After a while of grinding, Ye Yun seemed to have figured something out: "The world of the Great Zhoutian in the past was created by the God of Creation who practiced 33 Taoist formulas, and then derived countless Taoisms, too many, but Generally speaking, they all come from the 33 Dao Divine Jue. So far I don’t know the specific practice of the Shen Jue. Could it be... the three of us have practiced all the skills and reached the extreme, which is the 33 Dao Shen Jue? Ming’er’s hell power , Chi Yun's magic power, as well as my large number of special physiques, many divine channeling methods..."

After all, he has become a god of creation!

Another 33 heavens were created!

Ye Yun's knowledge and Taoism are far beyond the past, reaching an unimaginable height, coupled with the self-created heavenly divine way, after a long practice, and looking back, he has obtained this kind of result.

33 Dao Shen Jue is the supreme skill after practicing countless Taoism and reaching the ultimate state.

Because he found that the 33 layers of profound light in his golden core are stronger and more obvious than Qing Ming and Chi Yun, there is only one explanation, he got everything from the God of Creation, and naturally he also got the inheritance of the 33 Dao Shen Jue.

This has a deeper meaning.

The God of Creation is just a strong man of the dark race, not the God of Creation who created the Great Chaos in the true sense, and everything about the God of Creation comes from the mysterious Tianzun.

Well be sure!

The 33 Dao Shen Jue passed down by Tianzun are definitely in the great chaotic world, and they are all peerless skills.

All kinds of doubts turned into motivation for practice.

Shura's blood poured into his whole body, activating his flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood actually shattered and impacted. When he established 33 heavenly realms, his flesh and blood did not shatter.

The blood of Shura has indeed surpassed the so-called 'Creator God'.

Otherwise, how would his body be broken.


Not far away, Chi Yun was burning with strange blood and fire, as if he had been poisoned, and was in great pain, making Chi Yun reveal the ferocious and ferocious side of the Demon Lord.

It seems that his cultivation is also difficult to control Shura's blood.

Sensing Qingming again, fortunately, the divine blood purified by Su Fang can melt quietly.

The one who is least afraid of Shura's blood is Wuwu Beast!

This little guy is not big, but after eating half of Shura's corpse, he has not changed at all, but looks a little full, lazy, not like before, always a gluttonous posture.

But from time to time, Wuwu Beast also has some black flames, and these black flames escape into the chaotic space. It seems that Wuwu Beast exists as a variation among the dark race, even in the Great Chaos, it is not an ordinary beast.

Swallowed another part of the elixir!

After Shura's blood shattered the physical body before, it began to strengthen the physical body. The meridians and bones have a chaotic temperament, especially the bones, which are as hard as any divine weapon.

Su Fang was particularly excited: "Haha, various special physiques have absorbed the blood of Shura, and they have also undergone amazing transformations. When the Void One is activated, the body can almost become transparent. It is estimated that my current speed is not much worse than General Shura!"

While devouring the blood of Shura, he continued to refine the flesh and blood of General Shura.

Fresh blood contains the most astonishing power, especially vitality!

There is an essential difference between Bone Shura and Ye Yun. It lives in the world of great chaos. It is used to, cultivates, and has mastered the power here.

Fusing its blood is tantamount to indirectly fusing the power of great chaos.

The change of Qingming was also amazing, the power of the underworld seeped out from her body, turning into a hell-like aura of silence.

Ye Yun found that the power of hell and the aura of the Great Chaos are very similar, both are cold and boundless. It seems that Qing Ming is more adaptable to the world of the Great Chaos than him and Chi Yun.

It really surprised him.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the world of great chaos, Qing Ming integrated into this world one step faster.

Ten years later!

When the three of them joined Wuwu Beast, their momentum and strength were completely different than before. If they met another Shura general, Su Fang would be able to kill him alone.


Without relying on Wuwu Beast's ability, the flying speed of the three of them also increased several times, and the Tiankui Starfield behind the pilgrimage monument disappeared.

Leaving the substance where the sacred monument is located, you will be in the vast chaos again!

However, compared with before, the front is no longer the hazy chaos, but the endless black galaxy that is gradually brightening.

After several consecutive years of flying the shuttle, it finally passed through layers of haze and chaotic starry sky. Most of the countless planets in front of it were the size of a bowl, and there was a red and yellow planet in front of it, which was several feet in size.

Finally landed on the planet!

After nearly half a year of continuous flying, they finally got close to the red and yellow planet, and in front of the three of them was a giant.

Qing Ming's face was moved, and the glamorous cheeks became radiant: "There is a relatively strong vitality coming out!"

"I'm tired of the endless waiting in the chaos!" Chi Yun flew to the planet first.

Ye Yun and Qing Ming followed closely behind, and Wu Wu Beast stared at the surroundings from time to time.

The closer to the planet, the more familiar the smell of soil, and the airflow in the galaxy is no longer so cold.

The planet has a defensive energy barrier, and it is not difficult for the three of them to enter. After passing through the barrier, there is a vast land intertwined with vast yellow sand, forests, grasslands, and rivers.

Most of them are deserts. The three of them breathe breath and can absorb the familiar chaotic aura. Except for the blood of Shura, this is the first time for the three of them to leave the 33 heavens and absorb the power of the great chaotic world.

"The Divine Wheel of Confusion and Purification!"

In the process of flying towards the forest, he secretly used the God Wheel of Chaos Purification to sense the breath of this world. Fortunately, there was a certain breath of life, and the chaotic spiritual energy was relatively sufficient, but it was still far behind the 33 heavens.

Could it be that the desert covers most of the planet, which makes the chaotic aura in the world sluggish?


Wu Wu Beast found something!

Looking for the direction and casting the God Wheel of Purifying the World, in the forest at the front of the desert that is about to cross, there are various complex life breaths.

Ye Yun's expression changed instantly, because those life breaths were sporadic but very terrifying, at least those lives had the strength close to that of a Bone Asura.

In other words... any kind of life on this planet is more powerful than the gods in the 33 heavens.

Shaking his head in displeasure, Qingming was also alert, but the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable in front kept accelerating. From his excited appearance, it is not difficult to see that after countless years of chaotic travel, he finally came to the world, and his heart was naturally very kind ,excited.

Only after entering the forest did we realize that every giant tree is as high as ten thousand feet, and the mountains in the depths are also soaring into the clouds.

All three of them knew that the life here was extremely strong, so they hid their breath after they came to the forest.

Passing through big trees and clumps of different shapes, Qing Ming suddenly stared at some fruits: "There are divine fruits and divine grasses, why not collect them to try the divinity, we lack resources now, and the resources in the past have long been Even if it is exhausted, it will not be able to keep up with the energy we need for our current cultivation base!"

"Alright, just having the blood of Shura is not enough!"

The three of them moved separately. While approaching the ground, they were also collecting divine fruit and some divine grass growing on the divine tree.

The Wuwu Beast directly devoured the divine fruits, one after another, enjoying them happily, causing Chi Yun to growl on an empty stomach.


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