The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2610 Thunder Cloud Chamber of Commerce

After landing, he began to cut open the divine fruit and slowly fuse it with true energy.

"Hey, no problem!"

After some experimentation, the divinity of Shenguo did not reject Zhenqi at all.

Chi Yun swallowed one in a hurry, and immediately spewed out a burst of divine light from his mouth.

Spiritual creatures in the great chaotic world are no small matter.

Ye Yun and Qing Ming also carefully tried to take a small bite, and after making sure that there was no problem, they ate several divine fruits in a row, and all of them suddenly had a strong appetite brought by mortal hunger.

Using Wu Wuxu Yuan Gong combined with the ability of the Void, plus the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun condensed a sensory array on the ground within a hundred meters.

One hundred meters is also the distance that Ye Yun can control at present.

The Wuwu Beast didn't rest, it wasn't tired at all, it either ate the divine fruit, or went out to look for the divine fruit, within a period of time, it devoured Shura's flesh and blood.

It is estimated that most of Shura's flesh and blood became its meal.

The strengths of Formation, Ye Yun, Qing Ming, and Chi Yun are improving little by little, and now the most important thing is to get used to and integrate everything in the great chaotic world.

This is survival of the fittest!

It also raised all kinds of supernatural powers to the extreme, and displayed the brand-new true energy condensed from the aura of great chaos, and its strength was quite different from before.


Several days passed.

Wuwu Beast suddenly flew over from the depths of the forest on the right, turned into the formation, and whined non-stop in Ye Yun's ear.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable said restlessly: "Boss, did you find anything?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Wuwu found a strange sacred tree in front of him, and some spiritual liquid kept flowing out, attracting some life monsters to fight and snatch it. According to Wuwu, the spiritual liquid of the sacred tree is definitely a treasure of cultivation!"

It goes without saying that Chi Yun flew up immediately.

The three of them flew away from the formation with the Wuwu Beast, passed through the huge sacred tree, and various plants several times taller than humans, and about half a stick of incense, they saw a tree in the middle of the forest, which was only a hundred feet long. For example, the newly grown sacred tree is like an open umbrella, growing on the ground within a kilometer of open space.

I don't know if it's because other sacred trees are afraid of the sacred tree, or because of other reasons, the ground around the sacred tree is empty and there is nothing.

The divine tree released multicolored divine light. Although it was not dazzling, it was like a dream. On the trunk of the divine tree, there was a tree hole, from which some colored psychic liquid flowed out from time to time.

There are more than a dozen giant beasts coiled under the tree, including apes, minotaurs with a bear body, and giant winged monsters like butterflies.

When the colored psychic fluid turned into an arm-thick spurt, more than a dozen giant beasts swarmed up, scrambling for the colored psychic fluid.

Chi Yun licked his tongue: "Those monsters are weaker than us, not as powerful as Bone Shura. Boss, let's do it. The colored spiritual liquid is the essence of wood!"

"it is good!"

As Ye Yun nodded, he immediately activated the Void One's ability.


Combined with the wonderful ability of Daqianshentu, he quietly approached more than a dozen monsters scrambling for the spiritual liquid, and a large amount of chaotic Wuwu sword energy, like a hundred swords all at once.

The sword blared in the sky, and with lightning speed, it hit the giant beasts that were fighting each other!

"Sky eye contact!"

Chi Yun followed suit!

He unceremoniously grabbed the Heavenly Eye Staff, aimed at the Minotaur who was struggling out of the sword energy, and struck the bull's head with a stick, causing his head to bleed immediately.

If it were during the Great Zhou Dynasty, Chi Yun could almost kill a powerful two-headed monster of the Dark Race, and even kill any great god with his Sky Eye Rod!

But it can't kill a Minotaur in one hit!

"Clap clap clap!"

Still Wuwu Beast is amazing!

Chi Yun's Sky Eye Staff can only hit one blow at a time, but the Wuwu Beast used its weird speed and hit continuously, knocking down several giant monsters.


That butterfly-shaped monster with flying wings spouts billowing demon wind!

"The Feather of the Great Dao!"

Raising his hand to grab it, the feather of the avenue swept across the evil wind, and a large number of similar wind blades crackled against the evil wind, making it impossible for the giant butterfly attack to pass through the wind blade.


A giant crimson bird, the monster body is very thin, almost only the skeleton is left, it is very ferocious, it spouts a demon fire, and sneak attack Chi Yun and Ye Yun's side.


Suddenly there was a cold snowflake, accompanied by a cold storm, and the demon fire that had just been raised in the roll.

The scarlet giant bird has amazing divinity, but it is a powerful fire-type beast!

In the great chaotic world, it should be a chaotic beast!

But its attack was still frozen by the snowflakes. The ice formed was silver on the outside and red on the inside, like a brilliant ruby.

It turned out that Qing Ming was attacking from one side!

Chi Yun finally killed the Minotaur: "Boss, you are fast, and you can take as much as you can from the falling spiritual liquid. These divine beasts are not easy to deal with!"

At this moment, Ye Yun's body turned into a distorted afterimage of nothingness.


Indescribably came to the midair, waved his hand, and the falling colored spiritual liquids entered the formation space inside the Daqian Shentu.

"let's go!"

It's almost there, because there seems to be movement around again, as if a large number of divine beasts are rushing towards them.

With a loud cry, the three of them immediately headed towards the forest under the cover of Wuwu Beast. Wuwu Beast overturned several divine beasts and followed closely.

The divine beast wanted to chase and kill a few people, but when it saw the divine tree spraying spiritual liquid again, they fought each other head by head again.

"There are indeed many divine beasts running wildly... Fortunately, they left in time!" The three of them flew through the air and saw the ground below, and from time to time a divine beast rushed out.

Chu Chu Chu!

Entering another forest, the three of them were about to return to the formation, when suddenly a vibration that rubbed against the airflow and space came from above, causing the forest above to shake.

The three of them looked up and saw that there were actually two corpses falling from that height.

There were several corpses falling down one after another. The three of them felt that something was wrong, so they hid immediately. Although they were very curious, after all, it was the first time they saw a human monk, but they didn't dare to take a closer look.


A dozen monsters suddenly appeared in the sky!


"It's different from Bone Shura, it's blood red all over!"

Ye Yun and Chi Yun suffered a lot of shocks in their hearts.

The monster was exactly the Shura they had encountered, but it wasn't the boned Shura, but the blood-red Shura, and those few Shuras were stronger than the boned Shura they killed.


A dozen blood-red Shuras suddenly returned to the sky and disappeared into the depths of the strong wind.

"Those people should be dead..."

Chi Yun glanced at Ye Yun, and the latter understood.

The three cautiously approached the forest where the corpses fell, and soon saw seven monk corpses scattered on the grass in a haphazard manner.

"There are two more people who are breathing weakly!"

Ye Yun's God Wheel of Chaos and Purification sensed the burst of vitality.

Qing Ming frowned: "Can you save me?"

"Save them, we don't know much about the Tiankui Starfield, we can make friends with them after saving them, and learn about the Great Chaos World from them!" Ye Yun made a decision.

So the three flew out, and after landing, they came to several corpses, and saw the tokens they were carrying, with the four divine characters of 'Thunder Cloud Chamber of Commerce' on them.

As for the two living monks, a man and a woman, they are both young, and even if they were seriously injured, their divine strength and aura surpassed them.


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