The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2586 The final swan song of Tianshu and Huangxian Taishi

"Ye Yun..."

The miracle of the five elements entangled by 33 vine tentacles!When Tianshu saw Ye Yun leaving with Xumi Dongtian Emperor and Mengjingyu away, his face was almost distorted with anger.

Maybe he was angry with himself at this time, unable to protect his family, maybe at this time of life and death, even his family abandoned him.


There was a big explosion in the rear!

It turned out that the two miracles controlled by the God of Misfortune and the God of Niling were finally smashed by more tentacles from the demon tree at this moment. The two gods did not have the courage to explode themselves. It was slowly absorbed and turned into two mummified corpses.

"Palace Master, are we really wrong?"

In the end, only Huangxian Taishi and Tianshu remained.

Huang Xiantai began to control the miracle of reincarnation, his gate of reincarnation has been shattered, and the miracle of reincarnation has also begun to shatter, and he has no strength to hold on anymore.

The miracles of the five elements controlled by Tianshu and the miracle of ice sinking are also constantly being broken. With all the power, they are no match for the 33-day vine.

Tianshu screamed in pain: "What's wrong? Is it wrong for us to pursue strength? It's a pity that the catastrophe will destroy everything, otherwise I, Tianshu, will reincarnate and rebuild again. If I can't do it once, I will surpass Ye Yun one day!"

"This is what I admire about Palace Master... Palace Master, the person I admire the most is you, the way of heaven is not fair, I believe that reincarnation will not end here, and I, Huangxian Taishi, will definitely appear again in the future In this world, when the time comes, I will dominate the world together with the Palace Master!"

The miracle of reincarnation was speeding up and shattering, Huangxian Taishi burned his life force at this time, and his whole body became ethereal.


The reincarnator absorbed the miracle of reincarnation, and then exploded in a self-destructing manner, which immediately set off a vortex of reincarnation, and smashed a large number of vine tentacles in an instant.

"Empress, I will give you this as a meeting gift!"

33 The Tianvine didn't care at all, the vine suddenly rolled from the self-destructive power of the desolate immortal Taishi, and rolled the deep space towards the incomparably powerful empress in front of her.

And one of the powers of reincarnation, as if alive, rolled towards the large number of tentacles that entangled the five elements of the miracle.

"Palace Master..." The power of reincarnation disappeared.

The desolate fairy Taishi fell, and his last strength still helped Tianshu, smashing the surrounding vines.

Tianshu seized the opportunity and urged the Five Elements Miracle to fly out of the shattering. He was desperate and only wanted to survive, and fled to the deep space ahead.


Before escaping from the 33-day vine field, several high-level monsters launched a surprise attack at the same time, hitting the five-element miracle, and the miracle was instantly shattered.


Poor Tianshu seized the escape opportunity created for him by the desolate fairy Taishi, but unfortunately, the empress would not let any human beings go, and had already let the senior monsters lie in ambush in the direction of his escape.

Following the shattering of the miracles, Tianshu wanted to use his supernatural powers to deal with monsters, but he realized that after losing the five elements miracles, the dust and power of the catastrophe could not be stopped, and immediately swept towards his body, and then began to burn.

Several monsters took the opportunity to open their mouths, and bit Tianshu's head and feet, trying to tear Tianshu into pieces.

"You want to eat my Tianshu?"

Tianshu was about to be torn apart, and his body suddenly turned into gold, and then, together with several senior monsters biting him, turned into a golden substance.

boom!In the end, Tianshu was shattered along with several senior monsters, turned into a large amount of dust, and disappeared under the power of catastrophe.

A generation of geniuses, a generation of ascenders, ends here!

As the only one in the entire Four Realms to compete with Ye Yun, he practiced step by step from the mortal world, and finally stood at the peak of the God Realm, but he still couldn't escape the fate of falling.

When this era is about to disappear with the catastrophe of the fate of heaven, Tianshu, Huangxian Taishi... these characters will eventually become the past, who will remember them.


In the shattered world of the Five Elements without the ruler, monsters and the tentacles of the 33 vines unscrupulously drilled into the world, killing the Holy Master Immortal Meng, the Holy Mother of Shocking Feather, the Immortal Nine Emperors, the Emperor Yuxia Huangji, etc. Gods and immortals devoured one by one, as well as Emperor Yaochi, Emperor Kunlun and others.

They boarded the boat of Tianshu, but in the end they couldn't escape the fate of being buried together and sinking together. With their strength, they were no match for demon trees and monsters. People turned into mummy one by one, didn't they become food for monsters.

Then the world of the five elements was also gradually burned and shattered under the attack of the catastrophic power of heaven!Great hell abyss! "Whoosh!"

A dragon shadow was involved under the defensive world, it was the Dao Jiaohuang.

Everyone was overjoyed when Ye Yun brought Xumidongtian Great Emperor and Dreamland Jade back to the camp of the gods. At the same time, they also learned the fate of Tianshu, Huangxian Taishi, and Qiankun Jizun.

And a new master of the universe appeared, that is Mu Zhaoji.

Everyone naturally welcomes the new master to join, this is the power most desired by the gods.

"Heavenly Misfortune Lord is also dead?"

Longlong and Ye Yun stood on one side, but Ye Yun did not forget Longlong's great hatred of exterminating the clan, so he informed Longlong of the news of the fall of Qiankun Jizun and Tianhuo Shenjun.

