Wuwu Beast flew over and was very interested in the corpse, staring greedily at the corpse, but waiting for Ye Yun's order: "Woooo!"

He looked at Ye Yun pitifully.

"I leave the corpse to you, but I will also absorb some of the blood of Bone Shura!"

Ye Yun stared at it for a while, and Qing Ming also came to the side: "We came to this big chaos from the small chaotic world in the 33rd heaven, and we have never encountered any resources beyond the 33rd heaven for cultivation. The source of strength, this kind of high-level life form, the blood is the supreme blood!"

"Haha, boss!"

A roll of devilish energy turned into a storm, rolling in ferociously from the front.

Chi Yun is back!


Ye Yun and Qing Ming were terrified when they heard the sound.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable held several corpses in each of his left hands, a total of seven Bone Shuras, and he beheaded so many Bone Shuras by himself.

However, it could be sensed that the Bone Shura who died in his hands was no better than the Bone Shura killed by Ye Yun in conjunction with Qing Ming and Wuwu Beast.

If they were all such powerful Bone Shuras, it wouldn't be easy for Chi Yun to kill one of them.

Chi Yunjuan came, threw the corpse, and pouted his nose: "It's grandpa, the boss killed the bone general, and the other bone Shuras were scared away. Fortunately, the seven corpses were obtained. I can go with Wuwu Beast together." Practice!"

"We have plenty of time!"

Looking at the eight Shura corpses, Ye Yun asked Wuwu Beast to devour one of the corpses first, and then sucked the other corpses into the Daqian Shentu.

Several people came under the sacred monument.

"Chi Yun, it's really big. The strength of these Bone Asuras is comparable to ours, and they are ordinary Bone Asuras. When we meet generals, come a few. We can only escape for our lives. It is difficult to escape. Therefore, during this period Focus on improving your strength!"

"I also feel powerless, thinking back then..."

"Don't, don't tell me you miss the beginning!"

Ye Yun knew that Chi Yun would talk eloquently again, he would talk about his practice in the past like a golden lotus springing from the ground, and he couldn't finish it in a few days.

Summon the corpse of General Shura immediately!

The three of them were immediately attracted by the corpse, it was so powerful that it completely surpassed them.

"I, I feel a little nauseous..." Qing Ming suddenly covered his mouth.

Chi Yun laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, you have the ability of the boss, you can purify blood and fuse it with pills and spiritual things, so you won't feel sick when you take it!"

Don't look at Chi Yun's carefree look.

In fact, he is a meticulous guy.

Chi Yun hurriedly started, carrying Qing Ming and Ye Yun on his back, turned around and dismembered General Shura's body, he put away most of it, and handed over the rest to Ye Yun.

A few people and a beast sat cross-legged under the sacred monument, and began to study and practice the sacred blood of Bone Shura.

Ye Yun took out a piece of Shura meat, the size of a palm, and directly absorbed some divine blood with his palm, to see if there was any special uncontrollable power in Shura's divine blood.


Facts prove the importance of caution!

Asura's divine blood entered the palm of his hand, and it began to devour, the divine blood devoured and poisoned Ye Yun's veins, flesh and blood.

Taiyi's chaotic true energy gushes out immediately!

Chi Chi!

Shura's divine blood and Taiyi's chaotic true energy began to corrode each other directly in the meridians of the palm, and it was almost visible that the skin of the right palm was rotting, burning many bloody flames like sparks.

Qingming caressed: "Is it so scary?"

She doesn't know how powerful Ye Yun's physical body is.

Never imagined that Shura's divine blood would be so terrifying.

"The dark power is frozen, suppress it!"

At this moment, Qing Ming was sweating and worried about Ye Yun. Seeing that Ye Yun was in difficulty, he immediately released a black cold air and penetrated into his right palm.

Amazing formation.

The special power from Qingming began to freeze and suppress Shura's divine blood, but Ye Yun just didn't understand why the effect was not faster and more violent than Qingming's when he also got the inheritance of the Dark Thunder God of Hell and mastered the power of darkness.

In fact, it is not difficult to think clearly, Qingming is the incarnation of hell, the person who truly masters the power of the underworld, Ye Yun is different, with the power of light, Taiyi's chaotic true energy contains the divine power of light, and will always be backlashed by the evil Shura's blood.

On the contrary, Qing Ming only practiced the power of darkness, so he could directly suppress and melt Shura's blood.

"It's no wonder General Shura was shocked when he saw Qing Ming using his power. It turns out that power can restrain Shura's blood!"

Ye Yun figured it out!


In the world of death, the power is cold, and it is called the dark power. Unexpectedly, the death dark power can restrain Shura's ability.

At this moment, coupled with Ye Yun's bright power, Taiyi's chaotic qi showed infinite power, completely purifying Shura's blood.

With Qing Ming's help, it can be suppressed in such a short time. If not, it will take a lot of effort and time.

Then take out some elixirs, and fuse part of the purified Shura's blood with the elixirs!

"Bone Bone Shura has no intention of revealing that our current realm is the Hunyuan Realm, and the realm left by the Creator God in the 33rd Heaven Realm, the highest realm is the Hunyuan Transformation to the Yuantian. The three of us have become the Creator God. It is estimated that the realm Reaching the acme of Shangyuantian, I never imagined that in this great chaotic world, it is called the Hunyuan Realm, and there seems to be a Supreme Realm behind the Hunyuan Realm!"

"I've also heard those Bone Shuras say that only those who are too high are considered strong, and we are the overlords of a majestic world, strong, long live strong!"

Chi Yun danced on one side and forcibly ate Shura's flesh and blood, so he didn't care whether it was fused or not.

For him, flesh and blood are food, regardless of race.

Hunyuan Realm!

too classy!

If there is a sky beyond the sky, it is unexpected that he reached the realm of the Creator God in the past, and finally stood at the bottom of the chaotic world.

"Tianzun, what kind of cultivation is that Tianzun who bestowed the 33 Dao Shen Jue!" Ye Yun thought of Tianzun.

Shaking his head, he and Qing Ming began to swallow the pill one by one.

The blood power from Shura inside immediately turned into a billowing life energy, impacting the whole body.

Since leaving the 33rd Heaven Realm and embarking on a journey to find Wanhai, the three of them have never encountered any resources along the way, and they have all relied on the resources accumulated before to swallow them.

Therefore, the strength is not much stronger, but is constantly being consumed in the vast chaos. Now the blood of Shura is the first time to absorb external resources after leaving the 33rd heaven.

Gradually, Ye Yun discovered that the nine Primordial Primal Golden Pills in his dantian released some profound light invisibly!

Xuanguang condensed into one piece, turning into layers of special aura.

Counting, there are actually 33 floors!

what happened?

After thinking for a long time, he communicated with Qingming and Chiyun.

Unexpectedly, the two also discovered that Dantian also has 33 layers of profound light, just like those star lights deep in this chaotic world, one layer covering another.

"The 33rd floor... Could this be the atmosphere of the 33rd Dao Shen Jue?"


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