the miracles one after another.


Deep in hell!

The world of the kingdom of light is under the defense of being attacked by the power of infinite catastrophe.

Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a phantom in the pupils of the chakra.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Chi Yun felt it.

Ye Yun suddenly got up: "I just sensed the aura of Master and Senior Sister, as well as Tianshu, Huangxian Taishi and others. I must rush over and bring Master and Senior Sister over!"

"Tongxinti, you come to host Yuanyuan, wait for me to come back!"

He immediately flew out of the material defense under the stares of the masters, and was immediately attacked by the countless catastrophe forces. The catastrophe dust felt the power of life, turned into a billowing storm, and surrounded Ye Yun.

Ye Yun immediately cast the Void, and all the aura disappeared immediately, and the dust couldn't sense his life aura, and the threat was resolved just like that.

"The Great Dao Flood Emperor!"

The power of catastrophe is too terrifying, Ye Yun doesn't want to waste his power, if he doesn't have the abilities of Void, Unbounded, Sky Runner, etc., it would be difficult for him to hide his aura under the power of catastrophe.


Below, a dragon-shaped sword energy unexpectedly appeared.

The Dao Jiaohuang transformed into a huge sword dragon, Ye Yun stood on the back of the sword dragon like this, and then grabbed the dragon's horn, followed the Dao Jiaohuang and flew towards the turbulent, dusty sky.

"It's unbelievable, Taoist God, how did we see the breath of the old Taoist?"

The High Priest and the other rulers were all shocked when they saw the peerless Dao Jiaohuang, because they felt that the Dao Jiaohuang was transforming into an existence like the Dao Artifact God Sovereign.

Moreover, the Great Dao Flood Emperor does not seem to be a dragon, but a supreme dragon.

This divine dragon that releases sword energy rides on Ye Yun and travels through the turbulent world of catastrophic power. It feels exactly like the God of Light purifying the darkness and shuttling through the dark world.

Ye Yun controlled the ancient dragon and seemed to become the God of Light. However, even the God of Light in the past could not freely shuttle through the world of destruction under the power of the catastrophe of heaven.

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