After Longlong heard this, she was only slightly startled, as if he didn't care much about the vengeance of the extermination of the clan: "So the way of heaven is fair, and you can't live by doing your own crimes. With today's end, the way of heaven has avenged my gods!"

Ye Yun comforted: "It is of course the best to let go like this. They will not escape the judgment of heaven in the end. They have already paid the price for the wrong things they have done. Longlong, from now on, you have to look forward. They have fallen, but we still have a chance to enter a new era!"

"En!" Longlong nodded.

Next, Ye Yun led the gods to continue to fight against the catastrophe of destiny. They must survive under the power of this catastrophe, otherwise human beings will be completely destroyed in the end.

Each master is sitting in its own formation, and the layers of defensive substances above are being shattered layer by layer by the understanding of heaven, and the power of the storm has completely come to hell.

The gods persisted and released their power to pour into all the masters. Now they have only one master to survive.

Shengjun Luofu was still floating next to the ruler, and he used his supernatural powers to see the speed at which the catastrophe was coming.

Countless years have passed, and the storms and lightning brought by the catastrophic power of the destiny of heaven have come to hell more and more.

Under the watchful eyes of Lord Rover, all the gods knew that the barriers, defenses, and laws of the hell world were being broken, and they also felt that most of the power of the hell world had disappeared.

This shows that hell is also broken.

"Everyone, be careful!"

At this moment, Lord Luo Fu came behind Ye Yun, Ye Yun looked at the masters, nodded solemnly, his eyes were extremely serious.


Above the defensive layer, those substances are being corroded layer by layer by the power of heaven, crushed, and turned into dust. Whether it is ruins or dust, the gods cannot resist.

The defensive substances condensed by the gods looked very solid, but after the storm that came down from the catastrophe of the fate of the heavens swept over, one piece after another was swallowed, which was extremely terrifying.

"Five Elements!"

Ye Yun had to do something to slow down the disappearance of the defensive layer.

So he released his great supernatural powers, special physical strength, and a lot of substances surged up from around the abyss of hell for a while, and merged into the defense layer. effective containment.

But after a long time, Ye Yun also found that he was powerless, because the catastrophe of heaven smashed all the laws of hell, and there is no power in hell that humans can display.

At this moment, hell was destroyed, and the four realms of human existence completely disappeared.

The gods looked up to the sky again, where there is still a defensive sky on the ground level.

Gone, everything is gone, only the cataclysmic force of the law of heaven rolling across the sky, the storm and the lightning, and a lot of dust, the dust is the most terrifying, once there is life, or special energy, the dust will take the initiative Get close, and finally start burning.

At this moment, in the sky on the other side of the distant hell world.

There is actually a defensive world created with matter and formations here.

It's a pity that most of them are defenses condensed by supernatural powers, and matter only accounts for less than one-tenth of the level.

In this defense, I saw the horse-faced Pluto with two hellish antiques, and tens of thousands of hell powerhouses, burning their own life force and merging into the formation.

None of them had a longing for hope, and there was only trembling, fear, and deep anxiety on their faces and eyes.

They know that relying on them is impossible to defeat the catastrophic power of the fate of heaven, so they are all regretting betraying hell and the master who created hell.

They were wrong. At the last moment of this destruction, they only missed the [-] levels of hell, but it is a pity that they will also be buried here.

"Brother Ma, we can't do it, we can't do it!"

After persisting for a while, the upper formation has become transparent, and the two old antiques floating behind the horse-faced Pluto have turned pale and have no more strength or strength.

"Artifact, everyone, release your own artifacts!"

The horse-faced Pluto thought of something again, raised his arms for a while, and threw the staff of death into the formation, and the hell powerhouses below, as if they could see a little hope of surviving, all entered the magic weapon they had. In the defensive layer, a large number of artifacts floated in it.

Then, along with the horse-faced Pluto, he activated the artifact, and sure enough, the effect appeared immediately.

Such a large number of artifacts, and the burst of power at the same time, turned into a solid defense, shrouded the gods, and merged with the array defense.

From this point of view, the two defensive layers protected the upper part, and the gods felt a sense of security all of a sudden.

It's just that they were happy not long after, when suddenly, a piece of lightning and a storm descended from the cold sky on one side.

Boom boom boom!What a force of nature!The gods now bear witness.

The storm and lightning rolled over the defenses of the gods, as well as the defense of the artifact power. Layers of formations were suddenly shattered, and each artifact was torn and shattered by the storm and lightning. None of the artifacts could resist it, even those from The death stick of the ancient Pluto also shattered in the lightning.

In the blink of an eye, the defensive formation disappeared, and countless artifacts were shattered by the storm and lightning. The gods just stood in the catastrophe world, and the dust that fell from the cold world of catastrophe gradually fell on their shoulders.


With a bang, the flames erupted.

Dust wrapped a god and three old antiques, and set off flames at the same time. The dazzling and dazzling flames, even the old antiques, could not resist the power of this flame.

"Lord Pluto, I made a big mistake, I made a big mistake, I harmed hell, and I also harmed myself..."

At the last moment, at the moment when his life was gone, the horse-faced Pluto, who had turned into a burning man, uttered a hoarse cry of mourning, and then his whole body disappeared with the flames, turning into a cloud of dust.

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